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have you ever.

Oh yes— I spent six years of my life totally convinced I was going to sing opera for the rest of my life. My parents and I blew loads of money on lessons, various opportunities and plenty of college auditions. I got accepted into the prestigious music school I dreamed about since I was 13...then I decided I wanted to be a chemistry major with a future of medical school.

Have you ever really, really liked doing something, but you had a condition that prevented you from doing it?
No, but I tried regular radish with strawberry sauce and it was good.

Have you ever dipped your fries in a McDonald's chocolate shake?
Yes, by accident, I swear!
My mother in law asked me to drive her Caddy because she was busy being a hypochondriac. That ride was so smooth I beat 120 mph over the head for about ten minutes before I realized it!

Have you started plotting a thread with one idea in mind and later mutually agreed to something completely different?
Yes, and quite recently, in fact. It was agreed that it be a role-play about a character who had magical talent and wound up having a magic pussy. You might say, "Mah nishtana?" but it was really more complicated than that!

Have you ever cooked up a plot which you were positive you could never fill and the first Member to whom you offered it snapped it up?
Yes a few times! There is still one I am trying to fill though.

Have you ever paid someone for sex or a sexual service of some kind?
No but I did accidently work it in the opposite direction. Happened to my partner I mean.

Have you ever had an rp sit untouched for 6 months or more then all of a sudden find your (former) partner posted again?
Yes; as a matter of fact, twice! It was a general-aviation role-play in 2011-2012 that tried to remain current in time-frame but, sadly, could not.

Have you ever had a planned short-term role-play that just went on and on because neither partner wanted to end it?
Kind of, it was never planned to be a short term or long term RP but once the main plot line had finished we kept going.

Have you ever wanted a RP to be more like a story than a normal RP?
I've never been pregnant but my brothers girlfriend has miscarried twice.

Have you ever just laid in bed simply because you could?
Yes, I don't see a reason why to get up some mornings.

Have you ever had a really important event (meeting, date, job interview, ect.) the next morning, but you didn't sleep at all the night before?
No, I've never been that popular.

Have you ever changed your avatar so often that you've forgotten which one you're using at the moment?
Initially, perhaps, but they don't become pendulous (which is very sexy) as they age to the same degree as naturals do!

Have you ever chosen to do a role-play with a partner in which you just flowed an existing 'play into it, seamlessly?
Perhaps not clinically, but since I got transferred up here to New England, I've frozen my balls on a regular basis.

Have you ever been happily riding along on a bicycle or motorcycle and swallowed a bug?
D: Yea. On my bicycle. On my motorcycle I wear a helmet, but I got assaulted in the throat by one and it hurt like hell.

Have you ever tried to explain something to someone and they didn't get it so you explained it a different way and they still didn't get it, then you explained it another way and they still didn't get it?
So many times! This is explaining basic math concepts to high schoolers.

Have you ever been to a concert of your favorite band/artist/group?
^^^ I love math, and I took calculus in high school. My teacher had us remember concepts by making really, really inappropriate jokes about them like F(u) (the big fuck you) and things like that when doing derivatives and integrals.

And I have! I've seen Paramore, Justin Bieber (when I was a junior in high school), and Bruno Mars. I want to go to a Justin Timberlake concert, though.

Have you ever had someone ask if you were ADD/ADHD when you were neither of those things?
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