You're A Human? [XenoSagexFrogger]

Blake followed her for a little bit, looking down at the ground. "I can try to help you... I looked around the building yesterday." he said, a feeling of guilt sinking in. He continued to follow for a little more until he realized he needed to try something drastic. "Trinity, please! I'll do anything to make it up to you!" he said, stopping. "I... I'll let you suck my blood! I've heard that vampires love hu-" his eyes widened as he had almost shouted something deadly. "Love.. my race's blood." he said on a quieter level. He walked over to her, hoping that had some sort of effect. He needed to have her back as a friend. He couldn't go without a close friend here.
"I never tried that kind of blood," Trinity huffed, lips pursed into a thin line. "So don't worry about letting me bite into your neck. Why don't you go make friends with some of your other classmates? At the moment...I'm not interested in being your friend. You lied to me, Blake. Friends don't lie to each other. And so...we are not friends." Her dark blue eyes gazed back down at the schedule and dorm number she had written down. I think I'm going in the right direction...she thought to herself, adjusting the backpack she had on. Then she raised her eyes back up as she walked past him.
Blake was ready for her to bite him, but when she shrugged it off, he sighed. "I... I understand..." he said as she walked past him, turning to face her. "Good luck finding your room. I... I'm sorry." he said, turning back around and heading to find his way to his room. He had found another path yesterday, and that was the one he opted to take. He made his way up his stairs, and soon he was outside of his room, turning the key and unlocking it the door.
Trinity ran the tip of her tongue over her pointed fangs. "I really should try and drink sometime soon..." she murmured to herself, letting loose a sigh. A building rose up in front of her. "Oh! This must be my dorm." Other people were going inside, so that had to mean something. If anything, she really hoped it was the dorm.
Blake hurried into his room, locking the door behind him. He was glad to not have homework, but it was only the beginning of the semester. He tossed his bag down and climbed onto his bed, looking up at the ceiling and sighing. How could he have screwed up this badly? He closed his eyes for a few minutes, thinking of possible solutions, but he had none. "Dammit..." he whispered, sitting up and looking around his small room. He sat for a few more minutes before deciding to go down the hall to the male community bathroom.
Trinity could see that everything was in order, down to the last detail. Her luggage was set at the foot of the bed. The curtains were drawn, having it where it was dark. Though the sunshine didn't bother her much, at times it did irritate her eyes. It was a great relief to be in the darkness. After she yawned she dropped her backpack down onto the bed...and followed it seconds later. "What an exhausting day..." she murmured. "I hope tomorrow won't be like today." For a long minute she gazed up at the ceiling, just enjoying the peace and quiet. Then she grew annoyed with it, but she didn't know what to do. "I guess I can look around..." Once she sat up, she ran her fingers through her hair to straighten it, and then headed out to the grounds.
Blake quickly finished up in the bathroom, in a hurry to return to his room. He was afraid he'd run into someone with an increased sense of smell who would try to eat him or something. He made his way back to his room and sat down at his desk, trying to think of anything he could possibly do. He felt at a loss. He ended up just moving his chair to his window and peering outside. He had a pretty good view of the school from his room.
"Hm..." Trinity stepped out, relishing how the sunlight warmed her skin. Luckily the myths about vampires are hardly accurate. Her dark hair shimmered whenever it caught the light, and her skin looked to be even paler than usual. Of course that was to be expected. With a faint little smile she went on her way to see what was around here.
Blake sighed and pulled out a notebook, beginning to write things down that he needed to do before the week was over. Call mom and dad, pick up some snacks from the store... Possibly make friends, try to get Trinity back... he wrote, tearing out the sheet placing it on his study desk. Hopefully he wouldn't forget. He wouldn't forget the last one. As he stood up and stretched, he saw someone that looked like Trinity in the courtyard in front of the dorm. Should I? I feel like such a stalker... I need to something... he thought. Soon, he stood up and grabbed his keys and ran out the door, locking it behind him. It wasn't long until he was outside, heading to wear she had been.
Trinity remained where she was for a bit longer. It felt nice to be out, and not stuck in a classroom. All those boring lectures had really gotten to her. Not to mention that with everything that went on between her and Blake...well, it had soured her mood. How was she supposed to stay upbeat, after being betrayed by him? For years she has written to him, about everything...and for what? He didn't even trust her enough to say that he was human. It was all nothing... With a scowl on her face she started going off, not even caring where she went at this point. Why should she? It wasn't as though he would care... The only person who would care is Hazel...
Blake made it outside just as she walked away. He hurried over to where he had seen her standing only to be disappointed when she wasn't there. Ugh... he though, getting closer to the tree and sitting down against its trunk. He closed his eyes and began thinking of where she could have walked to. Maybe if he stayed under the tree, she'd walk back by on her way to the dorm? No, he needed to actively find her, show he cared. He stood up and dusted off his pants before beginning to walk in the direction of the school. Maybe she went that way.
