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have you ever.

No. I like my bacon as much as the next guy, but good Lord, not on chocolate cake!

Have you ever received absolutely delicious oral sex and discovered, irretrievably after the fact, that the donor was not who you'd thought?
(I tried the "peanut butter and bacon" flavored shake from the Sonic and needless to say, I won't be ordering another one! Yuck!)

I can honestly say, I've always known from whom my oral pleasures came! ;)

Have you ever had a "double whammy"? (Sex with two different people at two different places/times in one night?)
No, not really. Back roads and parks (after dark) give only a slim chance you'll get caught! ;)

...had an all night, sweat filled, lip biting, deep french kissing, screaming, rough, "sheets coming off the bed" type sex? *Grins*
I don't think so. One in one night is enough for me. ;)

...celebrated "No Panty Day"?

No, but if you'll tell me the date I'll make GOD-DAMNED SURE I observe it properly (and thoroughly) next time it falls!

When you got pregnant (or got a lover pregnant), did you celebrate it IMMEDIATELY in the only reasonable way?
Never. I would think that I would get him in it if it ever happens.

Have you ever placed a bid on an item being auctioned without the intent of buying it to only raise its price; but the auction closes out on you and you find that you have just bid an enormous amount of money, and is now in a heap of trouble?
Technically, yes.

I had been heading over to get involved in one and near the last second, the guy decided to bail. Something about .... I think he was whining about something regarding condoms. I can't remember. It was stupid though and I wound up driving out for nothing. Pissed me off.

Have you ever hurt someone so bad they bled?

(Where or why doesn't matter, just that it happened)
I was in a behind-the-building bar fight one time (1989) and threw a wild right at a guy... it nearly missed, but a knuckle caught him just on his left upper eyetooth and cut him, slightly. There was very little blood, but for the purposes of this thread, the answer is yes.

Returning, if we briefly may, to the subject of the last Member's post: have you ever actually BEEN in a threesome, i.e. one where intimate activity actually took place?
No, and the only reason to go to one would be to debunk that bullshit.

Have you ever had sex with someone whose name you didn't know?
Yes. None of my prouder days ... at all but yes.

Sorry if this was already asked ahead of time but ....

Have you ever - accidentally or otherwise - moaned out someone else's name besides whom you were with?
No, but I have been the surprised recipient once or twice....

Have you ever been invited to an event - cook-out, party, whatever - only to discover it'd been planned all the way through to evolve (or devolve, depending on your point of view) into a, well, orgy?
LOL...No, I haven't. (I've got boring friends...)

Have you ever been in bed with an athiest who, instead of saying "oh god", would say "oh scientific method"???
I have never, to my knowledge been in bed with an atheist.

Have you ever tried to send a telegram with the stipulation that it be delivered by a boy on a bicycle, only to discover that they don't do that anymore?
They still deliver telegrams?
Regardless my answer is no lol

Has your refrigerator ever broken and your landlord refused to just sell out and get a new one?
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