Transfer America (HP RP with Gashnaw)

Alex rolled her eyes at the women and gave a heavy sigh. Was she really going to Crush Estella. If Kyle did have a cure, she wanted it, she needed it. She hated being a lycan, but at the same time she loved Estella and Estella accepted her lycanthropy. The best part however would be Kyle keeping his mouth shut.
"You're such a nut" She laughed waving her wand cleaning the ink off her girlfriend's face and picked up the book laying them on the desk, and then stripped down climbing into bed.

Kissing Estella she smiled. "I love you, you know that right. I want you to own me. I want to be yours." Alex was hoping Estella would take the relationship a bit further and put a full claim on he. Literally own Alex, just something so Alex could not leave the woman even if she wanted. Kyle seemed serious and she didn't know anyone or how serious they could be aside from Estella. "I need to know that I am the most important thing to you and you will stop at nothing to prove that."

The questions alone seemed awkward, and Alex's voice was quite timid given the context. She seemed somewhat worried. "I belong to you right?"
Estella smiled a little as she was cleaned up. "i am not... i'm insane, there's a difference." she chirped happily. "did you finish your homework? need help with anything?" she asked, all too happy to help her lover with her homework. she looked startled at the other, her head tilted. "i thought you where mine." she admitted, looking a little baffled before she leaned down and kissed Alex deeply. "Alex... what's gotten into you?" she asked, looking a little worried about the other before pulling her into a tight hug. "i love you more than i've ever loved anyone in my entire life... i love you even more than i love myself!" she admitted, smiling at her. "you will always be mine." she promised, stroking the other woman's face gently. "always mine, forever, and i'll kill to keep you safe. i'll rape, murder, threaten, torture... anything i have to to keep you safe, and keep you mine." she promised, pulling her into another kiss.

"and i'll prove it." she murmured happily, pulling out her wand. "now don't move, this is going to sting a little." she warned turning Alex onto her Belly with a smirk as she pressed her wand onto the other woman's back. there was a strange tingling sensation and then it turned to pain, before it faded away. "there. here, look." Estella conjured a mirror and held it so that Alex could see. in fancy, but perfectly legible letters Estella's Bitch was now stamped across Alex's lower back in a fancy but effective Tramp Stamp. underneath it was the white Snake that was Estella's calling card. "now the world knows who you belong to, and only i can remove that mark." Estella admitted with a smug little smirk as she examined the mark. "your mine now, forever. and the world knows it." she chirped happily, swooping down and kissing her lover again, deeply before a smirk lifted her lips. "and i think, it's time for me to share one of my secretes." she purred her tongue flicking out, but it wasn't a human tongue. it was long, thin, and forked. and right before Alex's eyes, Estella turned into a ten plus foot long, pure white snake with eyes as black as coal. she was gorgeous, if you could forget the fact that she could swallow Alex whole and still be hungry afterwords.
Alex's eyes widened in both horror and fascination when . If it had not been for Estella being her girlfriend Alex would have ran like crazy, however she trust Estella and knew the woman Could not do something that could put Alex in danger.
"You're an Animagus." Alex smiled rubbing her hand along the scales of the snake. "I love snakes. Maybe i should have been a slytherin. I guess its myself being muggle-born that got me huflepuff. I would have been better suited living with you."

She allowed Estella to coil around her before speaking. She had made her decision. She would not give in to Kyle. Instead she would let Estella deal with him for her. After all she would actually make love to Estella where as sex with Kyle would just be sex, and being his slave would suck since se doubted he would finish her off once he was done.
"You know Kyle Adams?" She said knowing Estella may not. Everyone seemed to know Estella but she didn;t know how many name Estella kept in her head. "He knows I'm a werewolf."
Estella flicked her tongue at Alex, winding herself around her lover as if giving her a tight little hug, nudging her head under the other woman's chin, not able to speak in her animagus form, but she was working on a new technique of being able to transform just parts of her into Animagus form... so far. she could make scales crawl down her inner thighs, but that was about it. it was very difficult, and often times she screwed up and had to go to Madam Pomfry to get rid of the scales, and once the tail that had sprouted off her tail bone. she tilted her head when she mentioned Kyle Adams, struggling to place the name and a face together before she exploded back into her human form. "he WHAT!?" she asked, shocked, her eyes wide. "oh that's not good! i'll have to do something to make sure he doesn't talk." she growled, pacing back and forth, her eyes narrowed. "lets se... lets see.... no rape won't do. i don't like me... i can't murder him... no no..." she paused and smirked suddenly. "but i can practice a few new spells on him." she mused. "and if it's the same Kyle i think it is... i have my own black mail on him." she growled happily before looking at Alex.

