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have you ever.

Oh my god, yes I have... So embarrassing... Good think I don't drool in my sleep! :s

Have you ever had a dream that you had the ability to fly?​
Yes, thanks to my lucid dreaming I can do whatever I want in my dreams.

Have you ever had a lucid nightmare? It's like a movie where you can be the super hero.
No, I rarely have any lucid dreams for that matter. :/
Have you ever thought about death before and how it will feel?​
It would be all too easy to say, "Well, sure!", but maybe it's just a case of not having had a memorable dream; so I'll settle for "probably".

Have you ever been to the movies and noticed at some point that a guy in your row was masturbating?
No. Sadly I can't wear them. I wear glasses all the time.

Have you ever used an indoor tanning bed and thought about sex as you laid there?
Yes. Actually I have. I'm not proud of it, but I did it. My boyfriend knew about the other guy too for a long time. He even took me to go see the other guy.

Who's your favorite Muppet?
I never really watched that show, so... I dont know. Probably Swedish Chief, for the sake of me knowing a family friend from Sweden that I am kinda mean to sometimes. :D

Who is your idol?
I don't believe in having idols.
(swedish chef is my fav too. lol.)

How many rps do you have going on right now?
^Wow, such Anarchism. X3^

As of right now? None, I just came back from a hiatus and I got REALLY sick recently, which means I dont have a sex drive right now. All I am in the mood to do right now is to chat with you nice folks. :p

What was your favorite RP ever?
(Sorry to hear you've been sick. Glad you're doing better and back here though. Anytime you want to chat, drop a PM or whatever. I'll be happy to talk.)

My favorite RP? Wow. That's a tough one. I've got some really, REALLY good ones going and one that was just amazing that's over. Turning Tables was fun. A slave turns the tables on her Master, and she becomes his Mistress against his will. It went on for a couple of days. He regained control, brought in a Madame to teach her a lesson, but in the end, he knew she loved him because he told her so, and he realized he loved her. He saved her from the evil bitch, and the lived..... Yeah. Summer with Daddy is in PM and great. Really excellent partner to work with. Incest rp. *blushes and sighes* He's great. Oh my gosh he's so good. Tessa Arcadia Meets Her Match also has an excellent rp partner as well. A man falls in love with this woman, but he wants to own her as well. She's in position of power, so giving him control is new to her. Very hot sex scene the first time for them. Intense moments. So yeah. Those are my favs right now. With about 15, 16 rps going on, it's hard to pick one. lol. The thread, Keeping it in the family, is good too.

What's your favorite milkshake?
Yeah. I've been ghosted on twice. Both were good rps too. I've had one partner tell me they didn't know what to write next while in a sex scene. *shrugs* Guess I wasn't doing so good? I don't know.

what types of rps do you like to do?
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