You're A Human? [XenoSagexFrogger]

"Ah... Thank you, for helping me..." Trinity murmured as she forced her eyes back up to his. For a moment she contemplated licking his skin, just to get the flavor of it on her tongue again. Her will power crumbled, and soon she was back up against him, tongue rasping over the curve of his neck. "I'll try to look for a different source... and I'll let you go take a shower. In a minute." Her hands slowly released him as they rubbed down his sides.
"You're welcome!" Blake said, turning to look her in the eyes. Once again, those special eyes... He was just about to stand when he felt her hold him down. Her tongue on his neck cause him to moan again, his toes curling in his shoes. "A-alright..." he said, letting her taste his skin. "Even you just licking my skin feels good..." he whispered, a blush on his face. He felt like he seemed like a weirdo, given how he liked a vampire biting him.
Trinity began to purr next to his ear, tongue pausing on the lobe. "Mm... I'm glad I'm not at least hurting you..." she breathed. "I would hate it if I was..." Her tongue resumed the licking, even going so far as to his shoulder before heading north. There was also a blush along her cheeks. That was mostly because of the fresh blood in her system, giving her the ability to blush. During times of great stress is when she will have to feed more. She nibbled the tiniest bit.
Blake closed his eyes, practically feeling himself melting under her constant licking. And all of this was coming from his mistress, his best friend. "Ohhh, you're no-not at all... I assure you..." he said, moaning. Her gentle biting on his neck and earlobe just kept him excited, the sensitive skin causing his hardness to twitch in response. He kept quiet, but given how turned on she'd gotten him, he'd have to take care of it later, somehow. "I-I should probably go s-shower now..." he said softly.
"Mm? I don't want you to go quite yet...." Trinity murmured, almost sexily into his ear. "I'm even tempted to bite you again...but if I do it from your neck, you'll be sore...that, and you need time to recover..." She pouted. Then she bent her head, nipping his shoulder just so. That one act alone shot pleasure right into his body as though she had injected it into him with a needle. Her hands began to rub his sides as she continued.
That sexy tone. That one voice she used just made him freeze. It was the perfect sultry voice he'd wanted a girl to use. "W-well, what can y-Ohh~" Blake said, releasing a loud, pleasured moan when she bit him. His cock twitched, spilling precum into his boxers. The wet spot was large enough it had become visible on his pants. "Oh, god..." he whispered, his heart racing.
Trinity began to pull away, her tongue washing her bottom lip. "What...? You need to finish your sentence..." she whispered. "Or should I just leave you alone? I'm sorry that I keep bothering you..." The wet spot she chose to ignore, that way he wouldn't be possibly embarrassed or anything. Her hips shifted as she started to move off him.
"Oh, no, I was just going to ask what could you do instead..." Blake replied, looking at her. "You're not bothering me at all... I love the feeling of you biting me..." he said, blushing. He placed a hand on her knee, looking into her eyes. "Trinity, you don't have to get off of me..." he said, a blush still there. She looked beautiful with her slight blush.
"Oh... Well, I could just bite you somewhere else... It doesn't always necessarily have to be in the neck..." Trinity paused in moving away, eyes rather intent on his. The blush on her cheeks darkened slightly. "Other places are just...for the fun of it... No drinking has to be involved..." Her body shifted with nerves, hands still bunched right near his stomach.
"I hadn't thought of that. That bite on my shoulder felt good..." he said, looking at her. He leaned up slightly. Blake smiled slightly, looking down at her hands. He moved his hand off of her knee and put it around her. He was feeling better, the 'woozy'ness was gone now. He looked past her hand and noticed the wet spot on his pants. His blush deepened. "Well, um, do you want to play around a little more?" he asked, "Or shall I shower?"
Trinity couldn't help but yawn, hand rising up to cover her mouth. "It's up to you... I have had my fill. The taste of your blood is good... I like it a lot. And I find it fun to bite you... Because I'm full though, I am a little sleepy..."
Blake smiled softly. "Aww. Well, you should probably get some sleep then. I'm really glad I taste good and that I'm fun..." he said, looking into her eyes. "I'll go shower really quickly and go to bed myself." he added. "I don't want to keep you up." when he could, he stood up and headed to his side of the room to grab clothes. "Good night, Trinity." he called.