"this is why you where acting strangely... he threatened you didn't he?... he's trying to blackmail you... what does he want?" she asked, looking worried. "Alex... what does he want from you?" she demanded, her tone more firm, demanding an answer as she moved over to her lover, running her fingers through Alex's hair, gripping the hair tightly, forcing the girls head back so Estella's black eyes met Alex's prettier ones. "...Alex. i need to know what he wants from you, so i can properly punish him." she ordered. "no matter what it is, i promise, it won't be you i'm angry with." she promised, her eyes studying her lovers. "tell me."
"He wants me to crush your heart" Alex said quickly suddenly frightened by Estella's advances "He wants me to make you cry and then become his slave." She said as Estella release her head. "If i do that he will actually give me a cure for my lycanthropy." She said calmly... oh and I wasn't suppose to tell you about it." She smirked. "So I guess that deal is off the table."

Of coarse Kyle didn't know Alex just told Estella everything and she figured maybe they two could possibly pretend to break up, not give Kyle his jollies as instead Estella could "Break" Alex's heart. Give him a sniveling sobbing crying brat to deal with as his slave. See how he dealed with it.
"We could mess with him. Pretend to break up with me. After all you breaking up with me is out of my control. Maybe even find us together after breaking up. Grow angry that i found someone else so quickly." Alex suggested "Make him never want to date me or even approach me again."
Estella looked rather shocked before she lifted an eyebrow. "...he wants you to break my heart and for you to be his sex slave?" she sounded just as amazed, as she was furious, and she gently stroked the hair she had been gripping, relieving any pain that might have been caused. "yes. we could enjoy this." she admitted with a smirk, tipping her lovers head up, looking amused. "your as devious as i am my love." she teased with a laugh. "very well, tomorrow, i shall lay a depression charm on you." the opposite of the cheering charm, the depression charm sent a person into a state of dismay and sadness, they cried at the drop of a hat, and unlike the cheering charm, the depression charm didn't wear off after a while. it stayed until either the counter curse was placed, or a cheering charm was forced upon the person. "but we will still have to make sure he never speaks about you being a werewolf..." her eyes narrowed.

"i'm more curious about this cure that he claims to have... i've researched it a little bit, Lycanthropy for a paper... there's no documented cures. and trust me, if someone ha a cure, it would be all over the place in an instant. he's either lying, or it's a trick of some sort. a Wolfsbane potion or some such silly thing." she was pacing again. "i have to find out where he's keeping his so called cure." she mused before looking at Alex. " you not want to be a Lycan?" she asked softly. "i'm sorry Alex, i didn't know... i never would have asked for you to shift for me if i thought it was hurting you." she promised, stroking the others hair gently. worried that their furry fun the other night had hurt Alex's feelings in some way.
"No its not that" Alex said calmly "I mean i guess being a werewolf is part of who I am, but I dunno. I guess I would like to be human again. Just human." And then she quickly covered her mouth worried that Estella may have clued in to her reveling that she was actually weighing breaking up with Estella as an option. She knew Estella was perfectly fine with her little pet being a wolf, in fact she knew Estella loved the exotic benefits of it, but at the same time, Alex wanted to be human again.

