Transfer America (HP RP with Gashnaw)

they released her rather quickly when she passed out, and checked to make sure she was breathing before abandoning her on the shore, her wand off to one side, her clothes piled in a sopping pile on the other. but when she woke, Estelle was only just gasping for air as she crawled out of the water, coughing hard as she collapsed onto the sand with a groan, a shuddering tremble running through her as she watched the sun start to peek up from the forest, another groan falling from her very worked over lips. "... their not... usually so... rough." she groaned, her voice raspy from the amount of merman cock she'd swallowed, not to mention cunts she'd licked.

"are you ok?" she asked, worried about Alex, blinking slowly at her. "i was afraid they where doing terrible things to you up here... but i couldn't get free... couldn't find my wand..." she groaned as her wand suddenly hit her in the back, her pile of wet robes landing on her head as the mermaids chucked them out of the water at her, making her groan again. "bastards..." she complained, slowly making her way onto all fours, looking absolutely filthy, slutty and used. she was covered in sticky, slimy merman cum, and she was soaking wet. they where both going to be sick from colds, if not worse by the time the day ended. "so... how do European Mermaids compare to America ones?" she asked, blinking sluggishly at Alex, looking rather amused despite the fact that she hurt all over.
Alex smiled a bit as she rolled over spitting up a bit which made her feel disgusting, She figured maybe it was just the panic she had along with trying to drown herself.
"Well they are a lot more violent." She said slowly "And rough, but they at least get the job done. The ones in america are teases" She explained calmly, "Or at least that's what i have been told, I mean you know you were my first."

As much as she did not want to admit it, she actually rather enjoyed the menfolks savage personality and it would have been nice to have a release if Estella ever decided to break her heart.
"Its looks like merfolk cum is water resistant, you're covered in it." She said calmly shivering a bit. She wiped a bit of the cum of and sucked it off of her finger before smiling and leaned over to lick her lover clean.
"Its a little weird, its different than your taste, not bad, but i would much rater taste you. Or feel you. The plant is kicking in again."

She didn't know if Estella had the energy to please Alex at that moment and was hoping she could at lest find some way to hold her over for now.
Estella chuckled a little. "i would have thought you'd enjoy it." she teased, smiling a little. "i love letting them have their way with me..." she frowned. "i felt a little guilty enjoying it though... i've never had a girlfriend though. i was worried i was cheating on you, but every time i struggled they'd stop giving me air." she admitted. "so i just..." she shrugged and blinked at Alex. "your not mad at me, are you?" she asked, a little worried that Alex was upset with her for letting the Mer molest and rape her. she'd enjoyed it very much, but she didn't want to lose Alex because of it. "and merfolk cum is water resistant, how else do you expect them to function in the water?" she asked, sounding amused as she chuckled.

"i'm afraid my dick's been sucked limp." she admitted, looking down at her flaccid cock. "but i can think of other ways to make you feel good." she purred happily. "help me get dressed and we'll go back to the rooms and i'll take care of that ache between your legs." she teased, chuckling as she slowly got dressed. she was sore all over, but a few pepper up potions, a pain potion, and a revitalizing potion would make her feel better. she headed for her rooms and settled into a chair with a groan before grinning as she examined Alex. "get undressed, and lay on the bed." she ordered, yelling at a house elf to get her to potions she needed. as soon as she had the potions she turned her attention back to Alex. "lay on the bed." she ordered. "on your back." she demanded, waiting to be obeyed. as soon as she was, she flicked her wand at Alex, and watched as the woman was bound. wrists tied tot he corners of the bed, ankles tied to the ends, leaving her in the X position. the ropes where loose enough that she could wriggle and writhe, but not move off of her laying position.

then she slowly stood up and moved over to a desk, opening it and rifling through it before pulling out two nice, thick fake dicks. dildos. "ah, here we go, this should satisfy my little cunt puppy." she teased playfully, flicking her wands at the cocks so that they floated, and with a hum, Estella sat back down in her chair, while the cock's started making their own lubrication, and rubbing against Alex's cunt and ass. the cock's weren't as big as Estella's, but with both of them working her tight cunt and ass, they should do the trick while Estella recovered from her night long rape.
"I'm not mad. Just next Time I'll have to enjoy it. Instead of feeling guilty myself." She admitted. "It did feel a little good. if I allow myself to enjoy it maybe I'll cum next time."

