Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

"You don't look fine and I do worry about you whether you like it or not now tell me what's wrong" ,he stated in response to her. He had noticed her cover her leg but was going to give her the chance to tell him what was wrong before he tried to just call her out on it. Snake continued to rub at her shoulders as he waited for her answer.
I inwardly glared at him on it. There where the times that he could work a nerve, but when it was hard as hell to really hide anything from him, it made things hard to work around with at times. Well, depending on what it was anyway. I moved to get up without a word, doing what i could not to just sit back down as i made my way to the door. "I'm fine." I tried again "Lets get you to bed."
"Whatever" ,he stated as he walked out of the room and back into the room he had been in. He was gonna play the he didn't give a shit game from now on seeing as it seemed like that's what Shade wanted. Snake laid down in the bed and pulled the covers on to himself. "Good night I guess I'll see you whenever seeing as I don't really know if you'll be here in the morning or out with you're 'friend'" ,he stated sarcastically before turning away from her. Yeah he did get nasty again but this time he wasn't going to keep at it he was just going to fall asleep and tomorrow he planned on going back to his cave and leaving this place behind and if she wanted to come fine if not he'd get over it....eventually.
I gritted my teeth some as i watched him. I didn't kneed him worrying over me, just around the same way i was sure he probably wouldn't want me worrying about him if he knew i probably shouldn't have been moving much myself either at this point. "You know, your jealousy would be cuter if you didn't get upset over something, but instead tried holding me down." I said, trying to lighten the mood at the moment as i didn't exactly join him there yet but instead stayed over by the windows leaning on the wall some so i wouldn't be standing on the leg.
He heard her comment and smirked, "I'd hold you down but you don't get close enough to me for me to hold you down" ,he said in response. "So why don't you bring your ass over here so I can kick it". Snake continued to face away so she didn't see the huge smirk he had on his face as he spoke to her.
I tossed a smirk at the back of his head when i looked over at him. "Just my ass?" I joked some still watching him before i moved over to the side of the bed and sat there, letting my back face him for the moment as i simply took the rest of the pant leg off, letting it work more like shorts as i did the same to the other so it wouldn't look to out of place for the while before i leaned back some to look at him.
"No all of you but getting a little ass would be nice" ,he teased. He knew he wasn't gonna get anywhere with it and he was purely joking around with the woman. When she got over to him and sat down to work on her pant legs he watched curiously but refused to ask about it knowing he wouldn't get an answer. He simply smiled as she looked at him, "Finally you're next to me and we're not chewing each other out" ,he joked.
"Yeah, i'm sure you would enjoy getting a piece of my ass." I said and couldn't help but gave a small laugh on it. "Maybe some other time though." I said in a promising manner for him. I didn't exactly hide my leg this time, figuring he had watched, and wasn't sure if he'd already saw or not. At least he wasn't tossing any questions at me though. "If it's the right kind of 'chew' then i'm sure you wouldn't mind it." I joked some as i moved more to come up and rest just next to him instead of laying halfway across the bed.
"Hm did you have another kind of chewing in mind" ,he stated in response jokingly. When she moved closer to him he moved so that he was even closer to her and put his arms around her, "Mm it's nice to hold you again would it be too much to ask for a kiss now?" ,he asked with a smile on his face.
"I'd say i would show you just what i meant by it. But, you are in no shape to really get to worked up on any level." I said with a smirk, letting him think about it as i looked as if i was thinking on his question before i gave him a response. "And since when do you need to ask me for a kiss?" I said, to help answer his question some.
"But the pain killers are working fine I can get worked up a little bit" ,he joked. When she made the comment about the kiss he smirked, "Well seeing as how are day went I was afraid I might get my lips ripped off if I tried" ,he teased. Snake smiled then leaned in and kissed her as he reached up and caressed the side of her face gently.
I just gave him a look for both of his comments, not fully sure just how to respond to either one of them until i kissed him back. I couldn't help but press up against him though before i broke the kiss and pulled back some. "I'm going to kneed one or some of your guys down there to make a run for me sometime tomorrow before we go anywhere." I told him, knowing well enough if it was what i was thinking then it was more then likely only going to be worse come morning, and i wasn't up to vanishing on Snake for the night, or i probably would have been gone later and working on my own again for it. I didn't want to tell him why, but i had a feeling he probably could already guess before i pulled my leg out from under the cover for him to see.