"If he has a potion i may be able to get it. But he said he didn't have it at school he would have to order it. It might be a secret recipe or something." She said calmly and took a step forward pressing herself against her lover's body rubbing the shaft a bit with her hand. "Can we just have some fun for now. At least get a bit more in before we are both deprived for a bit. Alex knew that Estella could and probably would get herself off a bit, but right now Alex was horny and even though she could have a dancing dildo, she preferred Estella's cock stuffing her tight cunt.
she smiled a little before a strange look entered her eyes, lookign just a little hurt that Alex had considered stomping on her heart... but she could understand a little. after all... didn't she sometimes wish she could be a normal woman? "i understand." she admitted with a smile, stroking her lovers hair, pulling her in for a kiss. "i'll do everything i can to help you, even if i have to spend every penny i own on hiring the very best Potions masters to formulate a cure." she promised softly, smiling at her. "or we'll beat it out of Kyle." she purred. "i DO so enjoy that idea." she admitted with a small chuckle as she kissed her lover again. "i want you to ride me." she ordered, her eyes dark with lust. "i want you to work for your pleasure today, as punishment for thinking about leaving me." she growled. her tone was playful, but it was clear the comment had still hurt. even so, Estella wasn't angry with Alex, and was slowly unbuttoning the girl's shirt, a smirk on her lips. "and then, as further punishment, i'm going to tie you up and leave toys in you for a few hours, just to see how many times i can make you cum... and maybe we'll finish off with a nice spanking. how does that sound?" she asked, her eyes glittering with wicked amusement.
Alex gave a coy smirk and shook her head "I'm thinking you should start stripping faster." She laughed and pushed Estella onto the bed quickly working at her lover's pants. She gave her a kiss and then stroked Estella's cock a few times making sure it was stiff enough. Alex was already soaked from this and her own panties had not even come off yet. She quickly picked up her wand casting the spell which basically made her clothes melt off her. She loved using that spell, it was so easy and made fucking so much quicker to get to. Still stroking the cock she smiled and placed herself overtop of Estella and slowly lowered herself down upon the woman feeling the thick throbbing member spread her lips apart as she slowly guided it inside her.

"This isn't really a punishment, i am getting off from it after all. I am willing to put in some effort." She laughed as she slowly worked up a pace of bouncing on top of Estella. "so just relax, you spoil me enough anyway. I want to make your feel good."
Really Alex didn't mind when Estella was rough with her, she liked being "manhandled" Estella took her virginity and violate both of her remaining holes.
"This is actually kind of exhausting." She whined a bit. "Are you at least feeling good?"
Estella had to laugh at her lovers bossyness but didn't speed up. she made Alex do it, because it was more amusing to her that way. she moaned happily as her cock was stroked, a smirk on her lips. "mmm you know so many interesting spells my dear... makes me wonder where you learned them." she teased with a laugh, groaning happily as she felt that tight, tight cunt wrapping tightly around her cock. "yesss. that's it. mmm fuuuck yessss." she growled happily. "that's it, ride my dick." she moaned happily, thrusting up into the other, smirking a little. "no, this isn't for punishment. just my own personal satisfaction." she admitted with a small chuckle as she watched Alex's breasts bouncing as she rode the cock like a pro. "and i haven't really spoiled you yet, just wait until i emancipate myself from my family and start opening my businesses." she admitted with a wicked grin. "then you'll REALLY be spoiled. the best of everything, all the dates we can handle, all the coolest new sex toys." she teased, thrusting her hips in time with Alex's movements. "mmm your cunt always feels so amazing." she moaned happily. "no matter how often we do this, it always feels as tight as the first time." she moaned happily. "your just so amazing."
"I'm not perfectly innocent" Alex laughed when Estella mentioned the spells. He cousins had given her a sex book as prank joke years ago. She still learned the spells in it though. Originally she had not planned on them ever being of use, but sure enough here they were, being able to strip herself and if she ever decided to she could strip Estella all the same. Along with keeping herself tight as ever. There was one that would repair her hymen but she really did not want to feel that every time they made love, not to mention that if she could it may lead to Estella wondering if she really was a virgin when they first fucked. Not that she though Estella would care to much, but she still felt Estella wanted to be certain that she had taken Alex's virginity and would not give her an ounce of doubt. Along wit the sex book she had found on in the library which she studied as well.

