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have you ever.

Never asked... but I have been accused of being ADHD, which it is true... Well, I DID have ADHD, but I'm over it. It's like an old habit I gave up.

Have you ever had a crush on someone but it was so unrealistic you tried to find things about them that you hated so you could get over them?
I've done that once or twice, yes. It never works though, haha!

Have you ever met someone so odd that you actually found it charming, and not weird or annoying?
It is chemically impossible to outgrow ADHD, but it -is- possible to out grow simple hyperactivity.

MissClover said:
Never asked... but I have been accused of being ADHD, which it is true... Well, I DID have ADHD, but I'm over it. It's like an old habit I gave up.

Have you ever had a crush on someone but it was so unrealistic you tried to find things about them that you hated so you could get over them?

Yes Aria I have, so now she and I are plotting in PM's together, lol.

Have you ever sworn you posted something hours ago and then realized that you completely forgot to put anything at all?
I have indeed, and it miffed one of my best-ever partners - but she's over it!

Have you ever gotten into a new role-play which was so hot that y'all pretty much burned through it quickly and were temporarily at a loss to keep the heat turned on?
A few times actually

Ever met that one person who just doesn't understand your not into them for one reason or another and continued to try and pursue you?
Yes - near an airfield in Incirlik, Turkey years ago; you couldn't get "high" off it but you damn sure could get sick!

Have you ever personally (not one of your role-play characters) been involved in a threesome or foursome (golf doesn't count)?
Yes I have and wow he was amazing! I lost track of him over the years though.

Have you ever been unexpectedly hit on by a friend that (was way outta your league) you had NO CLUE they thought of you that way? And you rolled with it...
I wish, a lot of my friends are Rodeo Queens, talk about WAY out of my wish.

Have you ever hit on someone way below your league cause you could.
Yes I have. Worst one nighter ever.

Have you ever had to explain the term pearl necklace to someone who just didn't 'get it?'
Umm half that. I coughed and farted at the same time in public.

Have you ever waited all week for your fave show to be on, only to find that it's a repeat that night?
Yes and I hate it when they do that.

Have you ever waited hours for a call from someone you thought you had a connection with.
Yes. It was Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead. It was not the best production and my friends just didn't get it.

Have you ever been taken to a play or film by someone who had really loved it, but it left you totally cold?
Yes. The film was "Gone With the Wind" and the person was my mother, which limited my options somewhat.

Have you ever been invited to a Bar Mitzvah and brought a watch, only to discover the Bar Mitzvah Boy also got 28 other watches?
I do it a lot actually, especially if I don't have much to do at work. Quality thinking time.

Have you ever been watching a movie with friends that you haven't really hung out with, and out of no where, it becomes a porn?
Eat it? I can't even find it.
Have you ever tried to find something only to realize you were already holding it in your hand?
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