You're A Human? [XenoSagexFrogger]

Trinity let out a long, exasperated sigh. "Why are you asking me? I haven't agreed to be your master, or anything for that matter. We're still only classmates. As for the collar issue...I think yellow is your best choice. Either that or white. If you wear white, none of the other monsters will mess with you, because they would think that you are able to really injure them. And don't be laughing about the pink collars. Some are proudly worn."
Blake looked down. "Sorry, Trinity... I'm just being hopeful." he said, reaching up to scratch his head. "White would make people leave me alone? Hmm..." he said, leaning back and looking up at the orange sky, the sun obviously setting. "Well, if you would have me..." he said, stretching before looking down at her. "I'd wear a white collar and be your servant. I'm really sorry I didn't tell you about this earlier."
"Whatever. You can be my servant, but don't think it means that I forgive you. It's just to get you off my back on the whole issue." Trinity also could see the orange sky, how the color was warm and bled out. "Most slaves stay with their the same room. You're not going to, so I'll see what I can do about a separate room connected to mine. Maybe you can have your own bathroom too. We'll see."
Blake felt a major sense of relief knowing she was at least offering a new beginning. "Okay, I understand. I'll try to do better." he said. He felt a slight blush cross his face when she mentioned staying together, but it quickly dissipated. He didn't think she'd let someone she didn't trust stay with her. "Okay. Do we need to talk to the administration tomorrow?" he asked, standing up.
Trinity rose to her feet as well, but she didn't look at him. "You don't need to talk to Administration. I do, since I will be playing the role of mistress. You go pack up your things. Knowing them, we both will have to move dorms...and it'll be ready pretty soon. Besides...I have to get a collar as well. It'll try you to me." She sighed while shaking her head. Ridiculous... I can't believe I'm doing this...
"Okay, I'll leave it to you then... Mistress." Blake said, smiling softly. "I'll go and get everything ready to move. I don't really have a lot." he added, stepping towards the direction they had come from. "I'll be waiting for the word to move. And once again, Trinity, thank you." he said softly. He felt a lot better.
"You don't have to call me that. Don't worry, I'm only doing this so you would stop bothering me about it." Trinity flashed him an icy glare that could very well have been called arctic. "Once this is done, you'll receive notification from either me or one of the Administration."
Blake chuckled. "Alright, alright." he said softly. He could definitely feel the chill of her glare. It gave him goosebumps, but he still remained cheerful. "See you later. I'll come as soon as I get the noticfication." he said, beginning to walk. "Good luck." he added, his walk turning into a run. Soon, he was back at his dorm room, putting things back in the various boxes he'd brought them in. It was a good thing he'd been lazy and hadn't unpacked much.
Trinity couldn't help but feel aggravated by this whole situation, and even by him. Why did she have to do this? It wasn't necessary, and yet...she didn't want him to get into trouble. Not after all the effort he put just to get into the Academy. Luckily talking with Administration didn't take long, and soon she sent a note to Blake with the new room number and instructions on how to get there. Now all she needed to do was go to her room and pack.
It wasn't long until Blake had all of his clothes stored in their storage boxes, ready to be moved. Almost on cue, the note from her arrived as he finished putting away the last of his things. He read the instructions before putting them in his pocket. He picked up as much as he could before heading down to he and Trinity's new room. He placed his belongings in his side before going back for more. He continued this until he had everything moved, and then traded keys when he was at his new room.
"Ugh..." Trinity heft the box in her arms, a scowl on her lips as she scrambled to open the door. On her back was the backpack she had with all her school supplies. There was more to come, of course. Luckily she didn't have not many more boxes to bring, so she won't have to make many trips. When the door swung open she ignored the man inside, just brushing past to head to her room.
Blake was in his half of the room when Trinity came in. He had just hidden his last box under his bed, so he could wait a bit to unpack. "Trinity!" he called, walking over to her half. "Do you want me to help you move? That way it wont take a long and you wont have to carry as much." he said, smiling at her. She could easily tell he was in a different mood than earlier.
Trinity dropped her box and backpack down on the bed. "No, that's not necessary. I can do this myself. These are my things, after all." A hand idly flicked a lock of hair out of her eyes, forcing it behind her ear. Dark blue eyes darted to him for just a brief moment. "Besides, I don't have much to bring back here. I didn't bring a whole lot to the Academy."
Blake looked at how powerful her eyes were. Their color was beautiful, something he hadn't noticed earlier. "Okay, alright. I'll unpack my stuff then, I was hoping to put it off." he said with a smile, turning away. "I'll be here when you get back." he added, walking over to his side. He opened a couple of boxes and began placing various things where the went. Notebooks on his desk, sheets on his bed, etcetera.
