Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

When he heard one of the men coming into the house he got back into the bed and pulled the covers up acting as if he had been there the whole time. After a few moments sure enough one of the men came in and looked around then gave Snake a curious look before leaving the room and going back outside. As soon as the man was out of sight and Snake heard the door downstairs open and shut he started laughing again. "Alright kid you can come out now" ,he stated.
The boy had watched the feet of the man as he came and left and stayed there until Snake gave the ok and moved back out laughing some still as he joined Snake on the bed after poking his head back out the window for a second to glance at the guys. "You know, i think i can see Shade getting some news on it. Or maybe figuring it out on her own knowing her." He chuckled some. "So, what do you plan on doing all day?"
"Who cares if she finds out? What's the worse she's gonna do?" ,Snake stated in response with a small laugh. "As for what I'm doing all day that depends on what you wanna do I have no issues with messing with those idiots outside for the rest of the day but if you want to color or something we can do that too" ,he told the boy.
"Probably tie you to the bed." He laughed some before looking to the window. "I'm not really up for sitting around and coloring all day." He started then looked back at Snake. "I'm all game for messing with those guys for a while." He said with a smirk on his face, almost looking like he was looking to get into some kind of trouble over it.
"Yeah I didn't really want to color either" ,Snake stated as he got out of the bed again and grabbed the fire crackers. The man could keep at this all day and he knew the kid was game for it. If Shade happened to come back in the middle of it oh well it would be well worth whatever reprimanding she'd hand out. Snake made his way over to the window then lit a a few more of the fire crackers and threw them out the window being careful not to be seen. "Wanna try?" ,he asked the kid while holding out the package of firecrackers for him to grab.
The boy watched for a while, as if figuring how it worked on getting it timed and all that before he gave a faint nod as he felt like giving it a shot. As he lit one up he tossed it more behind one of them, letting it get close, but not by to far just to get more of a jump out of the guy as he pulled back out of any possible sighting from them.
"Nice one kid" ,Snake told the boy after seeing his throw and the man jump nearly five feet in the air. He laughed then after the guys settled down again he threw another one, "This beats coloring any day huh kid?" ,he asked right before patting the boy on the back. "Their reactions are priceless, they still probably don't think it's us doing it either".
The boy couldn't stop laughing after the guy had jumped like he had and shook his head in reply until he could get himself settled down and watched as Snake tossed the next one. "Beats it by far." He replied finally as he watched the guys seem to go a bit nuts at all the commotion they seemed to think was going on here and there, probably thinking y know somebody had to be around and playing with them, even if they where, and it would be wrong for them.
"Shade's gonna kill us if she finds out" ,he stated in response to the boy. He knew damn well the woman would be fuming if she caught them in the act but that's what made it fun for him. Snake threw a couple more then handed the pack to the boy again, "I've got a lot more so we can do this all day, it's damn amusing if you ask me" ,Snake stated.
"Nah, i can't see her loosing it that bad to kill us." The boy said. "Maybe you though for starting it and letting me also help out." He pointed out as he tossed a few more out at the guys. "How long do you think she will be gone?" He asked finally after having gotten past some of the laughing here and there and looked at Snake for a second on the topic.
"It's bad that you actually think she might kill me" ,Snake stated jokingly in response to the boy. When the boy asked how long Snake thought she'd be gone he shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know kid I don't even know where she's going" ,he answered honestly. "It's alright though we've got something to occupy our time" ,he continued right before throwing another firecracker out the window.
The boy gave a smirk. "You kidding, if she found out you where up and moving." He teased some but then peeked out at the guys for a second. He could do this all day, it was clear, and the re action the guys gave each time only made it all the more fun, that was until it seemed to get dark rather early. He looked up to see where a large rain cloud was moving in, but wasn't letting go just yet.
"You're right she probably would kill me" ,he replied with a laugh. When Snake looked out the window again and seen the rain clouds coming in he sighed, "Well we better use the rest of these up before it rains....or worse, Shade comes back and catches us" ,he told the kid. Snake then lit a few more off and threw them out the window.
The boy gave a nod and smirk as he helped light a few more, tossing them out at the guys, letting them think whatever it was was only getting more heated or whatever was running through there heads at that time.
I stopped only long enough to look up at the sky for a second when it seemed to get dark some. I didn't watch for to long before i moved over to the trees around me, pulling out each blade that was in them by now before tossing a look back over at the person i'd also been sparing with as he gave a faint nod and took his own leave before the rain would come down, while i gathered and put each blade away, tucking them into place around my waist, or hidden inside my boots.
