Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

I waited until he'd looked back to watch the other guy leave before i brought myself to lean on the leg and use the other to slam my foot into the back of his head while he wasn't on to much of a guard to really stop it. His eyes looked over to me before they shifted over to Snake. "Don't look at him, you're dealing with me." I snapped, letting the anger i had from the day suddenly come back as i watched him as i pushed the pain back that ran through me as i stood there.

"What am i dealing with?" He sighed as if he had no clue what it was he was here for.

"You know well enough." I snapped moving over to run my fist at his jaw only to be stopped before it would hit, his hand gripping mine a bit firmly before his eyes moved down to my leg before over to Snake again suddenly.

"So, what did you do to her anyway?" He asked Snake, talking to him as if he'd known him for a while, and as if what was going on had been his doing.
Snake tensed up when the guy grabbed Shade's hand and then when he blamed him for what happened to the woman he lunged but was stopped by the other two men that had been in there, "You slimy mother fucker how dare you blame me you got a death wish" ,he snapped. The man may be injured but even injured he was better then most men at 100 percent, his eyes were filled with hatred and it was clear he wanted to kill this guy.
He only gave a faint smirk but it didn't last as he looked back at Shade. "Sit" Was all he had to say as i stepped, making her move with him until she had not option other then to sit before he let her free from his grip as she sat at the edge of the bed. He lowered to the floor, looking at her leg for a second before pulling a few things out from his jacket. "So, who's going to hold her while i work?" He asked, looking up at the others, but his eyes lingering on Snake.
"You got a fucking eye problem?" ,Snake snapped noticing the guy staring at him. "She'll be fine no one needs to hold her down" ,he continued. The guy was really pissing Snake off and he wanted to rip his throat out he knew the guy was a slimeball and if he didn't prove useful in helping Shade soon Snake was going to snap his neck.
"Alright fine, but you still might want to hold her down." He said just before bringing a small razor blade rest gently over her leg and could tell that she got tense knowing what he was just about to do before he quickly moved the blade along her leg where he'd hit her before when he'd been out training with her. When she jerked and put herself on her back with a growl he only tossed a glanced up at Snake before having to look back at her leg. "I don't kneed her moving. So hold her." He said as he stared working while she simply gripped at the bed on each side of her gritting her teeth to keep from making a sound.
After a few moments Snake finally went over to Shade and grabbed a hold of her, he looked into her eyes as the creep went to work on her leg. "You're gonna be alright" ,he stated softly. "Talk to me to take your mind off of the pain, let's talk about this shitty weather we've been having eh? Fucking rainy every other day" ,he stated trying to take her mind off of her leg and get her focus on him.
I bit back on my lip for a moment letting my eyes hang on Snake when he came over. It was a shaky laugh at his attempt of words but i managed to give him a smile though. "Yeah, i kneed to get you out in the rain with me some time i think." I joked some as i moved a hand over to one of his.

