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have you ever.

No, my crazy mind loves staying in the warmth of the gutter^^

Have you ever done something (like a project for school) in a team only to get no credit while the lazy one got all the praise?
Yes, but I never did it. I wanted to kill myself after being bullied for two whole years by nearly 30 people. We were 26 or so in our class.

Have you ever bullied someone?
Nope, never happened to me. The military did not want me, not even for civil duty which I wanted to do.

Have you ever walked to a place and then did not know what you wanted to do there after arriving?
Yeah, I always feel like someone is looking at me cause I'm awkward

Have you ever eaten something so often you burned yourself out on it?
Yes I have. And when I taste it again I usually like it better than before

Have you ever panicked to find your phone.... as you were talking on it?
No, I know where my phone is :D

Have you ever put something somewhere else than you put it usually and could not find it anymore? My stepdad does that with everything and then he searches it for minutes.
Often, and sometimes it takes days to locate it!

Have you ever gotten hopelessly lost, so you take out your GPS-equipped phone - and it gives you geographical co-ordinates, and you want to throw it against a wall?
No, but then again, I do not own a smart-phone or a GPS-equipped anything.

Have you ever had a death premonition?
No, although I have had several dates (when I was a bachelor) that "didn't go very well", for a variety of reasons.

Have you ever had to rent a car or truck because your own wasn't suitable for whatever you needed to do?
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