Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

"He....Nice real nice" ,he stated ignoring the fact he had just gotten hit with the pillow that she yanked out from underneath him. He tried to be as cool and casual as possible but inside he was jealous as hell which was unusual for him. The man knew he wasn't the best looking and he could be a pain in the ass sometimes and quite frankly he couldn't see why Shade even had an interest in him in the first place.
I just looked at him for a second and sighed. "I guess so. But if it helps calm your mind. He's more like a brother to me." I told him as i trailed a hand over his chest slowly, being a slight tease for the moment. "Not somebody that could ever take your place." I added on, watching him, being able to tell it seemed to bother him, that he would hang around with any other guy. I didn't blame him really, as i knew if Snake might ever hang around with any other chick, i'd probably end up wanting to kill the girl if she even looked at him wrong.
"Yeah I've been around long enough and have heard the he's like a brother excuse before, maybe not used on me but I've seen how brotherly guy friends are" ,he stated right before sitting up on the bed. Snake grabbed his side and winced in pain a bit before standing up and making his way for the door not really caring what Shade told him to do or not.
I tossed him a glare for a second as i watched him get up. Figured he was going to be an ass about it. I got up and followed after him. "You don't get back in that bed, i will tie you to it." I told him, tossing a glare at the back of his head. The fact he was tossing out thinking i was possibly lying to him, or would even try doing anything with anyone else actually had me upset some.
"Just leave me alone for a minute I'm going to get some food and I don't need your help" ,he snapped back before making his way down the stairs and into the kitchen. He was looking through stuff rather angrily and even throwing it around a bit and eventually gave up and slammed his fist through a wall then sat down in a nearby chair and lit a cigarette.
I just watched him as i stopped at the top of the stairs, almost unable to believe how he was acting at the moment. I bit back a growl at it all before i started moving, passing him right u and heading back out into the rain. "I'll be back before dark." I called over my shoulder, before he might even ask where i was going, but not saying where i was going as i started walking, heading out for the woods close by.
Her leaving only furthered his aggravation and made him stand up and throw the chair he was sitting in, he stormed to the doorway and was about to say something but she was already out of sight so he turned and walked back into the house and finished up his cigarette. A pain shot through his side and he looked down to see blood coming through the bandages, "Fuck" ,he growled out to himself. Snake was way to upset to even care about fixing it up at the moment and just took a seat on the couch in what looked like the living room.
I didn't even stop once i'd reached the trees, letting myself go back into training again, even if it was raining or not, letting the only sign of trail on me be from my prints in the mud.
The boy peeked out of his room after a while and made his way down the stairs slowly until he spotted Snake. He was shocked though, thinking Shade had let him up, but then noticed she wasn't around at the time either. "Um... everything ok?" He asked looking at Snake from the bottom if the stairs.
Snake rested his arm on the arm of the couch then put his head in his hand, when he heard the boy ask if everything was alright he didn't look up at all and simply said, "Yeah" in a quiet tone. The boy didn't need to worry about his problems or to know that he and Shade were fighting. Snake took another drag off of his cigarette then blew the smoke out slowly. "If you want you can go color or something" ,he told the kid, still not looking up as he spoke.
The boy just watched Snake for a while, not saying anything after that before he moved over to him. "Can i at least help with that?" He asked pointing to his side, seeming more worried about that then anything else at the moment. As far as he knew, Shade had only come back to check up on them before heading back out for the while. Or so that's what he thought anyway.
"Nah kid I'll be fine I just need some time to think alright" ,Snake told him in response. He didn't want the kid worrying about him or thinking he needed to help him out with anything he wanted the kid to just have fun and be a kid. "I'll stitch it up in a little while after I'm done thinking ok don't worry about me go have some fun" ,he told the boy before patting him on the back.
The boy didn't say anything on it, but gave a nod though before he finally got up and went off to pester the guys, picking at them some after glancing back at Snake for a moment.
I stopped after a moment, having put a bit of force into it so quickly, and looked a the tree that had just about every blade i'd had on me in it's trunk and held a glare at it before i moved over to it, slided down under them and settled my back against the tree, looking up at the blades just over my head for a second before i let my head drop and looked at the ground for a while.
After the boy left Snake just sat there the blood from his wound now staining the fabric of the couch while he simply puffed on his cigarette until there was nothing left of it and he had no choice but to put it out. He had no clue when Shade was coming back and for all he knew she was off with her 'friend' again, someone she couldn't even tell him about until now. She was so damn secretive and it was driving him fucking nuts.
