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D&D 3.5 One on One: War of Myths Game

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Xavier groaned in pleasure as he continued thrusting into Chiyo, his cock pulsing slightly. She was so naughty, pretending to be their commanding officer. Seducing Aya into bed, and letting him fuck her, when she's a married woman. It was such a turn on, taking this nymph. "You been a naughty officer, Shaitang. And there's only one proper punishement. Cumming in your pussy, and knocking you up." Xavier said.

Aya began licking Chiyo's pussy, doing her best around Xavier's cock thrusting in and out. Every bit of fluid that leaked out she licked up.

Xavier rolled a 12, is peaked.
Xavier's Sexual Prowess: 30
Arousal DC: 24
Aya's Sexual Prowess: 15
Arousal Bonus and Total: +4, 28
'Shaitang' was helpless, not even able to continue working on Aya's pussy. She stayed still, eyes rolled back, tongue lolling out, muttering something about how bigger is better. Her ass quivered, a big climax nearing and she didn't even realize it due to her mind going blank. When she finally came, her head snapped back as her senses came back in time. With a loud howl, she quivered and thrashed around, pussy clamping down like it never wants to let go. When it finally died down, she slumped, head falling between Aya's legs. "Mercy...Xavier-sama...i can't take any more...please" she panted, playing he role of a submissive

(i can't make that dc, the pleasure is too high <3)

Arousal dc for Xavier: 23
Xavier thrust hard one last time, and stilled, streaming cum into Chiyo for at least 10 seconds. Once he was done, he began thrusting into her once more, his cock still hard. "No mercy. You must learn your lesson, Shaitang, and in order for the punishment to be delivered, you must be filled up again and again, until you produce a baby."

Aya briefly took her face off of Chiyo's pussy. "Join me, have his baby too!", before she returned to licking Chiyo clean of fluids, including Xavier's cum

Xavier rolled a 12, and Climaxed. Xavier is aroused
Xavier's Sexual Prowess: 22
Arousal DC: 21
Aya's Prowess: 15
Arousal DC Total: 25
(I'd guess not. But if a woman orgasms, and fails the DC by more than 10, she is still Peaked.)

(she's still peaked)

"OH! N-no! Please! If you fuck me any more than this, my pussy will be ruined!" Shaitang begged, trying to get away, crawling forward. Chiyo knew he was going to lock her in place, she WANTED him to, her pussy is still throbbing for climax afterall, but she wanted to tease him, to get his predatory juice running, but before she can get away, another climax hits and 'Shaitang' collapsed once more, tears streaming from her eyes due to the intensity of the pleasure.

Arousal check: 20
Escape artist: 16
Sexual Prowess DC: 19
Xavier grabbed her before she could 'escape' again, and pinned her against Aya, raw dominant male coming to the front of his brain. "No hiding, no running, no escape. You will be taken, Shaitang, and you will bear a child. It is your punishment." Xavier said, as he continued pounding her through her orgasm relentlessly, using his hands to show Aya where to touch Chiyo.

Aya moaned as she felt Chiyo pressed against her, breasts and legs rubbing against each other. She continued licking Chiyo for a moment, then said, "Yes, submit to Xavier-sama. Be ruined for other men. Take his seed in you, and flourish with his child." Aya said dazedly, before continuing licking.
(Edited. Sorry, forgot where Aya was position wise.)

Grapple Check 19
Arousal Check 22 Xavier is aroused
Intense Lover: Chiyo is still Peaked after orgasm, instead of aroused
Xavier's Sexual Prowess: 20
Arousal DC: 21
Aya's Prowess: 20
Arousal DC Total: 27
(How long do you want this encounter to last? I'm fine however long, was just unsure how long you want it.)
'Shaitang' struggled for a long time, begging for mercy, screaming for help, but in the end, she gave in, begging for more and more of his cum inside her. "Master Xavier is so good.." Chiyo purred, no longer able to separate what is real and what is just a role. With a happy expression, she fell asleep, covered in sweat and cum.

