Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

"Not until after i get my hands on his grubby little neck." I told Snake as i got in once he was in. As soon as the car was started i waisted no time at all as i floored it, spinning the car around and headed right for the town. I didn't really plan on stopping though. There where only a few little 'guards' out walking around when we showed up. I pulled to a stop letting the lights shine on them. "Heads up." Was all i had to say the second they started shooting and i drove the car right at them before coming to a stop just at the door after doing a door check on one of the guys who i hadn't hit hard enough and was trying to get back up.
When she floored it Snake let out a laugh and just held on and when they got there and she said heads up Snake ducked his head as the guards fired. As soon as he felt it was safe enough he lifted his head up and looked at Shade, "You have no idea how fucking hot that was, let's do this I'll follow your lead babe" ,he stated. The man liked a girl that could hold her own and Shade definitely proved she had guts and wasn't afraid of things most people would be and Snake loved it.
"Sorry, but they have just been messing with the wrong people really." I said getting out as i looked over at Snake with a slight smirk. "Does this mean i get to drive on the way back?" I asked with a slight tease on the matter before walking through the doors. I'd actually felt better after having played chicken with some of the guards with the car, and i was sure it was rather clear to on it.
"I can see that and you can drive on the way home as long as you don't mind me getting a little excited over it" ,he teased right back. He placed his hand on one of his guns and waited for her to begin to move. A smirk came across Snake's face when he noticed that she had fun with tormenting the guards. "I got ya covered" ,he stated.
I just tossed a smirk at him for his comment on on it all as i lead him through the building. I couldn't help but get a bit tense when i'd noticed some of the others in here only looking but not making any moves as i knew just where to go when i shouldn't have. I didn't bother knocking though until after the door was already opened and he gave me a look over it over his shoulder from the shelf in front of him.

"What can i help you with this time?" He asked.
It sounded like he knew i'd be showing up, or somebody would have anyway, when i could hear the smirk on his face as he looked back to the shelf. I'd walked up behind him and had been just about ready to grab and slam his face into the shelf only for him to duck out of the way. There was a reason why i'd trained with him before and many times other then that. He seemed to almost know when somebody was going to strike, and i'd mostly been hell bent on beating him. I watched as he turned to face me and then his gaze sliding over to Snake for a second then back.
"Guard dog?" He asked.
Snake watched and listened the guy was being a total dick and he was cocky to boot, Snake wished he could just rip his throat out and shove it up his ass but he knew Shade wanted to get at him first so he stayed put until she told him he could do something. When the guy made the guard dog comment Snake glared at him, "Nah I'm the pissed off boyfriend that you don't wanna fuck with" ,he stated calmly. It was the first time in his life that he had called himself someone's boyfriend so he felt slightly odd doing it but he really didn't know how else to explain who he was, he certainly wasn't a guard dog that's for sure.
He raised an eyebrow as he then looked over to Shade for a second then back to Snake. He knew well enough who he was, and the fact that he'd some how managed to get soft for one person, it only seemed more clear he'd probably be even more of a problem to deal with if it came down to it. He gave a sigh as he shook his head and moved off to the side, heading for a cabinet. "So, then what do you two need?" He asked again.