As they headed back to the room and Alex was ordered to lie down she didn't do so much as squeak as she was bound. She knew it was coming and smirked. "You're getting predictable." She laughed and the dildo's didn't surprise her either. However, even with lack of originality they did succeed in pleasuring her. They knew right whee to touch her and spent little time searching for it. It was different. Estella was thick, dominant. The merfolk were long, slick and could reach further and touch Alex in places Estella could not reach. and Then these toys could find her G-spot so quickly it was great.

As the toys thrust away t her she squeezed her legs together feeling them get to work and pound away at her surprisingly still tender cunt, even though they had spent half the night on the beach recovering from passing out. The merfolk were kind enough to lay off once she fell under.

"Feels good" She laughed "But not the best ever."
she chuckled a little and nodded a little. "hopefully, there won't be a next time... they've never crawled up onto Land to get me before." she admitted, sighing a little. "i think they miss me." she admitted, looking amused at the others comment. "it's not supposed to be original." she stated simply, looking amused. "it's about seeing how many times i can make you cum in..." she glanced at the clock. "two hours." she admitted simply, flicking her wand again, and three tiny Gold metal leaves settled onto her body. one covered her clit, the chilled gold leaf folding so that every little bit of her clit was touched by metal. the other two settled onto her nipples, and as soon as they where in place, they began to vibrate, flooding Elise with pleasure while the dildos thrust away, using her body like a cheep whore. they where gentle with her cunt though, working her body so that the pain slowly vanished thanks to the swelling and pain potions that where coated on the fake cock.

Estella smirked as she watched, feeling sore and lazy as she watched the other woman gettign it from plastic dildos. wishing her cock didn't ache so much, but the merfolk really hadn't been gentle with her in the least. finally Estella released Alex and she smirked a little, the gold clit vibrator remaining in place as Estella puled the two Dildos out of Alex before pulling something else out. "this, is a very special Dildo." she admitted, smirking at the other as she let Alex see the thick, firm thing. "you won't know what it does though... not yet." she teased, smirking as she slid it into her lover, and placing a sticking charm on it so it would slip and slid on the inside, but not fall out in the least. "now, get dressed." she ordered smirking as she cast a few more spells on her lover. "and don't try removing those... they won't come off." she teased, smirking. this was new... clearly, Estella was planning on continuing their bedtime fun during classes.
Alex could feel the thick monster inside her. It was slightly uncomfortable much like it was wen Estella was inside her cunt. It pushed against her entrance but once inside she adjusted. It was simply the act of her pussy being spread that caused the uncomfortable portion. She then got dressed as ordered and flinched when Estella charmed her clothes to be impossible to remove.
"Whats the deal with this? I figured you would want me to be able to strip in a moments notice. Not ask you to uncharm me so we could fuck." She said. It seemed the girl had no issue cussing anymore. She kissed Estella on the cheek. "But i'm sure you know what you are doing"

Classes were going to be weird having this hing inside her but it wasn't a big deal. She could feel it an was aware of its prescience but it was just there, uncomfortable but nothing special about it. She was literally waiting for Estelle to do something, anything to make this seem interesting.
Estella snickered as she winked at the girl. "well, i can't have you trying to remove your toys, now can i? not that they'll come off either." she teased with a snicker. "now, off to class with you. i'm going to take a nap." she teased, settling onto the bed. "let the teachers know i'm sick won't you?" she asked with a sadistic little smirk. whatever she was planning... it was going to be interesting. as she settled into her first class... boring old History of Magic, the toy started to squirm inside of her, and then, there was the strangest sensation of Lips on her neck, kissing, licking, biting, teasing. a pair of hands settled on her belly, feeling as if there where no clothes on her at all as they stroked flesh, but if Alex looked down, nothing was there. "i'm going to fuck you Alex." the voice, in her ear, but no one was there. "do you like my invention? it lets me fuck you, anywhere i want, without anyone being the wiser... grand isn't it? so long as you keep quiet, no one will ever know." there was another snicker as she hands slipped up around her breasts, squeezing them, massaging them... but there was no actual movement that could be seen, only felt.