When she woke up, her magic is gone, so she woke Aya up and got her to double team Xavier's cock, cleaning it with their tongue together. "What did i tell you? Isn't he a real stud?" Chiyo giggled, rubbing Aya's stomach with a smile. "Now..he gave you a wonderful gift..cherish it"

(let's just take 20 XD i'm sure Xavier can KO both ladies easily)
Aya smiled, as her hand joined Chiyo's. "I will. And you'll always be welcome here, especially if he wants to give me another 'gift'." Aya said, enjoying the warmth that is still in her, and hoping that she becomes pregnant. There is a knock at the door. "Lady Aya? Supper will be ready in ten minutes." A woman's voice calls through the cracked open door, before closing again. "Momoe will tell no one, even if she heard something through the door. So do not worry about her." Aya says.

Xavier is both thrilled and relieved, and a little proud. He had satisfied two married women, hopefully got one pregnant, and drove the other into exhaustion. The fact that they were married women, and he had a standing offer to get one with child whenever, was ego boosting. And he was relieved that is stamina was more than up to the task. "Well ladies, it looks like we should get ready for supper." Xavier comments, getting ready for a quick dip in Aya's private hot springs. It would be slightly embarrassing and revealing if all three of them showed up smelling of sex.
Joining him for bath, Chiyo made no effort to control herself and she spent the bath jerking off his always-hard cock. "I wonder how many women it would take to wear you out" she giggled, licking his chest. "Did i make you happy, my stallion? Would you like more cum-sluts carrying your baby around? Stick with me..and i promise you plenty more..maybe even the most powerful women in Rokugan"

(take 10 on history check for 15, are there any hot, female clan leaders around?)
Xavier's cock pulsed and jumped a little at the thought of more women carrying his children. "You've made me very happy Chiyo. I can't say the thought doesn't excite me."

At the moment, the female Dragon Clan heads are Emiko Hitomi, Zanako Mirumoto, and Oyumi Kitsuki. In order a monk, a samurai, and a shugenja.

After the bath, supper proceeds with ease. , and afterwards, the guests are shown their quarters, where each individual has their own room. At one point after supper, Aya quietly comments, "Feel free to share my room for the night." Before continuing her duties as host.
Making her way to Aya's room to rest, Chiyo made his plans known to Xavier. "What better woman to impregnate than the dragon clan heads, no? It might take awhile to get to them, but if we impress enough people in this mission..well, we might get an audience..I'll take care of the rest..Lady Aya, would you like to suck Xavier goodnight, or shall i?"
Xavier just grins at her plan, his eyes dark with lust at the thought. "Well, I'd like to try again, and at least have him tonight, since none of us know when we'll meet again, and he's going with you." Aya said. "Feel free to join us, but... I'm feeling a little selfish, and want his cock in me, since this will be my last chance for awhile." Aya said.
"Oh you can have his cock tonight...I can have it every other day" Chiyo grinned, leading Xavier to lie on his back as she stradled his face. "Ah...Let's make him work hard tonight aya-hime..come here and kiss me" the redhead beckoned with her finger, rubbing her pussy lips on Xavier's mouth. "Fill her up plenty, my stallion...just in case she needs more to get pregnant"

Chiyo allowed her new friend to enjoy Xavier's cock, but she was waiting, the moment Aya tired out, she quickly took her place, riding her stallion in reverse cowgirl, glancing sexily over her shoulders.

(let's do one roll)
Aya rolled 3 total. She's completely inexperienced, and new. Oh well.
Xavier rolled 18+8 ranks, if we included Sex Trick Bonuses, then +3 and +5, total of 34
At the least, Aya and Chiyo have a Memorable Experience, at the most they have an Extraordinary Experience.

Aya passed out after the first half a dozen minutes, unable to keep up with either Chiyo or Xavier. She falls asleep in exhaustion, holding her belly full of cum. Chiyo lasts longer, but eventually is driven into sleep by Xavier as well.

