D&D 3.5 One on One: War of Myths Game

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"We met in the capital, right before i enlisted" Chiyo said, not going into too much detail. "He has been serving me rather well, and i plan on rewarding him. Do you have any reccomendation, Shaitang-sama? Gold perhaps? A weapon?..Women?" She asked, inwardly smiling as wheels began to turn in her head, plotting her way towards her final goal of getting Shaitang in her stallion's bed.
"Gold would probably be best at the moment, Chiyo." Shaitang says, raising an eyebrow at the last, but deciding not to comment. "That blade of his seems to be magical, and it would be hard to compare it to others without a closer look." Shaitang comments, before they rejoin the caravan. After a brief wait for the tsuno to be moved, the caravan continues on. The next two days pass peacefully, if dull. But towards the end of the second, it feels like someone is watching the caravan.
"Do you notice that someone is watching?" She asked Xavier at night, laying naked by Xavier at night, her hand's idly stroking his cock, which is something she does as a habbit now everytime they are alone. Perhaps it's because she wants to see if there IS a limit to his ability to stay hard (if there are, it certainly hasn't shown), but most likely it's just because she loves the massive thing so much. "Tell you what my Stallion" She said, getting up, dressing in front of him. "I have a little plan, i'm going to disguise myself as one of the soldier, perhaps the least menacing one..then i'll be the bait..will you come save me when the animal takes the bait?"
Xavier nods. "I had, and I suppose it'll do for a plan, even if I'm not exactly thrilled by the idea of you in danger." He replies, idly stroking her breasts and playing with the nipples gently. "Of course I'll rescue you. Do you plan on using this plan tonight, or tomorrow?" He asks.
"The sooner the better really, i just need a soldier's uniform..But i think i'm pretty good in getting a man to take off his clothes..Don't you?" She said with a wink, kneeling to suck him off briefly. It's amazing how addicted they have become to each other's body. "Tell you what my stallion..Think you can go find the best looking common soldier in the camp and tell him i want to see him...In my tent?" she said, fixing her hair. She now looks a proper lady.
Xavier shrugs. "Alright." He says, before slipping into his clothes. After a brief bit outside, he brings back a mildly attractive warrior woman. "Your bodyguard said you wanted something, Lady Chiyo?" The heimin soldier asked.
(If preferred, it can be male, but D&D is gender equal, so there would be woman warriors, and it would be easier to impersonate a woman.)
This will have to do, and the idea that Xavier sent this woman just because he doesn't want another male around her is mildly entertaining. "Yes. You have been working hard" she said, licking her lips. "Perhaps..I can help you unwind abit?". If she just asked her to give her the clothing, Chiyo is certain that the sodier would agree, but where's the fun in that?. Moving around the woman like a snake, Chiyo began massaging her shoulders. "Besides..i haven't fucked a woman in awhile" she growled.

(Yes, Xavier is just the slightest bit possessive, and will try to keep other males away, without being blatant about it to others.)
The woman moans into the massage. "You want... to fuck me, Lady Chiyo?" The woman asks, startled but accepting of it, judging from the groans of pleasure from her. "I could use a little unwinding, I guess."
The woman is aroused.
(can i take 10 on this encounter? it would be a 30 if she uses her mouth)

She was as skilled in handling a woman as she was a man, and Chiyo delighted in making the girl moan, knowing that Xavier may be listening. It was a one way encounter, she didn't want to risk herself tiring out, though her taste and her voice is making her wet. "You taste so good" Chiyo growled, fingering the girl, not stopping until she would be too tired to get up from all the orgasms.
(I'm fine with that.)
The soldier played a little resistant at first, but gave in quickly, and soon was out on the bedding, sleeping off the orgasms Chiyo put her through. Xavier was indeed nearby, and enjoying the sound of the two women. But out of sight would be best for the moment, to see if they could get ahold of whoever their mysterious watcher was. Unless it was just a feeling.
She rubbed the fluid of her latest conquest on her face, and soon it changed her into the soldier, a perfect replica of her. "I'm borrowing your clothes for abit" she said with a smile. "Maybe i should let Xavier give you his baby if you're still here when i return" The nymph pondered, touching a hand to her lips, knowing Xavier would hear her. Dressing up in her oufit, Chiyo began to walk and wandered slightly out of the camp, pretending she was just a lone soldier on a stroll. To make the ruse even more convincing, she carried a bottle of sake with her, taking sips of it every now and then.