and as if to make the task even harder, the little gold leaves started to silently do their job. the one on her clit started vibrating, while the one's on her nipples spread away, letting fingers pinch and squeeze at the nipples as the teacher droned on and on about the Final Battle of Hogwarts. not that anyone was really paying attention. no one cared about Voldemort anymore. one of the hands working her nipples pulled away, and two fingers seamed to slide into Alex's cunt, working and teasing the flesh as she smirked a little, teasing the flesh as Estella giggled in Alex's ear. "feels good doesn't it? getting touched, and fondled in front of all these people... what would they think of they knew how wet you are? how very close to an orgasm you are. tsk, your such a naughty little puppy aren't you?" Estella asked with a dark little chuckle as the sensations seamed to completely vanish. and then there was a weight on her legs, and the tip of a cock pressed against her cunt. "oh yes... your going to feel so good, wrapped around my dick, and you won't be able to do anything but let me use your tight little body. remember, stay quiet, or people will find out."
Alex bit her lip tightly to hold back any moan of pleasure she felt from her lover torturing her form the room. This was unfair, Alex had to suffer through this sensation without making a sound and sadly it was taking everything she had to keep quiet and stop form wolfing out that the class itself was nothing more than a mere blur.

She winced as she continued to bite down on her lip drawing some blood due to how hard she was biting and licked it cursing as she quickly grabbed her wand and repaired her lip before biting down again. Class itself was dragging on and she felt herself reaching her limit She would not be able to hold back much longer and class wasn't even fully over. Along with the aphrodisiac from the plant, and Estella's skill, this was the best kind of torture.

Still she puled through, allowing her release without crying out on pleasure. Just panting heavily as she felt her panties get soaked. Angered by this, as much as she loved Estella, this was a little unfair. She marched back into the room and stepped inside. "Knock it off, I love you but i can't keep focused with this. I can probably handle a hard fucking but this many sensations."
Her knees were weak so she used the wall to brace herself. Anyone with a brain could tell this was as much resistance she could give given the condition she was in, already on the brink of a third orgasm since she had one on the march to the room.
Estella snickered against the other girl's ear, enjoying stroking, and teasing, and touching, and playing. Estella laughed a little as Alex stormed into the room and all of the sensations tormenting Alex vanished in an instant, and the sticking charms flickered off, letting the little gold leaves and the dildo come off, and out of her. "oh you enjoyed it. besides." she smirked. "you'll have your revenge." she assured the other, waiting for Alex to come to terms with what she was seeing. Estella really had intended on pissing off Alex, clearly, because she was... well, she was wearing a costume for one. there where long rabbit ears attached to her ears, and a fluffy tail wiggled on her ass from a butt plug. there where strips of fur along her body, covering the things that where most important, nipples, cock, cunt... instead of hair, ir was soft fluffy fur, which spoke of a very advanced transfiguration.

but that wasn't the only thing that would catch Alex's attention. Estella was wearing a cute little collar with a bell on it, and her wrists where tied together, and where tied to the top of the bed. her legs spread wide so that Alex wouldn't have to fight her if she wanted to touch her below areas. Estella smirked at Alex, waiting for her to come to terms with what she was seeing. "i thought you might like to be in charge for a while." she teased with a chuckle, her eyes flicking over to several potions. there where all kinds of things on the table for Alex to use. a cock growing potion, strap on dildo's, magically controlled dildos, cock rings. anything Alex could think of was right there, ready to be used on Estella's compliant, willing, eager body. "i'll even call you mistress, if you like." she teased, winking at the girl.
Alex was still pretty weak from the orgasms but upon seeing the display she was feeling a little rejuvenated. She waddled to the table and found what she was looking for. A potion that acted like a fast acting red bull. It would give her a quick boost of energy and then would cause her to crash a few hours later. The rabbit costume was a little annoying since Alex felt a bit like Estella was teasing her but smirked. as sh took the penis growing potion. Sure enough within a few seconds her clit expanded and grew into a rather large member, although still did not match Estella's size. This was kind of weird as she stroked it a few times. "So this is what it's like to have a penis?" She asked as she poked it and held it. "Its kind of neat" She laughed an undid the ties fro Estella "You are still my Mistress, an you can still be in charge." She said removing the collar an pointed to her own. "I shouldn't be angry with you, after all you were treating me the way I am suppose to be." She then kissed Estella and laughed "So Mistress, how would you like me to treat you? If need be i can wolf out."
Estella chuckled a little as she watched the other woman, licking her lips a little as she watched the girl grow a penis. "mmm delightful." she purred, smirking a little. "as far as i know, it's spot on. feels great, doesn't it?" she asked, smirking a little, her head tilted a little, laughing as Estella snorted as she was untied. "well, that didn't work. i was hoping being a cute little bunny would make you want to ravage me... i guess it didn't work." she admitted with a giggle. "it took me an HOUR to change my hair into Fur... you don't appreciate my efforts to make you insane with lust." she complained playfully as she kissed Alex deeply before she shuddered, her eyes going dark with desire and lust. " can fuck me in wolf form?" she asked, biting her lip. clearly, this was a fantasy she hadn't fully been aware of. "god... Alex i just want you to fuck the living daylights out of me." she moaned, pulling her deep into a furious kiss before pausing, pondering and then settling onto all fours.

