You're A Human? [XenoSagexFrogger]

Trinity tilted her head, now starting to think back when the two first met. “We’ve known each other for a long, long time… It was back when we were little that we stumbled across each other. And I mean literally stumble. Hazel was so clumsy back then, and she tripped over just about everything.” Hazel began to protest but she was ignored. “I mean really, one day she fell over a rock and spilled chocolate milk all over me. Trust me, I wasn’t very happy. That’s how we became friends though.”
Blake smiled when she began reciting their past together. It sounded like they had a great childhood together. "Haha. I had a few friends when I was little, but none of them actually stayed my friend all of this time. That one of the reasons I found a pen pal!" he said, giving away a little of his past. "It's good that you guys became friends. Friends are essential." he added, nodding. "I feel like I've been asking all of the questions. Do you guys want to ask me anything?"
“Friends are definitely essential. If it hadn’t been for this one right here,” Hazel looped an arm around Trinity’s neck, starting to ruffle her hair, “I would have gotten into loads of trouble.” Trinity laughed, starting to tickle the witch’s sides with her fingertips. It didn’t take very long for her to be released. The girls were struggling to regain their breath when they both realized his question. Hazel leaned back against the tree, running a hand through her hair.

“Yeah, I have a question. What are you? I know that it’s against the rules…but I’m so curious. Most of us have some characteristics of what we really are, even in our human guises. You can’t be a werewolf… can you? Or a vampire… Well dang, I can’t figure out just what you could be…” She started rubbing her forehead as she thought this over. Trinity couldn’t help but nod in agreement to the question.
Blake smiled when she mentioned getting out of trouble because of Hazel. He would have to remember to ask about it later, as now he had to focus on getting himself out of an honest answer. He started looking around, trying to keep his eyes off of them. "Um, well... I'm not a werewolf OR vampire. You could say I'm just really good at hiding what I am. I used to attend a human school, just so you know. I've had a lot or practice..." he said, trying to avoid giving a direct answer.
Hazel and Trinity pouted, mulling over his words in a collective silence that went on and on. Finally the witch spoke up. “Well that is SO not helpful,” she told him, crossing her arms. “I mean seriously. We’re just curious, and besides. You can trust us. It’s not like either one of us is going to attack you out of spite or anything like that. We’re all friends here… Isn’t that right, Trinity?”

