Transfer America (HP RP with Gashnaw)

Estella looked startled and then grimaced at Alex. "well... you.. weren't that much of a tease..." she protested weakly, fidgeting a little. "it's just... the pleasure... it scrambles my brains..." clearly this was her attempt at sharing the blame with Alex, so that Alex didn't feel so guilty. "do you really think she would!?" she asked, all excited again as she beamed at Alex. "i can wait for Christmas!" she admitted happily, clapping her hands together before pausing, her head tilted at the lack of money comment. "...well... i have a lot of money..." she admitted, blinking at her. "i'll pay for anything you and your family might need. i already like you more than i like my own damn family." she admitted with a small smile at Alex, her head tilted a little as she took Alex's hand. "oh... and, i fixed the protective spells... here." in her hands where two earrings, again, white snakes, and a silver necklace with a coiled White Snake pendant. "sorry, i'm kind of fixed on white snakes." she admitted with a grin. "take your pick, i'll take th one you don't want and then we'll match!" she chirped happily.

"oh! yes we HAVE to take you to the Candy store! it's GREAT! they have EVERYTHING! we have to visit the Three Broomsticks for lunch and butterbeer too! my treat of course." she chirped happily. "and i was thinking we could stop at the Wizarding Wheezes. the shop was opened by Fred and George Weasley..." at the girls confused look she explained the history of the two worst pranksters, an the vital part they played in keeping the ministry out of Hogwarts in the time of the Great War. explaining that they where a part of Hogwarts History that everyone in Hogwarts knew. "it's run by their great great grandchildren now." Estella admitted with a grin. "they where hell in school." she admitted, chuckling a little. "the Weasley's are one of the biggest families in Britain, and have spread all over the world. i personally think their trying to take over." she admitted with a small snicker as her hand curled around Alex's, holding her hand with a smile. "we'll go to the candy store first, my sweet tooth hoard is running low."
Alex was surprised that a couple of pranksters were part of Hogwarts history, maybe there was more to Hogwarts than she guessed. Maybe it wasn't all stuck up bullies. She never would have guess that someone who celebrated April fool's day ear round would have an impact on history.

When Estella presented the items Alex took the necklace. Her ears were not pierced as she never saw a use for it, when she was younger she had been a bit of a tomboy and kinda stuck with that, never got int o ports but at the same time never went all girly. Mainly due to her parents also unable to afford it. She did have skirts and her aunt and uncle often bought her some top quality name brand things for her birthday. It was nice to have that.
"Well you're a slytheirn, liking snakes is normal is it not?" She asked with a smile. "It's pretty." In truth it was somewhat mesmerizing. Not the point of being hypnotic but it was interesting. "Um, i don't really know the way." She laughed. It was still early and most students use to their routine were at breakfast. That was another benefit of Alex's plan to go early. When they got back they would have the rest of the day to be alone. But she was also hoping their trip to hogsmead would not be too short.

As they reached the town entrance she could already call out the candy store as there was a giant lollipop outside and dancing wrapped candies hopping around like pixies. Entering the store was another mesmerizing moment as Alex saw candies flying around wildly, as some crashed into each other or walls while others flew around in a show of maneuvers. Some candies watching like it was a blue angel flight show or just dancing in another area. In truth it seemed as though the candy store was simply a world for candies. However Alex had never seen anything like it. never had she seen so much magic emerged in one area. It truly was amazing. In fact her craving for candy disappeared when she saw this and just looking at it all was intense
"This is what magic is..." She said calmly showing that this was the first time she truly saw magic." Potions and charms, magical but not to this degree, this was magic.
Estella wasn't really all that interested in the pranksters, she much more liked the story about Narcissa Malfoy betraying Voldemort to protect her son, now THAT was a story! when she was younger, she used to pretend that her mother was a Malfoy, and that they all loved each other. she wasn't so disillusioned now, but part of her wished she could have been born several generations ago. she settled the earrings into her ears with an effortless grace that showed she changed earrings all the time. "i suppose so." she admitted, grinning a little. "i've used a White Snake as my own personal insignia since i was like... three." she admitted with a small laugh. "and liking Snakes is more of a Pureblood thing... because of Voldemort and Grindelwald, most of the world still views Snakes and Slytherin's as Evil." she admitted simply. "only Purebloods go into Slytherin now, not even halfbloods end up in there anymore." she admitted with a shake of her head. "the Purebloods these days are worse than ever." she admitted with a scowl. "i wouldn't be surprised if another Dark Lord pops up in another generation or so.. their just..." she made an exasperated noise in the back of her throat.

