werewolf roleplay dark ones vs the moonlight walkers

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December looked at Daniel. "If anything happened to me, you and Lilly both. I want you two to be Axel's godparents. There is also another thing, his real father was an alpha" she did not tell them who the alpha was or which pack he was in but she knew that sooner or later, Axel will be like his real father.
Daniel was a bit stunned at the proposal. December was placing a lot of trust into his and Lilly's hands, with taking care of her pup if she died. He looked to Axel, still struggling a bit with walking but getting the hang of it. Smiling a bit at the new life placed in his hands, he looked up to the pup's mother. "I'm fine with it, but I suggest running the idea by Lilly before anything concrete is established." He looked to the ground as he stood. "I'll take over the father duties now if you so desire."
Lilly got out of her bath feeling fresh and clean and took a towel and wrapped it around herself. She looked in the marrior once she was all dried off at all her scars. She ran her fingers over each one and then Daniel's touch and fell on her face and body came back and brought shivers all along her body. she knew of his love for her no matter how she looked maybe he was just be friendly to December after all they was a pack now so no matter what December did maybe he would still love her all the same.
December stroked her pup and planted a kiss, sending him to sleep. "I hope so and thank you." Her eyes darken, he looked so much like him, his real father, a dark one.
Daniel saw December's eyes darken as they did, and he placed a hand onto her shoulder and watched the cub sleep peacefully. Axel needed a father in his life, and the one he knew would be the one that wasn't his real father. It was for the better, and he smiled warmly as the young one slept.
December felt Daniel place a hand on her shoulder but didn't acknowledged it. Instead she looked down at her sleeping son, only just begining to enter the world and now will have to hear/face his mother's time but she knew her brother was a psycho, natural born alpha. He will attack anyone ANYONE, even his own. "Axel is not going ot like when he finds out who is father was"
Daniel nodded slowly, figuring out the pup's actual father was a Dark One. He looked at December's face, and said, "We won't tell him until he needs to know." He looked back down at the sleeping pup, who was kicking his legs in a running motion. Damiel chuckled a bit at the sight.
Lilly soon got dressed wearing a simple light blue dress with spagtii strapes. She tossed on some flats that were light blue like her dress. She left her hair but ran a brush thou it. She then went back and found December and Daniel and walked up and stood by Daniel and ran some fingers thou the sleeping pup';s fur.
December couldn't help but laugh too. This pup was the key into making her life more relaxed. She carefully took her pup in her arms and gently craddled him.
Daniel saw her brush the pup's fur, saying, "His name is Axel." He looked to Lilly and said, "December wants us to be his godparents. Would that be okay with you?"
Lilly looked up at Daniel and said "yes that would be okay with me not sure on how good i will be but i will try my best". she watched as December took her pup back and thought this should be a happy time for her she was going to be a god parent then why did she feel like she was drowning in her own thoughts. she turned to December and said ";pretty name axel it suits him well".
December smiled widely and thanked Lilly then her eyes widened. "I almost forgot, I need to see the healer" she looked down at her side where blood was pouring and with one hand she felt her bleeding neck.
Daniel hastily took her to the healer, who groaned in annoyance until he noticed the gashes. He immediately got to work after handing the pup gently to Daniel and shooed him away. Pup in arms, he returned to Lilly and kissed her, saying, "We're godparents."
While the healer began working on December, he shook his head. "This has got to stop Miss. You're taking it too far, now what are you going to do? You have a pup now. Yes, I am glad you have godparents to take care of him but he still would want his real mom. December, let someone else with a greater amount of speed, strength, and stealth than your brother to stop him.

December shook her head as the healer put a cool wet clothe on her neck while working on her side with the other. "I vowed I would do it. This is none of your buisness." The healer stopped working on her side and instead slowing dug his fingers in and pressed on her neck witht he other.

"You're side wound is deep, I can end your life you know and so can you. What you are doing is suicidal." He said, removing his fingers from her side and letting go of the clothe and rinse it. December was still laid down on the bed and sighed, maybe he was right.
She had been in deep in thought but broke out of them when she saw Daniel come with the pup and when he kissed her she kissed him back saying ";yes we are";. she then took the pup from Daniel wanting to hold him. she craddled him close to her dress and smiled as he went on sleeping he looked so cute and peaceful.
Daniel happily handed the pup over to her and watched as she held him close. He smiled, and went up to Lilly and kissed her a bit more sensually this time, wanting to perhaps turn her on, even slightly.
Lilly forgot all about her saddness and the fear of losing Daniel to December when she felt Daniels kiss on her lips. she closed her eyes and gave it back just the way he was giving it to her. she felt warm and happy and time seemed to stand still.
After December was healed, she was able to get up and leave. when she left and saw the three, she had to smile and say with a teasing voice. "So, when's the wedding? I do believe I hear the bells ringing"
Lilly broke the kiss fast when she heard December and blushed and said "um I don't know". she has trouble getting the words out as she felt emberseed to be caught kissing Daniel like that.
December laughed at Lilly's embarressment and apologized but still kept laughing. This was the first time she actually laughed.
Lilly let off a weak smile then turned to December and handed over the pup thinking the mother would want to hold her son. she wanted one all the more just from holding December's but shrugged it off.
December took her son in her arms who woke up blinking. He struggled to get down. "I think he wants to try and walk." She gently placed him on the ground to see if he wants to try and walk. It took him a few fails and whimpers but eventually he made it from his mom to Lilly in all four paws.
Lilly got down on her knees and patted the pup on the top of her head and said "good job you did it your god mother is so proud of you and your mother too and your god father".
Axel lead out a yip of excitment when he finally made it to Lilly's lap, he stood on his little hind legs and licked her while wagging his tail. December couldn't stop smiling. "I knew I chose the right people for him. He loves you both already"
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