Transfer America (HP RP with Gashnaw)

Alex was paralyzed with fear. All this came as a rush. the first was a one night stand thing. She had not expected it to be such and had not expected her to see it as one since they had not had sex. It was just them sleeping like friends wasn't it? maybe not, maybe it meant more to Estella than Alex expected. The words Sex pet was also confusing, sure she had made friends with Estella but did not expect her to be this forward, and the jokes they were making the night prior. Alex truly thought it was just jokes. She didn't know if she would be okay with a lesbian relationship. She liked Estella sure but never had Alex even thought about sex with another woman.

As she was ordered to never leave without Estella's escort she nodded weakly still frightened by this performance. Was Estella truly this pissed because of Alex leaving in the morning. Either way she was frightened and then as Estella dropped her pants Alex flinched seeing the massive cock. One that would obviously grow in length when erect and then a spell could be used to enlarge it, dwarfing most men easily.
"You plan on using that on me don't you?" Alex said after catching her bearings "What if i don't want to."

Of coarse Alex knew what happened to certain girls who said no to men after they got worked up. If men wanted sex they would get it one way or another, and Estella was most likely possible of rape as well.
"This is a lot to take in. Just last night we were friends and now you are calling me your sex pet."
Estelle crossed her arms and stared at the other woman, her head tilted a little. "plan on using it on you? what now? no, we have to get to class after all." she admitted pulling her pants back of. "it's a nuisance more than anything really, it get's hard at the most horrid times, i have to keep a Flaccid spell on it during class hours, walking around with a hard on is... well, hard." she admitted shaking her head a little. "besides, i'm not the only one saying your my sex pet." she admitted simply. "the Slytherins noted my absence last night, and the huffelpuffs noticed yours, an somehow they both figured out we where both missing and decided we had to be off having sex." she rolled her eyes. "no one in school knows what i am." she admitted, indicating her crotch. "i thought... since you showed me your nightmare... i'd show you mine." she admitted with a shrug of her shoulders.

"besides, if your REALLY going to be my sex pet, i have to have you somewhat willingly." she admitted simply. "so i can either seduce you, or blackmail you..." she smirked. "both seam appetizing..." she admitted studying Alex. "which course of action would you prefer?... oh! before i forget, here. i got this for you." she took out a Bracelet. "it's no collar, i'm having that specially made, but this will protect you." the bracelet was like a cuff, it was shining in pure, snow white colors, the eyes as black as coal, looking very carefully proved them to be the rarest of black diamonds. the white body was also very rare, a type of metal found only in the wizarding world which could be used for very strong magic. "it's a protective bracelet. any Magic that is flung at you, will be absorbed by the bracelet." she admitted. "which means, you won't be attacked every time i'm not around to protect you." she admitted, smiling at the other. "it can't do anything about physical attacks though." she admitted, scowling. "i couldn't figure out how to do that... and i can't quite figure out how to do the spell work so that the bracelet can differentiate from harmful, and helpful spells..." she admitted, shaking her head. "i'll have to keep experimenting..." had Estelle made that bracelet herself? that was kind of sweet, in a creepy sort of way, being that they had just been talking about blackmail and sex pets.
Alex had never been one for jewelry, so the bracelet gave her mixed feelings. The first being that it was a great gift from the woman she was slowly falling far, even unknown to her, but on the other hand, she didn't really want to wear it.
"Thank you" She said weakly wrapping her arms around Estella. She truly was grateful even if wearing bracelets were not her thing. She did however slip it on and smiled.
"Won't people stop however if they see it?" She asked hinting at the bracelet, I would much rather them try a spell and get confused as to why it didn't work."
Alex also had a few spells in mind that could help hide it, one of which was an invisibility spell, which would turn the bracelet translucent. But she didn't want to mess with it right now. It may have cause more harm than good.