"Mm, thank you for the offer." Trinity headed back out into the hallway. It didn't take but ten minutes for her to return, with the rest of her things. After that she opened a box, which was full of clothes, and began to pack them away. Each movement she made was more than just a little graceful. It was just something that was natural to the vampire, seeing as how she didn't even try to do that.
Blake was happy that she'd thanked him. He continued to put things away until he was left with his own clothing. He didn't have a lot, but it was a chore to unpack them. He sighed and began to put them away, shirts in the top drawer of the dresser, pants in the middle, and socks and underwear in the bottom. When he finished, he went over to his 'master's' side of the dorm room. "Hey, Trinity, I was wondering..." he said, his eyes taking in how softly she moved. It was indeed graceful. He caught himself staring, a blush crossing his face. He coughed slightly before continuing. "Um, did you get a collar for me?" he asked.
Trinity nodded as she smoothed her hands over a stack of pants. "Of course, I wouldn't have forgotten it. I had to get my collar as well." Once she finished taking the stack and placed them in a dresser drawer, she went back to her backpack. The zipper was pulled, and after a bit of rummaging around, she pulled out two different collars. One was plain white. The other was white with a streak of red, and a dangling pendant. "Here you go. This one is mine, and different since I'm the Mistress in this relationship." She handed him the white collar, passing everything off as nothing.
Blake was a little surprised when she said she had to get her's. He didn't realize she'd need one too. He saw his, looking exactly as he expected. When she pulled out her fancier one, the only thing he could think was that it showed who was in charge. "Wow..." he said, blushing as he looked at it. He took his from her and brought it up to his neck, placing it on himself. He could feel the blush deepening. He felt funny, knowing he was now a 'servant' to a friend. He didn't know why though, as he knew she wouldn't act on it. "Thanks." he said, looking over at her. "Um... How'd it look?" he asked.
"It looks like it should," Trinity told him with a shrug. "I don't know why you're blushing, since this doesn't mean anything. It's not as though you really are my servant." For a moment she looked down at her collar, a hand sweeping her hair off a shoulder. Then she just sighed. "Do you think you can hold my hair up as I put this on? I need to wear this, like you have to wear yours." After this, she planned on having some blood. Where, or how, she wasn't sure. There had to be somewhere she could go...or maybe the cafeteria will have some in stock? That was a definite possibility.
Blake shook his head. "I'm sorry, it's just... I'm not used to wearing a collar and being tied to someone." he shrugged. When she asked him to hold her hair, he nodded. "Sure!" he replied, stepping closer to her. He reached forward and gently pulled her hair together lifting it for her. As he held it, he breathed in, the sweet scent of her filling his nostrils. He almost melted. A deeper blush appeared. "Um, there you go." he said, letting go of her hair when she had it secured.
Trinity ran her fingertips over the collar, only nodding. "I understand how you feel. Though my family has had servants before, none were so personally bonded to me. It was to the family as a whole. This is a little strange for me as well." It was then that she yawned big, fangs flashing while her back stretched in one languid motion. Her breasts strained across the shirt she wore. "Mm... Anyway. That has been taken care of, and now I must try and find some blood. I will see you later." She waved, getting ready to leave.
Blake had stepped away, looking at her from the side. When she yawned and he saw her fangs, a shudder ran through him. She really was a vampire. He hadn't seen any other actual monster traits at Yokai yet, but those were key. "Wow... Real fangs..." he whispered, staring again. His eyes traveled down, looking at her large breasts. The shirt definitely accentuated them. He turned from her so hopefully she wouldn't notice. "Be careful, since it's getting dark. I hope you can find some. If not..." he gulped. "I'm here." he said, repeating his offer.
"Of course real fangs. Do you really think I would have a fake set glued to my canines?" Trinity glanced at him, a little scowl pulling at her lips. When he offered himself once again, her eyes widened, a faint pink blush making its way across her cheeks. "I...I have never tasted human blood before... And...I don't even know just where I am going to find blood around here... I am basically just shooting in the dark..." A nervous hand passed over her hair, ruffling it and making it more sexy.
Blake stopped when he heard her thinking about the offer. He turned to face her, completely unexpecting of the blush across her face. "I... Um, well, I am your servant, and I do have a valuable resource..." he said, stepping over to her. "I guess it's my duty to allow you to safely feed." he said, facing her. "I, um..." his face was really red now. "Would you like for me to sit down or stay standing..?" he asked.
Trinity raised her eyes up to his, the dark blue mesmerizing on more than one level. It was almost as though they were drawing him in... but unintentionally. "How about...we sit down?" she asked in a rather shy voice. "I mean... I don't know how you would react to me actually drinking from your neck... It would be better if we are both sitting..."
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