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werewolf roleplay dark ones vs the moonlight walkers

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Lilly smiled back and said ";hey ";. she calmed down the girl seemed nice and friendly maybe being a werewolf was not going to be so bad after all.
Lilly felt like going for a run then looked from December and Daniel saying ";you two want to come running with me". she knew if she went into wolf form they would both see the nasty scars by her eye but she did not care.
(iam about to move poison along to add in some action )
Kaz finished his meal and waited to for everyone to be ready. He didn't know if anyone else was coming but he didn't care actually, he walked around kicking the dirt, and waving his arms getting restless "Hey! Are we going to go and do something? I'm bored!" Patience wasn't a strong part of his character which is one of the main reason why he "playthings" don't last all that long unless it hold his attention.
Marethyu decided to stay and not attend the bar chaos. "Aren't you coming?" A fellow pack membered asked. Marethyu shook his head, "no, a waste of my time. I have better things to kill than worthless humans, they would cause cavties in my teeth"
Poison walked up to Kaz and said ";come lets go the others can catch up if they want too";. She walked right out of the door but held it open for Kaz and said ";shall we see if any of the moon light pack is out first or hit the bar "?

Lilly looked at the two then let go of Daniel's hand then changed into her wolf form making the scars on her right left eye show more.
Daniel changed as well, his black fur swishing slightly in the wind. He looked between the wolven Lilli and the human December, waiting patiently for them.
"Hell yea," He got to the door and walked out with her. he was loosing up his arms and rolling his neck "I love a good fight to the death."
Poison smiled at Kaz and said "okay lets hunt down the moon light pack i got a wolf i want to finish off that i did not get to last time but this time she will die for not choosing to join us". Poison then goes into her wolf form.
Kaz when into his wolf form as well and ran behind her. He wanted to know that type of wolf she could want? knowing her any list of hers that has moonlight on it can't be a good list to be on.
Kaz was more then right once someone got on her list they meet their doom. She ran with such a speed that would cause a normal wolf to be jealous but also knew Kaz could keep up with her. She soon picked up the scent she wanted and a evil grin played across her lips.
As Daniel was waiting, he picked up the scent of two other wolves of the Dark ones headed their way, and fast. He began growling, putting himself low to the ground in an attack position.
Kaz followed behind her and thought about what was about to happen he visualize how the night would go and what he was going to do soon he pick up the scent of moonlight coming up and had a dark glem in his eyes
Lilly picked up a scent she knew all to well and said "Poison" . Her paw went up to the scars by her eye and her whole body shook with fear. She turned to Daniel and said "Run go i can save you maybe not myself but go its poison and trust me when i say this that girl fights dirty";. Lilly got lucky last time cause the alpha did not want her dead but she knew poison and once she figured out that lilly was not joining most likely told the alpha and therefore she got put on her hit list .
Daniel looked to Lilly in defiance. "I'm not leaving you, to hell if I die. I'm not a general by luck." He had meant to imply that he had enough skill to fend for himself, and he really wanted to protect her, not the other way around. He was still in attacking position, ready to pounce on the intruders when the time came.
Lilly was about to say something in return when a sight came into view she knew all to well and took two steps back saying "please poison not now come on you do not have to do this ". she gripped the ground with her claws and knew if she run poison would only hunt her down and they was matched for speed she knew that and also knew poison was run by hate therefore she might be stronger then her.

Poison walked into view and loved how much fear lily was giving off and said "come now you had your chance to join our pack but refused i mean what are humans to you they could not save you when you was human and not that you over power them you hide like a chicken". she gave off a evil laugh and her hair stood on end as she got ready to attack.
Daniel was infuriated at Poison's comment. How dare she even bring up what humans were to werewolves. Driven by white-hot rage, the general attacked with intense furiosity and speed, outmatching bot Poison and Lilly combined. He lunged, teeth bared and aimed at her throat.
Kaz follow behind poison and rammed into daniel getting ther a little late "You know guys shouldn't get in the middle of girls fighting you should let they have there fight cause you have me to deal with getting into attack position and growling showing his teeth.
Lilly glared at her and was going to something when Daniel attacked out of no where. She knew he had done it gave in to what the female werewolf wanted. Lilly was going to yell don';t but not to Daniel but to Poison because she knew once the girl got going she will fight to the death.

Poison watched as Daniel made a quick move to her neck so she stepped out of the way of his teeth but his claws racked her back. she let out a yell of pain then spun around fast and said to Daniel ";alright then fight we shall and one will die this night". she then leaped right at him claws out teeth showing when Lilly jumped and knocked Poison to the side with her landing on top.
Daniel felt his claws rake Poison's back and he smiled. Turning his atention to the male, he growled back at him. "You want a fight? Prepare to die." Then, he lunged and attacked successfully, biting at Kaz's neck.
Kaz turned on his stomach and was able to avoid him going for the kill shot and claws at his neck while turning. He back onto his feet a smiled "Death, doesn't come easy for me soldier. Lets see if it's the same for you."
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