"Blackmail?" Alex began "Couldn't i just blackmail you back?" She asked. Truthfully she doubted it. Having a penis was probably not the biggest deal in the universe, and even if the school found out and tried to Harass Estella, Alex had a feeling Estella would have a field day kicking asses. Either way it would be a lot worse if the school found out she was a wolf. "We'll figur eit out later" Alex quickly stammered "I have to get to class." And with that exited the room and hurried off. Estella was beginning to scare her. Giving gifts with one hand and handing out threats with another. It was truly hard to figure this woman out, but Alex decided to just go with it. Even if Estella would blackmail her was she really going t use an abuse her? that question only made Alex's head hurt. Instead she decided to just ignore it for now, she had other things to worry about, like class.
she snorted a little and shook her head a little. "that's the point. their supposed to know your protected. the White Snake is my insignia." she admitted, smirking wickedly. "they'll know your under my personal protection." she admitted smiling a little as she smirked at the other woman. "if people see it, they'll know their dealing with me personally if they manage to hurt you." she admitted. "and the last person who ignored my warnings is still in Saint Mungos. they won't be willing to test my patience." she admitted before blinking at the woman, lifting an eyebrow at Alex. "... you really think you can blackmail me?" she asked, smirking rather wickedly. "even if people found out, they'd be too scared to do anything about it." she admitted with a snicker. "i have a very firm reputation, and having a penis won't affect it all that much." she admitted shaking her head, snickering as Alex fled. it was fun tormenting the girl, it really was. she let the other run off to class and headed for her own, and as she had predicted, most of the spells stopped once the people saw the white snake on Alex's wrist. clearly, Estella hadn't been lying when she'd said she had a reputation.

during Dinner there was another unsettling event, a bright red howler fluttered to Estella, and the woman completely ignored it as the voice of her father screamed at her for being an improper pure blood and befriending some muggle whore. and then, right in front of everyone, she made a reply Howler, telling her father that she would befriend whoever the hell she wanted, how she no longer had to listen to him, and that his attempts to have her name changed behind her back where a failure, as where the attempts to slip her docility potions. she knew he was at the Ministry still, and the howler would explode in front of all of his freinds and co workers and oh how the rumors would FLY! she rose from the table with a smug little smirk so cruel it even made the slytherins shuddered, and she stepped out of the Great Hall just as the Huffelpuff head of house moved over to Alex, telling her that he knew there where problems, and that he had special permission from the headmistress to allow Alex to find rooming elsewhere. which meant that Alex never had to step foot in Huffelpuff Dorms again if she didn't want to.
The fact that Alex had permission to room anywhere she desired she imminently finished her diner and got up to get her things. She already knew where she wished to go and cast a quick spell on her luggage as it flew down to new room quickly. Usually she would spend time to say good bye but it was too early to do so, and the room itself held no value in her mind.

As she crept downstairs to her room she wondered why since she was protected now wasn't she? Well it didn't matter, she was use to creeping around and so it was a result of her personality. Reaching the room she was happy her things had taken the liberty to arrange themselves and she smiled collapsing on the bed. She looked at the bracelet on her wrist and sighed pulling at her wand.
"I don't want to make you vanish as it might insult Estella" She said calmly "But i don;t wear jewelry. Any kind really." She said to herself. She shrugged and pulled it off placing it on the table. "I don't need you right now, I'll fin a way to keep your protection on me even when i am not wearing you."

With that she crawled into bed, mainly just to relax, she figured Estela would be by soon and thus didn't want to sleep, just relax until her friend arrived.
it wasn't long before Estella was knocking on the door. it wasn't her room anymore, and she wanted to be polite. "oh good, they let you have your own room." she chirped, pleased when she saw the items all around the room, flopping onto a chair with a happy little sigh. "did the bracelet work?" she asked, her head tilted a little. "you don't look as upset today." she admitted, pleased that the other seamed happier. "i'm working on some other designs too, that one is a little large to be functional. i'm trying to make an earring, or maybe a necklace brooch?" she mused. "which would you prefer?" she asked, blinking at the other as she lounged in the chair.