she pushed her hips up to the other girl, looking at Alex from over her shoulder, smirking at her. "go on Pet. mount your Bunny Master." she ordered, giggling a little. clearly, she just enjoyed playing the part of Alex's prey. that and she was just plain old kinky, and horny, and wanted to make Alex happy in their odd relationship. she didn't like the idea that Estella was the only one who got all her fantasies met. she wanted to make sure Alex got to play too. "have you been wearing that collar all day?" she asked suddenly, grinning at her a little. "that's really hot, i'll have you know." and best of all, as Estella had expected... no one had touched, tormented, or even spoke to Alex the entire day. no one had bullied her at all with Estella's claim so open on Alex.
Alex nodded "Only time it was removed was last night when the merfolk removed it, but they brought it back to me with my clothes. I guess you only scare the students, since the merfolk had no problem defying you or defiling me." She laughed as she stretched a bit. "Just remember I can't change back as easily. So I'll be stuck as a wolf for a bit." She laughed as she concentrated and her body began to shift he ears growing long and pointed as her legs thinned into the legs of the wolf. Along with that the tail sprouted for her back and her mouth extended into a snout. For a moment she had fully changed but the fur had not yet sprouted making her look like a naked dog, but quickly the fur began to grow down her body covering every inch of skin, aside form the massive cock she was still sporting.

This was not one of Alex's fantasies, she liked being under Estella's control, even if at time Estella was a little mean. But since she thought this was one of Estella's fantasies she obliged. If they knew they were trying to appease the other it would have been quite humorous. Alex looked over Estella's costume. It was true, she worked hard on the fur, she wasn't sure if it was real or not. Possibly an illusion or if she really did change her hair into fur but at the moment it didn't matter, Instead Alex mounted Estella and used her large cock to enter her mistress, filling her up as she began to let the feral instinct kick in and molest her mistress. Each thrust accompanied by an eager canine pant.
she grinned a little as she shook her head. "the merfolk never listened to me." she admitted with a small laugh. "just because we can talk to each other, doesn't mean that their going to do what i tell them to." she admitted with a small chuckle watching her shift into a wolf with a lick of her lips. "oh god your sexy." she moaned, smiling as she watched the Fur grow. "god that is SO cool..." she whispered, licking her lips as her eyes examined every inch of the other woman's body, her fur, her body, her animal form was... arousing. it wasn't so much that Alex was an animal, it was more that Alex had trusted her enough to transform, and was about to fuck her with that thick, full wolf cock, with fur pressing at her from all around.

"ah... fuck.. yes... it's so big... Alex! you feel, so damn good!" she moaned. from how tight Estella was, it was fairly clear, she didn't bottom often, or at all. she wasn't a virgin, or she would have been crying out in pain from such a large intrusion... but from the way she was moaning, and writhing, and gasping... bottoming was a very rare thing. she moaned and groaned as she felt the hot breath against her, the tight thrusts, she was so hot.. so horny. "oh...oh god...i'm cumming... i'm cumming!!!" she moaned, arching as she did indeed, cum hard, her tight cunt clenching around the hot, hard cock buried inside of her. "oh goood yeeesss..... so good! so good... don't stop... please don't stop fucking me!"
Alex's instinct were kicking in making her more vicious during this as she bit down on Estella's collarbone, hard but not enough to draw blood. For Estella that would have been lucky given the fact that Alex was not in control right now. Had she bitten hard enough she could have easily afflicted Estella wit the same Curse Alex possessed. Ever few thrust or so she would again bit down upon her mistress before positioning herself again and draping her paws over Estella's shoulder as she continued to pound away. It was strange that even though she was truly a female, the simple addition of the cock gave her body a completely new instinct when in her wolf form, and the plant's seeds still inside her keeping her horny.

By this point she would have cum. Quite a bit as well but something kept her going, dry as ever aside form the juices leaking from Estella's cunt. Her moaning and cries of pleasure was keeping part of Alex's mind intact. Keeping her form going completely feral upon her lover. The only thing possibly stopping Alex from accidently biting and infecting her mistress. As she continued though she heard Estella scream as she came hard, and the knowledge of this quickly Brought Alex to a climax as she released her own cum inside her love. Unlike Estella Alex would not have been able to impregnate her girlfriend, but she still had a large load of hot sticky cum dripping form the tip of her canine member with a few thread like strands trailing to Estella's assaulted cunt.