He smirked and shook his head as he listened to the two, and it actually made for an easy job as he patched her leg up, cleaning it up, as he slid something else into the womb, as if cleaning out any possible traces of poison to still being there. He didn't take it all out, but after leaving a small enough amount that would make it's way back around again after a few days on it's own, but also managing with what had looked to be cleaning it would only help make the proses of it spreading that much slower before he finished u then wrapped her leg up tight enough to make sure nothing would open back up. "All done" He said as he finished tying the bandage in place, getting me to tense back up when he'd done it right to the point of making sure there was pressure.
He laughed when he noticed her trying to joke around it made him smile to know what he was doing was helping somewhat. Snake took her hand in his when she gave it to him and caressed it with his thumb gently, soothingly. When the guy was finished up with what he was doing Snake shot him a look, he knew the guy put pressure on Shade's leg on purpose and he knew something was up he just didn't know what.
Mesuko tossed a smirk up at Snake when he looked at him while Shade still hadn't looked back over at him yet. "Easy with the looks pall. I think i just saved her leg after all." He said, as if he hadn't been the one to have done anything to her in the first place. "It's clear though you all know where to find me. But, i'll be taking my leave now that my job is done here. Shouldn't be needing me again." He said with a wave over his shoulder as he headed for the door.
When the guy told Snake to ease up with the looks he only gave him a nastier one, he didn't give a shit if the guy saved Shade's leg, of course he cared that she got better but he didn't care for the guy at all after he blamed him for Shade getting hurt. As soon as the guy was gone Snake looked to Shade, "That guy is an asshole" ,he stated simply.
I simply took to staying where and how i was for the while not really saying anything at the moment. I didn't really want to believe the man was bad after i'd known him long enough and he hadn't once crossed me. Well not until know it seemed. I could hear him leave before i finally moved more into the bed before pulling Snake down next to me. "I'd rather not talk about him right now, on any level."
When Shade pulled him down next to her and told him she didn't want to talk about the guy anymore he cuddled up to her, "Good cuz' I have half a mind to go kick him in the face" ,he stated simply. "I don't trust him". After he said those things he left it at that and snuggled into Shade's neck, "Mm now can I have a kiss please?" ,he asked in a soft tone with a smile on his face.
I looked at him for a second but then smirked some at him. i'd more then likely end up letting him kick him and i'd more then likely just sit back and watch at the thought of it for now. I raised an eyebrow at him for his question though. "You don't have to ask, and you know it." I told him. "And i thought we had already had that establish the first time you'd asked."
"Mm I forgot, these painkillers are getting to my head" ,he joked before leaning in to kiss her again. He was gentle with it and made sure he did it with passion and love to show her just how much he cared about her. His hand cupped the side of her face and his thumb caressed her cheek softly as he kissed her.
"Uh huh, i'm sure they are." I teased some just before he moved over to kiss me. "I'll have to try and remember to read the label later just to see what all is in those things then." I told him after i pulled back after a while and gave him a small smile before giving him another kiss before i shifted in his arms. "I'll have to do that in the morning though."
"I guess you will" ,he said in response. When she shifted in his arms he shifted as well to get comfortable, "I agree let's get some sleep for now" ,he stated as he snuggled up to her. "Have I ever told you how much I love holding you?" ,he asked right before kissing her quickly then laying his head down on the pillow.
"You know, i think you might have. But, then again i'm not to sure. So, if not, then you have now." I smirked at him as i got settled there. If it hadn't been for the fact of him being there though i probably would have ended up never getting to sleep, or so i figured since i had some how gotten use to being out in the cave with him. "I think that cave sounds nice for a trip tomorrow though." I told him after a while.
"Mm I agree baby it'd be nice to go home and sleep in our own bed" ,he stated in response to her comment about the cave. Snake wanted to go back and bad he hated being away from the place after being there for so long even if this place had electricity his cave was just more like home to him then any other place could ever be.
I could only manage a nod to his words as i was rather well close to passing out, and just let that happen for the night. It was hard as hell to sleep to well though when there was still a rather slight pain but not as bad as before. I peeked over at Snake for a second to see just how out of it he was before i worked to try and get back to sleep again.
It didn't take Snake long to fall asleep after the guy left and he had Shade laying next to him, he had slept decent for the night but woke up every now and then due to the pain in his side. When morning came he opened his eyes and sat up slowly, the pain meds had of course worn off by then and his side started hurting more like it did the day before. He waited a few minutes to let his body adjust to a sitting position before lighting a cigarette.
I woke again for the morning when i felt Snake move. I watched him for a second before getting up. I moved and tested my leg for a second before looking back at Snake. "So, how did you sleep?" I asked him as i got up and moved for the door, but stopped and looked back at him for his response.
"Eh I slept as good as I could've with this fucking hole in my side" ,he stated in response to Shade as he watched her move towards the door. He took a drag off of his cigarette then blew the smoke out before talking again, "How did you sleep last night?" ,he asked his gaze moving to look at her leg.
I gave him a faint smile at his response and nodded slightly. "As good as i could anyway." I told him in response to his question as i opened the door. "Need to change that bandage of yours though before we go anywhere." I told him as i left the room. I was only slightly shocked to see the boy already up and moving around, as i went to grab the bottle of pills and headed back up to Snake, setting them on the table to the side. I'd more then likely have to do the same with my leg, but i'd planned on getting him taken care of first.
Snake nodded when Shade mentioned changing his bandages, he puffed on his cigarette as he waited for her to return. When she came back he turned so that she could get better access to his side to bandage it up. "We need to change the bandage on your leg too babe" ,he stated as he looked at her waiting for her to get to work.
"After i'm done patching you up, then i'll let my leg be taken care of." I told him as i was careful about taking his bandages off, only having to really be careful some when it tried to catch on one of the stitches. Wasn't hard to work around though before i started getting a fresh bandage put back around him.
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