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have you ever.

No, but I've been interrupted by two Galveston cops while having well-planned sex on Stewart Beach at three in the morning - does that count?

Have you ever used the "Bill Clinton Defense", i.e. claiming that anything other than vaginally-penetrative coupling was not "real sex"?
Definitely- it counts twice as much!

And yes, I did when asked by my boss about break time during my first job...technically it wasn't -real- sex!

Have you ever used pudding as body paint?
XXtraPrince said:
No, but I've been interrupted by two Galveston cops while having well-planned sex on Stewart Beach at three in the morning - does that count?

Have you ever used the "Bill Clinton Defense", i.e. claiming that anything other than vaginally-penetrative coupling was not "real sex"?

And no, since I was even allowed to start dating, I've only dated one person...and we're still together.

Have you ever been caught by the police for something you didn't do?
No thank goodness. I doubt it would end well for me since I stay hanging out with weed heads.

Ever taken/given heavy painkillers and ended up confessing you really want to have sex with someone who would be your last choice while thinking clearly?
No thank god, my mom is a nurse so im really careful with meds

Have you ever dared someone or been dared to ask out someone totally random and they said yes.
No. I have, like, the tightest cuff on me (the slang, relationship term) so I can't go home with anyone except my boyfriend!

Have you ever eaten something so good that you literally moaned as you savored it in your mouth?
Every single day of my life since April 1, 2011, and I love it.

Have you ever been to Disney World? (not Land...WORLD)
On the bright side, Blinky, if it doesn't work out, you could just say it was the longest April Fool's prank known to man, then get praised for your commitment.

Considering I live right across from a 7/11, I haven't gone out very far looking for a snack, but this one time I was restless, left at about 1:00, walked for about an hour just because I was restless, bought a kebab from a roadside hawker, and walked back home.

Have you ever seen someone put their full force into something then just do it yourself effortlessly and subsequently follow through with some sort of cocky proclamation, smirk or pose? (Known among my friends as 'pulling an Excalibur'.)
Yes, I love to do that. Though my little victory is just a glare over the shoulder saying "You couldn't do it yourself?"

Have you ever gotten in a fight, knowing full well you would lose, then win out of either luck or chance? (I like to refer to it as David 1, Goliath Nothing.")
^ As ol' Dave would have said it, sometimes you've just got to go and change history, no matter how daunting or unpalatable it may be! ^

Sure. Growing up in Louisiana, sometimes you've got to stand your ground and take your ass-kickin' - but, fortunately, there are pleasant surprises!

Have you ever been offered a role-play so far outside your R/P "comfort zone" that you didn't think you wanted it, but took it anyway - and it was AMAZING?
Of course! The first time I was ever offered erotica in a roleplay, I sat there like, "Uhhhmmmm....okay."
But then it turns out that I liked it, and then a year later I ended up here.

Have you ever tried an instrument, then ended up quitting because you got too lazy to practice?
Yes. Actually, I wound up committing felony fraud at the age of seven; I agreed with the music teacher that she'd continue to receive her fee and I wouldn't have to come to lessons anymore.

Have you ever engaged in a form of sexual activity that you very much didn't want to because a lover was extremely persuasive?
Yes. Long story... I don't wanna think about it... (Shudders slightly as I go to corner)

Have you ever gotten into a fight, with the thought that if need be you would kill the opponent. (Hopefully you didn't. I've just had times where I go into a fight knowing I may have to hurt someone to save myself.)
Not yet at least, but the army will probably change that

have you ever been scared but excited to do the same one thing.
Yes, my first ride on a motorcycle--and it was one of the best moments of my life!

Have you ever retried something you used to hate a long time ago and it turned out to be amazing?
Yes! Riding roller coasters; I used to hate the feeling of my stomach dropping or coming up into my chest, but now I absolutely love it! It's a great feeling.

Have you ever lifted up a puppy or kitten to cuddle them into your arms, only for it to pee on you?
Unfortunately, yes.

Have you ever been to a movie and the person a few rows ahead of you was using their phone, SnapChatting and you just wanted to strangle them because the light from their phone was so distracting that you missed half of the movie.
I love Snapchat! Anyway, no, I've never had that problem. I just don't let it bother me or I'll just let it slide, especially if I can see that their brightness is on its lowest setting.

Have you ever been to the movies and then just left in the middle of the showing because the movie was just that bad?
Yes!! Plus my date was touchy feely

Have you ever taken a gamble on something(trying something new or buying something) and ended up extremely happy?
Yes! Like that guy from the Austin Fire Department says in the television commercial: "Don't be afraid to buy the best - you'll always be happy with it!"

Have you ever had a baby, been terrified of motherhood/fatherhood, and discovered you were a natural?
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