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have you ever.

I have been known to take a "mental health" day! ;) (But I try not to do it too often...)

...swapped gum while kissing? :p
I have not. I've never been chewing gum while kissing, oddly enough.

Ever get home from work and just have to rage at what an idiot your boss is?
No to both. I think for the most part, it's was good thing that I didn't have children, but there are times I wonder what it might have been like to be a Mom. :)

...shaven a body part that later, you wished you hadn't? :s
Uh...unfortunately. :s (A few times, I've gotten into the shower to shave my legs and while I was getting dressed AFTERWARDS, discovered I had only shaved one leg!) :-/

...been turned off during sex because your partner hadn't shaved a particular body part? (I'm on a "shave fixation" aren't I!) :p
I think I saw a fox and I almost saw a bear he was wandering the trail ahead of me.

Ever made everyone on a canal laugh as you and your friend try to work together to steer a boat around?
Nope. All of my hallucinations turn out to be real.

Ever eat something that you thought would be gross and it turned out to be delicious?
Yes I have! Indian food often smells like ass but can be really good.

Have you ever wanted so badly to hate a band, but you just end up liking them? (for me that would be BABYMETAL. Youtube them)

Have you ever found a significant amount of money and just pocketed it instead of turning it in or trying to find out who it belongs to?
I have self esteem issues too xD

To answer the question though, Yes. A lot. I'm a huge fucking nerd. But I learned quickly to not give a fuck and do what I like

Have you ever shown someone something you did that you were proud of, and are met with disinterest?
No I have not, but it's on my bucket list. I know, it's odd.

Have you ever had sex with a stranger and ended up dating them?
Absolutely. Several times. I might be a bit naive.

Have you ever been nice to someone out of pity and they ended up becoming infatuated with you?
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