You're A Human? [XenoSagexFrogger]

"I still feel like I forced you though..." Trinity began to wipe her face clear of the sticky liquid, also using the towel on her hair and neck. It would probably be a better idea for her to take a shower, but for right now, this works just fine. "I was quite unexpected. And I called you in here...just saying that I need help..." A dark blush bloomed again on her cheeks. Why couldn't she just shut up about it? What was done was done, and over with...right?!
"No, no, I promise." Blake said smiling. He watched as she cleaned herself; he really did get it everywhere. He wondered if she liked that... He reached out to take the towel when she finished, ready to put it with his pile of dirty clothes. He smirked when she kept bringing it up. Apparently he wasn't the only it deeply intrigued. "Haha... It sounds like you can't get it off your mind." he teased. "No, really, it's okay. I am your servant after all." he said, bringing up that fact again. "Don't worry. Now, I need to finish our pancakes." he finished, smiling and stepping to the kitchen.
Trinity felt heat rise up to her cheeks like a tidal wave, and quickly averted her gaze. "O-Okay..." she murmured. "Finish our pancakes, and...I'll go and...take a shower. Yes...that is what I'll do." She got up out of the bed, black mane sexily ruffled and clothes in disarray as she gathered her uniform together. After she pulled her pants back on, she passed him on the way out to the community bath. "I'll be back in about ten or fifteen minutes. Try not to burn down the dorm while I'm gone," she teased. The door closed behind her with a soft click that almost seemed to echo.
Blake watched as Trinity got up, looking over her body and her hair. The way it was tossed over her looked so sensual, just like she'd just finished with someone she cared about. He smiled. "Okay, I'll be right here! They'll be finished by the time you get back. I'll be careful, even thought I don't think even I can mess up pancakes. Have a nice shower!" he called after her, watching her walk out the door. He then turned back to his mix and began to actually cook the pancakes.
"I will!" Trinity found the community bath soon enough, and minutes later, water was pounding onto her back and shoulders. The shampoo and conditioner trailed down along the length of skin whenever she rinsed the soap out. After about ten minutes, she was drying off and heading back to the dorm. Little water droplets still glistened on her arms and face, but it was unnoticed on her end. "Are the pancakes ready? I'm hungry." she spoke up as she entered.
Blake tried to make his pancakes all the same size, but there were a few near the end that were smaller. He had them all stacked on the middle of the table on a plate, with two other plates for each other. There were forks, knives, and syrup sitting beside them. He smiled when he heard the door open, looking over at her still-wet body. "Y-yes! They are all finished, and I hope they are to your liking." he said, pulling out a chair for her. He then walked around the table and took a seat himself, but waited for her.
Trinity sat down in the seat he offered, very touched by the gesture. "I'm sure they're delicious. Blake, you don't have to act like my...slave when we're inside these four walls.'re my friend. And I am yours... Do I make myself clear...?" Her dark, mesmerizing eyes rose up to meet his, just as she cut off a piece of pancake and stuck it into her mouth. The blue orbs went wide. " These are so good! You really know how to cook, don't you?" With a beaming smile she continued to eat the food.
Blake smiled and nodded. "Alright, alright... I understand." he said simply, returning her gaze. He looked back into her eyes as she finally tasted his perfect pancakes. When her eyes widened with surprise, he knew he'd done well. He brought a hand up to scratch his head slightly, a blush on his face. "Ehh, you can say I've cooked more than a little back at home. I'm glad you like them!" he said, beginning to eat his own small batch. He put some syrup on them before cutting in and eating them. "How was your shower?" he asked, looking over at her.
"It was good. It felt nice, to be able to wash after....everything." Trinity eagerly began to dig into the pancakes he made for the two of them. In her household, you had to basically fend for yourself when it comes to food...or anything for that matter. Her legs crossed at the ankles, but then the thighs in order to get more comfortable. The skirt she wore as part of the uniform hiked up to expose creamy smooth skin. More syrup was applied to the delicious cakes.
Blake chuckled, taking another bite of his pancakes. He knew he had enjoyed their fun. He pulled another pancake from the stack between them, adding it to his syrupy plate. He cut it as well, when he noticed her chowing down on hers so quickly. "Haha, Trinity, you don't have to eat so quickly. I'm almost finished, and I can make more if you want." he said, not knowing much about her homelife. He hadn't gotten dressed yet, figuring he'd take a quick shower first.
