Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

As soon as Shade got up and made her way outside Snake followed and made his way outside with her. When he got outside he gave her a laugh in response to her teasing little smirk then walked up to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek, "So what do you wanna do while we're out here?" ,he asked as he backed away a little bit.
My eyes stayed on him for the while. "Mmm. I was hoping you had an idea on that one. My thoughts ended at being able to get out for a while with you." I admitted but also teased some at the same time was i brought a hand up to trail a finger over his collar bone. "Care to help me figure out something?"
"Hmm I don't know what we could do but I'm sure we could figure something out" ,he stated in response giving her a smile. He then placed his hands on her sides and kissed her quickly before pulling away again, "So let's think what can we do with the time we have right now?" ,he asked her with another smile.
I tossed him a smirk at his quick kiss and pulling back. "Oh, i'm sure you can think of something." I said before turning and started walking again, mainly just to walk while the pain killers where helping out for the night. "Can't tell me you plan on having me do all the thinking in this relationship." I said, tossing a teasing smirk over my shoulder at him.
"Hm I have a few ideas but I don't know if you'd be up for any of them" ,Snake stated in response as he began to walk with Shade. He then lit a cigarette and took a drag off of it as he thought for a few moments, "Oh and about you being the one to think in this relationship, someone has to right" ,he said jokingly.
I turned as i walked, so i'd be able to see him better. "Alright smart ass, try me. You'll never know until you try after all." I smirked at him, not really bothering to watch just where i was walking backwards to, since i knew already it wasn't like i had to worry about anything on the path for me to trip on or fall into.
"Well I could use a nice walk maybe down to the spring then we can figure out what to do from there, sound good?" ,he asked in response. Snake then took another drag off of his cigarette and blew the smoke out slowly while he waited for her response, truthfully he really didn't care what they did it was just nice to have some alone time with her.
I gave him a smile and a nod. "I think that sounds good." I said as i turned to face forward again as i walked with him as i headed for the springs with him. It seemed like a good place though to, in case the boy did finish on the time Snake had come up with, or close to it, so he'd know where to possibly find them instead of having to wait around in the cave some place, or close by until they would get back.
Snake gave her a smile then led the way to the spring, it was pretty nice out not too cold, not too hot, perfect weather to walk in. When they finally got to the spring Snake sat down on the ground near the spring and leaned back propping himself up on his arms looking into the water. "So what do you wanna do now?" ,he asked Shade.
I watched him as he found himself a spot by the water and smiled before joining him, coming to sit just next to him. "I think this will do for the moment. When the boy is done, will be easy to find us, and i don't mind getting to have the change to watch the sun set while we wait." I smiled as i leaned over against him slightly.
"Hm sounds good to me" ,he stated in response. "The boy should know where we went so you're probably right that it'll be easy for him to ind us". Snake leaned against her after she leaned against him, he then let himself lay down fully and pulled her into him as he looked at the sky for the moment.
I watched the water for a while until he decided to pull me into him once he'd laid down. I smiled looking over at him before my eyes moved to the trees before up to the sky as well. I laid there with him for about an hour before my ears caught on footsteps heading this way before my eyes spotted the boy. "Well, i'll be, you win." I laughed lightly at Snake.
When Shade mentioned that he'd won Snake let out a small laugh before looking in the direction that the boy was coming from, he then looked back to Shade and smirked, "Looks like you're in for a hell of a night" ,he stated teasingly before kissing her lips quickly. "You all done kiddo?" ,Snake asked the boy loud enough so he could hear him.
"I look forward to it." I teased back after kissing him back as i sat up and looked at the boy.
The boy gave a nod along side a smile in reply. "Care to see?" He asked, waiting there for the moment, hands behind his back as if he thought he was trying to be cute, or up to something, maybe both knowing the boy considering who his father was after all.
I looked at Snake and gave him a quick kiss this time before getting up then offering my hand down to him to help him up. "I'm game for seeing what you did." I smiled over at the boy.