"Mm....goodnight..." Trinity slowly rose from the couch, stretching her body as she headed to her dresser. Once she had some pajamas in her hands, she waited until he was gone before getting ready for bed. It was simple clothes. The top was long and a dark purple, the pants striped but in the same colors. She climbed in after she was done, snuggling into her pillow.
Blake made his way out of the room and down the hall, to the community bathrooms. The one on this floor seemed much cleaner than the one on his old floor. He quickly stripped and hopped in a stall, letting the warm water run over his body. He brought a hand up to his neck, touching the sore, newly healed bite marks. He blushed, thinking about it. She became like a different person when she began drinking his blood. It also felt much more amazing than he'd have guessed.
Trinity passed out in the bed, the feeding having tired her out. However there was no way she was ever going to trade the experience. It had been...amazing. Much better than she ever thought it was going to be. Her snoring wasn't bad in the least, only the faint sounds of breathing, though that did expose her fangs.
Blake's mind kept racing, thinking of how she bit him, how she moaned... Those low, heated growls she released. It was almost as if he couldn't think of anything else. He quickly washed his hair, trying to distract himself. He finished the shower and got out, drying and getting dressed in a light pair of blue shorts and a white t-shirt before heading back to the room. He entered and locked the door, being quiet as he walked to his side of the room and crawled into bed. As he laid there, he kept imagining her moving against his hardness.
"Mm..." Trinity moaned softly in her sleep, even going so far as to roll onto her back. The purple shirt she wore lifted enough to reveal a few inches of skin. Her stomach was flat and smooth. There was a pretty blush along her cheeks, and then seconds later she kicked off the blanket she had over her. Her hair was like a black halo about her head. It was a lovely sight to behold, with not much to compare it too.
Blake's body was getting more excited as he laid there and imagined, his length hardening as he thought. He was throbbing, but luckily his shorts were loose so it wasn't like his pants from earlier. Around this time, he heard her moan. He turned to face her, his eyes looking at her beautiful, sleeping body. That soft, great scented hair, her mesmerizing eyes, even her skin... He slowly began to stroke his length through his shorts.
Trinity couldn't seem to settle down. After a few minutes she moved again, this time rolling onto her side. The neckline of her shirt fell, and just the curve of her breast could be seen. A little bit lower, and he could see it in its entirety. A leg rose up as she went on to curl into a ball. Her back stretched, though it was an absent gesture.
Blake's eyes widened, seeing the large amount of her breasts she was showing. By now, he'd pulled his shorts and boxers down, stroking himself softly underneath his sheets. Maybe, if I'm quiet... I can get closer... he thought, sliding off of the bed. He was glad his collar didn't have a bell, or that would have been loud. He walked over to his clothes hamper and pulled out his still damp towel. He could finish in that. He had left his shorts and boxers in his bed, and was now standing beside Trinity, watching her beautiful sleeping body as he stroked himself.
"Mm..." Trinity stretched her back again, now the swell of her breast becoming more evident. Even the very tip of her nipple could be seen through the fabric. Another soft moan escaping her lips, she raised a hand up to her bare stomach. It merely rubbed for a moment. Then she couldn't help but moan again. In her dream state she was reliving what they had been doing before, making her body heat up to an unbearable level.
Blake watched his mistress closely, his eyes taking in every detail. He began stroking more quickly, his pre-cum lubing his length quite nicely as he moved. He looked at her breasts, the little hardened nipple poking through. Oh goood.... he thought, looking at her. Her moaning even pushed him farther along. He was breathing heavily, his own climax coming closer and closer with each passing second.
Trinity whimpered this time around. Relief...there had to be some kind of relief somewhere, right? The hand on her stomach rubbed, a few fingertips even dipping underneath the waistband of her pants. "Mm..." Blush growing darker, she panted heavily, the images still flashing through her mind. "B-Blake.." she whispered in her sleep.
Blake continued stroking, his eyes hungrily watching her fingers. He was eagerly hoping for her to begin touching herself, wanting to climax as she moaned. He looked up at her face when she whispered his name, smiling slightly. She was thinking about him. He could feel himself about to cum, his cock throbbing in his hand. He readied his towel, so he could discretely catch it all.
"Mm...Mm..." Trinity threw her head back, panting more heavily as she arched. If only...If only... Because it was hard to breathe in this position, she rolled onto her back, hips raising up into her fingers. "Blake..." she whispered again. "Please...Please..." Her hips began to rock, as though she was seeking his touch...his body against hers.
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