You're A Human? [XenoSagexFrogger]

"Mm..." Trinity tucked her nose into his chest, her hands plastered between them. It felt be warm. The scent of him wasn't bad either, especially this close. One of her hands began to rub, along his stomach, and his ribs. Her breathing was now more relaxed since she has had a chance to calm down from all the excitement. Her features were even prettier in proximity. Cheekbones high, lips full and very much desirable, she could have been a model if she so wanted.
Blake smiled, looking down at her. He still felt lucky, knowing he had been conversing with someone so great for so long. Even though they hadn't met before today, he still had felt close to her. She was so pretty, so smart... It seemed impossible to him. He had to be lucky. He kissed her forehead and began to gently trace circles on her back. It wasn't long until he was drifting to sleep against her.
Morning didn't take but hours to approach, yet it felt like only minutes. Trinity stretched as rays of light poured through the window. It played along her facial features, one moment causing her to look much older, than another much younger. A small yawn escaped her lips. "Mm...So warm..." she murmured sleepily. "Don't...want to move..." Her arms tightened around her friend, though she didn't realize this.
Blake heard her speak, her voice awakening him. He opened one eye to look over at her, a smile on his face. He waited until she relaxed her grip on him to finally say anything. "Mmmm... Good morning, Trinity." he said, stretching and yawning. He was slightly interested in how she would respond. He looked at her laying beside him, her beautiful skin being touched by the sunlight.
"Mm... Morning..." At first only silence preceded the words. Then...Trinity jolted, now realizing what was wrong with this picture. Eyes snapping open, she gathered the blankets to her chest and pulled away...only to almost fall off the bed. "What...What...What are you doing in my bed?!" she exclaimed, anger leaking into her tone of voice.
Blake pulled back when she did, looking at the surprised look on her face. She really hadn't been planning on him sleeping with her... He grabbed her to keep her on the bed before letting her go again. "I... Last night, you were making noises in your sleep. You were saying my name, and I came over to check on you. You grabbed my shirt, and wouldn't let me go, so I just stayed..." he said, leaving out the more intimate details.
Trinity blinked several times, heart pounding as she absorbed his words. "I was...making noises in my sleep?" she murmured. Then she grew more thoughtful. "I've never done that before... Or ever said anyone's name... That's pretty weird..." Her hand somehow ended up on his knee, but high on his thigh. There was a pink blush along her cheeks while she thought this over. "I'm sorry...that I overreacted..." Finally she looked him straight in the eyes.
Blake looked at her, how she was thinking about his words. He knew that they could have sounded like a made up excuse, but she was believing him. That was good. "Yeah... I don't really know what caused it, but I think it may have been how awesome drinking my blood was." he said softly. A blush crossed his face as he felt her hand on his leg, looking down at it before looking back into her eyes. "It's okay, no problem, Trinity." he said, smiling. He thought for a few moments before realizing he left his cum-covered towel beside her bed. Crap. Hopefully she would take her time at getting up.
"Mm..." Trinity leaned forward. At first only the tip of her nose traced along the curve of his neck, but then her lips followed the same path. "I really am sorry...that I caused such an inconvenience... Next time it happens, you can just ignore me..." Right after she told him this, her tongue rasped over his skin. Fangs nipped lightly at it once she was done. For some reason...she found the idea of biting him rather...addictive. His taste was marvelous...and she only wanted to taste it again... A soft growl rumbled up her throat, and so bathed his skin in this vocalization. One of her hands came up to rub his chest.
Blake had been a bit distracted, worrying about her finding his dirty secret when he felt her nose teasing his neck. "Ahh... T-trinity..." he said, looking at her moving closer. "No, no, it was no problem at all. I don't want to ignore you..." he said, shivering. This again, the same excited feeling sweeping over him, preparing to be bitten. Her soft, wet tongue just touched him, her fangs causing him to moan. "I... Ohh~" he said, closing his eyes. He enjoyed this as much as she did. He brought a hand up and placed it on her hip, holding her close. "Y-you can bite me, if you'd like..." he said, giving her permission again.
Trinity slowly raised her head, dark eyes blinking up at him. "Are you sure...?" she whispered. "I mean...I went a little overboard last night... I don't want to make the same mistake... Or to take too much from you. Though...I do love the taste of your blood..." With a purr she bent her head back down, the tip of her tongue going from his shoulder all the way up to his ear. Her body pressed even closer to his.
