You're A Human? [XenoSagexFrogger]

Blake felt a bit of his blood rising to his face at her comment about her and her other theoretical source of blood. Something inside of him really didn't like the idea of that. "U-um, well, I mean, I can just start drinking lots of water and figure out what is best for blood production. That way I can be your only source." he said, bringing his hand up to scratch the side of his face. He cleared his throat after a few moments and said, "I think we should probably get to class. We don't need to be late."
Trinity released his hand. "Uh, you're right... You're right. We need to hurry. I don't want the teacher getting onto us for being late." Her dark blue eyes quickly darting away from his, she began to run towards the academy ahead. In all honesty...she had no idea what to say to what he said. Did he want her to only drink from his vein? Or was it that he was only looking out for her well-being? Her hair flew out behind her, its lilac scent lingering in the air as she ran.
Blake stood there for a moment or so, feeling like he may have said something wrong. But, he just said what was on his mind... Was that wrong? He watched her get ahead a small bit before taking off after her. He just really felt weird when she mentioned drinking from someone else. He had been her first source of human blood, and while he knew she most likely wouldn't find another human, he wanted her to just drink from him. Perhaps it was his jealous side appearing. Soon, the two were at their classroom and the starting bell had rang.
"S-Sorry we're late..." Trinity panted, little glistening drops of sweat clinging to her skin. Even sweaty and red-faced, she was still a beautiful girl... especially since the uniform stuck to her every curve like a glove. The teacher didn't seem pleased, but instead of threatening punishment, he gestured them impatiently towards their seats. Long black tendrils of hair flowed out behind her as she went to the window. Luckily the chemistry teacher didn't pay any more attention, and started the lesson. Head bent, she brought out a notebook and some pencils to write with.
Blake would be easily mistaken for someone who was about to die, given how heavily he was breathing. He was definitely a human. He followed Trinity into the room, his eyes facing downwards out of slight guilt from being late. He was glad the professor had been lenient though, and took his seat. He pulled out his own notes and pencil and began to write. His mind would wander back to their earlier discussion before he would silence it with a 'We'll talk about it later...' He focused on what the teacher wrote on the board, even taking some quotes he deemed important down. It didn't seem too long until the bell rang.
Trinity rose from her seat, already gathering the materials together in order to place them back in her bag. Luckily her next class wasn't too far from here. And...Blake can walk her to it, since his was also close. "Blake?" she spoke up, flashing a brilliant smile his way. Unnoticed on her part was the reactions of the nearby males, whose mouths dropped and cheeks darkened with color. "Want to walk me to my next class? It's not too far from yours, remember?" Now done with her task, she hoisted it up onto her shoulder. The boys still were in shock over her smile and natural beauty, so was too nervous to do anything but stand there.
Blake was lagging slightly behind, finishing up his last sentence before stowing away everything in his bag. He looked up and smiled when he heard Trinity's voice, standing to join her. "Of course, mistress, I'd love to," he said, walking closer to her before heading towards the exit. He was glad that she paid attention to him and mostly ignored the other males. They all seemed interested in her, but who wouldn't? She was so beautiful, and was his mistress. Soon, he was following behind her slightly, letting her lead him through the halls like a servant should. When they finally reached her room, a small frown crossed his face at the fact that they'd have to split for a while. "I hope class goes well, Trinity. I'll see you at lunch!"
"At least that class is over," Trinity commented. A hand rose to tuck a stray lock of hair behind her ear, which only curled around the lobe. Today she was positively glowing with health. It was probably the blood coursing through her veins, providing her nutrients and life. "I'm not a big fan of chemistry... Are you any good? Do you think you can tutor me, if you are?" The young vampire flashed him a lovely smile, which one man noticed on the way to a different part of the building. He stumbled, hitting the wall with brute force.
Blake loved how happy she looked today. Her brighter skin made her happiness much more apparent. "I was good at my old school, so I suppose I am. Of course I can tutor you, mistress. It'll be easy, since we live together." Her smile made his heart flutter slightly, just at it did the ones around him. He jumped when he heard the man hit the wall, turning to look at it before returning to her. He smiled back before saying, "I should probably go, I don't need to be late." He frowned slightly. "I'll talk to you later, Trinity!"
Trinity offered another beautiful smile, this one as genuine as the first. "Alright. And thank you!" A little wave given, the girl turned around, the skirt flirting around her knees while heading to her room. More guys stared after the young beauty. One deeming quality about her was that she wasn't vain about her looks. It was all completely natural. In fact...if there was one mean bone in her body, it would be a surprise to anyone.
Blake smiled at his mistress, watching her walk into her classroom. She was so beautiful, even though she wasn't trying. He felt very lucky to have her, and be able to possibly protect her from the other monsters here at the academy. He turned himself and hurried off to his next class. He couldn't wait until lunch could hurry up and get here. His stomach was growling. He also felt a need for the entire school day to end, as he wanted to discuss their earlier conversation with her.
The school day passed rather quickly for all those who attended. Classes flashed by in a blur of lectures and assignments, lunch being the one calm moment where everyone can relax. This too came to an end, and then the day was over. Trinity gathered her things together along with the rest of her class, careful not to crumple any of her papers. Her stomach growled, reminding her that it was close to dinnertime.
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