Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

As soon as Shade stood up Snake put his arm around her and motioned for the boy to follow them then led the way out of the place and to the car. When outside he opened the car door for Shade and the boy before getting into the drivers seat. He waited for them both to get into the car before starting the engine up.
I gave him a smile once out in the car, the bouncing only slightly once he was in, clearly excited about being able to get his own room set up and such. I was thinking about staying in the car though instead of hobbling around. I thought about it though, didn't plan on doing it if i could help it since i was ready to move instead of having to waist time laying around for a while longer.
Once they were both in the car he started it up then drove off in the direction he needed to go to get what they were looking for. After a little while Snake parked the car in the parking lot of a building that looked like a department store only more run down. "Alright let's go and get you a bed punk" ,Snake joked with the kid before getting out of the car.
The boy tossed Snake a look at first over his "punk" remark but stuck his tongue out at him before getting out of the car just before I also got out. I looked as if i was going to join them anyway before i moved to sit on the hood of the car and leaned back there. "You to have fun." I smiled at them both while i'd settled more or less between the two guns that where still strapped on the hood of the car from where they'd taken it from the first little joy ride of having to deal with Matt before.
Snake knew Shade needed to relax due to her leg so he didn't question her when she sat down on the hood of the car. He walked over to her and gave her a kiss, "We'll be right back hon" ,he told her before looking at the boy and motioning or him to follow him. Snake led the way into the store then to where the beds were and looked to the boy, "Pick one out doesn't matter what it costs" ,Snake told the kid.
"Mmm. You two have fun in there." I said after kissing him back, thinking twice about pulling him down with me and instead letting him head on inside with the boy for the moment, wasn't like i figured anyone would really bother me with where i'd just put myself at anyway. Sure, maybe a few looks, but nothing more anyway as i watched the two head on inside and out of sight.