"I'm amazing?" She asked as she worker her pace faster. "You're amazing. I never thought i could find someone who would love me, and then the curse made things harder, but you have shown me i don't have to care about that anymore. I love you." She said and leaned down kissing Estella. "I really love you, i don't know why i even considered playing my Kyle's rules. Let him tell the school, it doesn't matter, I'm all yours." And just as she finished her sentence se came hard.
she snickered a little and shook her head. "well, i want to learn these spells. the ability to melt clothes off of people has great blackmail opportunities." she admitted with a smirk as she listened to Alex go on about how amazing she was, preening under the attention. you wouldn't think that someone like Estella would need to hear that she was amazing, but really, she only acted like she had enough self confidence to fill the entire school and drown everything inside. living with the family she lived with... well, she didn't get a lot of praise, not for anything. "i love you too, and i know why you contemplated his offer. we all think about being normal, us freaks of nature." she teased, smiling at Alex. "there where times i wished i could be a normal girl, not have to hide... even if it meant letting my family win." she admitted with a grin. "yours is harder though." she admitted. "and i'll do everything i can, either by finding a cure, or by changing those laws. whichever you prefer..." she purred happily with a smile as she arched, flooding Alex's tight little cunt with her cum, groaning happily. "fuck yesss, that always feels so good." she growled happily. "i don't feel like punishing you." she admitted with a smirk. "instead, i want you to tell me your most depraved fantasy so i can do it to you."
"You have already made it happen" Alex smirked kissing Estella's neck resting on top of her. "I know that sounds lame but really i don't have a fantasy. Except being with you and well, we did just fuck." She laughed. It felt weird to hear herself cuss. Sure she had been swearing but it was usually in the heat of the moment, but now that the moment was gone, it just felt weird. "I guess if I need a fantasy, it is making that jerk squirm. See him on the floor begging for mercy. I mean-" She cut herself off lost in thought for a moment and then smirked. "I could bite him. Then he would have to get the cure."
she chuckled a little and smiled at Alex, pulling her in for a deep, deep kiss before snickering a little. "it is a little lame." she admitted with a chuckle. "but that's alright, i have enough fantasies for the both of us." she promised simply before hissing in fury. "NO!" she nearly threw Alex onto the bed, hovering over her. "you must NEVER bite someone! here in London that's an AUTOMATIC Death sentence!" she hissed. "and we already know that Alex won't keep his mouth shut! you WILL NOT bite him!" she hissed, her eyes flashing before sighing a little. "but we can make him beg." she promised, smirking at her. "we can make him beg, that is for certain." she promised. "we will torment him... brand him... perhaps i will color him, and give him to you as a present." she teased with a small chuckle. "there are spells that can strip a persons will. illegal, but mostly untraceable." she admitted simply. "or, i could bite him. my Snake's Venom isn't deadly, but it's very, very painful." she admitted with a grin. "it fills a person with agony, and can cause a great deal of nerve damage." she admitted, studying her lover. "i love you too much to lose you over some dick."
Alex yelped when she was flipped onto her back, but smiled after a couple seconds. "I didn't know it was a death sentence. I Guess its just different here than America." She said calmly. "I mean its not like we can track down wolves in the U.S" She added and kissed Estella again. "And You won't lose me to some dick. Besides its not like you won me with one" She said rubbing Estella member. "But it helped originally."

Alex may have been a little bitter. She really did want to make Kyle feel they way she did. Having to hide who he really was, stay hidden during a full moon, and experience the first changing ever as one of the most painful things in the world as the bones shifted into place. The first few changes hurt her, a lot, but eventually it numbed. It still was a little annoying changing on a full moon, but not as much as it originally had, even if the moon itself looked like a ring of fire on those nights.

"I'm hungry." Alex chirped her attitude changing from disappointment from not being allowed to bite Kyle. She then sniffed the air and added "It's a good thing we are the only ones who use this room, it smells like sex."
she nodded. "it is a death sentence... it's not in America?" she asked, astonished. "i've heard that werewolves and vampires have a lot more freedom there... maybe after graduation, we'll both move to America?" she offered, smiling at her. "or.. wait your parents are here aren't they?" she asked, biting her lip. "well, we could apparate in all the time to see them. international transportation has really gotten a lot easier." she admitted with a nod before smirking as her cock was stroked. "i was talking about his personality love." she teased with a small chuckle, shaking her head a little. "it's a shame we can't just make him a werewolf anyway. he deserves to suffer like..." she paused and then narrowed her eyes a little. "... i have an idea." she admitted with a lick of her lips. "let's go get something from the kitchens, and then go to the library really fast. there's a spell i read about, about a year ago that i have to look up."
Alex Gleamed when Estella paused figuring she would have let Alex bite him, even with the penalty but sulked a bit when she learned of the actually reason, even if it wasn't horrible she still wished her initial thought had been right. Of coarse Alex could have bitten him if she wanted Estella didn't control her free will, but Alex was on to obey, she had been forbidden to do so and would abide by those rules.
"Its still punished, just not as severely." She said calmly. "But at the same time American werewolf attacks are seldom heard of. Last known report was my own. Muggles have even less."