(that's the disguise roll, i added the 10 from the disguise self spell)
Five minutes afterward, two men grab Chiyo, holding onto either arm. After a short walk blindfolded, Chiyo is in a cave, sitting in a chair while a figure in the shadows begins to ask questions. "How many guards are there for the caravan?"
"This blindfold is kind of kinky" She said, licking her lips seductively. "Do you do this to all your girls?" she asked. She needed to stall. Once she answers their question, she'll be of no worth and they'll kill her. If she doesn't answer, they'll torture her. "Come on big man..don't you want a blowjob first? My eyes are blindfolded so i won't recognize you anyways..what do you say? Pleasure first, then bussiness? I've been dying for a big cock..i wonder if you're big enough" she said, pure sexual hunger in her voice.
"Hmph. I'm afraid I'm not interested in a _Dragon_ _cunt_, so you'll have to excuse me. Now, how many guards are there for the caravan?" The voice, a mild bass, asks. Each emphasized word drips with contempt.
"Ah, that's where you are mistaken" she chuckled, letting her disguise vanish. It's a gamble, but she was confident in her ability to make men do what she wants. "I am no dragon, i am a nymph and i only work for the dragon because it suits my purpose..perhaps you're interested in a Nymph's cunt? I promise..it's tighter than your woman's " she said confidently. "Come..let's talk bussiness..while indulging in pleasure..I can get you Shaitang, you know"
The figure stopped pacing missing a moment, then snorted. "I suppose it would be a different circumstance. But I'd prefer not to get used, thank you. As for Shaitang," here a tone of greed entered the bass voice, "How do you propose to get her? She is a skilled Earth Shugenja, for all that she philosophizes about harmony." The figure seems extremely interested in capturing Shaitang, but apparently has heard about the Nymph clan skills.
"It depends on how you want her for. If you just want her captured, i can just tell you where she is and the patrol patterns..but no, you want her unharmed don't you? Plan on pumping her full of your seed, stud? You want to see her proud face twist in pleasure as she marvels at the might of your rock-hard manhood?" she asked, trying to get a grip on the man's motivation, as well as stalling for Xavier to find her. Also, if she plays this right, she can get on Shaitang's good side.
"Unharmed would be best, but sexual pleasures are not my immediate goal. I want to... twist her way of thinking, to my point of view." The bass replies, a darker tone in his voice. "Perhaps later, after she's had time to adjust to a new worldview, the claiming of her cunt can commence. So, how do you propose to get her?" The voice repeats, the edge of determination, and perhaps a hint of madness in the bass.
"I can lure her to out" she told him. "She trusts me and i can play her..Make her come to secluded places. What am i to gain from this though? Certainly i need to be well rewarded for delivering Shaitang to you?" She asked, wondering where Xavier is. "Though if you want a preview of her cunt...I can definitely provide it right now"
"Oh, and how..." Several large thumps echo into the room, and the figure moves toward the door. As it turns the knob, the bass begins to shout, "I told you, no row..." Only to get kicked by a leg going through the door. Xavier emerges, his sword shining with light. "Sorry about the wait. Took..." He stares at the figure on the floor. "That's twisted." He absently comments, a little shocked. The figure gets up, revealing a man. Whose exposed skin is covered in pustules, the pieces that haven't rotted to reveal the muscle and sinew beneath. The man is Tainted, and seems annoyed by this revealing. "I thought they brought her in undetected." The man states calmly, the edge of madness back in his voice. "Eh, we were waiting for something to happen. Took longer than I thought to go through your men. A couple of ambushes, no big deal." Xavier replied, recovered from seeing his first Tainted person.
Chiyo felt her stomach turn when she took her blindfolds off. To think she thought about having this thing inside her! "So...Now we have the advantage...why don't you tell me who you are and why you want Shaitang? i...might, still help you, you know?" she said, lying blatantly. She wants this creature dead in a painful way, but to know whether there are more of his kind after them is a vital piece of information.


(bluff check! Also, i didn't get to say this earlier because i was typing from work and had to rush things, but congrats on the 2000th post! Glad i get to share it)
"Well, my superiors want to begin turning Dragons to our side. The Phoenix are much easier to tempt with power, bothe physical and magical. The Dragons are a little more resistant to the promise of power. We're hoping that the desperation of the refugees could help with that." The man replies, not catching her near ill reaction, and falling for her bluff. Xavier stares for moment, not out of concern that she'd actually help, but that she would even pretend to help someone so obviously and fundamentally wrong.

"Superiors hmm?" Chiyo said, placing a finger to her lips. "You should have taken the blowjob offer you fiend. Now you won't even get that chance. Xavier, kill him painfully please, there's a special reward for you if you make it extra painful" Chiyo suddenly whipped her hand out, causing a ray of light to fill the room, aimed towards the tainted.

(usual stuff. I need new spells i think, one for battle)
(Probably. Kinda surprised you don't have magic missile. Everyone usually has it, even if they never pick another attack spell. Could grab a runestaff from the Magic Item Compendium.)

Xavier nods, even as the man dodges the light, and Xavier sets himself in a stance. Xavier lunges forward in with his standard technique, a Bonebreaker slashing sideways into the Tainted. The man takes the blow, and ignores the wound that spews pus and blood with equal measure. He lunges for Xavier, deeming him the greater threat, and strikes with a formerly concealed dagger, which Xavier dodges with ease.
(not sure what a runestaff is. i'll just grab an offensive one later. I made her for a rather non-combat role unfortunately, and there's just so much cool rp spells i want)

Chiyo blasted him with another colour spray. "Did you think a disgusting creature like you deserves ANY cunt? I bet your cock is as disgusting as your face!"
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