she giggled at Alex's reaction to the amazing Candy Shop. "yup, this is Lolly Leander's Magical, Mystical, Candy Emporium!" she chirped happily as she started snatching her favorites out of the air. "come on! grab whatever you like! i'll pay!" she promised, beaming at her before she was suddenly all over the place, picking out this, plucking out that, tickling a bowl of fruit to get it to hand something over. clearly Estella spent a great deal of time in the candy shop. from how happy she was, she probobly had a hell of a sweet tooth because she bought almost thirty galleons of sweets to 'tide her over' until the next Hogsmede trip. "do you want to go to the Three Broomsticks? it's famous you know! it was the only shop in Hogsmead to stand after the Great War!" she admitted with a grin. "or we could go to the Rainbow Lounge, they have a great meal selection. Rose Hearts is a more romantic and calm setting if you prefer that?" she offered, smiling at the other girl as she shrank her massive load of Candy and placed it into her pockets. "your choice!" she admitted, smiling at her only freind.
Alex pondered the question over an then decided "Well, Why not give me the full tour. I still haven't had breakfast. We can have Breakfast at the tree broomsticks, and then For lunch e can have a meal at Rainbow Lounge." She suggested kissing Estella on the cheek pulling out one of the candies she had gotten form the store. She was not use to all the enchanted candy. Prior to London the most magical candy she eve had was some willy wonka stuff. Here the candy try was magical and one of the things she got was apparently bubblegum that really would never lose its flavor.

As they made their way to Three broomsticks she noticed a couple of creepy men following the two girls, which only made Alex step close to Estella. However the men took a different turn before turning down the street to Three broomsticks which made Alex relax, until she saw a group of students all goofing around but luckily not stopping in for breakfast a well. regardless She still again stepped close to Estella showing how much she sought her for protection. She could only trust Estella to be thee for her when she needed her.

Looking at the menu she ordered a large breakfast which got some men in the restaurant to look at her. The only meal when Alex could pack it away was Breakfast and she made sure to do so. Some would find her apatite unappealing but she wasn't disgusting. Plus if she needed to explain herself to Estella, she could simply say she would need the energy."
she laughed a little and nodded. "i'd enjoy giving you a full tour!" she admitted happily. "we can even go tot he Museum! some of it is even still part of the original Shrieking Shack!" Estella admitted with a small grin as she popped an everlasting bubblegum into her mouth, chewing happily as the peppermint flavor filled her mouth. she blinked at Alex when she stepped closer, and wrapper her arm around the other woman's waist, smiling at her. "it will be alright. i'm here." she promised softly, her head tilted. "i won't let anything happen to you." she promised, bending down and giving Alex a slow, gentle kiss, rather Chaste really, there was no tongue at all this time. Estella ordered a smaller, but very sweet breakfast, Crepes with lots of whipped filling in strawberry and banana and other wonderfully delicious fruits. she made no comment on the others breakfast size, and merely enjoyed a taste or five of the various items that Alex had for breakfast.

"mmm... The Three Broomsticks is the Best!" she purred happily. over the generations, the Three Broomsticks had gone from a simple pup, to an enormous restaurant that served everything from hoe cakes, to five star quality lobster dinners. there was butterbeer, and wine, and everything in-between. it was one of the few places where the Rich and the Poor could enjoy a meal in the same place, and often did. "where to now?" Estella asked, grinning. "how about the Wheezes? or maybe the Museum?" her eyes took a wicked glint. "you know.. there's a red light district for those of Age." she admitted, smirking playfully at Alex as she wiggled her eyebrows. Hogwarts now offered 'extra years' to students who wanted to continue an education. like a four year collage they had special teachers and everything for it. so they had a lot of twenty and twenty one year old's housing in Hogsmead, and someone had provided for that need by putting in a 'adult only' section in Hogsmead. "shall we go take a look?" she asked, smirking at Alex. "i can get us in."
Alex's eyes widened when the red light district was suggested. Sure she knew what it was and of coarse made her curious but at the same time it was risky. Maybe Estella was bale to pass as though she was of age but Alex knew she couldn't. Even going onto 16 her young face made her look to be just fourteen at the oldest, she hated looking so young. Frail body, young face. Some women would kill for that but she hated it.
"Do you really think we could, I mean you probably can but i don't look even close to being old enough." She sighed. She was ready to give it a shot but made sure she would not get her hope up in case they couldn't get in.