The boy looked around for a moment, a look on his face that seemed to be all work and no play when the place looked to be packed with beds and such like that, until he found and on drop down on the side of it, testing mostly before giving a nod then sticking his tongue out at Snake. "Got it." He said, laying back on it, legs hanging off the side.
He let out a laugh when the kid said he found one and stuck his tongue out, "Alright then let's get that one then" ,Snake stated before waving the guy over that ran the place. After Snake paid for the bed a few of the guys that worked there helped carry it out to the car and Snake motioned for Sei Ten to follow them all out to the car. "Come on kid" ,he stated before making his way outside. When outside Snake helped tie the mattress and box spring to the roof and put the head and foot boards in the trunk.
I perked up when they came back out after a while, my eyes trailing from the two over to the others that had also come out as well, watching as they got tied down before i glanced back over at the boy for a second then at Snake. "You know, i could just see you trying to carry that back without the car." I teased Snake slightly with a smirk as i sat up.
"Shut it you" ,he stated jokingly in response. When everything was secured and set to where it wouldn't fall off while driving Snake got into the driver's seat and started the car. "Get in and let's go we've got a few more places to go and I wanna be back before night time" ,he told them both as he revved the engine a bit.
I tossed a smirk over at him as i just watched him get into the car while i stayed there on the hood for the moment. When he revved the engine though i just tossed a smirk at him before getting up and getting into the car with the guys. "I'm sure you do want to get back before then." I teased with a wink.
He let out a laugh then smirked back at her, "You know it honey" ,he stated in response to her teasing. He then pulled out of the parking lot and drove them to yet another store and parked the car in front of it. "We're gonna pick up some stuff to put in your room in here like toys and other stuff like that sound good?" ,Snake asked the boy after turning the car off. "You coming in this time Shade"?
The boy gave a nod and got out, moving over to get my door and pull some on my arm. I just gave a smirk. "Yeah, i'm coming." I laughed lightly as i got out once the boy had moved to the side so i could get out.
Snake led the way into the store and when the got inside he grabbed one of the carts and began to push it down the aisles. "Pick out whatever you want kid" ,he told the boy. The man had enough money for the kid to buy a whole freaking aisle's worth of toys if he really wanted, cash was one of the many things he stocked up on before and after the earth became a prison and he was glad that some places still took cash for payments.
"You really are spoiling the kid." I smirked as i followed them into the store, but didn't really plan to ask about the fact of him being able to really be able to let the kid have whatever he wanted. I stuck with Snake though as the boy moved ahead of us some, exploring.
"Eh he kinda deserves it I think" ,he stated in response to her as they followed the boy around. "I wanted to pick a few things up myself too so if you want or need anything as well grab it while we're here hon don't worry about what it costs" ,Snake told Shade. He knew there were probably some things the woman would need and he had no problem getting things for her or the kid.
"I think i can live without anything for the day." I smiled as i watched the kid mostly, keeping an eye on him when i suddenly wasn't to settled for some reason. A chill ran up my spine at the same time, as my eyes glanced around without showing i was looking, while making sure my eyes hung more so on the boy. The fact i could tell somebody was looking, and to the point it had me slightly unsettled told me it had to be for whatever reason they had.
"Alright then well if you change your mind and see something you need just let me know" ,he said in response. As they walked Snake kept an eye on the boy while grabbing a few things for himself and that he needed. He pulled a cigarette out and lit it, there were no rules about smoking in stores anymore considering laws were pretty much gone so no one really said anything to him plus most of the people in the store knew Snake so they wouldn't care either way.
"I think i've got all i need already." I told him, only teasing slightly as i moved a hand to trail a fingers just along his shoulder. Ok, so it might have seemed a bit cheesy, but i couldn't really help but pull that one out anyway, that and it helped me pull my mind off of whoever must have been deciding to put me on edge anyway, even when i hadn't been able to locate anyone to really help give away whoever it was.
Snake let out a small laugh then placed his arm around Shade's waist for a moment, giving her a kiss on the cheek, "That was cute hon" ,he told her in reference to what she had said it made him smile regardless of how cheesy it was. As they continued to walk Snake put more things into the cart as he puffed on his cigarette he also said hello to a few people that passed him while he was shopping.
I tossed a slight smirk at Snake but let my eyes stay on the boy as he seemed to go through almost every lane, exploring for the most part and mainly also to have something to do as well that was outside of the cave or woods. By the time he was done he turned and smiled as if he'd just come back to earth from exploring a new mine or something.
When the boy turned around and smiled Snake looked at him, "Did you get everything you wanted? If so let's go check out and get back home so we can set everything up well actually there's one more stop I need to make then we can head home" ,Snake told the boy. After Snake finished his cigarette he put it out in one of the nearby ashtrays while he waited for the boy to answer him.
"Yep." The boy replied as he waited for a second. I only shook my head with a smile as i watched him for the most part, even when i did fell like asking what it was Snake had planned on stopping at after this. Ok, more like where her was planning to stop at really. I figured it was clear i didn't really know this town, but wasn't like i was going to just up and say it even if it was brought up or not.
"Alright let's get going then" ,Snake said in response to the boy. He then led the way to the check out area and began to place everything they had gotten onto the counter so the man behind it could ring it up. When the man was finished ringing them up Snake paid him then the two started a short conversation about the new products the man had gotten into the store.
I watched for a moment as the two started talking before turning to the boy and having him join me to help with going a head and getting things put into the car. The boy didn't mind helping as we headed on out of the store once it'd been paid for and started putting things in. I hadn't been paying attention at the point after turning from the boy when he handed me the last bag and put it in the car when the guy had come up and grabbed the boy, getting a small sound out of him before he'd covered his moth, and making me come up a bit to quick to hit my head before pulling out to let my eyes rest on the man holding the boy.

"Try anything and i'll be more then happy to kill the boy. And your are going to come with me." He said, one hand holding the boy, the other letting a hunting knife rest just against the boy's neck.
Snake was about to light another cigarette when he looked out the window of the store and seen the man holding the boy, "Hey Bill get the boys out of the back we have a problem" ,Snake stated quietly. His eyes motioned towards the boy and Shade, Bill simply nodded his head and walked into the back while Snake made his way outside. Being the man he was Snake walked right up and stood next to Shade and looked at the man holding the boy, "I'm gonna give you a chance to let go of the boy asshole if you don't then you won't be walking out of this parking lot I can guarantee that" ,Snake stated calmly right before lighting up a cigarette. "He another friend of yours Shade?" ,Snake asked as he leaned up against the car taking a drag off of his cigarette.
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