Still she was a wolf, the member now flaccid but she was indeed still as she was only a moment ago. Alex sat, her tail wagging eagerly wit the large member flaccid. The potion would soon wear off reverting her privates back to that of a female.

((I just realized, Wouldn't Lycanthropy be an STD?))
lol no Lycanthropy isn't an STD XDD it's transferred from the mouth to the bloodstream. technically it's a virus XDD. although, if Estella had a cut inside, where the werewolf seed might have gotten into her bloodstream, she might very well have gotten a 'low dose' of the disease. maybe not full blown lycanthropy, but certainly some very awkward side effects. (love having a mom who went to nursing school))

Estella moaned eagerly as Alex had her way, taking the tight hermaphrodite cunt like it was a punching bag, and oh GOD how GOOD it felt! that thick rod sliding in and out f her hard and fast and PERFECT! she whimpered as she was bitten, shuddering a little, afraid, but not pulling away or panicking. Estella trusted Alex... and it was her own fault anyway for asking for it. she moaned eagerly as the hard fucking continued, and she arched under her canine lover, shouting in glee as she came, her tight, so very tight cunt wrapping tightly around the canines cock, squeezing it, as if trying to milk it of every drop, gasping and moaning as her own seed spilled across the floor. "f..fuuuck ye...eesss, Alex... so good...ooooh yesss..." she panted, limp on the floor as she tried to catch her breath, feeling the hot sticky seed slipping around inside of her as it slowly seeped out to coat her inner thighs and slide down her legs, making her shudder.

"mmmg, feels so good." she moaned, looking at Alex wit a small grin. "your so good at that. makes me wonder if you've done it before." she teased with a small chuckle as she slowly sat up, checking herself for cuts or bites where she might have been bitten or scratched, pleased to see not a mark on herself she grinned at Alex. "that was hot love." she purred, chuckling happily. "it's been a long time since i've trusted someone enough to let them stick their dick in me." she teased, stroking herself as she examined her lover. "i wonder if you can even understand me? werewolves here can't understand when they go full wolf." she admitted, rubbing Alex's ears now. "i wonder how tight you are in this form? shall i find out my pretty pet? shall i fill your tight little canine cunt with my thick, hot, seed dripping dick?"
Alex understood her, but it was however somewhat blurred. She could keep herself from going full on feral usually but with the constant lust and pleasure she was receiving form Estella, she was having difficulty retraining it. She didn't worry though, she didn't expect herself to lose so much control that she would bite her Mistress, though perhaps a muzzle should come into play just in case she lost herself. Sadly right now she couldn't mention it so she would just have to make a note of it when she had turned back into her human form.

When Estella approached Alex suggesting that she should fuck her Alex gave a smile and turned raising her butt into the air giving Estella easy access to her cunt. She Was truly curios what it would be like. In just a few days they had already explored multiple outcomes from their special qualities, mainly in the form of sexual activity. Estella's cock able to hit Alex's spot perfectly. And just now both members taking turns fucking the pussy of the other. With their own dick. Estella with her real one and Alex with the help of a potion. To add to their sexual activity there was also the merfolk who had raped them the night before.

She wiggled her ass a bit inviting Estela again. Wagging her tail and looked back waiting for the woman to again take advantage of her. But she wondered if it was taking advantage if she was coaxing her to. After all Both women wanted it and Alex was being more than inviting.
Estella smirked a little as she licked her lips eagerly, running her hands along the wolf's pelt, rubbing Alex's ears and her back, a happy sound escaping her lips as she watched her present herself. fuck it was so good, so arousing to watch Alex drop her chest and raise her furry little ass. "oh god this is hot." Estella growled gripping her cock tightly and rubbing her head against Alex's tight, tight little cunt. she moaned happily as she slowly, so very slowly started sliding into the other, gasping and growling and groaning, shuddering and shivering, moaning eagerly as she slowly, slowly sank deeper and deeper into the tight, tight, tight hole that was Alex's cunt. "ooooh fuuuuuck it's soo tiiight...." she moaned, arching as she finally struck bottom, her balls pressing firmly against the others with with little gasps. "nnng fuuuuck yesssss." she moaned, shuddering and groaning as she paused to catch her breath.

