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Thanks. A lot of it is copy/pasta. But there will be some added things here and there depending. :)
And after I get everything up, I might re-tweak. XD
Dark, how's this for a character image:

I couldn't help myself. I was going to get a tad more in-depth, but this works for now.

Huge ships (capitals) mean bigger engines, and that means they use more energy. Their engines can reach farther, possibly from the inner sanctum to the out rim of the Middle six. But after a full length jump, it'll take more time to launch, and they won't be able to jump as far until they get to full power. These have rather long warm-up jump times.

Medium ships (cruisers) have smaller, less powerful engines, and therefore use less energy. They can jump from the inner sanctum to the middle of the Middle Six, using a lot less energy than the capitals. This also means more jumps, and less cooldown time. Their warm-up times are less then that of a capital, but still quite a bit when compared to the frigates.

Small ships (frigates) have the smallest, weakest jump drives, but that means that they use the least amount of energy, and can jump many more times then the Cruisers and Capitals. Their jump range is from the first planet of the Inner sanctum to the last planet of the inner sanctum. Also, their warm-up time to jump is considerably less then a Cruisers.
I need a break from describing planets. I kind of know what I'm going to do. But, yeah. I need a break. lol. But I did post a description for Thalassa. I think I got descriptions up for the ones that people are RPing on at present at least. I'll get the rest done soon. I promise. I'm pretty OCD about such things. Ask anyone. Fuck that. Ask staff. >.<
Nope. I haven't gone into all that detail since I wanted everyone involved to feel free to give their input. Had no idea what sorts of characters people wanted to make, etc. If people have ideas or suggestions, just throw them out there. It's more than fine. :)
Ohhh.... one item we do know of is the drug Zeema which can be acquired from Thalassa. PIM mentions it a post. So that is something illegal and only found on that particular planet. Though there is no reason why it can't be sold to others. And since PIM created Zeema..... perhaps some more insight into the drug and what it is, does, etc would be good.
darkangel76 said:
Ohhh.... one item we do know of is the drug Zeema which can be acquired from Thalassa. PIM mentions it a post. So that is something illegal and only found on that particular planet. Though there is no reason why it can't be sold to others. And since PIM created Zeema..... perhaps some more insight into the drug and what it is, does, etc would be good.

Sure! Let us see..

Zeema is extracted from a kind of molluscs native to the mega ocean of Thalassa. It is a kind of poison, used on their prey. When extracted and refined, it creates a strong stimulant.

It makes you feel stronger, more confident and energetic. The brain works overtime, and everything seems easy. You may think you are invulnerable, and can do anything. That is a good trip. Sooner or later, a zeema user will experience the bad side. Everything seems disjointed and chaotic, paranoia runs rampant and you suffer intense mood swings.

Afterwards, you will be dead tired and emotionless, and even a bad trip might seem better than the hollowness inside.

It is outlawed by the Illuminati because of it's addictive nature. The poison does also have some more useful medical properties, and some types of medicine can be manufactured from it, using other processes. Getting these medicines recognized as legal drugs have been difficult though.

Does that sound about right?
Wow, I leave for a few hours, and there's over a whole page of OOC chatter up. Har.

Hey, Krys Snape, what's the -name- of your ship? Seems a very important detail that's missing. :B
Hmm I'm not sure what the name of it is I didn't really think of that *Shakes head at self* If you want we can come up with a name for it together seeing as both of our characters use it :D
Just to let some people know if they interact with my characters: Some will be combination posts, but I will be sure to separate my characters by colored text.

I'll be posting my first post soon enough~!
That's fine, Hahvy. I do combination posts in groups all the time. And you're good. I don't even do the fancy color thing. I just let people figure it out by doing the so and so said blah blah thing. hehe. XD
I like that Psionic it definitely sounds like something Skylar would call his ship :) Definitely like it I say we go with it!

I usually do combination posts as well but I make sure to separate the characters into different lines when they're talking or different paragraphs depending on how much is said by each of them.
oh hey heads up for those who haven't been RPing in the other places i have been i have to break posts up into multiple posts sometimes due to being on a ps3 and it only allows for a certain amount of Text input in a single post BLAHH i know but if you see (TBC) at the end of a post of mine it means To Be Continued and means i will be following it up directly in another post to finish whatever i was writing. you can tell when i am on a comp as my posts end up being larger. and i'll do what i can to combine posts when i get chances on a comp and thus clean up the split posts which i will try and do as often as possible but unfortunatly i do get stuck with either having to choose to do a short as hell post or splitting it up. to give you a idea of how much text i can fit in a single Post using the ps3 i am going to max this one out to it's limit so you get a idea exactly what i am talking about as far as post length cut off on the PS3 . hopefully i will get a Desktop soon .........and here is the max limit..
Krys Snape; I've left open an opportunity for Skylar to insist to Jakkon that he take some time off from work and come join them in the bar for a drink and some fun, if you'd like to do that. ;) Jakkon would be hesitant, but listen in the end. They also know of course that Jakkon never seems to get out at all.
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