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have you ever.

Currently I love dark ones, but usually I love some sweet, sweet romance (and incest).

ever just read along an exciting rp without being part of it yourself?
Sure, often! Most recently (which is to say: right now), I'm reading a role-play two of our Games frequenters are doing; it's a lesbian 'play with Bondage and Discipline overtones. Gripping!

Have you ever been proposed a role-play which was so off the wall (based on your usual work) that you were just flabbergasted - and it turned out to be one of the most stirring and fascinating you'd ever done?
No, but I will say this. It is very rare for me to turn down a role play. That has earned me the nickname roleplay slut. So there you have it.

How long have you been role playing?
Oh wow. I was on another site, and the rp had promise, but this guy was a one liner. Even if I gave him a lot to work with. It was a good at first, but as it dragged on, I wanted more.

have you ever told somebody that they were a bad roleplayer?
No, though I have been in some before. I don't have the heart to.

Have you ever done something illegal?​
A FEW things... Mainly smoking dope occasionally or speeding like their was no tomorrow... Nothing big though.

On the sudden topic of illegal things. What drug use have you been involved with?
Actually no. I have never done any drugs which is scary considering some of the things that come from my mind.

Do you enjoy being called dirty names? (ie, slut, whore)
I don't really like to be called that... Makes me feel like dirt.

Have you ever been involved in a car accident?
Once or twice... but I was never the "What the hell's going on here?" type, but rather "Ooh, look at this!"

Have you ever encountered two dogs (or pigs, or donkeys - whatever) mating and stopped to watch?
Wished? I don't know, but the ways my characters react to situations usually reflect the way I would. And often, a peripheral character in my role-plays is very much like me.

Have you ever offered encouragement to an acquaintance undergoing relationship difficulties that might not have been in his best interest?
No, I chose my avatars after looking at pictures for hours untill I have found one that I like.

Have you ever seen something that made you want to look away, but you could not and kept staring at it?
Yes, that happens to me everytime I try to go to bed. I feel tired, lay in bed, feel completely fine.

Have you ever thought you had kinks that were so bad you never shared them with anyone? If yes, what?
I have usually been hesitant to divulge a love of watersports to partners until quite recently. Usually because most people either find it gross, or don't quite "get it" when they try.

Have you ever sat for so long your rear fell asleep? (Not fun if you haven't, I assure you.)
Yes, it's the worst fucking feeling.....*shudders*

Have you ever wished you were a fictional character just to be shipped with a bunch of other fictional characters?
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