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werewolf roleplay dark ones vs the moonlight walkers

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Poison was quick to knock lilly to the side raking her claws against her side not doing major damage but some. Lilly let out a yell of pain from the claws and quickly got on her feet. She turned to face poison and she looked back saying "Come to to get more scars from me like the ones under your eye". Lilly did not say a word but stood ready for an attack . Poison then went for the kill but Lilly spun aside getting Poison in the side.
Marethyu, along with the others who did not go were all planning on war strategies. "We need no to act as if we're just killing mere human. These abominations are just like us. We need spies to report to use. Who will volunteer?"
Daniel snarled once more at Kaz's audacity of speech. "It shall not be easy to kill me." He lunged once more, this time aiming to bite his foreleg as hard as he possibly could to disable it.
Poison felt the claws in her side and let out a yell of pain. She then turned and lunged at Lilly pinning her to the ground on the side and tried again to bite the wolf in the neck. Lilly manged even thou poison seemed a little stronger to knock her off before she could get a bite in the neck and instead she got bite in her ear. She let out a howl of pain and blood dripped from her ear for part of it was missing a small part . She knew when it healed she would have yet anther nasty scar. She grew angry at this and out of the corner of her eye she saw Daniel and thought if i servive this he wont be wanting me anymore. she lunged at Poison and manged to rack the other wolf in the face .
Daniel heard the yell of pain from Lilly and ran to help her, knocking Poison out cold from the force of his blow. He motioned toward Lilly with his head toward the den as he ran off, praying she would follow him.
Lilly watched as Poison laid on her side from being knocked out could and then turned to Daniel and raced after him. She followed him all the way to the den.
When Daniel reached the den, he turned to human form and noticed Lilly's ear. "Your ear!" He quickly grabbed some medical supplies and began healing her. If she turned human, he would say to her, by the look on her face, "You don't think I want you because of your ear, right?"
December sensed blood and growled. When a wolf harms any of her pack or even kills, she becomes quick to avenge. She rubbed her stomach before walking towards them. "What happened?"
Lilly had turned human while Daniel was working on her and what he said was true by the look on her face. She pushed his hand away from her ear as December came in and said ";its okay its just Poison's finest work". she looked to Daniel and said "its all my scars the one by my eye and now i have some on my side and ear and look who lives to see me dead Poison one of dark ones top ranking hunters and warriors".
Daniel heard Lilly's rant and decided to do something about her self confidence about those scars. He motioned with his hand to both of them, if December wished to follow, saying, "Come with me."
December was about to follow but winced, she quickly hid it from the others by asking them, "Did any of you see a black wolf? Or a black hair man with daemon eyes?"
Daniel stopped when December asked her question, thinking of the people in the battle. He shook his head slowly, saying, "No...not from my memory..."
Lilly shook her head saying "no just Poison and some other wolf but no black wolf". She turned to Daniel "lead the way ". she stood up to follow him . She was carious as to what he wanted to show her.
Decemeber nodded and sighed in relief. If they met him and tried to battle him, they would be either severly wounded or dead. She had just about the same strength, stealth, and speed as Marethyu as they are twins. She followed Daniel to whoknowswhere.
Marethyu smells blood and battel sweat. He shook his head nad thought, 'Typical, leave it to Poison to start off a battle. Marethyu it is only a battle. War is yet to come.'
Daniel continued walking toward an ornate office, which is where the generals convened on a regular basis on war strategies. The battle plan was retractable and only pulled out when i t was needed, and it would always be set in the middle of the round room. When he entered, Daniel turned to the two girls, saying, "Why are you both so...secretive about the scars you have?"
December touched her scar on her neck with her left hand and replied, "I would show my scar with pride as it would show that I survived but the man...wolf who gave me the scar scared my life as well"
Daniel turned to December as she spoke, giving her his full attention. "Is that so?" He walked a bit closer toward her, yet still stayed a respectable distance away from her so not to make her nervous. "Your life is scarred to the point where you hide scars of victory?" He moved her left hand from the scar and smiled warmly. "Yours is one of those scars that actually looks a bit attractive, if I do say so myself."
Decemeber felt herself blush as pain rushed over her. It was almost time. "Not victory. I was enbetween child and adult, with hardly any battle training." She began to recoil the time he turned her and nearly killed her.
Daniel smiled at her comment. "It's a victory because you're alive, my dear. Any battle you walk away from alive is a small victory in some way." He smiled and ran a finger quickly along the scar before turning back and standing in front of both of them.
Lilly watched the two and thought how cute. She however just looked at Daniel and said "poison killed my whole family right in front me of and i could not stop her then she turned on me to kill me not to turn me but some wolf got in the way and said no leave her be but put a mark on her so that way she knows who is stronger and who to follow so Poison marked me and said make your choice and if you chose wrong i will personiley kill you and all you hold dear. ". Lilly let out a sigh and touched her eye showing the scars there and now the one on her ear and she lefted up her shirt to show the scars on her side that she got today and said "these show that Iam weak and will only die by Poison one day you may have stopped it Daniel but she wont stop till she kills me".

Poison came back to her den and slammed a door to her room she was very angry she knew she almost had Lilly if it was not for that damned male wolf she would have gotten what she wanted. She pulled out a book it was her kill book and added his name under Lilly's once Lilly was gone she was going to kill him unless he killed her first what a way to go out maybe take him with her.
Marethy sensed Poison and decided not to bother her. She seemed pissed and he knew when a woman is pissed it is best for men or other women to not get in the way.
Poison threw stuff around her room a bit breaking things then she calmed down. She went down stairs and got a broom and dust pain and went to clean up the mess she decided she was gonna make them pay one way or anther somehow.
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