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have you ever.

No. I've been served breakfast in bed though. I understand getting served papers is much less delicious.

Ever gotten to the grocery checkout and realized you don't have your wallet?
Hell, no, that would be fatal. You must never ever allow this to happen.

Have you ever told someone with whom you are about to have sex that you have changed your mind, right at the last second?
Of course. What is it with you guys? Don't you want to win?

Have you ever bitten your tongue (literally or metaphorically) in order to avoid yet another argument on the same stale topic?
No, but I've been the recipient (this is just short of the point where it either turns into a delicious fuck or the police get called).

Have you ever kissed a total stranger because you just couldn't help it?
Oh good god no. That sounds disgusting.

Have you ever been so nervous about your new responsibilities after being promoted that you felt nauseous?
Ugh...not sure if I've ran them through my hair, but have definately messed up a nice paint job from being impatient. :(

...purchased a "How To" book in order to improve your love making/sexual skills?
I have not. Though I may in the future. Who knows.

Have you ever been texting someone and fall asleep mid-text, thereby dropping the phone on your face?
Yeah, a couple times. The appeal dies, and that's okay.

Have you ever gotten a headache in the middle of a shift, even though the day is going well
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