Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

The boy gave a nod as he watched Snake. "Don't think i plan on it, seeing you after it." He said referring to the part on getting shot. "But you can pull through it though, right?" He asked, leaning his head slightly, only giving a nod to his question for the moment. "He uh, showed me what 'cartoons' where. Though, i kind of still don't under stand it though." He admitted.
"Yeah I can pull through it I always do it's the other pain I'm feeling that's gonna be hard to get through not that you'd understand that yet and I hope you never have too" ,Snake said in response to the kid's question. He took a drag off of his cigarette then let out another small laugh at the kid's comment about cartoons, "Yeah I don't think cartoons are meant to be understood kiddo they're just supposed to be funny".
The boy had to hold himself silent for a moment to keep himself from saying anything that would let him know he knew about Shade, and where he'd gone before. He wasn't to sure what to say and simply seemed to curl up int he chair there. "How long we going to be here?" He suddenly asked, his voice giving way that he wasn't really up for really being here to much. While he knew some of the guys here weren't bad, he almost just didn't feel to safe here when he'd gone and gotten use to the cave.
"We can leave whenever you want kiddo" ,Snake told him. "Trust me I don't wanna be here for too long either". Snake took another drag from his cigarette and blew the smoke out slowly as he looked at the boy. He could tell the boy felt uncomfortable here and he didn't want to make him stay if he didn't want to.
The boy gave a sigh as he got up and moved back over to Snake, moving to the side he wasn't hurt and joined him there. "I miss home, but i don't think you should move much though if you're still hurt." He said, and hoping Snake wouldn't mind that he'd joined him in the bed for the moment.
"Hey kid I've dealt with worse" ,Snake stated in response. When the kid joined him on the bed Snake patted him on the head then looked over at him. "I don't know if home will be quite the same anymore though but if you want to go we'll go tonight I can fight through the pain" ,Snake continued. He finished off his cigarette then put it out in the ashtray next to the bed he let out a sigh then leaned back against the head board.
The kid just looked at Snake and decided for a moment he'd play the card of not knowing anything for now. "We stay until you get better. But um, why wouldn't it be the same?" He asked, as if he didn't know anything about Shade not going to be there with them. He watched Snake for a moment, waiting on a response but then looked over to the door suddenly, as if listening to the others in the other room.
"I'm gonna miss her, even if she tried to get me killed" ,he stated in response to the kid's question. He knew the boy wouldn't allow him to leave until he was at least somewhat better so he wasn't going to argue. When the boy looked towards the door Snake go a confused expression on his face then looked at the boy, "What's wrong kid? I can't hear them what are they saying?" ,he asked curiously.
The boy stayed quite for a while, having taken in what Snake had thought about and recalling what Shade had said before. "I-I can't think she would try to have you killed. I've seen the way she looks at you. It's different then how she looks at me or anyone else." He said, trying not to really give away that he'd gone off while he was out of it. He gave up though at trying to have to work around it. "She said something about him having had a gun pointed at us before." He admitted as he looked back at Snake carefully.
Snake looked at the boy again after hearing his words he knew exactly what the boy meant by he, "So he set her up, that son of a bitch" ,he said quietly. "We'll talk about you wandering off later but for now you're gonna show me where she is" ,Snake stated as he slowly swung his legs off of the bed and stood up. "Come on kid I don't wanna hear no arguing let's go" ,Snake told him as he held his side.
The boy got up. "You can lay down on your own and wait at least until morning, or i'll get the others to come in and hold you down if i have to." He said. "Besides, she'd not exactly in the best of moods herself right now anyway. And you need rest." He said. It was clear just how much he was acting older then he was, and at points it wasn't acting, but simply how he was with having to have grown up in the world the way it was. For all he knew, 10 was the new 20 anymore around here.
"Listen kid I'm fine and I don't care what mood she's in right now I don't want her all by herself, please don't argue let's just get in the car and go" ,Snake stated in response. He could tell the kid cared but Snake just couldn't let Shade stay out there on her own even if she could take care of herself.
The boy gave a sigh. "Fine, but those guys get to go with us in case we might need any help." He said as he headed out of the room without another word on it. He waited for a moment, kind of hoping he would lay back down again, but knew he wouldn't now. He'd let him wonder out on his own though while he wouldn't really let Snake get a chance on the matter of the others going with them while he let them know just what was going on and wanted them to be able to be there and help, if they wouldn't mind that anyway.
"Fine they can come" ,he stated before making his way out of the room. He didn't say a word to anyone instead he just made his way outside and got into the car and waited for the boy to get in as well. The team of guys agreed to go with them and they followed Snake outside shaking their heads in disbelief that the man was stubborn enough to drive with a bullet wound in his stomach. "Alright kid show me where she is" ,Snake told the boy.
The boy just stood there for a second before finally getting into the car with him. He wasn't exactly to keen on him driving, but he didn't say anything, but simply told him where to start and then from there, he glanced around for a second before he got his grip on just what side of the place they where at before telling him where to go from there. "If you don't mind, i'll stay out here with some of the guys though. But, be sure to move out of the way if you make any sounds and she doesn't know you're there yet." he told them once they got there.