As they headed to the kitchen she quickly grabbed a large meal. Her appetite was always large. She tried her best to control it but unless she satisfied her craving she would wolf out from hunger.
Estella nodded a little. "that's amazing really. there are werewolf attacks here all the time... but then, our werewolves can't control or contain themselves. it's more of a curse than anything else... yours is more of a mild inconvenience." she admitted, shaking her head. "our werewolves don't keep their minds." she admitted, blinking at the other woman. "if you don't mind me asking... if werewolf attacks in America is so rare... how is it that you where bitten against your will?" she asked, looking a little baffled as she grabbed her own meal, clicking her tongue as Alex piled her plate. "clearly you need to start eating more." she complained. "you act as if your starving yourself at this rate! i'm going to put a refrigerator in our room and your going to eat anytime you get hungry." she ordered simply, biting into an apple happily. she herself had a normal appetite, but she figured Alex had more than one body to feed. a human, and a wolfs. "your not to go any sort of hungry while your in my possession, understood?" she demanded, looking almost playful as she chewed on her apple, pondering something in the back of her mind.
"They are rare, not unheard of. Its not like we know of every werewolf and such, they can still attack." In truth Alex knew who had bitten her but she never told anyone, he even apologized and she did forgive him, however also told him to get lost. She wasn't going to tell Estella that her ex was the one who infected her. Nor was she going to till her family mainly due to if her cousin found out who had done so, her Ex would be found dead, if found at all.

"I'm not starving myself, I am a wolf after all, its not like i will have a small appetite, I need to fill myself, otherwise hunger will take over and i may lose myself." She laughed. That was another reason she ate so much. One of the main reason lycans lost their mind was because they didn't change their eating habbits. Most would still eat like before andtheir hunger would get the better of them. Of coarse that wasn't true for all, some could handle not eating more while others would go nuts even if stuffed to the gills.

As they headed back to the room Alex scarfed down her food quickly. Her cousin made a joke once about how she tended to "Wolf" down her food which only got him a response of her growling at him making him jump back. It was one of her proud moments as he use to bug her all the time, being small for her age. In Fat Alex was small all the time, her breast smaller than what she felt they should have been. Even developing thirteen year olds had tendencies to dwarf her in some areas. Her mother however was quite lucky in the gene pool when it came to breasts. She was huge and Alex hoped that one day hers would inflate to the same size. Though now, With Estella being the one she was dating, Smaller breasts were useful, it allowed them to be closer to each other.

"So what are we going to do about Kyle?" She asked reminding Estella they were going to go to the library after eating.
she pondered that and then nodded a little. "so it's someone you know and your protecting." she mused, amused. "that's alright. if it's someone you care about, i won't press for answers." she promised. "we'll chalk it up to 'it was an accident' and worry about it no more." she promised, her head tilted at her lover. "i didn't know that." she admitted at the explanation of food. "well, i'm still installing a fridge, it's annoying having to come to the kitchen every time we need food." she admitted with a shake of her head. "i'm not entirely certain what we're doing to him yet. give me a moment." Estella ordered simply as she started working through the bookshelves to find the spell she was looking for. Estella being who she was, was looking in the restricted section of course. "ah here it is!" she chirped, motioning for Alex to move closer.

"this is a spell that can condense memories." she explained. "and if you mix this spell, with this sensory input spell, then we can make Kyle feel, and experience every single painful, and fearful memory you had, associated with being a werewolf. you'll have to be careful to leave out the memory of being bitten, and anything too personal. but through this, we can make him go through the agony of your transformations, the terror of someone finding out that your what you are." she smiled at Alex, her eyes gleaming darkly. "he can feel the heartbreak... all we have to do, is make him drink the memories. he'll fall asleep and experience everything as if he was walking through it right then and there. and once he's finished. i'll be doing a little revenge of my own." she admitted with a wicked little smirk. "so we still have to get close to him." she admitted. "have you ever used a pensive?"
Alex simply shrugged "Well do as you please, But i don't mind wandering the castle, it does get stuffy in the room." She said as she finished the food and licked the plate clean catching the look of a few younger students who she glare and growled. Sure she shouldn't have done that but she hated when people stared and would rather scare them off than let them continue. "I'm not wolfed out am I?" She asked quickly making sure she was still completely human, last thing she needed was to scare kids while transformed.