"if we can't get in we could go to the museum" She said sheepishly as they headed to the more adult oriented area of town. "Or we could check out Wheezers, or just relax and wander around town"
It really sounded like Alex didn't want to go. In truth though, it was simply her fear of getting caught that was causing her to be this panicky.
Estella chuckled a little and shook her head. "it's easy to get in, i can trick the age line Easily enough." she promised, chuckling a little as she took Alex's hand and let the way over to a wall that looked blank, pulling out her wand she muttered an incantation, a surprisingly long one for a wizards spell, and with a spark, the wall vanished and allowed the two entrance. "Age lines are cakewalks." she teased, smirking a little as she led the way into the district. there where men and women walking around wearing very little, many strippers where right out along the streets, grinding on poles and allowing coins to be pressed into the pockets on the insides of their underwear and bra's... if they where even wearing any. "honestly, you'd think they would find a better way to keep kids out than a stupid Age line." Estella complained, rolling her eyes before moving over to a Sex Shop and examining the Window display, a man giving it to a woman in kinky leather outfits. "nice." Estella purred rather playfully.

"oooh look! they have leather Collars in here! come on Alex! lets go in." she ordered, grinning as she led the way into the sore, examining the collars with interest, fingering each one before deciding they weren't of the right quality. these kinds of collars would scrape and bruise and rub on Alex's neck, and Estella simply couldn't have that, no. the collar had to be comfortable. she would stick to the one she had specially ordered. she grinned as she moved through the Isles, picking up various interesting magical toys, like Dildo's that could magically be set to any size, and could be made to fuck you on their own at any speed you wanted. or tiny little puff balls that attached to your clit and vibrated until you neared orgasm before they shut off. there where potions for everything, potions that made your breasts bigger, potions that made you lactate, potions that grew breasts or cocks, potions that allowed you to change gender for a limited time, potions that enhanced your sensitivity to the point where licking your belly could make you orgasm. "oooh, looky Alex!" Estella teased, holding up a 'Sexy Wolf' outfit with an impish grin. "you'd look so cute!" she teased, giggling playfully. "i'll get the kitty outfit and we can play Cats and dogs!" she teased, winking at her.
"I'm already a dog" Alex whispered through grit teeth when Estella suggest the outfit. She didn't want to play cats and dogs with her. If anything she would rather play master and pet. It was a little hurtful for Estella to bring it p but Alex let it slide thinking Estella just didn't remember for a second. The collars were another interesting item but Estella seemed to have little interest in them and so Alex also decided to not bother with them too much, even if they looked nice.

Finally Alex discovered the potions while Estella looked at other things. They all had some effect and Alex desperately wanted to purchase one. Even if she never used it. She decided to instead put a few forward so Estella would spot them. Even though Alex wanted them again she lacked the wealth and this shop truly was not cheap. The ones she put forward were cock enlargement, Excessive semen, Lactation and one that had a warning on it saying that the effects would leave the one to ingest it powerless for roughly 24 hours. Unable to fight back or move. In fact the only things they could do would be breath and blink. All four really interested her.

She then left the area to go look at the dildo while Estella continue to venture. One however interested her as it looked more like a Tentacle and upon picking it up it warped around her arm. Although Estella had said she would purchase everything Alex was determined to at least buy one item for herself. However even though she had chosen the tentacle dildo she then set eyes upon a chastity belt and decided on that instead. Connected to it were two dildos that would be positioned into the ass and pussy. She wanted it and picked it up quickly heading to the cash and making a purchase before shrinking it down and pocketing it quickly enough to not let Estella see.
Estella paused, looking confused before putting the costume back. "oh, right, sorry." she muttered rather sheepishly. she hadn't forgotten, it was supposed to have been a joke, but since Alex didn't seam to enjoy the joke she pretended to have forgotten. she noticed Alex's tampering with the potions and she smirked as she examined them, adding them to the basket that she was carrying, licking her lips as she moved through the Isles, waiting for Alex to abandon the Dildo section before grabbing the two she had been looking at, snickering at the Tentacle one. she had a better thing, a cousin of the Devil's Snare. just add water! she'd have to have a house elf get it from her house. she smirked a little as she wandered the Isles, adding a few more things just for fun, like the charm that would prevent an orgasm for both men and women, and the egg shaped vibrator that went inside and stuck there until the counter charm was applied. it vibrated on command, no matter how far away the person with the 'Control' was.

