Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

"I'm sorry" ,he said in response to her comment about him not helping. He held her as she broke down, running his fingers through her hair in a comforting way. The man stayed silent figuring he would let her get it all out before he said another word. He snuggled into her trying to comfort her further. Snake wanted to bring her home and just hold her in his arms and make everything better in that moment.
It felt good knowing he was there, and i had to admit it helped to have him there even if i wasn't going to tell him this at all. By the time i'd managed enough to gather myself and yet still didn't move, not even to look up at him just yet. I'd known well enough just how late it'd been getting out there. "Stay here with me." I finally told him after a while of not saying anything to him. "I don't want you moving any more just yet. Home isn't running off anywhere on us." I explained. "And the others have enough space to move as well until i'm ready to let you up again."
When Shade told him to stay there with her he nodded, "I'll do anything for you just tell the boy to come up and go to bed alright I don't want him outside all night waiting" ,he said in response. His arms still wrapped around her, "Shade look at me please, I want to see your face" ,he said. The man just wanted to look into her eyes as he held her, after a few moments he shivered a bit he hoped she didn't notice not wanting her to worry about his any further.
I gave a faint nod on getting the boy inside for the night, i didn't move for him just yet though. I hesitated though when he asked me to look at him, and reluctantly i finally did, slowly of course, but none-the-less i still looked at him. I was quite while i was there, not to sure just what he wanted to say or really do at the moment, and just watched him silently, waiting for whatever was going to come.
He smiled when she turned to look at him it was the first time he had smiled since earlier that day before she had left. At first Snake didn't do anything he simply just looked at her as one of his hands rubbed her back gently. After a little while he leaned into her pressing his head against hers, "Promise me no matter what you won't leave me or the boy ever again, I will fight for you Shade and that kid outside no matter how dangerous it is you understand" ,he stated quietly.
I wasn't to sure just how well i'd be able to promise him this, even with knowing Matt was dead now. All i knew was i'd do just about anything to keep him and the kid safe, i'd put them before myself and i knew this was more then likely well known already. I was probably silent on it for to long before i finally spoke though. "I promise." I told him after already haven given him a simple nod before that. Though having already had those words out, i was bond to try and live up to it though. "Just don't go getting yourself hurt to bad like this for me again." I told him before i started to pull away from him.
"I'll try not to but if someone tries to hurt you or the kid then I'm gonna protect you" ,he told her in response to what she had said. When she pulled away he let her go figuring she was gonna go and get the boy, he snuck in a quick kiss on her lips hoping she didn't mind it. "Hm maybe you should get the boy to come in now, he needs to get some sleep" ,Snake stated.
I gave him a look when he decided to sneak a kiss in at the moment but then gave him a slight smile though at his words as i got up. I didn't say anything though as i let my eyes hold on him for a second before i turned and headed for the door. I took my time heading down the stairs and heading out to just see who all was here this time. I gave a slight grumbling sigh though under my breath so they wouldn't hear when i ended up taking all the guys in that had been there before then looked at the boy. "Got any rope?" I asked first as i stood there. "Don't really plan on letting the man move any more if i can help it." I said with a faint smirk as i looked at some of the guys only to let my gaze move back to the boy again. "And you young man, time to come on inside for the night. The rest of you are also welcome as well if you want to." I told them, as the boy headed on inside.
Snake smiled back at the woman then watched as she left to go get the boy, he didn't move while she was gone. This time he was going to listen to her and stay put until he healed up a little bit. The man couldn't deny that he was in pain, a leg wound felt a lot different then a side wound in his opinion anyway. Snake laid and waited for Shade to come back in, staring up at the ceiling while he did.
I moved after the boy once he'd gone inside, and led him into one of the rooms where i knew he'd be fine with sleeping. It took me a bit to get him settled though. I'd curled up with him until i knew he was out of it, and that didn't really take long with him. I carefully got up, not wanting to wake the boy before i moved out of the room and headed back to where i'd left Snake. I looked at him only for a second. "And here i was thinking you would have moved anyway." I joked slightly as i made my way over to join him again for the night.
When Shade came back Snake smiled a bit, "I didn't have to move I knew you were coming back" ,he stated in response to her statement. He pulled her into him when she made her way back over and wrapped his arms around her, "Today has definitely been an eventful day" ,he stated. "Would you like a cigarette? I'm sure you may need one after the shit you've been through".
I gave him a faint smile on his comment but only gave a nod on the part of coming back to him. Granted, if he hadn't shown up, i more then likely would have been laying there alone for a few good nights, and i knew it. Though whoever had slipped on telling him, i was glad they had in a way. Even if i had told them to give a lie on it. It was good to know i still had the man though. "Has it ever been eventful." I sighed at it all, and then gave another nod when he'd asked if i'd wanted a cigarette. "Unless you don't want me snagging your's then yeah, i really wouldn't mind." I told him.
He let out a small laugh then winced in pain after her comment about snagging his cigarette, he reached into his pocket and pulled his pack out then handed it to her along with a lighter. "Here ya go babe" ,he stated right before taking a drag off of his own cigarette. It felt nice to have her in his arms again, even though they were only apart for a few hours he still missed her even if he had thought she turned against him.