Trinity blushed pink, the color spreading to her ears and neck as quickly as a wildfire. "Thanks..." she murmured. "For taking care of me earlier, for cooking breakfast...and for being my friend." With a smile she reached out, her soft hand touching his. The look she had for him was warm and trusting. There was also something else there, like she was holding a piece of herself back, but it was hard to tell. "I really appreciate everything you have done for me. If there is anything I can do for you...anything...just let me know."
Blake smiled when he saw her blush, knowing he'd embarassed her. He was just playing around. He took another bite of his pancakes, leaving just about one-third of a cake left. He looked back over to her when she began thanking him, a blush crossing his own face when she took his hand. He looked at how sincere her emotions displayed on her face were. He smiled, hearing the rest of it. "I... Thanks, Trinity. You know it's the same for me, as if earlier didn't help show that. If you ever need something, let me know." he said, looking into her eyes. He could feel how close the two were, so much more different than the day before.
"I will." Trinity smiled and tilted her head, long obsidian locks tumbling down over her shoulder. The black hair caught the light, and so glowed like it was a molten river. "I feel like I can trust you... Maybe it's because we exchanged so many letters over the years, or maybe it's because of this situation, but...I really think I can. And know that you can trust me too. I will never betray your trust, and I will try to never hurt you." She couldn't promise that she won't ever hurt him, because everyone hurts someone at some point, but at least she can promise that she'll try not to. Her cheeks grew darker, her hand slowly releasing his in order to take a sip of her drink. "Um... If you want, you can go ahead and take your shower. Don't worry about making me some more pancakes... I think my thirst is just messing with my appetite..." One hand drifted down to her stomach and rubbed gently.
Blake smiled, looking over at her with a kind expression. She was so kind, so beautiful, so smart... She was everything a guy could possibly like in a girl. And, even more surprisingly, she was an actual vampire. Even though they had just physically met yesterday, he felt so close to her in all that they had done. He felt her love through her promises, and simply smiled. "Thank you, Trinity. It means so much to me..." he said, looking into her eyes. When she pulled back to drink her beverage, a blush crossed his face and he nodded. "Um, oh, yeah. Of course..." he said, standing. "Haha. I don't want you to get too addicted to my blood. Can vampires gain weight from drinking to much?" he asked in a teasing tone.
Trinity blushed pink, obviously embarrassed by the thought. "No! Vampires cannot gain weight from drinking too much blood!" At least, she didn't believe they can. Quickly she dropped her gaze down to her stomach. Much to her relief, it didn't look any different than it did before she gained her first taste of his blood. With a smile she looked back up at the boy. "If you're not careful...I'll bite you again!" she threatened in a playful tone. Of course...she wouldn't mind actually doing it, since his blood is so delicious. Even now...her fangs grew a bit longer, just aching to sink into his neck. Another blush lingering on her cheeks, she turned away, that way he couldn't see it. Maybe she was getting addicted to his blood...
Blake chuckled softly, enjoying the response he got from her. He loved the blush that crossed her face, the genuine innocence it carried. "Good to know! Now, if only I can stop you from sucking me dry." he added, a grin on his face. At her threat, he brought his hands up and waved them slightly, saying "Oooh, I'd better watch out!" with a teasing tone. "Haha. Well, with that, I'm going to go and actually shower." he said, standing. "Be back soon!" he added, walking into the other room and picking out a towel. He then headed down the hall, stripped, and began to let the warm water flow over him. The water quickly heated up, and he rubbed the slightly sore marks that were left on his neck.
"Okay!" Trinity called out behind him. When she finished clearing the table, she washed the dishes, the soap lathering her hands and forearms. It wasn't long before she was done, and laying out everything to dry. Dozens of thoughts kept trickling into her mind, each more confusing than the last. "I really think I need to try...not drinking from Blake..." she murmured to herself as she headed back to her -or rather, their- room. "Either find someone else to drink from...or...I don't know. Maybe I can find another way..." A hand ran through her obsidian locks nervously, a few locks falling into her dark blue eyes as she went on to get dressed. Classes didn't start in another hour or so, but it still didn't hurt to get ready. First her pajama shirt dropped onto the floor, making a pool of purple as she found her uniform.