Trinity nodded. “That is true. You already know that I’m a vampire, and Hazel is a witch. What’s wrong with letting us know what you are? If anything, we can help you if there is any kind of weakness specific to your kind. Just like Hazel helps me out when it comes to water…” Her dark blue eyes flicked over to her friend, a smile darting along her lips. “Not to mention with boys, if I need it…”
Blake simply hummed. "Umm...." he knew they weren't satisfied by his failed attempt at avoiding an answer. "I.... Hmm..." he said, looking down, his eyes darting around. "Yes, yes, I know..." he added, before looking back up to them. Hearing her next few comments, giving even more information about them and even offering help. "Hmm... Well, you guys can't tell any one..." he said. "Trinity, my scent you smelled earlier... That was actually my normal scent. I-I'm a human..." he admitted.
“What?!” This was a combination of both girls’ voices, obviously surprised by his admission. Trinity lifted a hand and ran it through her long hair. Her friend, on the other hand, leaned forward with an expression of great interest. “Really?! You’re a human? Where are you from? What’s it like? Do humans have any special abilities of their own? Tell me everything!” The redhead propped her chin up, eyes intent on his and obviously expecting answers. Trinity didn’t say anything. To be honest, she felt a little betrayed. Why didn’t he tell her over their letters? From the very beginning, she told him who and what she was. Why didn’t he?
Blake looked at them, a slight blush on his face. He knew he'd kept this from Trinity for far too long, so it didn't come as a surprise to how she reacted. He watched her, noticing how she seemed to not care, however Hazel seemed the exact opposite. "Well... It's not really that great. I'm just from a small town near the school, so I took a bus here. No powers or anything.... I'll tell more later." he said, looking over to Trinity. He felt an large sense of sadness sweep over him about how he'd basically lied to her this whole time. "Um, Trinity, I'm sorry I never got the chance to tell you... I felt like you wouldn't want to converse with me if you knew." he said.
Trinity’s lips were pulled down in a frown, her betrayed eyes only flicking in his direction. “Liar…” she murmured. “You had plenty of chances to tell me. We were exchanging letters for more than five years. Not one time…not one time did you ever give me any indication that you were a human. I would have talked to you if I knew. I don’t care for some humans, sure, but once I’ve gotten to know you, I would have been okay. Now…I just don’t want to talk to you because of a lie.” She quickly rose to her feet, walking off to go back to the cafeteria. Hazel watched her friend leave with a concerned look.
Blake sighed after she first called him a liar. He looked down, feeling an even greater ominous feeling sweep overtake him. When she continued to scold him and show her distrust, he kept his gaze downwards. When he heard her stand, he turned his eyes back up to her. "Trinity, please, don't leave!" he said, standing up to follow her. His words simply reflected off of her though, and soon she was inside. "Dammit..." he sighed, and turned back to Hazel. "Sorry I kinda ruined everything... I hope at least your food was good!... I've gotta head to..." he opened his bag and pulled out his schedule and gulped. History, his next class with Trinity, was after lunch. "History. I'll talk to you later. It was nice to meet you." he added before grabbing his bag and tray and heading inside. He dropped off his food tray and walked to class.
“Just…great.” Trinity didn’t know what to think. Inside her very blood swirled betrayal and anger, more than she could bear. Over the years she had thought she had a good friend…someone she could tell anything to. Apparently not. He never trusted her. Not with the one thing that can potentially be his downfall here at Youkai Academy…his identity. Bowing her head, she continued walking down the hallway, bag bumping her hip every couple of steps. It wasn’t long before she made it to the classroom, going in and taking a seat. The desk was by the window, so that people can only sit on three sides of her instead of four. After she was seated, she brought out a book to read.
Blake was already feeling like he should just call his parents and inform them that he didn't fit in. They didn't know an additional reason he'd transfered was to meet Trinity, so he couldn't mention her and their 'wavering' friendship. He sighed and walked to his next classroom, noticing his friend sitting next to the window. He felt as if he could see an angered aura emanating from her; it scared him, but he still decided to sit close to her. He needed to fix this. He had met Hazel, but she was still an aquaintance; he needed someone to help him survive. "Trinity, please, I'm sorry! I didn't want to keep it a secret... I was legitly afraid that you'd cut off communicating with me!" he whispered, trying to not repeat that he was human so others could hear.
Trinity focused her eyes onto him, a wall having risen between him and what she was feeling. “It’s fine. I don’t care anymore.” After a few long moments she looked back out to the courtyard, enjoying the view of healthy grass and the woods beyond. Then a hand was raised to cup her chin. The other closed the book she had been reading, so that it wouldn’t get damaged in any way.
Blake kept his eyes on her, still sensing her anger. Her words felt so... emotionless. "Trinity..." he said softly, not sure what to say to relieve the tension between them. Things like this was probably why he hadn't had friends at his old school, but not because of being human. He sighed, watching as she closed her book. "Please, forgive me for not telling you..." he said, looking down. It wasn't long after he said that the bell rang and the professor showed up.
"Why don't you take your seat?" Trinity told him in that same tone of voice. A hand even went on to gesture the man. Her eyes flicked up to the teacher, body shifting so that she was facing the front. "And how about taking it somewhere else too? I'm sure there are other people who would just love to talk to you." After saying that, she went on to take out a notebook and pen, ready to write down some notes for the first class.
Blake looked up to the teacher before back down to her. When she told him to sit, he was looking to the seat behind her, but when she said 'take it somewhere else' he sighed. He sat in the seat diagonally right in front of her. He pulled out his notebook and a pencil, and began to scribble his usual name and date on the upper right. He looked back at her only to see her inattention to him, and then back to his page. He copied down everything the professor said.
Trinity copied down everything the professor said as well, making sure that she wrote extra notes on future assignments and projects. History was supposed to be a writing class. It required that the students write papers on certain people, and to work together in groups of two or three on projects. For most of the fifty minutes there was only the lecture. When the bell rang she rose up out of her seat, gathering her things together before turning to leave.
Blake was finishing up his notes as the majority of the class headed for their next class. He was typically one of the slower writers. When he finally finished, he put them away and got up in time to see Trinity walk out of the room. That was their last class together that day, and he hadn't even made it one day without effectively ruining their friendship. He was too far behind to catch her and make it to class on time, so he opted to just get to class. Luckily, it was the last one of the day, and maybe it'd be over quickly and he could find her somewhere.
"Hey Hazel." Trinity looped her arm through the redhead's, tugging her down the hallway. Her tone was still a bit chilly. Yet it was defrosting, due to the fact that she was with her best friend. "We have the same class together. Isn't that great?" The smile she sent her way was faint, yet it was working on being more genuine and bigger. "At least we can be bored together." Hazel agreed with a nod and a smile of her own. "That is great!"
Blake headed down the hall in the opposite way of Trinity, eventually making it to his next class room. He quickly walked in and took a seat near the front before taking out his notebooks; it was clear he was eagerly waiting for class to start. It wasn't long until the professor walked in, and soon after that the bell rang to actually start the period. He began scrawling various notes on the page, looking like a very studious student. He was thinking of ways he could possibly make it up to her. Would she want a taste of his blood? He'd heard vampires love that... No way, that was why he was in this predicament. That and the fact that he hid it from her.
Trinity went into the last class of the day with the witch, and together they found seats right next to each other. The teacher began with -what a surprise- a lecture on rules and guidelines. That was almost like unspoken permission to pass notes amongst themselves, and just plain ignore the man. It happened all during the fifty minutes class was in session. When the bell rang everyone rose, leaving the man befuddled and more than a little lacking in satisfaction. "I'll see you later!" Trinity told Hazel with a smile, waving before heading off to her dorm. It was getting to be late.
Blake's professor did much of the same, however he wrapped up his spiel about rules fairly quickly and began lecture before class was out. He spoke quickly, just fast enough that he had to scribble notes he hoped he'd understand later. He could barely wait until class was over. Finally though, when the bell rang, he hurried out the door of the classroom and down the hall, ready to head to his dorm. Perhaps he could find where Trinity was staying, but that seemed easier said than done. He hurried to his dorm building, and on the way there he saw someone in the distance with the same hair as Trinity. Could it be her? He hurried to catch up.
"Mm..." Trinity raised her arms high above her head, in an attempt to stretch her back. Today was been one of the...well, she couldn't say worst...but it definitely hadn't been the best. No. She had imagined things to go a lot differently than what actually happened. For one thing, she never did expect her long time pen pale to have lied to her about who...or rather, what he was. That had been the real kicker. No...that was the one thing that ruined her day. Everything else had been great. And now...she was not interested in the least with talking with the...the human. She would rather drink a gallon of coyote blood before doing that, and from what she heard that tastes disgusting.