"did you get anything for yourself?" Estella asked with a grin at Alex, her eyes flicking down into the bags of things she had gotten for 'herself'. she shrunk them down and took Alex's hand. "i have to pee! come with me!" she ordered, smirking as she pulled the other woman into the bathroom, smirking as she closed the door and locked it, running her eyes down Alex's body, licking her lips. "would you like to try again?" she asked softly. "no real sex this time... just fornication... i'm so damn Horny Alex... you make me so damn horny... i want to touch you all over, and bring you to orgasm again and again, and again." she admitted. "in every way possible." she admitted, smiling at her. "we could give a few of these new toys a try, hmm?"
Alex was pulled into the washroom and cornered. She yelped a bit an shivered as Estella looked her over. She didn't want to say no to Estella, not again, especially since if she was making Estella horny she must have been teasing her again. To add to it however it was also public. Alex swallowed hard before speaking
"Wouldn't you rather a more private area?" She asked "I mean, we have our own room at Hogwarts." She said although if Estella was this pumped she doubted the girl would last long enough for them to have a full day at hogsmead. "How badly do you need it right now?" Alex asked looking down at Estella's crotch. "Because if you do, we can have sex." She said calmly.

Her attention then turned to the other topic, The new toys they had just gotten. "Um, which ones were you planning on using?" She asked curiously wondering what Estella had planned.
Estella chuckled a little at the yelp and stared at her intently. "i'm sorry, i can't help it." he admitted softly. "it's because i have two sets of hormones, i get so damn horny at the drop of a hat, so bad that i can barley control myself..." she admitted, licking her lips a little. "i need it bad... but i don't need sex... i just need to get off, and to taste you, and feel you." she moaned softly, biting her lip as she advanced on the other, running her hands along the other woman's sides with a small moan. "you know how... insane, you feel, when the moon starts getting closer to full? how everything seams fuzzy and uncertain?" she asked softly. "that's how i feel every time i get too horny, like the entire world is trying to touch me, but i just can't get enough to get relief." she admitted, kissing Alex intently. "your so pretty, and you showed me all those wonderfully kinky things that you wanted and...just.. fuck." she moaned, pressing her hard, firm cock against the others hip, smiling a little.

"i was thinking, of the Dildo... the one that grows to any size, and can fuck you all on it's own." she whispered, searching the bag for it before pulling it out and spelling the packaging off of it, grabbing the flavored lube, strawberry and mango, two of Estella's favorites. "i want to watch this plow your tight little pussy while i eat out your tight, so very tight little ass." she moaned softly, her hands hooking around Alex's pants, trying to tug them down. "i want to taste your tight little pussy, again." she moaned softly, eagerly. "and i want to do it here, in the bathroom, where anyone can walk in and see me giving you all the pleasure you deserve."
Alex bit her lip and nodded slowly "Alright." She said nervously as she cast a quick spell which cause her jeans and panties to sort of melt off of her body and lay in a pile upon the floor. "Okay. I'll do anything for you" She said still nervous from anyone able to just walk in and witness them fucking. What was even more bothering was that Estella knew it was possible and wanted that. She was truly showing dominance over Alex, and as strange as it was, Alex liked it. She would truly do Anything for her mistress. Biting her lower lips she looked ta the object in Estella's hand and winkled her nose a bit. It was puny. Estella did say it grew, but right now it looked pathetic, almost undesirable.

"Estella, I don't mean to rush you, but could we just get to it?" She said quickly thinking she heard a door open. "I'm kind of nervous we'll get caught."
she smiled at Alex, licking her lips as the other woman just gave in and used a spell to be rid of her lower clothes, licking her lips in delight. "Hush, my pretty puppy." she ordered softly. "if they walk in, they won't see your face." she promised, flicking her wand at Alex. "there, now if we're caught fucking, they won't know who you are." she teased before dropping to her knees. "but i'm not silencing the room, so try to keep it quiet." she teased with a snicker before driving her tongue into the deep, wet folds as she moaned in delight, her tongue tasting and teasing and working the flesh before grabbing the Dildo and carefully worked it into the other woman's cunt, ordering it to 'grow' until it had her full, perfectly full with the fake cock pressing in all the right ways. "Slow." Estella ordered, the dildo moving in and out slowly, working Alex's flesh in such a slow manner, that it was more of a tease than anything else.