Blake looked into her eyes, seeing how much different they seemed than when she had just drank from him. "Of course... I'll stop you if I start feeling too wea-ahh... Too weak..." he said, her tongue's teasing interrupting him. He was growing hard again, making him wish he had better control over his sexual feelings. Her body pressing into his caused him to moan softly, his length pressing back against her. "Go ahead..." he whispered, closing his eyes again.
"Mm..." Trinity began to nibble along his neck. Her tongue was introduced back into the equation soon though, and so brought more pleasure. A hand slid up into his hair. "You have to be completely honest... No matter how good it feels, you have to tell me when you start feeling too weak... Alright?" She continued to nip at his skin, making it soft and tender.
Blake moaned softly, feeling her teeth just barely pressing into his neck. He was shivering still, his body wanting her to give him the pleasure of her sucking his blood again. He felt addicted to it. "I will, I promise..." he said in response, releasing another soft noise. His heartrate was up, promising a nice large flow for her to have. He opened an eye to glance at her, looking at how much enjoyment she had on her face before shutting it.
Trinity nipped his neck one more time, then glanced up at him. "Actually... I kind of want to make you beg for it like you did last night... You said "Bite me", and well... I want to do that again..." The hand in his hair tightened. Her body pressed closer to his, the fast pace of his heart rate audible to her ears. Even one of her legs made it in-between his.
Her hand in his hair forced another groan from him. Blake really wanted her to bite him. When she began speaking, he instantly opened his eyes and looked back. "Y-you do? Okay... I can do that." he said, blushing slightly. He moaned when her leg pressed in between his, feeling her sprawled out on him. "Ohh... T-trinity..." he said softly. "Please, stop teasing and bite me already!" he pleaded.
"Are you sure you want me to bite you?" Trinity asked in a teasing growl. A firm bite was planted right on that tender spot, but not deep enough to penetrate the skin. More bites like this one was given. In a way, she was unmerciful. That was because she wanted to hear that plea...really hear it. She wanted need to be in those words. It would please her...and make her want it more.
Blake groaned, feeling her teeth pushing hard into his skin but not actually punturing the skin. She was able to control it so well. "Ahh... Please..." he said, whispering. "I want you to, no, I need you to bite me, mistress..." he whispered, calling her mistress to indicate his submission. His length throbbed as if to further indicate his need. "Please, bite me!" he finally said, squeezing her slightly with his hands.
Trinity growled in response, fangs aching to sink into him. "I will," she told him. Then she bite deeply right in that sensitive curve of his neck, the sweet taste of his blood flowing over her tongue. Her body pressed closer to his. A hand dove into his hair, the fingers gripping onto the locks and forcing his head back more.
Blake's body shivered in response to her harsh bite, feeling the blood begin to flow out of him. He released a soft moan, her fingers in his hair moving against his sensitive skin. When she began to pull him, he groaned slightly, letting her move his head easily. "Ohhh..." he whispered, opening his eyes to peer down at her. He was enjoying it so much, even though she'd just started.
"Mm..." Trinity tilted her head slightly. Her fangs slipped in deeper, and her hips met his by accident. Even her breasts found his chest. Her free hand began to rub down his side, it finding his hip and gripping on lightly there. It felt be drinking from the boy. Every drop sent warmth seeping throughout her body...making her crave more and more. "Mm..."
Blake closed his eyes once more, his dropping open when her fangs went in more deeply. He could feel just how far in they were, each pump of his heart causing more to enter her mouth. He was certain she could feel his hardness, given how they were now touching. Even her breasts were on his chest. "Ahh, Trinity... it's so good..." he whispered. He brought a hand up, gently grabbing at one of her breasts.
Trinity gasped softly against his neck. Against his palm the nipple hardened, not to the point where it qualified as 'rock hard', but close enough. Slowly her fangs withdrew from the vein, the tip of her tongue going over the wounds left behind. "You...You like that?" she whispered. There was a darker tone to her voice, as though she needed something...and didn't have it within reach quite yet.
Blake gently kneaded her breast, feeling her nipple begin to poke his palm. He shivered once more when she finally began to pull out her fangs, and when they finally left his vein he moaned in a satisfied tone. His hand was still on her breast when she spoke. "Aah... Y-yes I do, Trinity..." he said, hearing the new tone in her voice. He squeezed her breast softly, still panting partially.
"Mm..." Trinity shivered lightly against him, the ministrations causing it. The tip of her tongue returned to his skin. A slow grinding began at her hips, though she wasn't conscious of even doing it. "D-Don't stop..." she whispered against his neck. Oh, how she wanted to bite into him again... Maybe she can... "Mm... Do you want me to bite you again?" she asked hoarsely.
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