"you alright?" she asked hesitantly, and only when she had an affirmation did she start to move, gripping furry hips tightly as she started to move, in and out, slowly at first before moving faster, gasping and groaning, her head tipped back as she worked Alex's tight little cunt like the master she was. "oooh goood, Alex you feel so good... i'm going to cum... i'm going to cum deep inside of your tight little wolf cunt." she moaned, gasping as she moved faster and spilled deep, deep inside of her. "fuuuuck yeeesssss." she growled, shuddering and shivering before smiling as she slowly pulled out, panting in delight. "mmmg, fuck yeah that was wonderful." she growled happily smirking at Alex, watching the hot, white seed dripping out of the tight wolf cunt. "..mmm, shall we take a nap?" she asked with a grin. "i enjoyed that oh so very much." she admitted with a yawn. "but i'm tired now... those damn Mer... sucked out all of my Stamina..." she complained, shaking her head.
Alex whimpered a bit when Estella finished but went with it. She had just fucked twice,and while she did have much more energy than Any other human while in this form, she knew that Estella would have to relax and rest after a hot session. Growling she jumped up on the bed lying down next to Estella curling up an closing her eyes, only waking up a little later hearing kids outside the room. It was hidden and she knew it was "locked" but it still bugged her to hear people there. Looking at her nude body she sighed and grabbed her robe casting a quick spell to see outside the doorway without revealing where it was or who was inside the room. It was just the Slytherin Quidditch team about to go out and she sighed. It was a Game against Ravenclaw and it gave Alex little reason to go watch the game like the rest of the school, plus she would root for the wrong team anyway. One thing Alex had learned was, regardless of who you were, unless you were slytherin you rooted for the other team. But Alex would have probably rooted for Slytherin even before rooting for Hufflepuff.

Heading back to bed she dropped her robe to the floor again and curled up under the covers kissing Estella. "there is a quidditch game outside, Were you planning to see it?" She asked not caring one way or another. If her love wanted to watch her house play Alex would join her like the god pet she was, and if Estella deemed quiditch unworthy of her presence, Alex had no intention to encourage her to go. Though she would admit that their relationship was growing dull, Sleeping together, making out, fucking. It was hot, steamy and exciting, but at the same time it had become routine. She didn't need something gone but she wanted something new. Something to be public without announcing the lesbian relationship. Sure kids knew they were a couple. But that wasn't the issue. It was the fact that So far Estella and Alex's biggest part was the sex. She needed something more, like dates, or just acting like a couple in public., while still not making a big deal about it.
Estella smiled as she watched the other curl up on the bed ad she joined her lover on the bed with a yawn, groaning as she heard the kids outside, her eyes fluttering as she tried to stay asleep. "the game?" she asked, sitting upright. "shit! we're missing it!" she complained, leaping to her feet. Estella didn't play, hell she didn't even get on a broom, she was rather terrified of the things, but she liked to see the bloody violence as the Beaters cheated, the Seekers slammed into each other, and the chasers hit other players in the nose with the Quaffel. over the years, the game of Quidditch had gotten as violent as the muggle sport Hockey. "hurry and get dressed! shit i can't beleive i forgot the first game was today! we have a new beater, McKinley. he's supposed to be as vicious as the bludgers he's beating!" she admitted with a grin as she ran a brush through her hair, quickly getting dressed, catching Alex by the front of the girls shirt suddenly, and kissing her deeply. "your rooting for Slytherin of course." she teased, smirking. "i'd hate to have to punish you for rooting for the wrong team." she teased with a laugh.

she quickly urged Alex into clothes, and then grabbed the other woman's hand, checking to make sure the Collar was still in place and not rubbing anywhere before grabbing Alex's hand and dragging the girl into the Slytherin Bleachers. there was a spot saved for the both of them right in the front so that no one would get in Estella's view. she tended to shove people down stairs if someone blocked her view of the game. she held Alex's hand as she sat down, grinning wickedly as her eyes scanned the field and explained how Hogwarts rules varied from professional rules and hollered with the rest of the Slytherin's as their team members where introduced. "playing against Ravenclaw is a good way to start the season. their a nice challenge, i wish we could be playing those Damn Lions though... there's always so much more violence." she admitted with a sadistic little smirk as she watched the Game start, a beater already clubbing another player upside the head. "YEAH! that's it! Beat those birds BLOODY!" Estella demanded before pausing, glancing at her lover. "well... so long as they don't beat you up." she decided, her eyes glimmering with excitement.
Alex's eyes widened. It truly was a vicious sport. At her old school no one played Quidditch, it was always muggle sports such as football or soccer. In fact the whole Idea of quidditch seemed quite fascinating, and Alex knew she was good on a broom. Originally she had not been interested in seeing the sport as watching muggle games was pretty dull to her, but this was pretty much brand knew. She knew of the game but never saw an actual match.
"I wanna play" She smiled gleaming form every wizard and witch flying around pummeling each other. Even with the valence it truly was exciting.

