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have you ever.

^ LOVE the new avatar! ^

No. I did have the refrigerator fail in a rented apartment once, but my landlord had me a new one in less than two hours! And, he personally helped my wife move all the food!

Have you ever rented a car, had a breakdown and the office was closed?
(( ;D Thanks Prince!! ))

I have rented a car but never had it break down on me.

Have you ever thrown a party at someone else's place?
No. The closest I've come is meat loaf with ketchup, and beans and rice (often).

Have you ever fallen out of a golf-cart while retrieving your ball (like in a scramble), and earned the derision of your teammates?
Are you kidding? I sing so bad, when I lived in Houston, they used to let me into the Astrodome free-for-nothing if I promised not to sing the National Anthem!

Have you ever been in a quasi-"relationship" where you thought it was "exclusive" and the other person did not?
No, but I've been in one where we both told each other that we wanted to "keep things open" but secretly we both wanted it to be exclusive but thought the other person would be scared away if we said so. This we realized after we had stopped seeing each other... Yeah, communication is key.

Have you ever stalked someone on Facebook or similar just to show up where they are at random?
Not so much 'stalked'... Well, maybe a little bit. I was trying to find out whether my friend's boyfriend was cheating on her, so I had to 'appear!'. I sound terrible, surely. But it was all in good nature!

Have you ever fallen into the typical 'love at first site' with someone you've never seen again?
No, but not for lack of trying.

Have you ever seen anyone get absolutely greased by a bus, only to get up off the pavement, dust himself off, and go on about his business, turning a deaf ear to those paperwork types wanting to file reports?
No I haven't, but I believe it's in reason to me not knowing what greased means.

Ever been in the hospital and have not one but three nurses mess up and it take the fourth to realize that your IV is no good and have to start a new one?
^ Wishy washy?
Perhaps, if I knew what you meant by 'wishy-washy'.

Have you ever deliberately gone out of your way, even if it meant diminishing something you had to do, just to avoid somebody?
Naah, i am too good to avoid someone, but i have seen people avoiding me.
Have you ever, made money from Online trading ??? o_O
Actually, yes. Yu-gi-oh cards to be exact. I didn't do it often; but sometimes.

Have you ever been [or known someone who was] bitten/encountered a venomous animal of any kind? [Spider, snake, whatever]
Yes and no. I was in Sweetwater for the Rattlesnake Rodeo one year and an Eastern Diamondback (must have been down on vacation) nailed me in the right leg. However, his fangs didn't penetrate the lining of my boots, but rather he got hung up. I grabbed him behind the head, and a cowboy with a machete solved my problem permanently. Of course I let him keep the snake to add to his total.

Have you ever had spur-of-the-moment sex with an overnighter, and although he "played it safe", his protection was a leaker?
No. Thank God.

Oh, and to answer the other question before yours, I was actually stung by a Portuguese Man'o'war. The worst pain I have ever felt.

Ever swam in both oceans? Pacific and Atlantic?
No I've never been to Cali, even though I have a bunch of family there. I use to live in Florida though so I've swam in the Atlantic and the Gluf

Ever had a casual conversation get really deep with a complet stranger?
I won't say "often", but several times. Usually they break down to emotional content or physical attraction, i.e. with a woman, or political/sporting/philosophical, as with another guy.

Have you ever been so engrossed in a book while riding public transportation that you missed not only your stop, but rode past the one after as well?
Yes, many times. I do it deliberately some times as well, when the book is so good it is worth the extra walk. Last time it happened was when I read "In the Penal Colony", I think.

Have you ever made someone cry during sex? Could be a positive thing, or a negative, depending on the kind of tears and your alignment.
I haven't made anyone cry but I've cried. I was highly emotional and felt Terribly guilty afterwards.

Ever slept with your best friend's, best friend behind his or her back?
^ Just one of the experiences that made you who you are, sugar; not worth even one salt-deprived tear! ^

No. I believe this about friendship and loyalty: if you're going to talk the talk, you must also walk the walk.

Have you ever had a close call that could have killed you, but fate and good luck got you by?
Yes. Failed suicide attempts. Someone was definitely watching me during those times and all in all, I am glad for it. I'll stop before I go on too long of a rant.

Have you ever ended up rooting for the bad guys/antagonists in any book/movie/video game even rather than the good guys/protagonists?
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