"mmm your cunt tastes so good." she moaned, smirking as she suddenly moved, turning Alex to a sink and a Mirror. "i want you to watch yourself getting fucked." she teased softly, running her hands down Alex's back and down to her ass, clutching the firm, round globes with a happy, eager moan as her tongue traced the tight little pucker hole. her tongue worked in deeper and deeper, suckling on the tight little hole as the not so tiny dildo worked it's way around deep inside of Alex's tight little hole as her fingers worked around the puckered hole, loosening the muscles carefully, gently. "fuck... so tight.." she growled, uncapping the lube, and pouring it along Alex's ass, using the sweet tasting lube around before slipping in a single finger, wiggling it just a little, letting Alex get used to the odd sensation of something going on, what was supposed to be an out. "feels strange, yes? don't worry, you'll get used to it."

going to bed^^)
Alex sighed a little. Why did having her face hidden bug her more than it not being so. Sure she was worried about getting caught, but that also kind of turned her on. Well either way she was getting away with it and would be fine now. Maybe in the future they could do it in public with no precautions.
Snapping back to reality the real fun was beginning when she felt Estella insert the dildo inside her cunt and felt it enlarge pressing against her tight walls and other area quickly making her body hot. As it began to slowly fuck her she writhed slightly as it made her body tingle, it was actually quite unfair that Estella had this much control over her. Having a dog at her beck and call, willing to do virtually anything to make her mistress happy, even if it meant demeaning herself. However at the same time she felt she had ricked Estella int purchasing the potions she wanted for some fun at school.

It was quite a treat to have met Estella. Originally Alex had thought she would just skate by and suffer yet survive the year. Sure she did not plan to remain in the wizarding world after graduation, but up until this point she never had a reason to. Estella, in only a few days, had given her a reason to remain.

Again she was removed from her daydream when she was forced to face the mirror and a single finger was inserted into her butt. It felt really awkward having that in her anus given the fact that it was coming form the wrong direction. It really was not the most pleasurable feeling, and knowing Estella's plan to fuck he anally only made her worry that a cock as massive of Estella's, not that she had others to compare it to, was going to tear her apart, if one finger made her feel stretch out, she only wondered what Estella's thick meat would do to her tight ass.
Estella snickered at the sigh and lifted an eyebrow at Alex. "you don't know what you want, do you puppy?" she asked with a small grin. "that's alright, i'm sure you'll find out someday." she teased watching the woman get fucked by the Dildo was such a massive turn on it wasn't even funny. she felt as if her cock was going to explode as she used her fingers to stretch and press along all the walls before pressing her wand to Alex's ass. she muttered a spell, flooding Alex's ass with warm lube to keep the insides slick and easy as she fucked her, before muttering a stretching spell, the spell loosening and stretching the soft muscles out in a way fingers couldn't, leaving Alex open and relaxed, even if she didn't want to be. another muttered spell and an explanation of "a nerve numbing spell. in case of pain." she muttered and then. "god, why didn't i remember to do this last night"? she demanded of herself, shaking her head as she stood up, studying her lover with a hot look in her eyes.

Alex looked so debauched, so dirty, a dildo plunging in and out of her hot, slick sex, while her ass twitched with lube slipping out of her ass as if she had just been used. "fuck Alex, you look so hot." Estella growled, her voice so laced with lust, it was clear she was clinging to her control was both hands, and hadn't sunk her dick into Alex yet because she wanted to have enough control to not hurt the other woman. finally though, she advanced on the other woman and hesitated. "if i start going in, i won't be able to stop... tell me now if you don't want me to take your ass, i can fuck your cunt instead." she admitted. "or have you stroke me off or something..." but she sounded like she wanted, so desperately to be in that hot, tight ass.
Alex stared at the mirror watching her love in the reflection as she spoke. Insisting that Alex made a final call on whether her ass was allowed to be pummeled by Estella's thick meat. She did want it, if only to please Estella, and Estella had already used multiple spells to make it at least somewhat pleasurable. She looked at the cock and sighed as she brace herself and gave a weak nod, her face showing a sign of defeat.
"It's okay" she said although there was no confidence in her voice. She didn't want Estella to feel deprived, nor did she want to feel like a tease again. However feeling like a tease was a bit more of a feeling she preferred to feeling like a slut, even if it was only for one person.