The black-haired beauty lowered her arms. "Alright, I have to find my dorm..." she murmured to herself. Earlier she found out that Hazel was assigned to a different dorm, and of course she was disappointed...but it did give her the opportunity to get to know other people. Once she paused underneath a gnarled tree, she began shuffling through her backpack. Somewhere she had written the dorm number on a map... Lips in a little frown she continued to look.
Blake continued to walk in the direction of Trinity, noticing she'd finally stopped moving. He didn't try to push past people, for fear of attracting unneeded and much unwanted attention. Soon, the crowd had walked far enough that he could finally catch up to her. "Trinity?" he asked, approaching her. Much to his surprise, it was her. Did they happen to live in the same dorm? "Hey..." he said, not feeling at all like he seemed like a stalker. "I live in the dorm over there." he said, pointing. "I'm in room 255." he added, so she might seem to take notice. Maybe they lived on the same floor or something.

"Please, listen. I know I'm stupid, and I just further that stereotype for humans, but please, forgive me Trinity..." he said, turning to look at her.
Trinity just went on ignoring him. For one thing, she wasn't interested in talking to him. Not now, and not for quite some time. He had lied to her. What did he expect her to do, just forget about it? That wasn't possible. Over the years she had told him everything...even about how she was a vampire. Yet he didn't feel as though he could do the same. Maybe their friendship hadn't meant as much to him as it did to her...or wasn't as important. Either way, she felt betrayed. He can just go find another friend now that they longer friends. She hated that, but it was true.

"Mm... I think I have to go this way..." she murmured to herself, merely brushing past the human. The paper rustled in her hand as a breeze wafted past.
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