I let my eyes move over to Snake to say he could have as much fun as he wanted with the man while i couldn't stand on my leg any longer and had to sit, propping my leg up on the man's desk, arms crossing over my chest.
When Shade gave him the look he knew exactly what she meant and Snake had no intentions of killing the man....yet, but he was going to get the truth out of him and get him to fix Shade's leg properly no matter what he had to do to make him. Snake walked over to the guy and placed his hand on his shoulder, "I need you to fix her up and properly this time" ,he stated before slamming his face into a near by wall. He then turned the guy around and grabbed him by the throat, "And I wanna know just what the fuck you did to her asshole" ,he growled out.
The man tossed a glare at Snake after a moment. He seemed to think about how to really say anything to the man before he finally spoke tot he point. "It's a poison. And to get the proper antidote for it to come out fully, it would take at least a full day to have made." He said, even though it was a lie, he didn't kneed an antidote to get it out, but there was one for those who wouldn't know how to get it out of the system properly without it.
"A poison huh? I should snap your fucking neck, she trusted you" ,he growled in response to the guy. Snake was livid and the only reason this man was still alive was because he needed the antidote to heal Shade. "You're gonna get this antidote or I'm gonna fucking kill you....slowly and painfully".
The man just smirked. "You can't trust anyone in this world. You of all people should know this. It's all fair game out here, nothing more." He told Snake. "Besides, it won't be any good. By the time it's ready and able to be used on her, it will have already spread over all of her leg." He told him. "It moves faster then you think. And once to far in, there is no way to really get it out of her blood stream."
"Mother fucker" ,Snake growled as his grip tightened around the man's throat. "If you don't find another way to help her so help me god I will use you for target practice". Snake was pissed and every muscle in his body was tense and showing as he held the man by the throat, "FIX IT YOU SLIMEY FUCK!" ,he demanded.
He seemed rather calm despite the fact of lack of air. Mainly since he knew he was needed if they wanted his help to fix her. "Fire all you want, it won't help her though." He pointed out, his voice almost unable to be heard under Snake's grip on him. "You want her to live, or are you going to be to fixed on your anger with me?" He snarled.
Snake let out a low growl as he let the man go, "Fix her" ,he stated as he looked over to Shade. He had every intention to watch every single move the guy made while fixing her up to make sure he didn't pull some other bullshit that would injure her further. Snake made his way over to Shade and sat down next to her, "I knew I didn't like him for a reason" ,he whispered in her ear.
"Yeah, i'm pissed that i had trusted him before." I grumbled back to Snake as Mesuko moved around gathering some things up before moving over to them.
He took one look at her leg before looking between the two. "I can promise you this will hurt more then it did the first time." I said as he waited only long enough to see just what they would say or do on it.
When the guy came over to them and told them how much it was going to hurt Snake gave him a nasty look, "It wouldn't have to hurt if you didn't fuck her over in the first place" ,Snake growled out as his eyes fixed on the guy. "You try anything funny this time and you're fucking dead got it asshole".
He simply tossed a wicked smirk up at snake, only to have me kick him for the look he gave Snake while i said nothing but simply waited for it to be done and over with already. I watched as he rubbed his jaw some before he gave a sigh and started working, this time taking his time to make sure he got everything out, but with work taking a good hour to get it done.
When he smirked Snake wanted to knock him out but knew he couldn't if he wanted Shade's leg to be fixed, when Shade kicked the guy after he gave him the grin Snake let out a small laugh. He put his arm around Shade then grabbed her hand so she could squeeze it when it hurt too much. "Just don't break it" ,he joked in her ear.
I tossed Snake a smirk at his words just past the pain that followed from Mesuko working on my leg, hating every second of it and knowing at one point he was taking his time on purpose just to prolong the fact of the pain he was putting me through, as it was shooting though y body each time he moved with it until he was done. I watched as he got up slowly after having wrapped it up and then moved to lean against the wall and just watched and waited.
Snake watched the man very closely as he fixed Shade's leg up making sure he didn't fuck around this time and hurt her again. When he was finished Snake put his other arm around Shade and looked at her, "You alright? You don't think he did anything fucked up this time right?" ,he asked. Snake wanted to break the guy in half but he couldn't trust that he had truly fixed her up properly even with his watching every move and he didn't want to risk killing him and then Shade having something similar happen in a few days.
I leaned back some as i took a breath to gather myself back up as i then looked over at Mesuko for a second before down at my leg. It was more of a gut feeling and the fact i knew just how the man was once something was finished or not. "No, i think he took care of it right this time." I said as my eyes slid back over to Mesuko for a second. "I still don't trust him anymore though." I snarled some.
"Maybe we should go, let you get some rest for a little bit" ,he stated in response. Snake then stood up and walked over to the guy, "If there are anymore issues I'll be back and you'll be dead" ,he told the man before holding his hand out to help Shade get to her feet. His eyes never left the man as he stood there, he didn't trust him at all and he indeed plan to kill him if anything else went wrong with Shade's leg.
I got up slowly, ignoring the fact of just standing on it was a pain even more so now. I let Snake up me up but then i quickly took one of his guns and aimed it at Mesuko, shooting his foot before sliding the gun back into it's holder at Snake's leg while i watched Mesuko drop and grip at his foot with a yell of pain. "Now i'm ready to go." I told Snake.
Snake let out a laugh after Shade shot the guy in the foot he definitely deserved it no doubt about it. He helped Shade out of the place and to the car, "You still wanna drive?" ,he asked. Snake didn't know if she'd be willing to drive with her leg hurting so much and he also didn't want her to push herself too much with it.
I thought about it as we reached the car, as if i had to really think about it. "Oh yeah, i still think i'm good to drive." I told him with a smirk. "Get in." I said just before i got in starting the car up. I waited for him to get in before i pulled away, just the same as i had started the first time on getting out here. I slowed though the closer we got to the cave, feeling the effects of the pain fully catching up to me finally as i stopped out where it had been parked before.
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