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have you ever.

If you mean literally, no, not in my hand, but I have often found it was right in front of me all the time, usually where I put it. If you mean metaphorically, yes, I spend my life searching for something better, something different, only to realise that I have it already except I didn't know it and by then it is usually too late. So the search goes on.

Have you ever got dressed in a hurry only to find when you are on your way to work that your clothes don't match?
Obviously. I then proceed to cover up said clothes under a lab coat. Problem solved.
Was a little bit more of a problem back when I wasn't working for great science. My last boss was a big stickler for looking professional.

Have you ever walked into a stranger's wedding?
Yes, in Louisville quite a while ago. By the end of the reception we were just like old friends!

Have you ever been lost, driving around and around, then turned a corner and your destination was right there in sight?
That happens all the time. It's called using a sat nav.

Speaking of which ...

Have you ever followed a sat nav and ended up completely stuck up a narrow lane where you can't turn or go any further?
No and yes. I've never used GPS, only maps, and only when I'm disoriented(see hopelessly lost) and then I'll take out the map. I'm not asking for directions from man or machine... :p

Have you ever thought you were walking on solid ground only to find yourself up to your ankles in an icy puddle?
Not a puddle but there was this one time I was walking on a frozen lake for maybe 20 minutes without realizing how thin the ice I was standing on was. And that was only after someone else fell through.

Have you ever literally not recognized yourself in the mirror/a photograph?
Yes, I once tried stepping round myself in a shop. Then I noticed the person was wearing identical shoes to mine, but it still took time for the penny to drop that I was standing in front of a mirror.

Have you ever got to the check out in the supermarket and only discovered that you didn't have any money at the very end?
Yes she did and I told her politely that my gf was standing right behind her. :p

Have you ever been so tired you poured your morning coffee into the sugar container and actually started stirring before you realized it? (Me, this morning) :blush:
No, but: I take my coffee straight out of the pot; my wife, with cream and sugar ("regular" in some locales). Many mornings I have creamed one and sugared the other.

Have you ever been standing on a train platform reading the paper, and when a train came along boarded it with no regard for which direction it was going?
Being a land locked fellow, this has never happened to me, though I suspect that could be awesome.

Have you ever eaten Thanksgiving Dinner until your were absolutely stuffed, then an hour later ate just as much as you had the first time?
No, and not just because we don't have Thanksgiving in Britain. There is though a very funny episode of The Vicar of Dibley in which the Vicar, Geraldine Grainger, eats 5 Christmas dinners so as not to offend all the parishioners who invited her. The sprout eating competition is a classic.

Have you ever literally wet yourself laughing?
Absolutely! Whenever I'm walking in the dark, I feel this evil presence behind me.

Have you ever dated someone purely for some sort of ulterior motive (i.e. sex, money, etc)?
Does getting a free meal count as an ulterior motive? :p Then yes, I have.

Have you ever laughed during sex due to the look on your partner's face while he/she was orgasming?
No but I've been laughed at for that very reason. It was my first time. Didn't do it again for a looooong time.

Have you ever smoked cannabis?
No, thank goodness. All of the parties I ever attend are simply "come as you are", very casual.

Have you ever pole-danced? (or wanted to?)
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