She felt Estella's hot rod glided into her slick ass and she clenched her teeth. Although the pain was numbed due to the spell, she did feel the pressure, and that in itself was not the most pleasurable, however she preferred it to what it could have been like. The entire time the dildo working her cunt.
Estella beamed happily at Alex, and licked her lips as she moaned eagerly as she slowly, so very slowly worked her cock inside of the other woman, moaning and groaning as she shuddered and shivered, gripping Alex's hips tightly in some small effort of controlling herself. "f...fuck." she moaned, shuddering eagerly as her cock twitched and throbbed deep inside that tight, tight channel as she paused, buried in as deep as she could get, panting softly as she closed her eyes. "fuck... so tight... can't hardly stand it... mmm god it feels so good..." she moaned, tipping her head back. "i wish you could feel what i'm feeling right now." she moaned, clearly lost in the pleasure that gripped her, but at least she wasn't moving yet, she was giving her lover a chance to adjust to the tight pressure of being filled in the wrong hole, and the thick dildo worked itself in and out of her cunt just a little faster.

finally, Stell moved, slowly easing her cock out, and then sliding back in, moaning eagerly as she slowly worked the muscles a little more loose before slowly speeding up, determined not to hurt her little fuck pet this time as she moaned and groaned, arching and slamming their hips together, both hands working Alex's breasts this time, working the mounds in her hands, giving them firm, yet gentle tweaks of the nipple as her hips gyrated in and out quick ad hard now as the bathroom door suddenly opened, revealing a woman who gasped, and stared, blushing hard. Estella didn't even twitch, she just kept on going, moaning eagerly as she plowed Alex's tight little ass, and right before their eyes, the stranger moaned, watching them, her eyes roaming the two bodies that where meeting in such a filthy, naughty way. "ah... ah fuck..." Estella moaned, tossing her head back as she felt the need to cum rising. and right before Alex's eyes, the stranger slipped her hand down her pants, and started to masturbate to the sight of the two of them fucking.
Alex grunted as Estalla's hips pistoned ans slapped against her plump ass. The hick cock jammed deep inside Alex's butt filling her up much more than she cold handle and even though this was all what she allowed one thing was eating at her. However unlike the night prior, it didn't make her want to quit. It was more of getting off on this, the risk, and a slight annoyance of not getting the full feeling of Estella taking her ass. It was numb, but there was no pain, she expected the pain, knowing that it was going to hurt she had prepared for it, this was just not what she expected.

When the door swung open Alex's eyes widened with terror. Her she was, gritting he teeth being rammed by Estella and a stranger who was no only witnessing this but to even more of Alex's horror, seeming to get off on it. She wanted to speak, to tell the woman to get lost, but all that came out was a small squeak, her mind too foggy to from words as she was focused on weird kind of pleasure she was getting from Estella, The dildo bringing her to an orgasm and the woman who was not masturbating was also making Alex blush with embarrassment, all three factors tying in to make actual speech impossible.
Estella was moaning and groaning as she forced her cock in and out of the other woman's ass, gasping and moaning as she shuddered and shivered, groaning as the other woman walked in, making her moan even more. she shuddered, feeling Alex cum, her ass tightening around the thick rod buried to the hilt and Estella cried out as she jerked, spilling her hot, thick seed all over Alex's tight little walls, shuddering as she rocked her hips, milking herself out into Alex as the Dildo milked Alex's orgasm out, continuing to fuck her even though she had cum, it wouldn't stop until Estella told her to. "f..fuck..." Estella moaned, glancing at the woman who had been masturbating, but she was already gone. "well fuck, i was going to obliviate her..." she admitted, slowly, carefully pulling out of Alex's ass, smiling as she rubbed the tight little hole. "your such a wonderful woman." she purred happily, giving the left cheek a gentle smack before using her wand to clean the cum out of Alex's ass, leaving Alex empty of everything. after being fucked so thoroughly there, feeling empty would almost feel bad.