"you know... if you want... we could put up heavy shades." she admitted, indicating the window where the sun was setting. "then at night, the moon can't touch you, and you only have to transform when you want to." she admitted smiling at Alex. "i like your wolf, it's so cute... but you don't seam to like transforming much..." she studied the other woman. "does it hurt?" she seamed worried about Alex. "how young where you when you where bitten?" she asked, curious about her freind as she got up and laid next to Alex on the bed. "you know... there are worse things, than being a werewolf." she admitted, smiling at Alex. "you could be a vampire." she teased with a grin as she leaned forward, gently pressing her lips to Alex's, kissing her, gently, testing the other woman's reactions. after all, Estella wasn't even sure if Alex was attracted to women.
Alex tensed up when Estella's lips met her own. It was weird to have these kind of feelings, for anyone. She liked Estella, a lot, but only as a friend as far as she could tell. But it seemed Estella like her more than that,
"Why not just infuse it in the collar?" Alex asked curiously. "I mean you are still getting one for me aren't you?" Her voice was a mix of curiosity and dread. She didn't hate the idea of a collar but she had seen a bit more of what wearing it would mean. Estella could petty much have full ownership over her. "I was thirteen." She said calmly "a little over two years ago. I only recently learned how to change at will. I was lucky, a redback werewolf is the only one that changes in moonlight. Yet remains unchnaged when they are not touched by it." she said calmly "But i am trying to learn how to change back, I don't go feral in wolf form when i change at will." She explained. "So yea maybe thick curtains would be nice.

"Don;t even joke about that" Alex said calmly "If i was a vampire i would have never met you" She said snuggling up against her. "Estella, I'm not a lesbian." She said calmly "I'm sorry."
she snickered a little. "because i have other spells in mind for the collar." she teased, winking at the other. "and yes, i fully intend on buying a collar for my cute puppy." she teased, licking her lips, looking shocked. "a redback?... i guess no one ever thought to realize that there was more than one kind of werewolf." she admitted pondering that. "what kind are you?" she asked, her head tilted. "o you still go Feral on the full moons? we're going to have to reinforce this room for your monthly transformations if that's the case... mmm, or maybe that cell int eh dungeons would work better? at least then you wont have to worry about ripping apart your things..." she mused before flicking her wand at the window, thick blanket like curtains settled over the window. no moonlight would be getting in the room that night. "no... you only think your not a lesbian..." she smiled at the other. "your young, you've been alone most of your life. you don't know what you like yet." she teased playfully. "it's alright, i can change your mind, besides, i'm not completely female." she teased, smirking a little before shaking her head.

"will you try at least? i've never liked someone so much as i like you." she admitted, smiling a little. "come on, you can try a little, won't you?" she asked hopefully, pouting at her a little. "if you really can't do it, then we can just be freinds, right?" she asked, smiling at her only freind. "it's worth a try, isn't it?" she asked, her head tilted.
"other spells" She asked curiously. What other spells could Estella have planned for her. Nothing truly stood out as possible, but at the same time this whole thing seemed somewhat impossible.
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but even if i refused couldn't you just rape me?" Alex asked. She wasn't suggesting it but she knew the possibility was there.

At the suggestion of just giving it a try Alex nodded "Um okay, i guess it can't hurt, maybe i will like it" She said calmly. Thinking about it she wondered what to do. Was she suppose to just spread her legs and let Estella fuck her, or was Se suppose to so possibly blow her first. "what would you like me to do?"
Estella chuckled a little and shook her head, ignoring the spells question. "i suppose i could... what's with you and rape?" she asked, smirking playfully. "it's almost as if you want me to rape you." she teased, settling on top of Alex, her gray eyes staring down into Alex's, her hips settling onto the other girls as her hands found the others wrists, pulling them over Alex's head, showing a shocking amount of strength for such a slightly woman. "how about it Alex... makes you horny?" she asked, giggling a little as she bent down, and kissed her again, her mouth working on the others lips deeply, her tongue stroking the other woman's lips, her tongue working into the other woman's mouth, teasing Alex's tongue. her mouth worked against the other woman's happily as she pressed her breasts against Alex's, rubbing them together before she pulled away, blinking at Alex, a light blush on her cheeks as she stared down at the other.

