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werewolf roleplay dark ones vs the moonlight walkers

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December gave a heaving sigh and thought since Lilly gave her fair share so should she. "The wolf who gave me the scar was my brother, my twin. I was an adolescent when he tried to kill me knowing I wasn't strong or fast enough. He too killed my family but he forced me to help. From that time on, I vowed to myself I would be the one to end his life. No one else"
Kaz got bite in the leg hard, almost that it got into the bone. but the guy left to deal with poison and then left the fight. While was out cold Kaz transform back into his human form and found it was his arm biten into and his neck with bite marks. He took notice at his reaction involving Lilly. He walked back to the den after making a doctor's visit and "borrow" some medical supplies. When he got back he was sure posion didn't like how things turned out but for him he learned something about daniel the so called "general" and went to see Marethyu "Hey I got some intel for you that you might want to know,"
Marethyu turned to Kaz and crosses his arms over his chest. "Personally, things like that about wolves or peskey humans would be a waste y time but I guess I'll hear it if it'll make you feel better"
"Really, you just see me as a killing machine with no plan to my actions don't you, cause for the most part your right. But I found a weakness to general Daniel of the moonlight and to Lilly if that will make it sound better. Daniel is though heroic guy, he doesn't mind fight but it's not a fight he wants it's protection. This girl Lilly, he was focus on through my encounter with him and he looking always for the kill shot, kind of impatence when ever someone elses life is on the line. So my plan is this have your spy go in get Lilly alone use her to take the general down, and also someone else was there too." "anyway Lilly is scared of poison for good reason. You can use that too hopefully holding her of anyone for that matter will get him to make a mistake."
A smirked formed on his lips. He knew his sister was amongst the pack. Capture one of them and torture him/her and she will come. He hid his smirk to asked, "another? Was her hair black?"
After looking at Lolly's scars she thought about how brave she must of been and how lucky. In her admiration, her legs began to shake and she fell onto her knees, both arms clenched around her adombend.
Daniel was about to reply to Lilly's story when December fell to her knees as she did. Worried for her health, he swiftly rushed over to her, kneeling down by her side. "Are you okay, December?"
Daniel was stunned and was worried at the same time. He had hoped that the pregnancy was planned, although from her story he doubted it highly. He put a hand on her shoulder, saying, "It's okay." He helped her steady her knees before turning his attention to Lilly. "Sorry for neglecting you like I have been." He looked back to December, saying, you should go rest."
Decemeber nodded and turned into wolf form and trotted off to her den to rest. It was way too early, her pup or pups should have been ready in the next full moon. Not now.
Lilly watched as Decemeber left carrying pup or pups who was the father of her pup or pups she woundered but decided not to ask. She just stood there in deep thought looking at the floor and was glad she was not with pup or pups. She would find a way to get poison killed then once that was done she would then think about finding someone to love maybe Daniel or someone else so that she could have her own pup or pups.

Poison came down from cleaning up her mess and walked into the room with Kaz and Marethyu just as Marethy was asking if the girl had black hair and she said "yes she did but she did not get into the fight just stood there looking dumb ".
Daniel focused his attention on Lilly now, eyeing her with intense curiosity. "Anyways, how about you? Why do you hide your scars, specifically from me?"
Lilly looked up from starring at the ground and all her thoughts chased away at the moment and said "its not just from you its from everyone i did not think a guy like you would take in a woman with all those scars and with someone out to kill her". she gave him a weak smile but did not look up at him as she tucked a hair behind her hair a nervous act.
Marethyu lead out a growl and turned to Poison, venom in his tone. "Make no mistake about her Poison. She has the same speed, strength, and stealth as me. Oh yes she may look dumb but actually she's saving her energy as I am. She is also about to have pups and when it comes to mothers and their pups, that's when they unleash their full wrath. Leave December to me. Got it?"
Daniel smiled as warmly as he could to try and comfort Lilly. He walked up to her and took his chin in his fingers lightly, directing her eyes up to his own. He stared into her eyes for a second before saying, "I don't care about either of those things, Lilly. All I care about is your personality and your well being."
Poison just smiled and said "yea no problem Marethy for i do not have her on my hit list i only go after those i want dead and right now lilly is at the top then Daniel this lover boy of hers haha the poor girl is scared more now from me and the boy still goes after her i would love to see the day he watches her die". she then walked around the table and leaned on it in a very seductive way and added "have all the fun you want Marethy with December we do not need her pup or pups to live ether unless we can get them to join our pack no more new members for that moonlight walkers they are a disgrace to what we are".

Lilly looked up into his eyes and said "but i bring danger into your life and now because of me I bet your on Poison's list of those she wants dead so therefor you have to keep your eyes sharp and your wits about you least you die you could have had it all a girl and pups if you ran away and i was thinking maybe you should take December and go run away let Poison kill me maybe that will keep her happy for awhile". she could not hold back the tears and left them fall for she wanted Daniel and for just a second that longing as she looked at him was in her eyes.
Kaz laughed a little at matethyu's comments "you? going to killed blood? that is uncharacteristic of you. I pegged you more of the guy that doesn't like to get his hands dirty. now you want to killed family? I guess that will leave the general to me then." Kaz flexed his arm hearing it pop and crack with the cuts healed now.
"Oh so this Lilly. You sure would love to get your teeth in her throat huh? Change into a wolf I wanna show you how to properly kill unless your too cocky about it" Marethyu changed into wolf form to reveal daemon like eyes and deep scars. Then he turned over at Kaz and pounced on him before he can react. "You are mistaken. I may be in this pack but I serve myself. Humans are my target practices and so is this pack." He snarled getting off of him.
He spoke right into Poison's game and said "trust me i almost had her tonight but her lover boy got in the way and Kaz you can have her lover boy i wont get in the way of that cause that will kill off moon light walkers". she then turned to Marethyu and changed into her wolf form and said "nothing like a good practice fight to get some exercise then.
Daniel smiled warmly yet again a Lilly, this time because of her tears. He wiped the salty liquid away, his eyes happy as he said, "You're right, I could have it all. I could have the hottest female in the pack by my sheer will if I wanted. But I want you, and I want you to be a volunteer." He softly kissed Lilly's cheek, still tasting the salt of her tears.
"I like this side of you marethyu rarely do you ever come and show this to us." he said smiling at the charge from him but rolled over and stood up. "Make no mistake, none of us are friends. None of us are going to be watching others back out of loyality." he then walked away and worked on his plan to kill Daniel.
Lilly reached up this time and wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close for a hug and said "you bastered your suppose to step away not break down my bars over my heart how can i keep you at bay and protect you if your so charming".

Poison let out a wicked fanging grin and leaped teeth out and claws aiming for his neck. She knew if that did not work she would take out the legs and make the kill.
When she leaped out, he waited until she got close enough. When she did he made his jump and pounced on her, his jaws right on her throat. When they we're on the ground, his claws her at her stomach.
Daniel smiled into the hug at her comment. "You're not supposed to protect me, I'm suppose to protect you, Lilly." He pulled the hugh apart slightly so her could look at her face. She was extremely beautiful, and the scars proved to him that she would fight to her death for him, and he had assured himself he would do the same. Slowly, he leaned his head in and kissed her on the lips.
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