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have you ever.

Yep. One night stand .. biggest mistake.

Have you ever been mistaken for as a criminal due to looking almost exactly like one? (My spouse has had that several times so I'm curious if anyone else has had this occur before)
Yes... It was hilarious.

Ever owned an Exotic pet? And I mean Like really exotic!

I had a Gyrfalcon. My family and I are a part of a rescue operation. The Gyrfalcon actually lives in Air Force Academy now.
My brother did but yes. A sugar glider, to be exact. I kid you not nor recall how he convinced mom and dad to agree on buying him it.

Have you ever gotten into major trouble and thus sent to the principal's office for it? (I never did, I was a goody goody)
Yes! There was a girl who hated me for no reason, and we got into a fight. I didn't start it but I got in trouble anyways.

Have you ever had a dream that you knew could never exist on reality but you wanted it to?
All the time! I just have to examine everything critically even if I've seen it a hundred times before.

Have you ever found a $20 bill on the ground? (if so what did you do with it).
Well. I'd guess "HYE" stands (weakly) for "Have you ever?" I've never been that lazy, but I guess it's a generational thing.

Yes. My parents used to wear my butt out when I was a child, and mostly I deserved it. I do NOT consider it a form of child abuse.

Have you ever had to change a tire in a parade?
I've never had to change a tire at a parade, but I'm guessing there will be point... XD

Random Question -> Have you ever.. dropped something precious to you (value) down the toilet?
Not precisely, but I did have the joyful duty of retrieving The Old Ball and Chain's wedding ring once... you didn't want to be there. Neither did I, for that matter.

Have you ever been declared the winner of something you'd much rather not have won?
Not full out.... though I've done very naughty things in movie theaters. *blushes*

Have you ever sung or hummed in a public place such that others who might be farther away from you could even hear you, not just those who are nearby could?
freckled_beauty said:
Yes! But I have a really tall fence so my neighbors can't see lol

Have you ever been caught while touching you're self?

Well...uhmm... yeah. :s

Have you ever been caught touching your self but....didn't stop? ;)
Yes, though it's not nearly as romantic or excitingly tawdry as you might imagine. More horribly cramped if you really try to do anything.

Have you ever tried to win a coin-flip with a rigged coin?
No, I cant ever seem to find a double-sided coin.

Have you ever done anything more stupid then jumping off a building.
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