I gave him a look for a second as i light myself a cigarette, and took a drag off of it before i moved to place the pack and the lighter over to the side. "You know, this doesn't change the fact, that you where a major ass out there today." I told him but then managed to give him a smirk. "So, once that side of yours is better, you might end up still having to rest, since i don't really plan on letting it slide fully." I told him, joking on it of course while i took another drag from the cigarette.
"I was an ass?" ,he asked sarcastically. "Takes one to know one sweetheart" ,he joked. Snake took another drag off of his cigarette before putting it out he then looked at her, "And what do you intend on doing to me?" ,Snake asked after she made her comment about not letting it slide. "If you plan on taking advantage of me while I'm injured I don't think I'll fight ya too much" ,he joked with her. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed the top of her head as they laid there.
"You will just have to find out when the time comes." I told him as i gave him pat on his chest over it. Granted, i really didn't plan on doing anything to him at all, i did however plan on making him wait at nights later on. I'd had my mind set before he even showed up just how i was going to be setting my scheduled at nights before i'd bother letting myself rest any. Though the fact i was already going against it this night, would be the only night i planned on missing out on it. I really wasn't about to change just what i had in mind because he'd showed up though, but i'd be sure to give him a fight if he wanted to try and move to much while he was still hurt anyway. I took a few more drags before putting the cigarette out and curling more into him for the night.
"Oh will I now?" ,he asked sarcastically. He let out a small laugh even though he was in no way shape or form able to do anything except lay there until he got better he'd play along with her little game for the moment. Snake relaxed into the bed and closed his eyes for a little bit in an attempt to relax for the night.
I only gave him a smile at his words, placing a hand over his chest as he laughed some. "Sleep for now." I told him calmly as i leaned my head against him some, not really letting myself sleep just yet though as i waited mostly on him to pass out, to know he wouldn't be going anywhere any time soon. I listened mostly to his breathing, having gotten use to the way it sounded when i could always tell or not if he was out of it or not.
After a while Snake did fall asleep and although it wasn't the greatest sleep he had ever had it was something. The pain in his side kept bothering him for most of the night and he yelled out a few times when he would move and hurt himself in his sleep. When he woke up he opened his eyes and looked around he had almost forgotten that he had fallen asleep somewhere other then the cave. Snake looked at Shade then up at the ceiling again, he really wished he had something to numb the pain he had in his side even if it were for only a little while.
I hadn't slept at all that night actually, I'd been so fixed on listening to him sleep, and then hearing him in his pain every now and then. I gave a sigh as i simply stayed there next to him for the night, kind of wishing i'd had some way to help him out though. I knew when he woke though and shifted to look at him for a second before i moved to sit up.
When she sat up Snake reached his hand out to rub her back, "We should probably figure out something for breakfast" ,Snake stated as he went to try and sit up himself. For some reason the wound hurt a lot more today then it had when he first got it probably because his adrenaline level decreased dramatically since then. He fell back and sighed, he never really had to deal with this kind of pain before and it was starting to aggravate him, he hated not being able to do anything.
"Yes, but you aren't going to be moving at all for a while. Not without help either if it's for anything that's really needed." I told him. I could hear the guys outside still, more then likely trying to try and keep silent while they spoke among themselves. "I'll get something for you to eat up here soon. If it's one thing about this place, being close to one of the ones i came back to before when i was hiding out with just the boy, i'd managed enough to make enough of the things work and all that." I smiled at him. "Besides, my turn to fix food for ya' anyway." I told him as i gave him a kiss just at his side, being gentle about it. "And you better not move on your own." I told him as i sat up and moved for the door.
He kissed her back and gave her a smile, "Yeah yeah I won't won't move" ,he stated in response to her. Snake sighed then lit a cigarette while he waited for Shade to come back, he wondered if the boy was awake yet or not. The man tried to hear what the other guys were saying outside but he couldn't so he gave up on it rather quickly and just laid back and continued to puff on his cigarette.
I gave him a smile just before i left the room, heading in to check up on the boy, seeing he was only just now starting to wake up. I let him be though as i headed on down to the first floor and found just enough to help me cover as i moved outside. I only glanced at the guys there for a second before i started moving, going off tot he closest store anyway to get some food before making my way back. I'd only got enough for the morning anyway. Once i was back i moved on inside and started on working on getting things cooked. It was enough to be able to feed everyone, having spotted somebody i use to know who helped out while i was out there. I figured the boy was still messing around in the room he'd been in before, or was probably pestering Snake by now. Once i was done though and had some plates to the side for the guys to use as they wanted i poked my head out to let them know before i took the plates i'd had already set up and made my way up the stairs. I stopped first to check on the boy who was still laying there and sighed. "Come on." I told him, knowing he was awake, and got him to follow as i moved back in with Snake handing the kid his plate once he sat down then handed Snake his before i moved over and sat with him. It was a normal breakfast, ranging from eggs down to some bread and bacon.
When Shade came in and handed him his plate Snake looked at it and gave her a smile, "It's been a while since I had eggs and bacon" ,he stated. "It looks good". He had already sat up while she was gone and was leaning against the headboard, he took a bite of his food then let out a sound that let the woman know he was enjoying it. Snake then looked at the boy, "Good morning kiddo, sleep well?" ,he asked right before taking another bite of food.
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