When he seen her leg he shook his head, "I'll have them go for the run tonight" ,he stated knowing that the run would be to get something to help her with her leg. "That needs to be fixed up babe and you need to stay in bed don't be a hypocrite" ,he continued. Before she could respond he kissed her lips again but broke it quickly, "Where do you need them to go"?
I'd been about ready to tell him that i didn't need to be staying in bed since it wasn't like i'd been shot, well not like he had anyway. It slipped my mind though the second he decided to keep me from doing so with a kiss. "To the other gang. And they need to ask for Mesuko." I told him, but didn't want to let him know that was the guy i'd been out training with, and the guy i'd already said i'd thought of as a brother. Didn't kneed the stress on it for the night anyway. "If they have to, they can pry what they kneed out of his cold dead fingers if he gives them any problems."
"Alright I'll go tell them to do that then" ,he stated in response before getting up and grabbing one of the M80's out of the drawer and opening the window. There were three guys standing guard outside, he lit the M80 and threw it to the ground outside making the guys jump nearly five feet in the air. Snake laughed hysterically then told them what Shade had said to do and made his way back to the bed and laid down next to Shade and began to run his fingers through her hair.
I watched as he got up, ready to pull him back down but didn't. "You know, you really are cruel to those boys." I said shaking my head a just watched him until he came back to the bed. "Might come back to bite you in the butt if you aren't careful." I added on with a smirk before giving him a kiss.
"Yeah it might but for now it's funny as hell" ,he said in response right before she kissed him. "Mm I love when you do that" ,he told her after the kiss was broken. He snuggled up to her carefully making sure he didn't touch any sore spots, "So who's this guy they're going to get?" ,he asked. The man wasn't crazy about being around any members in either of the gangs and he was really iffy about one coming into the house but if he could fix Shade up then he would let it go.
"The man you are so upset about." I admitted. "But, trust me, he won't be running around here with me on good terms." I told him, being straight out with the answer and hoping like hell that having told him this he wasn't going to go and get all pissed again about any of it. "Might need to actually hold me down actually." I said with a sigh as my eyes moved more down to my leg as i bit back a growl on the idea of knowing he'd been the one who'd gone off and done this, and yet i still couldn't understand why.
"Oh" ,was all he said in response. Snake left it at that and didn't make any other remarks figuring that things were good right now and he didn't want to ruin it. He simply snuggled into her more and kissed at her neck softly, lovingly and not in a way that indicated he wanted anything more then to just hold her and be next to her.
A sigh of relief could be heard from me when he hadn't gotten upset about knowing just who it was that would be coming here. I watched my own hand as i let my fingers trail over his bandages carefully while i let his kisses do a little more of helping me relax there until i let my hand fall to the bed, he head resting just against his chest almost on the verge of passing out for the night.
He continued to kiss her neck softly as they laid there and when she rested her head on his chest he went back to running his fingers through her hair. Snake gave her a kiss on the top of the head, "Go to sleep for a little bit babe I'll wake you up when he gets here alright" ,he whispered as he held her close to him.
I gave a nod at first, but waited a second before saying anything. "Just don't go getting up and moving until then." I told him as i listened to the rain as it let up, slowing down for the night into more of a slow and steady pace while i stayed there not really moving either as i enjoyed the warmth of Snake there for the moment before i ended up actually passing out.
"I won't get up I promise, I like holding you to much to leave your side babe" ,he whispered in response to her. He liked the feeling of her warmth and how her body seemed to just mold to his as they laid there with each other. When she fell asleep he rubbed her back softly and stayed quiet so she could get some rest while they waited for this guy to show up.
I wasn't to sure just how long i'd been out of it when i started coming back around again, and was just about to shut my eyes again with having Snake still there keeping my held there for the while until i could hear the foot steps coming up the stairs.

"Might as well put that away." Came his voice from having a gun more then likely point at him.

I sat up rather quickly and regretted it as i gripped at my leg, growling at the pain. My eyes held on the spot and fixed a glare at seeing it had spread. The second he walked into the room though i moved to get up, ready to murder the man at the moment.
When Snake felt her move he got up as well and looked at the guy who had just entered, he wasn't sure about him knowing he was part of a gang made him feel uneasy. He looked to one of the men that followed the guy up and then his eyes shifted to the floor basically telling him to go sit with the boy. The man got the point and made his way down the stairs to go sit with Sei Ten until the guy left.
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