Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

Snake looked over and noticed the other guy walk in he immediately recognized the guy, "How's the arm?" ,he asked sarcastically. He then turned his attention back to Matt, "Lead the way and don't do anything stupid I've had a really bad fucking day and I won't hesitate to kill you". Snake made it clear he was in no mood for the guy's bullshit and if he tried anything he'd blow the fucking place sky high and leave no one alive.
"I don't expect any less of you." Matt smirked as he pulled his arms loose and moved for the door, Tallen moving to walk along side him, after ignoring Snake's comment other then flashing him a wicked smirk on the matter. He led Snake and his men down to the lower levels for now, getting some of the guards to move away form the door to the last floor so he could open it. Tallen hung back, staying on the outside of the door while Matt headed on in, and led them back to where Shade was.

I didn't even bother with looking up when i could hear the door being unlocked, knowing who it was, but not knowing who would be with him. "Up, got somebody here to see you." Matt said giving her a kick at my legs. I didn't bother moving though, but simply stated where i was. "Up, i said." Matt snarled. "And you better be ready to give us some information." He said, but didn't wait for me to get up on my own as he pulled me up quickly by the arm, and making sure i'd stay there as he lifted my face just to see who was there before he grinned at the face i gave. "She's all yours." He said as he moved to the side of the room and watched.

I hadn't expected Snake to come, for any reason at all. I'd thought he would have just stayed back in his cave with the boys. I was shocked he was here, but knew well enough if Matt was alive around him, it wasn't on good terms for me. Knowing this, even after seeing some of his new wombs, i tossed him a hard glare. "I don't care you you bring in here damn it. I'm not talking." I snarled looking over at Matt suddenly, then looking back at Snake. "So, do as you want for him, or for you. It's not going to work either way. I'll die with the secrets i keep." I told him, hoping that last line would help out some and sink in on him, to understand i'd not given his location away. If he saw it or not though, was clearly up to him to figure out on his own, and i knew it.
Snake followed Matt to where Shade was and when they got in there he listened as the two went back and forth. He looked into Shade's eyes as she spoke the man didn't know what to think after hearing her words. The man was hurt, confused, and felt as if he were being dicked around. Not sure of what to do he went with what his heart told him was right, he scanned the room and looked over Matt and his buddy until he found the set of keys to unlock the chains holding Shade. "I should just kill you right now...." ,Snake began as he discreetly began to pull a knife from his belt. "Unfortunately you still hold information that people need, so I guess....". Before finishing the sentence Snake threw the knife at Matt's throat, he knew all hell was probably about to break loose so he looked to his men, "Get those keys and get these chains unlocked" ,he demanded.
I went tense at his words and seeing him pull the knife out, but still stood there as if waiting for it to come. The second he went to trow it though, i quickly let myself move tot he ground, before i'd noticed he'd thrown it at Matt. My eyes held on Matt as he slowly sunk to the floor before i looked over at Snake, confused. He had the right to go at me if he wanted to, i'd kind of expected him to. My eyes held on him for a moment as i just waited there, ignoring the others with him, singling them out as i just watched Snake. I was still slightly confused as to why he'd help out, and yet i still had a glare from only moments ago facing him despite the fact of sirens going off the second Matt had hit the floor. Tallen more then likely having gone up and kept an eye out through the cameras just in case.
His men made quick work of getting the chains off of Shade and when they did Snake looked at her, "This is the last time I help out, good bye Shade" ,he stated quietly before kissing her forehead. A single tear fell from his one good eye before he turned to leave her, he freed her from the shackles and figured he'd let get out on her own now. As Snake and his team left they had a hell of a time fighting through the guards that had stormed at them after they left the room. When they finally got outside Snake's men got into the back of the truck and just as Snake was about to he got hit in the side and fell to the ground, "Fuck, guys get me up, let's get the fuck out of here" ,he stated holding his side which was now gushing blood. The men got him into the truck and laid him down as they shot the remaining guards dead.
I froze at his words, but then quickly started moving knowing well enough that was all the help he was going to give. For some reason, an anger hit me at the fact he must have still only saw it in whatever way he did. I'd gotten out just shortly after he and the others had, enough time to see him go down. "I only did it to keep you two safe. You shouldn't have come after us." I snarled over at him as the others got him into his truck and i made my way off in the other direction, heading for the other side of the town, and not planning to stop until i'd know i was well out of sight from anyone, sliding into a building through the back and working to close it up enough to show no trace of me being in there.
"I would've fought to keep you, no matter who it was I was up against" ,he stated in response quietly. "She's gone Snake" ,one of the men told him. He sighed then winced in pain as one of the men put pressure onto the wound to stop it from bleeding. When they got back to Eddie's place the driver beeped the horn and Eddie came outside, "What the fuck happened?" ,Eddie asked the guys in the truck as his eyes went to Snake. "He was shot after saving some girl we need to get him fixed up before he loses too much blood or he's gonna pass out" ,one of the guys said in response.
The boy looked up from the tv at the sound of the horn, but then watched as Eddie went on outside while he stayed where he was until he was out there. He moved to look out the window some, but then quickly moved back before he'd be seen there. He didn't say anything though as i moved back to where he was before, but turning so his eyes where on the door.
They all worked together to get Snake inside and when inside Eddie cleared everything off of the table before having the guys lay Snake down on it. After getting the stuff needed to fix Snake up one of the men who had some medical training began to fix him up, "So who was this girl he saved?" ,Eddie asked curiously. Snake stayed quiet not wanting to talk about her or the situation, "Someone named Shade I dunno she didn't seem to happy that he helped her out though" ,one of the men replied. "Just shut the fuck up about it alright" ,Snake growled out the hurt was clear in his voice and it wasn't from his physical wounds. After they fixed Snake up they cleaned him up then Eddie had him go lay down in the bedroom to rest up a bit before he left.
The boy watched, and listened for a second. At hearing Shade's name, he only fell even more silent and waited until they took him back to the room before he snuck out of the place, feeling like he knew he wasn't going to get any answers if he asked about any of it. He went by foot, doing what he could to make some decent time while staying out of sight. When he made it to where he'd known everything must have happened, he looked, until he found a trail trail of blood drops and followed after it.
When Eddie walked back into the room where the boy had been his eyes widened and he looked around the place to see if the boy had ventured into another room. "Oh shit" ,Eddie stated realizing the boy was gone. "Go find him and don't let Plissken know he went missing" ,he told the team of men that was still there. The men nodded then got into the truck and drove off to find the boy.
The boy hadn't gotten to far by this time, he'd still been following after what he felt like was Shade off in hiding some place. He'd gotten about two or three blocks away when he stopped and had to pull back to hide for a while when a group of men went by, almost a line of them until he was able to move again, not looking back to much to see if he'd be followed or not, but mainly looking only around and a head of him for anyone that might see him.
The men drove around until they spotted the kid walking, "Hey kid where ya heading? We need you to come back with us alright you shouldn't be walking around out here" ,one of the men said. "If you want we can take you to where you were heading but after you're done we gotta head back ok?" ,he continued.
The boy glanced at the guys when they showed up but then simply kept walking. If he hadn't known they'd been with Snake before, he would have more then likely made a run for it. "Why do you need me to come back with you?" He asked, making himself sound older then he was as i didn't even look at any of them, but kept his attention on just what he was following, and who it could be. He stopped though when he could finally see just where it led and he looked back at the guys for a second. It was a place he'd been before. "He may have only helped so far. But, he didn't come back with her." He told them, not really caring if they followed him around or not as he made his way to the back and managing to get in since she hadn't fully covered up the door in the back. It was a two story house, and so it meant more room to hide in or anything really.
The guys listened and continued to follow him and when the kid crawled into the building they stood guard outside knowing Snake wanted the kid protected. They had no idea what the issues were with Snake and the woman but by the way he had spoke in the truck he cared about her. "Hey kid we'll wait out here for ya we got you covered alright" ,one of the men said loud enough for the boy to hear him.
The boy stopped and stuck his hand back out the door with a simple thumbs up for a reply before he stalked on inside the place, looking through the dark. It wasn't exactly hard to find her though. Sitting in one of the room on the second floor, trying to tend to her own wombs. Her back was to the door, and the fact of knowing she didn't know he was there yet he was careful about approaching, knowing just how she got. He'd waited for her to finish up on one before he gave a tap on the side of the door, and quickly moved to the floor in case she had anything to toss that way. He looked up though at the blade that was perched in the door frame, and she hadn't even looked to see who it was either as she kept going about her thing, until he moved to help with the one on her back.