"Yeah of course I would like to see it kiddo" ,Snake stated as he took Shade's hand as she helped him up. As soon as he got to his feet he began to walk back towards the cave, if he got there before the boy he would wait. Snake wasn't going to walk into the kid's room without his permission even though he was a kid Snake still wanted to give him privacy that was one of the reasons for him letting the kid have his own room.
The boy gave a smirk as he turned and started back to the cave as well, while i mostly just followed after the two. Despite the differences of the two, i couldn't help but think in a way they might be just a bit alike, or close to it anyway. I was silent on the way back though, stopping off to the side and waiting on the boy to head into the room first and giving the ok before moving in and looking around for a second.
The room, seemed a bit more on the neat side, while i'd only kind of partly expected him to have made a slight mess in the proses, being a kid after all. "Looks really great." I smiled,
Snake followed the kid into the room and looked around he had done a pretty good job at making it his own and Snake was rather impressed. He looked over at Shade when she said it looked great and nodded in agreement, "I think it looks great too kid you did a good job in here" ,Snake told the boy before giving him a pat on the back.
The boy smiled as he looked around, as if checking his work suddenly. "Alright, so, i think the hard work has to come to a close though. Can always do anything else you have in mind to it in the morning." I smiled having noticed his look around. "It's late, and i think we could all use the rest." I said, moving over to him and getting him a little more settled in, knowing since it was a bit f a change, he probably wouldn't be to easy to just pass out like that. "I'll be out in a bit." I told Snake as i started working on trying to get the boy settled down and ready to sleep.
"Good night kiddo" ,Snake said to the boy before heading out of the room and into the main area. He was glad he gave the kid his own room, it would be different not having him right there on the couch but it was for the better. Snake sat down on the couch and lit a cigarette then took a large drag off of it while he waited for Shade to come back, he knew the kid may take a while to get used to his new room but he had expected that.
It took me a while just to get him really settled in just for the night, and then not to long to get him to sleep. I moved carefully away from the boy, after having to mostly do like before and hold to him for him to get any sleep. Once i was free from the boy i gave a smile before heading back out and around to find Snake sitting on the couch. I tossed him a smirk before joining him there.
Snake just sat and looked at the fire as it danced around, it's light bouncing off of the walls of the cave. He puffed on his cigarette enjoying it until it was finished. When it was done he threw it into the fire, after a while he heard footsteps coming into the room and he looked over to see Shade, he gave her a smile after she smirked at him and sat down. "So how's he doing? Did he go to sleep alright?" ,he asked her.
"He's doing good. Could tell though since he's not use to it yet, he wasn't really ready to sleep. But, did manage to get him to sleep." I smiled as i moved over to sit next to him, leaned back on the arm of the couch and watched him for the moment. "Now the question is, are you going to be able to sleep. Or more so, am i?" I asked teasing only slightly at the moment.
"That's good, I know he'll get used to it you're really good with him ya know" ,he said in response to her comment about the boy. When she asked if either of them would be able to sleep he smiled then let out a laugh. "Hm depends on two things, one do you want to sleep knowing we have the night to ourselves pretty much? And two are you going to let me bend you over again?" ,he asked with a devious little grin on his face.
I only gave a simple nod on his comment about myself and the boy. I could feel a shiver run up my spine though at his questions. I didn't think he really needed a reply on the first, knowing well enough what the answer would more then likely be. Well that and he'd already won the bet before, along to the fact the night before i'd already told him he'd be able to get his way and such since i'd had my fun teasing him then. I gave a slightly evil smirk though before i answered him. "Mmm. I think i might have you work to bend me this time." I teased him.
"Oooh a challenge I like that" ,he hissed as he moved closer to her. Snake then pulled her onto his lap and gave her a kiss letting his hands roam over the curves of her body. "So, what do I have to do to bend you over every piece of furniture in this place?" ,Snake asked giving a devious little laugh to follow up his question.
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