"it's a good thing i've still got that Flaccid spell on." she muttered, amused. "i'm so turned on right now... you here, completely under my power... so pretty... so innocent." she muttered softly, arousal in her tone as she stared down at Alex with a thick swallow, licking her lips again before dropping her head down and running her nose against Alex's neck, inhaling deeply. "i wonder if it's true, that if you bite a werewolf on the neck, it's like dominating their inner wolf, and they become your sex slaves?" she asked playfully, teasing the other woman, her tongue slipping out, stroking the creamy flesh of her would be lover, tasting the flesh playfully. "i wonder if we should find out, hmm?"
"I wasn't asking you to do so, I was just wondering what was stopping you if i refused?" She asked as her lips was met with Estella's. In truth this was making her horny. Her hands pinned as she was roughly kissed. Her eyes drifted shut as Estella's tongue swam around in her mouth and Alex ran her tongue against her soon to be mistress. a large blush forming on her cheeks and was quite noticeable when Estella broke the kiss and leaned up looking down at Alex. Alex's face beat red from the blush Estella had induced. Squeezing her thighs together as Estella spoke about the flaccid spell something else had come up. Dominating her with just a simple nibble. No one had ever done that to Alex, so she didn't know. She heard stories of werewolves rolling over after a simple bite turning them into nothing more than a submissive shell anyone could use and abuse, and although Alex never experienced it, she doubted it was a lie.

Her fears were realized when she felt Estella's tongue run along her neck, already she was tensing up, her body feeling hot an a light moan escaping the young girls lips, her breathing heavy as her eyes flutter closed. it was obvious she was enjoying this and a simple light bite could possibly push her to her limits. Her pussy was tingling like crazy as the touches effected her like ecstasy as her hormones went wild wanting to feel what Estella had to offer.
she pondered a moment, frowning a little at the other. "i don't understand what your saying..." she admitted, shaking her head. "your not refusing.." clearly, Estella was not a person who was used to being told No, and seamed to be at a loss for what to do when it did happen, even figuratively. she moaned happily into the kiss, tasting her pet, feeling the wetness of their mouths mingling as she shivered in delight as Alex squeezed her thighs together, as if trying to deny Estella... it only made the girl all the more hot for the struggle, but for the moment, was willing to let Alex have her meager protection. Estella could only smirk when she heard Alex moan, and used her own legs to spread Alex's legs, muttering the counter curse to her flaccidity spell, feeling her cock swell and press tightly against Alex's protected cunt only made her moan in delight at the pleasure that coursed through her.

she ran her tongue over Alex's neck, using just the tip to trace patterns of wetness onto the other woman's neck, panting in delight as she fit her mouth over the other woman's neck and bit, soft at first. and then she picked another spot and nipped, hard, hard enough to leave a dark bruise, which she kissed and licked as if to make the pain all better before finding another place on her neck and repeating the action, nipping hard, and then kissing and licking the pain all better, even as her hips pressed and ground into Alex's crotch with soft, eager sounds of pleasure, humping her cute little werewolf. Estelle knew that in actual wolf packs, humping was a way of proving dominance, was the same true for werewolves? would the biting, and the humping be enough for Alex's instincts to override her human thoughts... truly making her a sex pet?... she sure hoped so, because her cock was aching, her cunt tingled... she wanted to fuck... she wanted to feel Alex's mouth on both of her parts before returning the favor and then turning her to her belly and taking her from behind like the bitch she was.

(going to bed, see you in the morning^^)
Alex winced at the bites. she didn't enjoy them all that much, sure it made her feel weak, worthless even, it was making her submissive, willing to submit to Estella's demands, but just because it was benefiting Estella did not mean Alex enjoyed them even if making Estella happy was somewhat making her happy.
As each nip was placed upon he neck she grunted though her body twisted and she curled up a bit showing she truly was beginning to surrender to her Mistress, one who until a few minutes ago was just simply her friend. Alex's breath quickened and became sharp as she twisted and wriggled every art of her body heating up aching for something that she could not pinpoint, did she want sex, maybe it was just being dominated her body craved. In a short though distinct howl her hands thicken with a fur growing along with her ears perking up and a soft fluffy tail sporting from her back curled under her wagging.

