The Forbidden Child (me x shani)

Bellatrix gladly kissed him, she was happiest when with him. Bella broke the kiss, "We should probably get out of the tub. Then we can start the movie you picked out for us. Okay Love?" She asked the bath was relaxing but she wanted to get comfortable, laying down relaxing in his arms.
"hold on" shawn stepped out of the tub and shook abit. he wrapped a towel around his waist then placed one down on the floor. he then grabbed another towel and held it out for her.
"Okay" she smiled at him watching as he got out of the tub. Bellatrix started to drain the water. When she noticed he had a towel for her she stood up and climbed out of the tub stepping into the towel wrapping herself in it. Drying herself off, Bella softly kissed him, "Thanks love." she smiled lovingly.
"your welcome baby " he said to her. he picked her up in his arms ans carried her to the clean bed. he happened to reserve a room with two beds. one for fun one for sleep. he went to the tv and got the movie set up.
"Hey!" She said then giggled, laughing as he picked her up not expecting it. When he put her on the bed Bellatrix moved up and got comfortable waiting for him to come and join her, once he set the movie up.
Bellatrix smiled as he came over to her kissing her. She snuggled into him getting comfortable in his arms. "What would I do with out you?" She asked softly
"You've got that right." Bellatrix stated smiling cuddling into him. No one besides her sisters and Shawn knew this side of Bella.
shawn smiled at her even when the movie started he was still looking ar her. in his mind she was drop dead beautiful nothing she did could change how he felt about her. he looked at the screen when he heard what sounded like a werewolf howl "please its a coyote and that's a mating call nit a vicious sound"
Bellatrix noticed he was looking at her, it made her smile knowing she had his attention. From time to time she was looking at him. Shawn was a brute but he was Bella's strong handsome brute. Bellatrix loved him with all her heart. Bella looked toward the screen when Shawn was critiqueing the movie. "Well, you'd know that all to well wouldn't you?" she smiled up at him.
shawn grinned and growled at her lightly. " yeah I should know a thing or two" he said and jusy to make a point he changed his right hand ti a paw then back
Bellatrix smirked at him as he growled at her. "Yeah well I know a thing or two as well, I know how to make the beast purr." She spoke playfully winking at him.
"hey!I take offensive to that because one I don't purr and second I'm not a cat" he said teasingly to her and shivered "ack cats" he said
"Hunny I didn't mean it like that, would it make you feel better if I can make your leg twitch, and your ears perk up or even make you howl? Hm?" She stated both apologetically and playfully. "If anything I'm more of a cat, I've got claws and can purr when I want too. Puurrrr." She teased then moved up and kissed him softly on his lips.
"You know you don't just get that privelage just cause you can, plus you know I don't mind it either way I love it. The only down fall is that you need to be careful to not destroy me if you did that. With claws, or teeth or just the force you tend to double insize babe you might breK me in two." she teased back.
"I know you won't but if your urges become to get and you lose yourself in transformation we might have a problem, but I'm not worried my Love I know you would never harm me purposely there are chances i'm ready to take." She replied then kissed him back. "Actually yeah I am rather cold." She said looking at her arm seeing goosebumps.
shawn held up a finger for one second. he got up from the bed and began changing into his werewolf form. he stood up when he wad done and looked at her. with his blood line they had the ability to some times change at will and be able to have human speech and mind. he shook somewhat to straighten his fur. he got back on the bed and wrapped his furry muscular arms.
Bella waited as he held up his finger to her. Bellatrix watched curiously as he stood and began to change into his werewolf form. Always amazed by it. She waited for him making sure he was alright, before wanting to cuddle into him. Once he came back into the bed she cuddled into him, he was like a giant teddy bear, but a wolf.
shawn nuzzled her neck and also inhaled her scent. he whimpered a small whimper when she snuggled into him his tounge made a small lick on her cheek that being his kiss in his werewolf form
Bellatrix looked up into his big puppy/wolf eyes and smiled. She arched her neck slightly as he nuzzled her. "I love you you too Shawn." Bella said then yawned softly cuddling with her werewolf.
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