While the healer began working on December, he shook his head. "This has got to stop Miss. You're taking it too far, now what are you going to do? You have a pup now. Yes, I am glad you have godparents to take care of him but he still would want his real mom. December, let someone else with a greater amount of speed, strength, and stealth than your brother to stop him.
December shook her head as the healer put a cool wet clothe on her neck while working on her side with the other. "I vowed I would do it. This is none of your buisness." The healer stopped working on her side and instead slowing dug his fingers in and pressed on her neck witht he other.
"You're side wound is deep, I can end your life you know and so can you. What you are doing is suicidal." He said, removing his fingers from her side and letting go of the clothe and rinse it. December was still laid down on the bed and sighed, maybe he was right.