I bit at my lip as i just sat there eyes never shifting from the ground as i simply pulling my legs up so i could place my arms over them before stuffing my head into my arms. It wasn't like the man had ever asked me if there was others i knew or hung around with before. And simply by how he'd already acted, i wasn't to sure on what all i could and couldn't tell him without him flipping out, from not just letting myself train with this guy already, but having already planned an attack on Tallen with him in possibly two to three weeks, to what all had happened while i'd been stuck dealing with Matt until he'd showed up, and possibly more.
After a while Snake yelled out to the guys outside to come in, when they did he told one of them to go and get Shade before the woman caught a cold, he may not talk to her for the rest of the night but he didn't want her getting sick either. The man did what he was told and followed the woman's footsteps until he found her sitting up against a tree, "Hey uh I was told to come out here and bring you back to the house, something about someone not wanting you to get sick" ,the man said offering her a smile to let her know that someone was Snake. He had heard and seen most of the fight and knew they were both upset.
I just watched as the man approached, i didn't move though as he showed up and just watched, not saying anything to him. "I wouldn't worry about me catching a cold or anything like that. And i don't think you should bother with staying around for to long or i'm sure he will think there's something going on that isn't." I grumbled looking away from him and letting that be the only move i made.
The man sighed, "Listen he's opened up his side and he won't let anyone touch him to fix it maybe you could help us out" ,he stated trying his hardest to get the woman to just come with him. It was true Snake had opened up his side he noticed that before leaving but he did just add on the part about him not letting anyone touch him knowing that she may come if she knew he was hurt and being stubborn.
I tossed a look up at the man, kind of hoping he was lying about it, but knowing just how Snake was so far, it was hard to not believe it. "Alright fine, but i'm going to need either some rope to hold him, or you all get to help with holding him." I said as i got up, pulling only a few of the larger blades out from the tree, but not bothering with the smaller ones at the time as i already started on my way back.
The man smiled then led the way back to the house and when he got there and walked inside his eyes widened at the sight. Snake and the rest of his team were indeed arguing about the cut just as he had lied about, well no he wasn't a liar. "Get the fuck away from me before I snap your fucking neck" ,Snake snapped at one of them that tried to walk towards him. "We have to fix it up Snake just calm down" ,one of the guys stated in a shaky tone. "Fuck you" ,Snake snapped back.
I watched what was going on before pushing my way threw the guys and moving over to Snake, even if he did snap at me for it or not. Oh, i kind of wished he would snap at me in a way. "Slide me a kit." Was all i told the guys as i looked up at Snake for a second before letting my eyes fall back to his side as i worked to get him to lay down.
"I'm fine I'll do it myself I don't need your help" ,he snapped as Shade walked over to him. His voice and expression both had a hint of hurt in them but he did his best to hide it. He shoved her away lightly not trying to be vicious but letting her know he didn't want to be touched by anyone. Snake then grabbed the kit and attempted to stand up but fell back onto the couch in pain, "FUCK"! ,he yelled before throwing the kit across the room. The pain killers had worn off at this point and his pain was intensified due to the wound being open again.
"I don't care if you don't want the help." I told him snapping right back as i watched him fall back down. "You should be able to see already you can't do this one on your own. Like it or not, you WILL take my help, or i'll have the guys hold your ass down until i'm done." I told him as i moved back over to him again. "And if you can't trust me on at least this, then i'll be sure you don't get any pain killers for the night." I warned him.
"I said I didn't NEED your help and if those guys come anywhere near me I'll kill them" ,he growled out in response. Eventually Snake relaxed for the woman and was willing to let her help him out, "Hurry up don't want you to be late to see your 'brother'" ,he stated sarcastically. Yes the man was jealous and it was clear but he was hurt at the same time as well he didn't know why but he was and he would do his best to hide it and sarcasm was doing a pretty good job, at least that's what he thought.
I tossed the man a glare for his words as i was given the kit again and started moving to his side to get to work on his side. I started with taking the old bandages off, placing pressure to keep him from bleeding to bad as i cleaned up around it. I should have given him something to help duel the pain, but at the moment, i'd have him live without for the while as i then started on stitching him back up, being careful about it, making sure it would stay shut as i placed some bandages around him again but adding some force to it as i finished with that as i watched him when i got up. "The idea that you don't even trust me with anyone else just because they are a guy hurts you know." I told him so only he could hear since i knew the boy was close by. "So, tell me now so i know what to do. Do you want me to stay or not? If not then i'll be on my way out of here."
"Yeah well it hurts that you had to hide it from me, you never tell me where you're going and you're so fucking secretive but I guess I'll just have to deal with that right?" ,he said in response just as quietly. He lit a cigarette as he leaned over the side of the couch trying not to look at the woman for the moment, "I want you to stay but I'm not going to force you to stay only you get the privileged of making me stay places" ,he said in response to her question his voice was a little choppy and a bit choked up and he was trying to hide the hurt in his voice so she would think he was just mad.
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