I'd been laying in one of the rooms on the second level, face first in the bed when i could hear somebody driving up. The back of my head was to the closed door, as i watched out the cracks of the boarded up window at the sky for the most part, a hand under the pillow where i'd been gripping at the handle of one of the few kitchen knives i'd found an hour ago. It would make great for a throwing knife, and not have to worry yet on the matter of having to really toss any of my actual throwing knives for the while as i waited for whatever and whoever to show up.
Snake listened to the boy's directions and followed them, when they got to the place Snake nodded at the boy's words about Shade. He then looked at all the guys, "Stay out here with the boy" ,he stated simply before walking into the place. Before Snake even considered going into any of the rooms he stopped, "Shade it's me don't throw anything I've already been shot I don't need any more injuries" ,he said loud enough for her to hear him. His tone was slightly jokingly so she didn't think he was trying to be a dick, finally when he felt it was safe he looked around until he found her. Snake walked in slowly being cautious in case she hadn't heard him shout before coming in. "Shade" ,he said in almost a whisper. He held onto his side the trip there and the walk up the stairs took it's toll and he felt as if he could collapse but did his best to stand there.
I'd heard him call out before he'd even made his way up the stairs. I didn't move as i stayed there, even when he came in. "Something you want? Or you here to get after me for anything suddenly?" I asked with a snarl on my words, not even looking at him. It was clear i wasn't in the best mood, and i was still half tempted to throw the knife but instead let it slide out and on to the floor. "And if you've been shot, you shouldn't even be hear right now." I added on blankly.
Her attitude was expected but Snake still sighed after the woman finished talking, "When you care about someone you'll do anything for them in any condition" ,he stated in response. His tone calm showing her he didn't want confrontation, Snake slowly walked over to the bed and sat down slowly letting out a sound that he could help from the pain. "Come home....please" ,he said almost begging.
"You're not helping anymore, remember." I said, trying to be calm about it as i was careful about how i moved when getting up, the fact i'd also taken my tole on getting hurt well enough rather clear since i hadn't bother to even try and find anything to cover up with, not even with what part of blankets there was on the bed. I looked at him after i sat up, but had to quickly look away from him suddenly as i sat there. I'd been fighting with myself while i was here, trying to work with what anger i'd had built up from the day's events, the pain inside of just how i'd had to go about things without even having any chance to say anything before hand to help keep things clear before i'd gone as well. It wasn't that i didn't want to look at him at the moment, but mostly how i'd just felt like i couldn't.
"That was before I knew....I'm sorry....I don't wanna be without you" ,he stated in response. He could tell she was hurt and he felt terrible, "Shade sit down you're hurt, don't be stubborn please" ,he stated. Snake could tell Shade was trying her best not to look at him, she wasn't just hurt physically from all this and he knew it.
"Yeah, look who's talking." I joked some only tossing a faint glance back at him for a simple second, but simply at where he'd been shot. "If any one should be sitting, it should be you." I told him as i got up and moved for the door. I took it either the boy or one of the guys had slipped on talking to him if he'd figured it out already. I bit back a growl when i spoke to him when i felt like i could just break at any second. It felt like i was just some ticking time bomb ready to go off at any second. By the time i'd reached the door, i just stood there leaving my back to him a fist forming at my side as my head hung slightly. "You should have stayed in the cave with the boy damn it." I said, wanting to sound pissed still but couldn't as it seemed like my voice gave way and cracked, giving me away.
"What and let whatever was going to happen just happen I thought you set me up do you know how hard it was to think that I had to kill you" ,he said in response. "In case you haven't noticed Shade I love you and would do damn near anything for you if I didn't care I wouldn't be here right now". He went to stand up to go over to her after hearing her voice crack but yelled out in pain and fell back onto the bed clenching his side again.
I wanted to move more away from him, knowing he'd been just about ready to actually kill me before. My head jumped up though when he yelled out in pain and i looked over at him. "Damn, will you just stay down already." I snapped some moving back over to him, not able to help the fact of laying back on the bed with him, knowing well enough if i was there he would stay there well. I should have left my back to him though even when i did lay there with him, but i hadn't even thought about it, as i slowly ran my hand over the bandage that was wrapped around him, and no place close to where i knew he'd been shot. I let my body shake at the anger i was trying to use to hide the pain before i curled up to him, using his chest to help hide the tears i could feel coming.
When she came over to him he looked her in the eyes the expression on his face told her he was hurt both physically and emotionally, he loved her and there was no hiding it. He could've lost it himself and let the tears fall but he had somehow managed to hold them back. His arms wrapped around Shade when she curled up to him, he knew she was about to cry and he couldn't blame her. Snake kissed the top of her head as he held her tightly in his arms, "I love you so fucking much" ,he stated quietly.
"Your so not helping at the moment." I said in a rather low tone against him trying to hide how my words probably sounded right about now as placed a rather soft kiss on his chest before i finally broke down there. I was silent about it, not able to let myself go off and getting load like a young child would, also knowing there where others out side when i could hear them with the boy out there trying to keep his attention as well.
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