"Wow, I didn't realize that the Academy was this beautiful..." Trinity stood in awe right before the main building. This morning she had been in such a big hurry, she didn't get much of a look at what was going to be her home for the next several months. How careless. Maybe she needs to start setting the alarm earlier...? That could help, that is...if she didn't hit the snooze button too many times. With a soft laugh she ran a hand through her hair, eyes taking in the small details of the building. It was definitely appealing. There was the ivy, the large windows, and the infinite other things that made it charming.
It wasn't long until Blake was standing in front of the school, close to Trinity. He didn't see her at first, but as he grew closer she came into view. He walked over to her and began speaking. "Hi... Just so you know, I'm not stalking you. I just want to talk. Please, listen. I'll do anything, to make this up to you! I can't afford to lose you, Trinity... If you want me to just go home, I will. But if not, I promise I'll do anything to be something to you..." he said, looking at her.
Trinity focused on him with a rather cool gaze. Then she turned her back to him, arms coming up to cross across her chest. "You already are something to me... You are a classmate. Just like any of the monsters here in this Academy. I don't know if we can ever be friends, if you can't trust me. To be honest, I'm not sure if I would want to be anyway. Losing me wouldn't be a huge lose to you. Why don't you go and find Hazel? The two of you are friends."
Blake kept his gaze on her, even after she turned around. He knew he had to keep trying if he was to get her back in any way. "I am a classmate, but Trinity... I've been looking forward to coming here just to meet you, not Hazel. I came here to have a close friend, and I ruined that. I'm sorry I kept being a human from you, but now you know..." he said, looking down at the ground. "I want you to still allow me to be your friend... How can I rebuild your trust? Do I need to do something?" he asked, looking back up at her.
"Hmph." Trinity lifted her chin up higher, for a long moment keeping her back to him. Then she whirled on him with a vengeance. "I just can't believe you did that to me, after everything! After years of confiding in you about all my feelings, what I went through with my family... I just...I can't believe you!" A hand shoved him back, hurt and tears shimmering in her dark blue eyes. It would have to take quite a bit to prove to her that he won't hurt her again.
Blake jumped slightly when she turned around so quickly. When she began ripping on him, he had nothing he could say. All of it was true. He had messed up their relationship by keeping one fact from her. He fell back when she pushed him, the force of the push almost causing him to topple backwards but he caught himself. "Trinity..." he whispered, walking back over to her. "I really do care about you, even though I seem like a jerk..." he said, placing an arm on her shoulder.
Trinity shook her head, not believing a word he says. "Care about me? Care about me?! If you really cared about me, you wouldn't have kept such an important fact away from me! Do you know what the Academy will do if anyone finds out? Any human here has to be the servant of a monster! I just...I won't be able to do anything if someone finds out and turns you in!" One of her hands shoved at the one on her shoulder, not really willing to accept his comfort right now.
Blake pulled his hand back when she pushed it away. "I..." he had read that rule when he enrolled, but the application didn't have anything on it about being human. "I'm sorry! I... I'll be your servant, if it'll help! I'm sorry I kept it from you, I had no idea that you actually had to have a master. What... What do I need to do to, I don't know... 'Declare' it to be so?" he asked, looking at her.
"You can't just...declare it! You fool!" Trinity glared at him, tears still stinging the backs and corners of her eyes. Why did she even care what happened to him? He lied to her... If anything, he deserved what was coming to him. "Servants have to wear a collar around their neck. There are different colors, depending on what kind of services you provide. probably would want to be Hazel's more than mine. I don't even trust you right now."
Blake sighed when she called him a fool. It was clearly showing that he was a human in that respect. He shrugged off the comment about Hazel, asking about the collars. "So... Different colors indicate different work sets. Hmm..." he whispered. "Would you please fill me in on these? I'd gladly wear a collar for you..." he said. This was the first he'd heard about collars, as it wasn't mentioned in the admission papers. Just that humans needed a master.
Trinity scowled, arms coming up to cross in front of her. Why she was doing this...she didn't even know anymore. "I can fill you in on the collars, I suppose... We should sit down though. Come on, this way." The beautiful vampire turned around and led the two of them towards the nearest bench. It was under a large gnarled tree, which offered little shade.
Blake was feeling a slight bit of relief, given that she was actually taking notice of him. She may have still sounded entirely angry, but it was a start. "Okay." he said, following his attractive friend to the bench. He gave her space, sitting a couple of feet from her. He sat facing her, so he could hear everything clearly.
"Alright." Trinity kept her arms crossed, and eyes off in the distance. "There are different colors for different services. Red means that you protect your master from harm, whether it's little or not. Pink symbolizes that you are...a sex servant. Not many people have one of those, but it's not impossible. Yellow means that you are meant to be a companion. Green shows that you are agriculturally reliable, able to help in the fields. That is very important to some monsters. Blue means that you are intelligent and can help with matters of the mind. Purple... magic. Black shows that you have abilities relating to death, whether by fighting or magic. And white means you can do any of these."
Blake listened closely. "Pink? Wouldn't that be a little awkward for the master to be showing off?" he said, chuckling softly. As he thought about it, there probably were some monsters that didn't mind. "Hmm... What color do you think I should wear? I'm thinking probably yellow. I don't think I'd be a good field worker, and I definitely don't know magic..." he said, bringing a hand up to rest his chin on.
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