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werewolf roleplay dark ones vs the moonlight walkers

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Poison let out a scream of pain but she did not care she would take all the pain she would get for she loved it. She knew she was stuck sense he had her in his jaws and knew his power and knew he could kill her right then and there so she said "alright i give your way more powerful then me i best stay on your good side then or death would surley be nice for me".

Lilly felt his lips on hers and closed her eyes letting the kiss happen she could not understand this feeling she felt for him . she was falling in love would this make her stronger or be her undoing she was not sure but she hoped in the end he lived on for December ad her pup or pups after all she might need the extra help.
Marethyu got off of her. "There is a possibility that will happen. When it does do not lean your head otherwise it will give her a full veiw instead duck your head down a d land. Then as fast as your paws can take you, zig zag towards her but make it look like you aren't aiming to strike her throat."
Daniel felt her let the kiss happen. He made the kiss slightly more urgent, wanting her to reciporocate the feelings he had for her, even though she was probably not ready for love.
Kaz planned and thought up ways to defeat his enemies, while cleaning his room. He wonders about the next battle and decides for the next fight he should try and take it seriously he went to get his nail sharp and went through the task of getting something to eat. He was starving.
Poison stood up in wolf form and nodded her head saying "alright thanks for the tip". she looked at her side at the scars lilly gave her and knew next time they meet up that girl was going to die.

Lilly kept her eyes closed and started to kiss him back but fear was still gripping her fear of the unknown what would happen could she live long enoch to see her and Daniel make a family or was she doomed to die.
Daniel slowly pulled away from the kiss and smiled joyfully at her. He saw the fear in Lilly's eyes, however, and the smile disappeared and he pulled her into another hug, holding her to try and make the fear go away.
December woke up with pain rushing through her stomach. She got up and headed towards their healer.

"What is is now?" He asked, stopping his work. Decemeber repleid to him that her pups want out. He immediately went to work with her.

Decemeber never thought that having pups come out of her system would be excruciating but she made it through without any noise. Soon enough, she gave birth to a male. Axel.
Lilly held onto him tight and laid her head on his chest . She was not going to let him go in case this love for him she was feeling was going to shared with him for a short while. she said in a very soft voice "I love you Daniel".
Daniel was elated at the fact that the feelings were mutual. He smiled as they hugged, his hand rubbing Lilly's back as he said, "And no matter what, I love you too, Lilly." He kissed the female's cheek before speaking again. "You're my first love."
Decemeber comes out with her pup, Axel and takes them for a walk. They walked further along until she sees Lilly with Daniel. She smiled and thought, 'so they finally see each other as one' she let them have their space and turned into a wolf. She picked her pup up by his scruff and trotted off.
Marethy raised hia head and sniffed the air. Decemeber and a pup. He could smell them. Grinning a devil's grin, he trotted off towrads the scent.

After a few miles walk, he comes across her, drinking water and her pup splashing about on the lake under his mommy. 'Ah, cute we need more hatred in the world'. He thought crouching down low before pouncing her.

He waited for just the right moment, when she raised her head from the water, he made his move and aimed at her throat.

(Note: I will be going to work won't be back until 3-4 hours, about 4:35)
December felt a set of jaws come in contact with her neck and she accidently knocked her son into the water. He hasn't begun walking yet and was drowing.
She looked up in fear and heard Marethyu growled at her a greeting. Before she could react, he began thrashing her, biting down on her neck more and more, trying to damage her wind-pipe.
He was too strong and fast and she was just healing from the pregnancy, she was still weak.
She felt blood pouring out of her but when she heard her pup crying for help, she spun her neck towards him and snapped at him, making him let her go. Decemeber dropped down and ran after her pup, she picked him up from the water then faced her brother, growling, her eyes shot red. "Get out of my life!" She zig zagged towards him and pounced only to have her attack stopped when he jumpped and his teeth landed on her stomach, he bit down hard but not to kill her. Decemeber heard her pup whimper for his mom as Marethyu bid his sister later and trotted off.
The black female wolf, struggled to get up and lifted Axel up with her teeth and went back home.
Daniel had pulled away from Lilly and had walked into the healer to learn that December had given birth. He was elated, and waited for the new mother to arrive home. When she arrived in the state that she did, he sombered up, and went to her side, asking quickly, "Are you okay?"
December set her soaking wet pup down and turned into human form. "I'm fine, just a sibling rivalry/reunion. Nothing big." Axel was rolling on the ground then dragged himself over and sniffed at Daniel. He lead out a yip and nuzzled him.
Kaz looked at Marethyu coming in with blood around his mouth, it isn't everyday that he goes out on his own to fight someone so he was guess this blood was of his sister, he also smelled someone else someone young like a pup. The moonlight clan has puppies huh, the wheels in his head started to turn as he worked in a way to use this to his advantage
Lilly heard the news as well and wanted to see the pup so she headed to the healer with Daniels words ringing in her ears. She came in just as Daniel was playing with the pup and stopped at the door way and thought "wow that is so cute he is great with pups";.

Poison heard Marethy come back but she was up in her room plotting her next move with out him and Kaz this time she was thinking how was she going to get Lilly alone with out her lover boy with her and that other she wolf.
December smiled and nodded then her face grimmed, now that she has a pup, even more danger will lurk. "I will kill any wolf or man who dares to try and harm Axel" she promised with a low growl but relaxed when Little Axel tried to jump in Daniel's arms. When he failed and landed on his face, he lead out a howl, crying.
Lilly kept right on watching Daniel with the pup and thought would she lose him to December cause of the pup. She decided sense he seemed to want to play with the pup she turned and left with out a sound to go for a run but instead she went to her shack and ran a tub full of hot water and bubbles for a bubble bath and shed her cloths and got in.
Daniel immediately took a sort of father role when Axel landed on his face. He scooped up the pup in his arms, shushing it as gently as he could. He hummed Axel a soothing tune as well, to try and stifle the crying.
December sensed Lilly's worry and thought, 'don't worry Lilly, I vowed never to get close to another man in my life'. Axel sniffed and started to stop crying. He had the impression that Daniel was his dad. He cocked his little head and wanted to speak but all he lead out was a howl and/or a yip.
Daniel smiled down at the little cub and his atempt at speaking. He set him back down, being sure that he was a bit steady, and watching him just in case he fell again. Looking up at December, he said to her, "I think Axel thinks I'm his dad." He looks back to the cub, trying his hardest to stay standing. "Would you mind me taking over that role?"
Lilly had heard what December had said but she had put it aside . she was relaxing in her tub of bubble bath dreaming if one day she could add to the pack but then Poison's face loomed in her mind and she decided maybe it would be better this way she had no pups. she closed her eyes thinking about Daniel's kiss and how good it felt to lay her head on his chest.
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