Transfer America (HP RP with Gashnaw)

she smiled a little and leaned into her lover. "and don't worry, i looked very carefully. the memory of you first getting bitten is in there, but you don't let us see any faces, not even the wolfy face." she promised, kissing her gently. "and we should do this." she assured her lover. "we can't let him push you around, not without giving him a taste of his own medicine." she stated simply, sniffing a little. "and if we have to. we'll expose you as a werewolf ourselves and start a motion to protect werewolf rights and make you a figure head." she admitted with a nod. "or, i'll simply erase his memory so badly he goes to Saint Mungoes Mental ward for the rest of his life." she admitted with a nod. "i like that last option, i can even make it look like he was practicing Obliviating curses and accidentally erased all of his own memories." she admitted with a smirk. "what do you think of that?" she asked, looking delightfully wicked as she kissed her lover again. "it's your life Alex, and i will never, ever let anyone interfere with it."
Alex narrowed her eyes. Just seeing how Estella reacted to the memory she really didn't want to put anyone else through it, even if he deserved it. She was going to protest again but she had a feeling Estella would still insist on giving a Kyle a taste of his own medicine and decided to to keep fighting. Besides it was better than being his little sex slave. And if this plan didn't work Alex did have a few ideas f her own which would probably get the point in deeper than Estella's thoughts.

Regardless she did not want to deal with Kyle right now. Instead she pulled Estella on top of her as she leaned down onto the bed and kissed her e few times before speaking "That stupid plan is taking effect again. Can you help me out?"
Estella chuckled a little and shook her head a little as she kissed her back. "plan? what plan? i wasn't planning." Estella teased, smirking. "i was PLOTTING, there's a difference you know." she admitted as she wrapped her arms tightly around Alex and nibbled at her neck. "i love the way you taste you know." she admitted suddenly. "you taste... wild, like the forest." she admitted with a small sigh. "and you smell like it too." she smirked a little as she nuzzled the other. "maybe you'd like to go for a walk in the forbidden forest sometime? i'm on good terms with most of the creatures in there. the Centaur don't like me much, but the Giant Spiders like me, because i always bring them food." she admitted with a nod. "those are really the only two things that are actually dangerous. in there... at least during the daytime."
"Like the merfolk?" Alex asked remembering how Estella was explaining how she was friend's with the merfolk right up until hey were both dragged under water and violently raped. Sure it wasn't traumatizing and Alex would at least stay conscious next time to enjoy it, but it was still the whole fact that Estella was raped by her friends.
"I could just see your friendly spider wrapping you up in webs, they are probably into bondage" She laughed leaning into Estella's embrace. Slowly she took Estella's hand and placed it against her cunt. "I really need some release. Like desperately." She pleaded. "Cock, hand, mouth I don't care, your stupid plant has been driving me nuts."
Estella paused and then. "mmm, no not like the Merfolk... i have no idea what got into them. they aren't usually like that... i think maybe they where going through a breeding stage..." she admitted with a shake of her head. "we should be lucky their not Salt Water mer... they'd have laid eggs in us." she admitted with a small chuckle before licking her lips as Alex moved her hand, her fingers curling against the woman's cunt, stroking and teasing the flesh before sitting up, leaning down, and working her mouth against the woman's tight little cunt with an eager little sound. her tongue stroked, and rubbed, flicked, teased, and feasted on her lovers willing sex.
Alex too giggled when Estella suggested the egg laying part. It was quite intriguing to experience oviposition and so Alex thought for a second but her mind quickly pushed it away so she could focus on Estella teasing her pussy. A soft moan was heard though muffled from her shut mouth and her back arched slightly. She knew that Estella was quick to work and she was enjoying it though would not last long given the thoughts of what they would be doing soon. Alex hated the fact that by tie the night was over they would be unofficially broken up. Having to go be Kyle's pet, she hated the idea.

As Alex lay down to give Estella better access to her more personal areas she sighed and waved a wand and out form their bags a wooden dildo floated in the air and towards the two, which slowly morphed and grew skin making it look much more like a genuine penis. Alex gave a coy smile before flipping Estella onto her back. Giving a soft purr Alex kissed Estella passionately tasking her own juices on Estella's lips before she continued to tail kisses down her lover body, feeling the dildo slide into her dripping cunt just as she made it to Estella's member and flicked her tongue against the tip.
"I love you" She said as she took the cock into her mouth.
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