Calming down a bit Alex smiles and leaned up kissing Estella affectionately showing he true animal nature peeking through the hybrid body she wore currently. Obviously the pleasure she was getting forced a partial change.
Estella purred, delighting in the way the other woman grunted, and twisted, and writhed underneath her, panting in delight as she fit her mouth around Alex's neck and bit again, not hard this time, just pressing hard enough to cause a pressure there, a pleasant pressure as Estella slid her hands away from Alex's wrists, using a sticking spell to make sure that Alex's wrists where still stuck there as she slowly slid her hands up Alex's shirt, feeling the other woman's soft belly and working her way higher, laughing as the other transformed in her excitement. "there's my good puppy." Estella purred, kissing Alex again, her tongue tangling with the other woman's, stroking and touching and tasting as she ground her hips more firmly. "my good little fuck puppy." she purred happily.

her fingers stroked along the soft mounds of Alex's breasts, her thumbs stroking the nipples until they where stiff and firm. "your so cute like this, like those Japanese cartoons, Neko." she teased, sliding the other woman's shirt up, and over her head, she left the shirt over the others arms, she couldn't remove the shirt with the sticking spell in the way, but she couldn't care less. her hands unhooked Alex's Bra,, her tongue tracing the soft, perky mounds as they where revealed to her, gently suckling on a perky pink nipple as her hands stroked along the other woman's sides with a delighted shudder. "you feel so good Alex." she whispered. "so warm and soft... should i turn you on your belly, and take you like the dog you are? hmm?" she asked, smirking a little at the other woman. "i'll stop, if you tell me to." Alex wouldn't ask her to stop, Estella knew that, there was no way, Alex was enjoying this, she could tell from the way the woman moved, and moaned. "i'll be real gentle of course, i'll make sure you like it... like it so much, that you'll always want more."
"Inu" Alex corrected knowing exactly what Estella was referring to. She didn't know why she bought it up, correcting Estella was a stupid thing to do right now, it would ruin the fun she was having. The touches felt so nice and she didn't want Estella to stop, regardless of anything she wanted to feel this way.

When sh noticed both of Estella's hands on he body she attempted to move her wrist but they didn't. She knew this spell. She knew several spells when it came to sexual activity, Alex, as shy as she was, wasn't completely innocent. Sure she put on the innocent act and many would fall for it, but one of her favorite books at Green oaks had to do with kinky sex and spells to aid in that. She mixed it with kinky muggle sex books and was wondering when she could ever put them to use. In fact she still had both books with her, in a way. They were her dirty secrets so she charmed them to be no bigger than a coin, until one wished to read them.

She could have given the books to Estella right then but no, she wanted to see what Estella would do. When she suggested taking her like a dog Alex bit her lip and nodded nervously. This was it, she was going to lose her virginity, and it excited her, though at the same time, with how nervous she was, made her feel a little sit in the pit of her stomach as well.
Estella rolled her eyes a little. "whatever, their both the same thing." she complained simply, continuing to lick and suck at the other woman's neck and breasts, moaning happily as she felt and tasted the other and smirked viciously when Alex nodded. "good girl." she purred, stroking the furry ear, the sticking spells on her wrists releasing only long enough for Estella to flip the other girl onto her belly, pressing her wrists back onto the bed, and sticking them in place again so that her wrists where out in front of her, like Alex was a cat, stretching. Estelle pulled Alex's hips up and back, working the other girls pants off, moaning at the sight of slick, wet heat that was soon going to be flooded with thick cock... but first, her promise. "don't move Alex." Estella ordered, promising punishment if this order was not followed. "you can squirm and buck, but move away from me, and you won't like what happens." she warned, smirking before getting to work, her fingers stroking along the lips, stroking the curly 'fur' that she found their, giving the curls tiny tugs now and again before leaning forward, her tongue tasting the space in-between cunt and ass and slowly making her way lower to where her fingers where playing.

her tongue slipped in-between the lips to swirl around the entrance, teasing and tasting as her fingers stroked and teased upwards until they found the clit, giving it firm strokes as her tongue burrowed it's way deep inside of Alex, teasing and tasting flesh and juices with happy shudders and soft little hissing noises of pleasure. "you feel so good, so very good Alex." she purred, her tongue vanishing, and two fingers gently slipping inside instead, her fingers working deeper and deeper, stretching and spreading gentle fingers to work virgin flesh loose, so that the first penetration wouldn't hurt so badly. Estella wanted Alex to enjoy her first fuck, wanted her to desire more and more of it, and so her slender fingers worked inside of Alex, panting in delight at the warm, wet, tightness that encased her fingers. "oh yes... i am going to enjoy this.. your so tight Alex... so warm." she moaned. "your going to feel so very good around my hot, hard dick..."
As Estella move her into position Alex grinned, though only after she was on her belly so Estella could not see it. Sure she was liking this treatment, however whimpered slightly when she felt Estella tug at her fur. It send a jolt of pain through her as she bucked almost pulling away before forcing herself to stay put. As a relief it only lasted a second though as she felt the finger enter her soaking cunt. a soft sloshing noise she could hear with her sensitive ears as Estella continued to finger her.

