Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

"Mm Shade do you realize just how good you make me feel?" ,Snake asked after breaking the kiss for a moment. He looked into her eyes and smiled, "I love you" ,he whispered before returning his lips to hers. The man loved being with her and he loved holding and kissing her and everything else they did was simply amazing to him.
"I think i can guess rather well on it." I smirked at his question before his next comment came. I offered him a softer smile on it, just taking the words in and letting them play through my head for the moment. "Love you to." I told him before kissing him back, giving a nip at his lower lip after a while.
He sighed when she kissed him again loving the feel of her lips against his and when she nipped at his lower lip he growled playfully against her lips before retuning the nip to her lower lip. Snake reached down and grabbed her ass with a smirk on his face he knew they probably couldn't do anything due to her leg needing to heal up but he figured he could tease a bit.
I tossed him a teasing yet playful glare at his growling at first, then more so teasing when he decided to grab at my ass. I teased at him for a little while, fingers trailing around on him before pulling back as i shifted in his arms, getting a little more settled there. I'd already been depriving myself of sleep while he and the kid had been out before, with just laying there and not letting myself get any rest at that time. "Alright, don't tell me i need to start telling you to settle down?" I teased, even though i'd known i'd been getting him worked up anyway.
"You can tell me to settle down doesn't mean I'll listen" ,he teased in response to her. She was teasing him just as much as he was teasing her and he was having fun with it. Snake squeezed at Shade's ass again then nipped at her neck a little bit after she shifted in his arms he wasn't going to push it further then the playfulness he was doing at the moment. "Hm maybe we should sleep too Shade you need to get some rest" ,he stated with a smile.
I couldn't help but shake my head at him for his words. I enjoyed his teasing and being able to tease him as well, even if he could be a pain at times as well. It was calming though having him there next to me. "You know, i hate having to be stuck in bed for to long." I sighed but didn't really plan on fighting over it, as long as i could get away with making him stay down with me at least.
"I know you hate being in bed for a long time but I'll be here with you for the most part so you won't have to be alone" ,Snake told her in response before kissing her again. When he broke the kiss he gave her a smile then held her close to him, "I'm gonna let the boy pick out which part of the cave he wants as his room tomorrow what do you think?" ,he asked her as they laid there trying to make conversation.
"So long as it's not to far off we won't be able to hear him if he started moving around or anything." I suggested. "You know, to give more of a heads up to us in case we are kind of busy or anything." I said, helping make my point as a let a hand slide down his stomach, even though I knew he would be able to guess what I was talking about anyway.
Snake knew what she was getting at and he nodded, "I know hon I'll make sure he picks something close by so we know what he's doing" ,he stated in response as her hand slid down his stomach. He bit his bottom lip then looked at her, "Damn I wish you weren't injured right now" ,he told her with a smirk on his face.
I gave him a smirk at his words and then kissed him before pulling back. "I'm sure you do. But, just means i get to enjoy teasing you for the night. I'll be nice though tomorrow. Pain killers will make well for letting you get your way tomorrow night." I told him, but still let my fingers trail along just at his waist line as i watched him. "Rest for tonight though." I finally said when i stopped.
"Of course you're gonna tease me that's what you like to do" ,Snake stated jokingly. When she mentioned pain killers and him getting his way the next night he smirked, "Hm I like the sound of that" ,he said right before kissing her lips softly. He then shifted his body so that he could get comfortable and hold Shade close to him as he fell asleep.
I smirked over his joke, wasn't like he complained about it, so made it all the better. It didn't take me to long though to end up getting to sleep for the night with him there as well, even though in a way i still wasn't ready to let myself sleep, i couldn't help but do so with him so close.
Snake fell asleep rather quickly with Shade in his arms, he slept pretty decent through the night and when he woke up he felt rather rested for the first time in a while. As soon as he woke up he got dressed then made his way over to the fire to put some more wood on it he then walked back over to the bed and sat down on it and lit a cigarette while he waited for Shade and Sei Ten to wake up.
