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have you ever.

Try out of a perfectly good aircraft. Or down the side of a tanker. And I didn't even prepare with any sort of purpose-built equipment for the tanker.

Have you ever played wingman/woman for a friend, and wound up going home with somebody hotter than he/she was aiming for? Or perhaps did you get lucky while they didn't?
Nope. I have played wingman, though. But it would be disloyal to score when the guy you are winging for doesn't? Right?

Have you ever lied about yourself just to get laid? Like "I'm a professional football player" or "Me and the president are best buddies." or something like that, but maybe a bit more discrete.
Adam Edwardson said:
Nope. I have played wingman, though. But it would be disloyal to score when the guy you are winging for doesn't? Right?

Have you ever lied about yourself just to get laid? Like "I'm a professional football player" or "Me and the president are best buddies." or something like that, but maybe a bit more discrete.

being a girl....all i can say is that i am quite sure that a lot of men have lied trying to get me to go out with them

have you ever been completely honest on a first date?
yes I have.....

ladies, have you ever wore concealed nipple clamps, vibrating eggs or buttplugs under clothing while at work?
Ooh I love this game...

I have not. Though I'd be lying if I said I never thought about it.

Have you ever had sex in a REALLY public place, like a park, or public bathroom or something.
Sure; it's part of growing up as a guy. Eventually, however (and the sooner, the better), one realizes it's not the best way to settle differences.

Have you ever seen something you shouldn't have, inadvisedly commented on it, and had the other person flip out on you?
All the time.

Have you ever broken up with some one, dated someone else then got back together with the 1st person all inside the time of a month?
No. The only game I regularly play (other than golf) came already installed on my computer, as it had on my previous two.

Have you ever contracted an infection of a very personal nature, and agonized over who gave it to you, then found it was just an opportunistic bug making the rounds?
No I can't say that I have...though I shall count my self lucky for never being in that situation.

Ever had to explain your reasoning for liking someone to a parent who just sees all the bad?
Umm... no... when I was still young enough to worry about my folks' approval, the girls I dated were pretty tame (damn it)!

Have you ever gotten on the wrong train, dozed off, and awakened to find yourself far away from your destination - and getting farther away by the second?
Yup, but it was a bus. I didn't recognize any of the stops so I just waited till the end of the line hoping it would go to a hub near a shopping centre or something.
Dropped me off in the middle of nowhere, a young girl with no supervision. Told me I got on the wrong bus and drove off. Asshole.
Had to walk about an hour before reaching a place where I could call my folks to pick me up. They didn't want me to have a cell phone before, but after what happened they insisted I have one for emergencies like that.

Have you ever thought something mean about a person you were talking to and then when you go to say something, what you were thinking comes out instead?
Yes. I can't remember the particulars, but I do recall it was a major gaffe.

Along a somewhat-related line, have you ever been on a rampage, riding roughshod over everyone in sight, and knowing full-well that there'd be a toll to be paid, and yet been unable to stop?
Yes, once.

Ever paid or offered money to a non prostitute/sex worker/stripper etc for sex or sexual related favours?
Cash in hand? No. Though I have traded one favor for another, if that counts.

When was the last time you thought about / visualized your own death, and how did you plan it / how did it happen?
I imagined that I got greased by a runaway garbage truck, like the character in "Leader of the Laundromat". I don't recall the date.

Have you ever accepted a blind date as a favor to a friend (under whatever circumstances) and it turned out TERRIFIC?
^ That new avatar is every bit as impressive as "The Bathing Beauty" - in an entirely different way! ^

Well. I have regretted many "relationships" but I cannot honestly say I wished any of them had never happened; there was something to be gleaned from each.

Have you ever been so lost that you had the time to postulate the different categories of being lost before you found your way out?
Yes, a lot more often then I like to admit.

Have you ever done anything you know your parents/authority figure/significant other would almost kill you for doing.
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