Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

He gave her a smile then shook his head before getting in the car, when she drove off again he held onto something until they reached their destination. "Damn honey you really know how to drive" ,he stated giving her another smile. When the car was finally parked he got out and waited for Shade before heading into the cave, when inside he checked all of his traps to make sure nothing was out of place before he sat down on the couch.
"I don't hear you complaining." I smirked at him as i got out of the car and made my way into the cave with him, heading for the bed and laying across it from just letting myself drop back on it at the moment before i'd looked over to see the boy on the coach. "How about you two go get the run in?" I said smiling over at the boy, knowing he probably was looking forward to being able to get out for a while.
When Shade laid down on the bed and mentioned that he and the boy should go get their run in he nodded then got up and made his way over to her. He pulled the covers over her then gave her a kiss, "Get some rest we'll be back in a little while" ,he told her before looking to the boy, "Come on kid let's go" ,he stated before making his way outside.
I gave a small nod as i shifted lightly around on the bed to lay more properly on it as the boy got up and started moving over to Snake, ready to get out and move for a while. At least the boy would be able to get out and run anyway, and that was good enough for me as i shut my eyes for the moment.
When the boy got outside Snake motioned for him to follow then began jogging towards the spring. As the spring came into focus Snake slowed down a bit to light a cigarette he figured they could take a break there before running a little while more then heading back. "Go ahead and have some fun kid" ,he told the boy as he sat down on a nearby rock.
The boy had been glad to be able to get out and actually stretch his legs after so long and not have to worry about going to far from the cave for the while. He stopped when Snake did but then ended up jumping on into the water, only going far enough on the shallow end but still able to mess around with some of the fish for a while as well.
Snake watched the boy play around while he smoked his cigarette, it was nice to see the kid having some fun and not stuck in the cave all day. When Snake finished his cigarette he stomped it out then walked over to the edge of the water and looked at the boy, "You can play here for the rest of the time we're out or we can run, there's not really too much beyond here though except for woods and another town" ,he told the boy. "It's up to you what we do next".
The boy looked at Snake for a second. He didn't say anything at first, as if he'd been thinking about it while still pestering some of the fish. Turning his face back to the water, as if he'd made up his mind to stay, he waited until Snake wasn't paying to much attention before tossing some water up at him and then quickly took off running.
"You're so lucky I can't come in there because of my leg" ,Snake stated jokingly after being splashed. "I'll get you back later for it though kiddo just remember I know where you sleep" ,he joked before going to sit back down on the rock he had been before. It was nice to just relax for a bit while the boy played around in the water. "Just let me know when you're ready to go back alright"?
The boy only gave a smirk at his first comment but then gave more of a shocked look at his joke before he wet back to the water for a while before he finally moved out and sat there watching the water as it moved for the while before glancing back at Snake for a second before he got up. "Ready?" He asked after a while.
"Yeah I'm ready let's head back" ,he said in response. He stood up and waited for the boy to follow him before making his way back towards the cave. When they got back he looked to the boy, "Go ahead and change into something dry then you can do whatever you want" ,Snake told the boy before making his way over to put more wood into the fire.
The boy nodded as he headed off and got himself into some dry cloths before coming back around and messing around with the box again, finding something small and tossing it at Snake then stuck his tongue out at him after that.
I rolled to my side to look at the guys when they came back, and smirked as i watched Snake, until he had a small ball hit him, then i looked over to the boy for a second before back at Snake.
Snake had just finished fixing the fire when he felt the ball hit him, he turned around slowly and looked at the boy, "Oh you're cruising kid" ,he stated jokingly before picking the ball up and throwing it back at the boy. He knew the kid was playing around and he didn't mind it at all in fact he figured the kid needed someone or something to entertain him so Snake decided to play along.
The boy just grind at Snake, moving to the side some when the ball was tossed back at him. He picked the ball up though after it had landed just next to him and tossed it back at Snake again while i just lay there and watch the two. It was nice to see the two interacting, and knowing they got along rather well.
When the ball came back at him Snake caught it this time and laughed a little, "You're a little punk you know that?" ,Snake asked before tossing the ball back at the kid. "We might just be fighting again and this time I won't let you win" ,he joked with him. He then looked over to Shade, "How's your leg feeling?" ,he asked before turning to look at the boy making sure he didn't try and throw the ball at him while his back was turned away.
The boy could only manage a smirk at first before his gaze had also moved to look over at Shade when Snake spoke to her. He'd missed his chance though the first time he had his attention on Shade and just waited for the next moment before tossing it back at him.
I couldn't help but smirk at the two as i shook my head slightly. "It's doing as good as it can at the moment." I told him.
When the ball hit him again Snake leaned down to pick it up then shot the boy a look, it was a joking look and he hoped the kid knew that. "That's good hopefully it'll heal properly this time, if it doesn't I'm gonna have that guy's head on a platter I swear" ,he stated in response. Snake then turned back to the boy and walked over to him, when he got to the boy he grabbed him and picked him up and carried him on his shoulder until he reached the bed then slammed him down playfully before tickling his sides. He then looked to Shade and smirked, "Now's your chance I got him" ,he stated with a laugh.
The boy almost seemed to melt into the coach before Snake picked up up but still couldn't help but smirk at him until he'd been put over his shoulder where he started squirming for the moment just before he hit the bed. He let out laughter as he moved at being tickled before his eyes shot over to Shade suddenly.
I smirked as i sat up before they'd reached the bed and just watched at first. I moved over and started picking on the boy before i gave him a wink and waited before pulling back suddenly when he shot up to try and tackle Snake where he was.
Snake tickled the boy with Shade for the moment until he attempted to tackle him, he played along and fell to the floor with a laugh, "Oh no he's got me and my wing man's down" ,Snake stated jokingly. He looked at Shade and winked letting her know he was going to give the boy the upper hand again to make him happy.
I just moved and leaned over the edge of the bed to watch the two, giving a smirk at Snake before shaking my head. "What am i going to do with the two of you." I joked some as i watched from where i was. "One seems a bit hyper, and the other keeps getting his ass handed to him but a little kid." I teased some.
Snake looked up and stuck his tongue out at Shade for her comment, "You're gonna get it Shade" ,he stated with a smirk. He then looked at the boy, "We're a team right kiddo? Well I think we have a target sitting right there on the bed" ,Snake said jokingly to the boy. He then looked up at Shade and smiled letting her know he was playing around. "Just look out for her leg alright kiddo" ,he whispered so that only the boy could hear him.
"Oh, i'm sure i will." I smirked down at them both. The smirk only grew larger when the boy shook his head no. "Seems you're own your own hun." I teased Snake some while the boy kept picking at him for the while before he finally pulled back when he was only just starting to get warn out some.
"Oh really you little punk?" ,Snake stated back before tickling the boy again. "We're supposed to be a team you little punk how can you turn on me so quickly?" ,he joked. He then gave Shade a look, "Ah I see, a pretty face has broken up the team" ,Snake continued giving Shade a smile.
The boy just stuck his tongue out at Snake once he'd managed to get free and then grind when i looked over at him before back at Snake for a second. "You kidding, i think you tend to bounce back and forth with your team between the two of us as it is." I smirked at him before offering a hand over to him. "I think the kid beat you up pretty bad though before it backfired on him."
"OH shut it you" ,he stated in response as he got up, he took her hand and pretended to let her help him up. Snake then sat on the bed and looked at the boy then back at Shade, "You guys are really sneaky if I must say so myself" ,he joked as he grabbed Shade's hand and made his way on to the bed.
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