Blake quickly finished up his shower, turning off the water and beginning to dry off. The warm water was very relaxing. He tried to keep his thinking down to a minimum, even though he had slight thoughts of Trinity drinking his blood. How had he become a beautiful vampire's drinking source? Oh well. He wrapped the towel around himself and hurried back to the room, carrying his dirty clothes. He pushed open the door and stepped in, catching Trinity in her shirtless. He then realized he was now naked in he same room as her. "Ah!!" he exclaimed, blushing. He quickly tossed his clothing into his hamper before grabbing his already picked out uniform. "I'm sorry! I'll get dressed in the kitchen...." he said, rushing into the kitchen with his uniform.
Trinity froze, eyes wide and body tense from his unexpected appearance. Finally...she shook her head, a dark red blush taking residence along her cheeks and nose. "'s okay!" she called out. "I know you didn't mean to!" Because of this recent...incident, she locked the door first before resuming. The white shirt clung to all the curves of her body, the green jacket doing nothing to hide them. The gold plaid skirt ended just about the middle of her thighs, and showed off her long toned legs to the world. "Hey! I'm ready whenever you are!" After flipping the lock, she went on and combed through her long black locks, for a moment playing with the idea of curling the masses. It would probably look okay... Her eyes searched her reflection in the mirror, though she did nothing else.
Blake quickly got dressed in the kitchen area, pulling on his boxers before pulling on his green pants. Next came his shirt and jacket, and after those were on he hurried back into the living room. He was ready for classes as well, even though his hair was still damp. He smiled at Trinity, noting how she still looked great in her school outfit. Those long legs, all of her curves, everything he had found physically attractive about her. "Alright, I suppose we should get going then. We don't need to be late." he said, picking up his bag. He double checked to make sure he had his notebooks before tossing it over his back. Today was going to be interesting. He quickly clipped on his collar, making sure it was in place before they left.
"Ready?" Trinity locked the door behind them, and dropped the key into her pocket. Long obsidian tresses flowed in a glossy wave down the length of her back, the sunlight playing over her pale features. Even her eyes, that beautiful shade of midnight blue, looked like pieces of sapphire in a blanket of satin. "Cause once we're gone, I'm not coming back until classes are done and over with." A soft musical laugh escaped her lips at this. Her footsteps barely made a sound as she began to walk out. "Oh, today I'm going to see how else I can get blood...besides taking it from you. I don't want to hurt you in any way, and I'm sure that I'm taking too much as it is." She bit her lip, guilt sinking in deep.
Blake nodded at Trinity in reponse, stretching a bit before walking. He stayed just a little bit behind her, almost following like a puppy. How did he get so lucky, finding such a pretty girl without even knowing it? And now he was her servant, whatever they made of it. He felt like his looks didn't even compare to hers, but, of course, he was dealing with a vampire. They were well known for their seductive looks. "Of course! No wasted trips." he said, continuing with her. That voice... "Oh? I mean, I really don't mind! But I suppose it is safer for the long run." he said. He placed an arm on her shoulder, the guilt in her voice coming through to him. "Really, don't worry about yesterday. I'm a guilty pleasure, I guess." he said, chuckling.
Trinity peeked up at him through her bangs, uncertainty shimmering in the blue depths. "Are you sure? I feel really bad about it all....especially with what happened this morning. What if that keeps....What if we keep doing that?" The two paused, the tension practically electric between them. And was also sexual. One of her soft, buttery hands rose up to find his on her shoulder. Their fingers linked together, just for that one moment where no one was watching. At least...that is what they think. "I mean...I can't keep drinking your blood like I have been... I love the taste, and that's the problem. I need to find another source... It won't be so dangerous if I drank from another person..."
Blake knew that it would take a while for her to understand that it was okay with him, and he felt no regrets. He actually had... He actually liked what they had done. He liked seeing her so happy and pleasured. "I..." He looked back into her deep blue hues. "I know it sounds bad, but... I really liked it. It felt good..." He said honestly, a blush coming to his face. He looked down at her hand partially in his before looking back up. "Maybe we should cut back on the blood... But I am fine if... If you want to try the other stuff again..." he said, a slight smile on his lips.
"I don't know..." Trinity bit her lip, heat rushing up to her face at his words. Blake...actually liked what they did together? It felt good to him? Of course, it felt good to her too...but still. Her fingers soon linked through his own, and she couldn't think of what to say. Her lips were parted, but no words escaped. Finally, she managed, "I liked what we did too... It felt amazing... I know I need to find another blood source, but I like the taste of your blood... Besides. If I start drinking from someone wouldn't surprise me if in, the other person and I, start doing...things like this..."
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