I was slow about waking up until i felt him getting back in the bed. I looked at him for a second, as if trying to figure where he'd gone and i hadn't known about him getting up before. I didn't ask though as i moved to sit up with a groan as i let my let slide along with me at the moment before i glanced over to the boy still out of it at the moment.
He looked over at Shade when he felt her move and when she groaned he sighed, "How is your leg feeling? Want me to get you anything?" ,he asked knowing she may be in some pain. "As soon as the boy gets up I'll make something for breakfast then I'm gonna have him choose a room and after he does that I'll bring him to the town and buy him the stuff to put in his room" ,Snake told her right before taking a drag off of his cigarette. "Hopefully I can drive the car through those woods I really don't feel like carrying a bed back on my shoulders" ,he continued with a laugh.
I shook my head at first as i just watched the boy for the moment, not really replying to him right away at first. "Sounds like you've got a nice set of plans for the day." I smiled looking back over to him finally. "And leg is doing fine." I told him, event hough it was just the pain from having been put through the hell it had the day before.
"That's good" ,Snake stated in response to what she had said about her leg. "You know if you feel up to it you can come with us if you want they got a pretty nice weapon store over there maybe you can go and get a few new things" ,he told her giving her a smile. Snake planned on grabbing her something regardless if she came or not but he figured he'd offer her to come in case she wanted to.
"I'd be more then happy to tag along. Beats having to lay around all day." I smirked, sticking my tongue out for a moment before leaning over and giving him a kiss before my gaze moved over to the boy when he started wake finally, leaning to his little groan for being awake as he rolled and seemed to attempt to try and pass back out, only to fail as he sat up.
He returned her kiss and then smiled at her before she looked over at the boy, "Good morning sunshine ready to start the day kiddo?" ,he asked as he looked at the boy. Snake took another drag from his cigarette before putting it out then looking over to Shade then back to the boy, "Know what how about we go out for breakfast there's a little place in the town we're going to that serves some pretty good food and I think you guys will enjoy it, I know the owner so we may be able to get a discount" ,he stated.
I just looked at Snake ate first for the idea of eating out. I wasn't fully sure on it since it meant having to be out in a town i didn't know a think about. The boy only gave a nod though as he got up and stretched. "You are full of surprises, aren't you?" I couldn't help but ask on it, tossing him a slight smirk.
"Yes I am" ,Snake stated in response to Shade giving her a smile then a kiss. He then looked at the boy and stood up, "So I've got a question for ya kid, what would you think about having your own room?" ,Snake asked Sei Ten. "I'm gonna get you your own bed and a few other things to go in the room and I'm gonna let you pick where you want it to be BUT it can't be to far into the cave alright".
I tossed him a smile after kissing him back and then watched the boy as his eyes went a bit big for a second before looking over at me but then nodded as i gave him a smile on it. "I like the idea." He said, sounding a bit hyped on it, but not by much since he'd only just woke up.
"Alright then let's pick out your room before we go it'll give you a chance to wake up a bit before we head out" ,Snake told the boy. "You can pick out any area that is close to mine and Shade's room but it doesn't have to be too close just close enough to where we can hear what you're doing and know that you're alright, ok?" ,Snake wanted the kid to be able to have his privacy but he did want to be able to hear him as well. "Alright pick out a spot and let me know where it is ok".
The boy nodded slightly before getting up and heading off to look for a while, being sure not to go to far in to really have to worry about getting lost at any point or not before he found a spot he figured would do good. "Found a spot." He called off after a moment of trying to get himself to at least the sight and location compare to having been off on the coach for so long.
As soon as the boy called out that he found a spot Snake made his way towards where he heard Sei Ten's voice came from. When he found the boy he looked around and nodded his head, "Alright this spot looks good you feel up to going shopping?" ,Snake asked the boy. He motioned for him to follow then led the way back to where Shade was, "He found a pretty good spot hon now all we need to do is go get him a bed and some other things to really make it his own" ,he told Shade as he walked over to her.
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