She spotted a Slytheirn circle a raveclaw and then hip check him off the broom as he went flying to the ground. She winced and gave a sigh when she saw him get and brush himself off calling his broom to get back in the game.
"Looks like the Jocks are pretty tough." She laughed and then bit her lip. She could handle that, after all she had taken some pretty heavy falls for being what she was. The wolf side of her could handle it, not mention a higher pain tolerance and a shortened heal time.
"I'm Gonna sign up for my House's team." She paused and looked at her Mistress "Do you have a problem with Your girlfriend playing for the wrong team?" She asked in a joking manner. This was one thing Estella would not be able to stop her from doing, Quidditch had already captured her heart.
Estella laughed as she watched someone get tossed into a wall and she grimaced at Alex's statement. "...Alex..." she looked worried, and heartbroken and she bit her lip. "i'm sorry but.. there's... in the rules...your... you have an unfair advantage..." she explained softly. "i'm so sorry but... since the teachers know.. about you. you won't be allowed to play on the house team..." she admitted, looking troubled as she set a hand on hers. "i'm so sorry... i can talk tot he teachers, see if they can't bend the rules but..." she shook her head. "i don't see you being able to play in the matches... you can play for fun of course, no one can, or will stop you from doing that, but i don't know if i'll be able to convince them to let you play for your team." she admitted, looking rather upset about that. "come on... we'll go talk to the teachers now, ok?" she offered, her heart hurting at the thought that Alex wouldn't be able to play just because she'd been bitten by some bastard.

she went and spoke to each head of house, and the headmistress, all of them saying the same thing, and by the time Estella and Alex left the headmistresses office, Estella had a truly furious look in her eyes. "it's not fair!" she snarled, sounding more like a wolf than Alex did. "they won't hear the last of this! you are getting on that quidditch team if i have to sue the entire goddamn school!" with every 'no' they had received, no matter how nicely it was said, Estella had gotten more and more furious on her girlfriends behalf. their relationship was mostly sex, yes, but in that moment, as Estella ranted and raved about injustices and unfairness's, it was clear that Estella would face down an entire time of werewolf hunters by herself just to protect Alex. "i'm calling my lawyer!" she finally snarled, dragging Alex back out onto the quidditch field to watch the rest of the game. in a pretty sour mood now that she knew she was going to have to fight for Alex's rights.
Alex didn't even let Estella bring her all the way to the field before pushing her mistress against the wall and placing a kiss on her. Sure Estella was furious due to the rules of having an unfair advantage, much like muggle athletes were not allowed to use drugs to help better their performance. But she would be damned if she would at not least try to her best to calm the woman down. Sighing Alex placed her head on Estella's chest hearing her heartbeat and the breaths she was taking. "Calm down. I know its unfair but I would rather not play than the school finding out I'm a werewolf. We can work it out later, But i want to finish watching the game okay?" She placed one more kiss on her girlfriend before the two of them finally went back to the pitch.

As the Snitch was caught Alex needed a bit of a refresher coarse on how the scoring went. She understood that the snitch was worth so much and that the game ended when it had been caught. Slytherin had lost but only by a few points because of the extra one hundred and fifty the snitch was worth. So in Alex's mind they were the actual winners.

As she headed back to the room she sighed wondering what she could do to play Quidditch, never had a magical custom grabbed her attention like Quidditch and now she couldn't even participate in it. A few tears in he eyes frustrated form being curse like this. However with the knowledge that Estella could join her at any minute she wiped them away. Even if she couldn't have fun playing quidditch she knew Estela would make her feel better anyway.
Estella gasped as she was suddenly shoved against a wall, but let the kiss calm her, her body relaxing under Alex's sighing a little. "sorry..." she muttered softly, blinking at Alex. "i just... it's not fair..." she admitted, cupping Alex's face with her hand, more gentle than she'd ever been. "i wish life could be better for you..." she admitted softly before heading back up to the stands and letting the rest of the game calm her even more. she was sour when it turned out that Ravenclaw one, and grumbled about the game as she went to the bathroom, letting Alex go to the rooms. she walked in jut in time to see Alex wipe away the tear and she sighed a little, setting a hand on her shoulder. "i'm sorry Alex." she muttered softly, pulling her into a tight hug. "i'm sorry that life has dealt you this hand..." she muttered softly. "i wish i could make life better for you." she admitted, nuzzling the back of the other woman's neck before raising Alex's hand and giving it a kiss as well.