"come on, lets get out of here before someone else comes in." Estella ordered, blushing faintly as she smiled at Alex. "you enjoyed it this time." she sounded pleased by that as she slowly pulled the Dildo out of Alex's cunt, cleaned it with a spell, and put it back in the bags, shrinking the packages as she leaned forward, using her tongue to clean the wetness off of Alex's pussy and inner thighs, moaning happily. "your cunt just tastes so good." Estella purred happily as she carefully pulled the panties and pants of her lover back up, licking her lips. "maybe we should go and get lunch?" she offered, smiling at Alex as she stood back up, kissing the woman eagerly. "you know... i think i might love you Alex." Estella admitted, smiling at her, her eyes soft as she watched the other woman. "i think your present should be there by the time we get back too, i had it specially made." she admitted with a small smug little grin.
Alex gave a smile as Estella admitted to falling in love and without warning kissed the older woman on the lips wrapping her arms around her. Estella was not the only one falling in love and Alex didn't want her to believe otherwise. Her pussy was still tingling and so was her ass. He rubbed her buttocks a bit as she sighed.

As they headed to the Rainbow lounge Alex froze seeing a group of students all hanging around outside and some heading inside the restaurant for lunch. She pulled her lover back a bit backing up and sighed "Can we go somewhere else instead?" She suggest not wanting to face a bunch of students. She wasn't embarrassed to be seen with Estella nor was she afraid of people calling her a lesbian. It was something else about gong there with so many students that bothered her.
"Lets go to the Rose heart instead" She suggested just wanting to go somewhere else than an area flooded with students.

Already the day had been eventful and with the toys they had gotten at the red district she was eager to get back to school and use some. One of which she was particularly eager to try was the one that paralyzed her, curious on how Estella would react given the chance to do whatever she wanted to the girl. Being given the chance to hut her, fuck any hole and Alex would not even have a chance to say no let alone fight back. The thought was a little scary while also exhilarating.
she looked a little shocked at the kiss and then smiled, kissing her lover back, pulling Alex into a hug as she ran her fingers through the other woman's hair with a small chuckle before frowning, confused as the other woman backed up. "what?... oh.." she finally took notice of the students and examined them all from a distance. Gryffindors, they would cause problems if they could. "yeah, lets go to the Rose Heart." she agreed, sneering at the pathetic lions, not that they could see her. "i'd rather not give them a chance to try and torment us either." she admitted shaking her head as she took Alex's hand and smiled at her. "i'd rather eat at the Rose Heart anyway. it's prettier in there." she admitted with a small chuckle as she led the way into the small shop. it was filled with a faint rose scented perfume, and it was romantically Dim and practically empty.

"yes, this is much better." Estella chirped happily, ordering herself a salad and a plate of Spaghetti. she ate while she thought, thinking of all the fun things they could do with all of tomorrow to do it with. "shall we head back to school then?" she asked smiling at Alex, her head tilted. "i want to give you your present and set up things for tomorrow." she teased winking at the other woman before standing up and taking Alex's hand as they headed back up tot he castle, completely ignoring the stares of the other students and the utter loath filled glare that her brother offered to her. "oh! wait here!" she ordered, sitting Alex down on a bench. "i forgot to get something, it will only take a second!" she promised before spinning on her heal and taking off. it wasn't long before a young man approached her. Orion Avery, the same white hair and gray eyes as his sister, though he was anything but slim and slender. Orion was very well muscled, and very, very handsome.

"Excuse me, Alexander?" Orion stated, his voice rich and cultured as his sisters. "i hate to bother you, i'm sure you must be busy but i must warn you... Estella she..." he hesitated and then. "she's... sick." he explained. "her mind isn't right... i'm sure she's shown you her... condition, by now, right?" he asked her. "well it... screws with her mind a lot... you need to get away from her. the last person you know..." he flipped his hand, indicating Alex. "well... she... it didn't end well. Estella got so controlling and possessive..." he shook his head. "Estella locked her in a closet for four days before one of the house elves was able to sneak in and break her out..." Orion stated, his Gray eyes concerned for Alex. "you have to get away from Estella Alex.. before it's too late..." he looked around, checking for Estella before vanishing into the crowds once more as if he had never approached, and just in time because there was Estella. "sorry about that!" she chirped, smiling at Alex. "ready to head back tot he castle?"

(and the Games begin!)
Alex flashed a nervous smile to Estella when she returned keeping Orion's words in mind. She wondered who to trust, the on person who was posing as a friend or someone who she had no idea who they were nor did she have n reason to believe a word he said. Then again at the same time he mention Estella's condition that Estella herself said she had told no one. That was confusing so maybe there was reason to trust the mysterious male. Either way for now Alex would trust her instinct, besides it wasn't like she was helpless shoe could leave whenever she wanted right? She hoped so.