In the morning, Xavier is the first to wake, and nudges Chiyo. "It might be a little awkward explaining to Shaitang why we're not in our rooms, or ready to go." He says once she's awake.
As always, her first instinct is to grab his cock and stroke it. "Good morning to you to, OUR stallion" she chuckled. "Ah..i'm sure Aya would help us explain, wouldn't she? That you and i have been helping her" she said, turning to a most-definitely-pregnant Aya.
"It would be bad if I let our stallion get in trouble." Aya says, nodding her agreement. So the morning goes by with little trouble, and the caravan continues on it's journey. Nothing happens throughout the day, but the one after that...

Shaitang stops the caravan after 7 hours of travel that day, and gathers the warriors. "It seems we have a problem. The only pass we can't take and get to the refugees in a timely manner is currently being blocked by a Tsuno, according to scouts. Is there anyone willing to fight it?" Shaitang asks. Xavier nudges Chiyo, indicating he's willing. To protect others, he's always willing to fight. The fact he enjoys fighting is secondary.
""A tsuno?" she asked, smiling. She wanted fame for her stallion, this is how she is going to get it. "Chiyo of the Nymph clan and her Mighty Yojimbo from foreign lands will volunteer to fight it!" she said loudly, stepping forward.
Shaitang nodded. "Very well. Please come with me, and be quick. The sooner this is over with the better." Shaitang let a scout lead the way, with herself, Chiyo, and Xavier following. Within a few minutes, the path was narrowed between two ridges of spiny rock. And a flattened area, with bones and other hard remains of both animal and human remain. The scout hangs back, letting them know that the tsuno is close. A snort can be heard, and from between two of the spines of rock emerges the tsuno. It is like a Minotaur, but with lion features instead of human. A growl edges out of it's mouth, and a club of rock is hefted into a swinging position.
Roll Initiative.
Shaitang: 19
Xavier: 13
Tsuno: 17

Chiyo knew she needs to let these warriors fight, combat is not her specialty at all. When the combat is joined she circled around, doing the only thing she can do. With a whipping motion of her hand, she unleashed the colourful spray once more.

(Dc 15 as usual)
Shaitang moves to the side, and chants briefly. A spike of rock reaches out of the earth and attacks the tsuno, piercing it's side. The tsuno roars with rage and moves toward Shaitang, swinging it's club. Shaitang dodges the blow with ease, while Xavier rushes in, taking it head on. A slash of his blade is blocked by the tsuno's club, chipping a piece off of the stone club. The color spray blinds the tsuno, and stuns it. Shaitang takes advantage to cast again, sending another shard of rock. This shard hits as well, while Xavier slices into it's hide with a Bonecrusher.
Total damage: 57
The spell worked, much to her delight. Now showing that she isn't a warrior, Chiyo stayed back. There is not much else she can do for now. If the creature recovers, she'll use the spell again, but untill then she's going to stay back.
Shaitang moved away again, and chanted, a (mace equivalent) in hand, which glowed when she was done. The tsuno blinked the blindness away, and swung at Xavier, who dodged with ease, and struck back with a downward cross slash, a grin on his face from the thrill of battle. The cross slash disembowels the tsuno, who stares for a moment, before crashing to the ground.
Tsuno total damage: 109.

"Well, that was invigorating!" Xavier says, satisfaction in his voice. Shaitang nods, a look of approval and appraisal in her eyes. "That was quite a display of strength."

(I just criticaled it. I forget just how overpowered the Bo9S stuff can be...)
"He is quite the mighty stallion" Chiyo said, stepping forth. She needed to play this right, unlike Aya, Shaitang is a woman of pride and won't fall quite so easily to suggestions of satisfying her carnal urges with a commoner, one of foreign decent no less. "I have not yet met a Rokugani warrior as mighty as my Yojimbo. Have you, Shaitang-sama?" she asked, giving an admiring glance at Xavier, nothing too vulgar, but noticable.
"There are a few, but he does seem a rarely skilled individual." Shaitang said. Xavier smiled and bowed with the compliment. The trio headed back to the caravan, while hinin began to move, to take care of the tsuno's body so it didn't block the carriage. "Where did you meet your Yojimbo, Chiyo?" Shaitang asks, curious.

My 2,000th post. Fireworks!!!
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