The fingers were eventually removed an Alex gave a soft whimper before a tongue began to go to work. The warmth of it teasing her clit and then realized it wasn't the tongue that had done so but with the insertion of the tongue the gentle fingers had returned to pleasure her. As Estella continue to work Alex to the edge of what she could handle she knew her legs would be glistening with her juices ha it not been for Estalla's mouth licking it all up.

She continued to moan and squirm, her nerves reacting to every sensation the woman gave her. From small pains to immense pleasure, she hadn't even begun fucking and already she was reaching her limits, she almost wished Estealla would just begin already.
Estella moaned and moved as she fingered and licked at Alex. the werewolf tasted so fucking amazing, for a moment, Estella forgot that she was going to fuck the other. her cunt was just so warm and perfect, tasting like heaven on her tongue. then she pulled away, and worked off her own clothes, her cock so hard it was weeping, she used her and Alex's pre to slick her cock up with wet juices. she lined up, pressing the blunt head of her dick against the other woman, brushing and rubbing, teasing the other with a small grin before slowly, so very slowly making her way into Alex, her thick cock spreading Alex wide, stretching her around the blunt instrument that took her virginity in an instant. Estella moved slowly, rocking her way in deeper and deeper, pausing if Alex cried out too loudly, or made any firm sound of pain. she moved deeper and deeper until she was in as far as she could get, her bod y shuddering as she pressed her hips to Alex's ass.

"just take a moment to breath, let me know when your ready for me to move." as soon as she had the 'ok' she was moving, her hips going slow at first, sliding her cock in and out so carefully, there wasn't even any noise, but the more she moved, the harder and faster she went, until their hips where slapping together so hard that the flesh slapping flesh sounded in the air, her fingers tangled in Alex's hair and tugged through the locks, grunting and groaning as the wet sounds filled the tiny room and her cock plunged in, again and again until she was tossing her head back and moaning, just moaning because it just felt so fucking good. she released the soft locks of hair and reached down, one hand curling around a breast, working the nipples in-between her fingers, while her other hand worked the clit in the same manner as she pressed her cock in as deep as it could get. "yesss... yes, i'm gonna cum deep inside you." Estella moaned. "i'm going to flood your pretty little cunt and womb with my hot, wet seed."
Alex tensed up as she felt the head of the cock press against her privates. She knew she was suppose to relax but with how nervous she was she couldn't and that alone made her cunt tighter than it would be otherwise along with a true lack of enjoyment form it, however once Estella had entered fully, tearing her hymen and sitting there Alex finally managed to breathe easy and relax, not fully but enough that the pain began to reside. After a few moments Alex nodded letting Estella know that she was okay and waned her to truly start. The noise began slowly as she felt Estella pick of speed and the faint sound of her hips slapping against Alex's tender ass filled the room. Her muffled moans as she buried her face against the bed, her hand gripping the sheets. One would think she was n pain due to her mix of moans of pleasure and cries of pain, which wasn't incorrect, it did hurt, it was her first time, however Alex had only expected it to be uncomfortable, not painful.

"Stop, please, i wasn't ready" Alex said beginning to panic. Up until this pint she thought she was ready for this, She thought she wanted it but now it was too much of her. "Please Estella" She whimpered, tears rolling down her eyes. "Please stop, i can't handle this."
Estella moaned as she worked her hips, harder, deeper, tossing her long lovely blond hair out of her face as she moved inside of Alex, panting in delight as she looked down at the other woman, listening to the sounds of pain and pleasure which only made her all the more eager and pleased as she worked her cock in and out of her cute little puppy. "shush." Estella ordered, panting eagerly as she felt herself drawing closer to orgasm. there was no stopping, not now, not ever. Estella was too worked up, running on the primal urges and the need for release as her cock twitched and rubbed all the most painful and sensitive places deep inside of Alex. she leaned forward, dragging her tongue along the tears with a moan of delight, she loved seeing her conquered pray crying, the soft silvery tears flowing down smooth and perfect cheeks as she worked her dick in and out of their flesh.