Snake continued to laugh highly enjoying himself he had to admit even though Sei Ten was a kid he was damn fun to hang out with and was finding out that they had more in common then he had thought when he first met the boy. He took his turn with throwing some out the window after the boy threw his and he laughed again at the reaction of the men below them.
The boy had his fun watching the guys mostly, up until the rain finally started to poor down. "Well, now what?" He asked pulling back from the window some and watching the guys squirm to either find a way to stay dry, and some heading in but staying closer to the door by the way they left the door open some and was able to still be seen hanging around the door frame.
I waited longer out there on my own, still working, and ignoring the pain from some of the wombs on me that where being pushed the more i stayed at it, and then the sting of the rain hitting over then where my shirt didn't cover most of them.
"You ever see an M80 kid?" ,Snake asked. Seeing as it was raining and the men were all pretty safe in what would be the area Snake threw the explosive in he figured why not. Before the kid could answer Snake pulled the explosive out of his pocket and smirked, "Cover your ears kid it's gonna be loud" ,he stated before lighting the thing and throwing it out the window and onto the ground where it exploded causing the men to shoot at nothing. Snake was nearly rolling at the reaction the men gave he then looked to the boy to see what his reaction was, "At least we know they're on their toes huh"?
The boy shook his head no in response to the question and looked at the explosive as Snake pulled it out. He slid his hands up and pressed them over his ears when told to and watched and couldn't help but laugh at the outcome from the guys. "Always good to know." He replied.
I looked up suddenly when i could hear something other then just the simple thunder going on. I stood there and waited for a second, waiting to see if whatever it was would come again or not.
"Yeah it is" ,Snake stated in response. "I'd let you light one of these things off but it's too dangerous gotta wait until you're a little older" ,he told the boy before lighting another one and throwing it out the window. He then lit one directly after that and threw it out the window so they went off one after the other and again the men fired their guns making Snake laugh again. Yeah he had a twisted sense of humor but he didn't care he was damn amused at the moment and he was having fun.
The boy simply nodded, watched and enjoyed just that much of it, getting a blast out of it.
"What they hell?" I said to myself when i could hear it again and started making my way back around to where the sounds where coming from, finding that it was over closer to where the guys where at. I found a safe distance at first when i could see the place, getting a few angles on it to try and figure out what was going on before i'd noticed just what was going on. "HOLD FIRED BOYS!" I called out as i made my way over to the house when knew at this play out it would be safer to let them know that i was coming, so i wouldn't have to break any fingers if a gun was pointed at me.
Snake was about to throw another one out the window when he heard Shade's voice, his eyes widened and he snickered. "Shit kid grab thos crayons and some paper and get coloring Shade's back" ,he stated before grabbing some paper and a crayon for himself and hopping into the bed and under the covers and pretended to color and trying to hold back his laughter and even trying to fight back the smile that kept playing on his lips.
I took my time, making sure the guys didn't still think to aim, or if anything els came out to go off or not. My eyes seemed to scan the ground though for a second, once i reached the guys, seeing just what was going on. I didn't point anything out to them though when i'd noticed some used fire crackers on the ground and headed on inside. I made my way around making my way up the stairs and coming into the room to find the boy in the same spot, or well close to same spot, i'd left him in before. My eyes then slid over to Snake for a second. "So, how's your side doing?" I asked, making small talk for the moment, and not letting on tot he fact just yet i'd known he'd more then likely been up and moving around.
When Shade came in and asked how his side was doing he looked up from his 'coloring' and smiled, "It's feeling a lot better then it was earlier" ,he stated. Snake looked over at the boy for a moment and smirked discreetly thinking they had gotten away with what they did while she was gone, his eyes then went back to the paper he had in his hands and he ran the crayon he had across it not really drawing anything in particular.
I gave a nod as i worked to dry off some then looked the two over for a second. "That's god to hear. Though i didn't think the boy would have you coloring with him all this time." I said tossing a knowing smirk at Snake for a second. "Sei-Ten, if you will give us a second please." I said and waited for the boy to take his leave. I couldn't help but smirk at the way he left, only helping me get it more clear something had been up. Once the door was shut though i tossed a look back over at Snake again.
"We've been having fun coloring hon didn't even know that it was getting so late" ,Snake stated in response. When she told the boy to leave Snake watched him go and shut the door behind him and then the look that Shade gave him made him snicker, "Don't look at me like that you make it seem like I did something wrong I was just coloring honest" ,he said raising his hands in the air.
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