Regardless she did make sure to keep Orion's word sin mind as they arrived ta the castle and went to the room Alex now owned.
"I have a question. You never told anyone about your, penis, right?" She asked. She figured this would be the proof she needed to see if Estella was truly trustworthy. If the boy had only mentioned he was Estella's Brother there would be no doubt in her mind Orion was just trying to drive a wedge between them, but he didn't and thus Alex figured he was just a student who didn't like her or Estella.
Estella was smiling as she moved through the halls, happy simply to be with Alex, who was so happy to give Estella anything she wanted. "hmm?" she asked, blinking a little. "my penis? no, i've never told anyone about it, but there are a few people who do know about it. my immediate family of course. i mean... it's kind of hard to ignore." she admitted rolling her eyes. "and there are the few people i've slept with that i didn't obliviate after." she admitted with a shrug of her shoulder before hesitating. "why?... did someone say something?... do people here at school know about it!? Orion can't tell... Father won't risk that kind of bad publicity... but maybe i missed someone?" she was fretting now, worried that someone had tried to warn Alex away from Estella. she chewed on her nails. "who could dare do such a thing? what woman would dare stand against me?" she asked, pacing back and forth in the room now, chewing on her finger tips... a terrible habit, one she normally had firm control over.

she muttered to herself, thinking about the women who might be trying to blackmail her, never once thinking that it could be a boy, and with her so worked up, it was clear she was completely unaware that a boy knew her secrete. she knew Orion knew of course, but she didn't think he would ever DARE mention her... dis-figuration. so what would Alex think? "Alex..." Estella's lip was quivering, her eyes where watering. "Alex i'd be a laughing stock if this got out..." she whispered, swallowing thickly. "i've spent my entire life making myself better than those bastards... spent my life KNOWING i was better than them despite this..." she indicated her crotch. "if people find out now... i'll never get anywhere in life! i'll have no future, my father will gain complete legal control over me and he'll make me go through a gender change and... and O..Orion will... lead.. the Avery Family to Ruin!" she sobbed, cupping her hands into her face. "i'm ruined! i'm Ruined!" she was also over reacting, but it was a touchy and tender subject that someone was playing with.

"Alex! what did the woman look like!? the one who talked to you!?" clearly Estella was thinking a past lover was getting in the way of things... but it wasn't a woman who had approached Alex.
"It was a he" Alex explained and vaguely gave a description which cold easily have been mistaken for any Syltherin with similar features as Orion. "But it doesn't matter." She said calmly "I think he was just trying to scare me away form you, it didn't work" She laughed kissing Estella. Sure she was still a little worried but with Estella freaking out she doubted Orion was being truthful about his speech. Alex had to think of a way to get Estella's mind off of the current topic and decided to bring up a different one.

"You said you got me a gift" Alex said abruptly forcing the subject to change. She could approach the other topic later. "So, what is it?"

((Ugh small post is small))
Estella stared at her, completely confused. "a He!?" she asked, astonished. "but i've never shown my dick to a guy! i don't like men!" she complained, looking ever so very confused. "oh! that's right, your gift! i almost forgot!" she gasped, leaping to her feet and ruffling in her pockets for a moment before enlarging a small box into a slightly bigger one and presented it to her lover with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. "i saw you eying up the Collars in the shop, so i decided it would be alright to give this to you." she admitted grinning as she watched Alex tear open the silver wrapping to reveal a very fancy collar. not like the ones in the shop at all, this was clearly made to be as elegant as it was humiliating. designed to be comfortable for more yanking around,

the leather was black, the gems around it where yellow, Huffelpuff colors. the piece where the leash was attached, was a ring made of a shining white Snake, one of the coils looping outward to make the ring. the cascade of diamonds and rubies matched her hair and Estella's, and the last gem on the bottom was emerald green, marked with the word 'Alex' in shining silver. it was gorgeous, and somehow managed not to clash with itself. it was a work of art, and had everything that was needed to please Estella while she led her puppy around on all fours. "is it too much?" Estella asked, looking worried as she stared at her lover. fingering another place on the leather. "this is a place where i can put a lock, so that you can't take it off unless i allow it." she admitted. "but i didn't attach that part yet because i don't think your ready for something like that." Estella admitted with a small smile.
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