"shh, Alex, shh." Estella moaned, shuddering eagerly as she tossed her head back and cried out, barley holding onto her orgasm as she forced herself to slow down a little, she didn't want to hurt Alex after all, she wanted the other to come back. "can't stop, feels too good. so fucking good." she moaned happily, her tongue tracing the other woman's neck, sucking on the pale flesh as she moved inside of the tight, hot channel before yelling, unable to restrain herself any longer she arched, nearly lifting herself off of Alex, her dick throbbing deep inside as she spilled hot, thick seed deep into Alex's cunt, the hotness spreading as she continued to move her hips, lining the walls of Alex's pussy with the seed until it was flowing out of Alex's cunt to soak out onto the bed, Estella grunting and moaning as she drained herself into Alex's hot, unwilling body. "uuung fuuuck yessss. that's it, such a good girl, take my cum... such a good puppy...oooh yesss."
Alex was simply crying, feeling the thick cream spilling out of her cunt and trailing down her thighs as she squeezed them closed, no wanting to give Estella another entrance inside her. Estella didn't stop, she finished herself off inside Alex. Sure Alex knew she was old enough to lose her virginity and at her age most girl would have. She was fifteen after all. a birthday a little more than a month away, but still she had not been ready.
"Please." Alex began after a few moments to calmly down "Unstick me" She ordered gesturing to her hands. Usually she would not give orders even if she as in charge. "I asked you to stop but you didn't."
Alex's voice was cold, showing that she was angry. Angry that one she loved was just like nay other guy who got going. As soon as she was free form Estella's Spell she jumped to the end of the bed away from Estella wrapping her robe around her, the only indications of their actions was the stain upon the bed of blood and sperm, Alex's face f dread of what had just happened and Estella's naked body.

"I think you should leave."
Estelle panted softly as she lay on top of the other, recovering from the sex, kissing her face and neck as she enjoyed the after pleasure of sex, wondering how badly Alex was going to react to all of this. she unstuck the other at the order, deciding to let Alex have a little control back. "i'm sorry." Estella muttered. "i couldn't stop... i couldn't think." she admitted biting her lip. "i didn't mean to hurt you Alex..." she really hadn't meant to, she didn't really feel all that bad about it... but she hadn't meant to. she hesitated, looking at Alex, carefully setting her hand on the others. "i really am sorry... i'll send a House elf with some things to help..." she promised, getting up and gathering her clothes, casting a worried glance at Alex, handing over a small hanky, gently dabbing at the tear tracks, being ever so gentle. "i'm sorry..." she muttered softly, turning and heading out the door... and as promised, an Elf appeared with a small basket, setting it on the bed and leaving with a pop.

inside the basket was potions, salves, cool water, ice, water and pumpkin juice, and a single perfect Rose. the potions where healing and pain relieving, swelling reducers and the note included said that they where made by Estella herself and where guaranteed to work. there was a numbing and healing salve, also made by Estella personally. and it came with the instructions to rub on anything that was hurt, bleeding and bruised. it worked so well, that even the bruises on the woman's neck where gone by morning when the Salve was applied. Estella had even cleaned the bed of mess and much before leaving, and the rose smelled lovely at least. Estella didn't feel very bad, but she did understand that Alex felt hurt, and was trying to make the other woman feel better.
Although Alex was not too eager to use the things Estella had given her she smiled and used them. She understood that Estella cared and Alex didn't hate her. She did feel betrayed, but she would get over it, after all, until she had been entered she was okay with it and thus decided it was her fault for leading Estella on. She didn't want to be a tease but by her justification, she had been and got what she deserved.

The rose was however something that she loved. Estella didn't go through this huge charade of making amends. No she was honest and truthful and obviously did feel bad about it. Instead Estella apologized but the girl be. At this point however Alex didn't want to be alone. Even with Estella betraying her she was still important and Alex really did love her. Maybe she was a Lesbian, but regardless of her orientation she was falling love with the woman. She smiled smelling the rose and lay on the bed happily.
"I forgive you" She sighed into the rose almost as if it was Estella herself. She didn't expect Estella to return that night and she didn't.