"you know... the Slytherins practice all the time, but they never have anyone to practice against... if you like, i can get you a spot on the team. you won't be able to play the games against the other teams, but you can play against the Slytherins." she promised, smiling. "i think if they had someone like you to help them, we'd never lose again..." it wasn't like playing a real game, but it was the closest that Estella could promise without revealing to the world that Alex was a werewolf.
Alex gave Estella a playful shrug "Aren't your worried i'd beat them so hard they would never want to play again?" She asked with a giggle. Really Alex wasn't caring about Quidditch anymore. Instead she planned to look into the library. She heard of legends of people finding cues for Lycanthropy. Sure they were legends and none were proven true, but if anyone would have success, Hogwarts library would have a book on it right?
"Listen, I actually have loads of homework right now, so We can meet later in the room."
Really Alex was just planning to find a cure, or clues on a cure if nothing else. The homework would do itself due to the trick pens she had and such.

"Nothing?" Alex said sending another book back to the shelf. "Not even a mention of a possible cure."
"you sure seem into werewolves" Alex heard a voice of a male and looked over to see a Griffindor male. "I like them too. They are so mysterious, able to blend into the world of the humans. Such feral beasts hidden so well." Bushing his glasses u his nose he smiled "Kyle Adams" He said holding out his hand
"Alexandra Mil- OW" She yelped pulling her hand from his feeling his ring singe her hand.
"Pure silver" He smirked flashing the ring "So, Estella's bitch is the wolf i saw last night by the lake. Then a fun game with the merfolk. Jump right into my school and stir up trouble you damn yank. And now I know your feared secret. So Why is Estella keeping quiet? What are you offering. I want to know so I can set my deal to keep my mouth shut."

Alex narrowed her eyes angrily but she was cornered, but everyone was a afraid of Estella weren't they.
"Keep quiet and I won't sick an angered Estella on you."
Kyle just laughed. "While it is true most people are afraid of her, I am not." He looked at the door then back to Alex. "I know of a cure. But you will have to do two things to get it form me. First off, Break Estella's heart, Crush it. Make her cry, but you cannot tell her why." He paused watching Alex expression which please him "Secondly, you have to be my little bitch, not just until you are cured. until you graduate. Do this and I will get you the cure."
The deal sucked, Alex loved Estella, truly did, but was she willing to destroy all that just to be human again. This was going to be a tough decision.
"I'll be nice. You have a week. This time next week i want my answer. If Estella is not crushed by this time next week Consider yourself a lycan forever. And possibly known to the entire school."
Estella laughed brightly. "if you can crush them that hard than all the power to you!" she growled happily. "it'll teach them their place!" she admitted with a laugh as she shook her head. "alright, i have a paper i have to write too. i'll see you later then." she promised kissing her. "you know... i was a little worried." she admitted, smiling at Alex. "i wasn't sure i knew how to be a good girlfriend... i've never had feelings for someone... but it's so easy to be nice to you." she admitted with a smile. "i love you, you know?" she asked with a smile. "and i'll do everything i can to make your life better." she promised, kissing her deeply. she herself never once thought about curing Alex, it was one of the things she loved the most about Alex. she was different, and strong, and brave, being a werewolf was a part of who Alex was. Estella never wanted to make Alex feel like she had to change, not even the Lycanthropy.

by the time Alex made it back tot he rooms, Estella was asleep, and looking rather adorable too. she'd fallen asleep working on the essay, laid out on the bed, her face pressed against her book, her hand still holding the quill as she slept on her belly with a pillow under her chest, which she often used to support herself while she read or wrote in bed. she looked almost innocent laying on the bed like that... how could Alex break her heart? "mmm Alex? 's'at you?" she asked sluggishly, sleepy as she lifted her head and rubbed her eyes. "...oh crap.. i fell asleep on my essay!" the essay must have been wet, because she now had ink all over her face. "dammit. now i have to take a shower and rewrite my essay!" he whined, shaking his head a little. "
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