"A what?" Alex asked confused. She never heard the word before. "I am not sure what that is." She explained "So, i assume not." Still use wondered how she was suppose to extract her memories and give it to Kyle. "To give him the memories... are you wanting to still pretend to break up so he and I can get close? He does scare me a bit. He outright said wanted to enslave me. He'd probably try raping me too." She thought for a moment and then smirked. "Actually we do have a device to prevent that."
Estella chuckled a little and nodded. "it does get stuffy in there." she agreed, smiling a little as she finished off her Apple. "and no, your not Wolfed out, their just amazed that a tiny skinny girl like you can pack away so much food." she teased with a grin as she looked at Alex. "your so lucky. you can eat whatever you want and never gain a pound... i ate a cupcake last week and gained two!" she whined, sulking as she grinned a little. "a Penseive is a basin, where we store, and view our memories. i have one in the room we can work on. and we'll break up tomorrow night to make sure that we have the proper memories." she admitted catching her face in her hands, gentle. "and if it comes down to it Alex... if you have to sleep with him, do it. i would rather you be unfaithful for a time, then to have you hurt and raped." she admitted softly, kissing Alex deeply, uncaring if someone might come along and find them. "he can't enslave you in any manner that i can't break." she promised, stroking her lovers hair. "and i will always love you." she promised. "and if we do it correctly, he'll drink the memories before he even has a chance to do anything to you." she muttered, stroking her hair. "we'll make you act drunk after we break up... give you a half empty bottle of firewhisky... you just have to make sure he drinks it." she smirked a little as she kissed the others forehead. "sound alright to you?"
Alex nodded a few tears already working into he eyes. she didn't want to have to break up even if just for a bit. "Oh, I wrote a letter to the headmaster. Wondering if the school can bend the rules for me. Let me play quidditch. Its my first year and its not like I am more powerful while human. So long as I take wolf's bane before each game i can play just like everyone else, I'm sure."
That part was true, however making wolf's bane was not an easy task. Alex had a recipe but the ingredients weren't something you could gather at your local market. She could have ordered some but that too was expensive, Luckily her nose however could sniff out the ingredients if they ever needed to fetch some. Of coarse her nose could only find it while she was a wolf, so Estella would have to come with her to gather them.

"So what memories exactly should I give him? My first change when all my bones shifted for the first time." She paused and then asked "Wait, I will keep them right. I mean my fist change is special even if it was horrifying. It reminds me that I am tough regardless of how I look."
she smiled a little and wiped the tears away gently. "i think your right." she agreed, already thinking about the ingredients they would need. Estella was certain she could make the potions, and money wasn't much of an issue with Estella, she could easily make the potions. "you should give him the terror you felt when you first learned that you where a werewolf. the first times you changed, the panic you felt anytime someone almost caught you 'furry'..." she smiled a little. "and yes you'll keep them. there's a specific spell we'll use to make copies, instead of putting the whole memory in." she promised smiling a little. "and i'll tell the Headmaster that i'll make your potions myself, i don't trust anyone else to do it." she admitted with a nod. "come along, lets head back to the rooms." she ordered happily, leading the way back to their rooms where Estella ran Alex through, very carefully every memory copy and placement into the Penseive. once they where in the basin, Estella cast a few more spells, and with Alex's permission, tested it herself, sticking her head in, and when she came out there where tears rolling down her cheeks and she was shuddering from remnant physical pain. "it works... it works perfectly." she panted, smiling at Alex. "i'm kind of glad i could share that with you..."
"I wished you Hadn't" Alex said hugging Estella "i took the worst pain i ever experienced, and put into that memory, and then you experienced it as well. Sure you may have an Idea of what i went through but you shouldn't have to. Only Kyle should" Alex said angrily. "I plan to make him pay"

In truth Alex knew Estella did that as a test to see if it worked and by doing so learned slightly what it was like for Alex. The pain she went through, the fear, betrayal and sorrow, all leading up to who she had become now. She tried her best to hide who had bitten her but there was a chance she left that in. Not that it mattered, no one would know who he was.
"Mistress" Alex said, it seemed like forever since she last said those words. "I am having second thoughts. Do we really need to do this? I mean i know we have to make sure he experiences my pain and stays quiet, but what if by doing this we make him angrier? Plus he doesn't seem stupid, what if the blackmail doesn't go public. After all it goes public and he looses all leverage. He needs it to be kept quiet in order to control me."
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