As Morning came Alex flicked her wand as her muggle clothes left the trunks and wrapped themselves around Alex dressing her in her normal muggle attire. Weekends allowed the wizards to dress differently and so that is what Alex decided to do She dressed in a knit sweater her mother had made along with a pair of jeans and a simple "artist cap" Along with that she put on a pair of glasses. Prior to being bitten she actually had poor eyesight and had kept her glasses, however had popped out the lenses and they were simply for style now.

She had learned about Hogsmead, where she heard a couple planning on having a date. That sounded like a good idea to her. Maybe she would convince Estella to go with her. So She left the room, and headed towards the slytherin's hall. quickly and leaned against the wall fro her "girlfriend" to arrive. Alex had forgiven her, not even an ounce of anger remained.
Estella chose a very unusual attire herself. she wore a pair of Dragon leather pants, the gleaming pure black and white scales made her shimmer, as did the Dragonleather 'overcoat' she wore, the long sleeves protecting her arms from the chill of the castle, while the back looked more like a cloak, or a cape. clearly she was dressing to impress, and to intimidate, and she almost looked like the white snake she claimed to be. she looked gorgeous in the outfit, and a single pure white rose, and pure blood red Rose was in her hands, and she smiled as she saw Alex, handing her the two roses, her head tilted a little. "are you feeling better this morning?" she asked softly. "i'm sorry Alex, i didn't mean to hurt you... i really didn't... it was just..." she shook her head. "i've never felt so strongly about someone before..." she admitted softly. "i lost control of myself and it is unforgivable.. i can understand if you never want to see or speak to me again." at this point, it was empty words, but they didn't sound empty, they sounded worried.

Estella didn't really feel bad, though it was true she had lost control, and that really wasn't forgivable. at least in her own mind, she had lost control and she hated that. she paused suddenly, examining the others shirt. "oh my gosh! that shirt is so CUTE!" Estella gushed, astonished as she studied it, reaching out and fingering the sleeve. "wherever did you get something like this!?" she asked, her gray eyes wide. "oh i WANT one! even if it's from a muggle shop! what are they called?... Malps? yes! i would even go there to get one!" he admitted with a hesitant smile. "...sorry..." she muttered sheepishly. "i'm what's called, a Fashion whore." she admitted smiling a little.
Alex ignored her words of worry and wrapped her arms around Estella when she arrived nuzzling her happily. "Its okay, i forgave you even before falling asleep. I shouldn't have been such a tease" She said still convinced it was her own fault. Of coarse had Estella decided to correct her it would only anger Alex, for tricking herself into thinking it was her fault and for being told that Estella was to blame. Plus to to top it off, it meant she was wrong.

When Estella commented on the sweater Alex blushed deeply sinking into the sweater a bit as the neck came up to her nose hiding everything below it.
"My mother made it" She said softly "I can have her make you one as well..." She said and then paused. "Oh but it won;t arrive until Christmas if I ask her to. But its not really fashion its just a sweater. I like comfy things and my mother knits sweaters for everyone. I have seven cousins and they all get a sweater for Christmas from her. My family doe snot have much money, so they were glad that Green oaks was free to attend. Then my Father took a job in London in hopes to make more money. So I often get a sweater as a gift. If i told her my best friend would like one, I am certain she will be happy to make you one."

It was all true, Alex's family did have issues with money and her mother did knit. not just sweaters, but many things. However she wasn't evil about it ether knitting stupid sayings into it making it an embarrassment to wear. She knew kids hate that and thus had taken a courses on fancy knitting and had come up with her own style that Alex and her cousins enjoyed wearing. Alex cousins were actually able to wear them without committing social suicide in a muggle school as well due to how nice they looked. Alex rather like the holidays in fact. Her cousins knew she was a witch and found that amazing. In fact when it came to Christmas, Alex was the popular one.

"I wanted to go to hogsmead" She said calmly "Check out the wizarding stores, and apparently she have an amazing candy store."
Alex didn't have much money, but she had save up over the years so she felt like treating herself. The candy store was her primary target and she planned on getting one of everything, she truly did have a major sweet tooth."
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