I'd jumped slightly at the sudden help, and finally looked back to see who it was, and gave a sigh at seeing the boy. "Please don't tell me he kicked you out." I grumbled at the idea as to why he might have been here.

"Nope, came on my own, doesn't know i'm out here yet." The boy smiled, some. He moved to one of the windows though and managed to get it open enough to poke his head out and look at the guys below. "Hey, um, could i get some help please?" He asked before pulling his head back in. I simply tossed a look at the boy for a second, not to sure who he was talking to, but i quickly got up and moved to the door to the room and shut it, not to sure just who it was he had with him, or if whoever it was was only possibly using him to have a shot at me for any chance.
When the boy looked out the window and asked if he could get some help one of the guys nodded then sent two of the men in leaving three outside to guard the place. "Hey kiddo what's up?" ,the younger looking of the two men asked as he slowly opened the door. He made sure to look inside and make sure no one was going to harm him before stepping in along with the other man. When the two seen the woman they made their way over to her. "Listen ma'am if you come outside with us we can fix you up we have first aid kits and a truck if you need to get anywhere" ,he then turned to the boy. "You're father must be worried about you so we should get you back to him as soon as possible" ,he stated in reference to Snake. The young man had no clue that Snake wasn't the kid's father he had only assumed and figured he would be up by now and looking for the boy.
I knew the guys from when they'd been with Snake. The boy just looked at them though when he brought up the mention of his father. "His father is dead. You watched it." I told them, and letting the boy know it all at the same time. His gaze moved to me with this news but he didn't seem to affected by it. I just looked back at the guys for a second and sighed. "Take the boy back though, i'll stay here." I told them, moving to the side, and passing them up.

"At least let them help you." The boy said from behind me.

I looked back at him for a second then up at the guys and gave a reluctant grumble. "Alright, fine, but you are going back with them after that. Got it?" I said and waited until he at least gave a nod.
"Ma'am if I may suggest something" ,the older of the two stated after the woman spoke. "Maybe you should go back with the boy it may not be my place to say anything but Snake said something right after you walked away, he cares about you I can tell even if I'd only just met him, you'll be safer with us" ,he continued. The two men led the boy and Shade out to their truck where they cleaned and bandaged the woman's wounds. When they finished up one of them men looked to her, "What do you say ma'am? You gonna come with us?" ,he asked. The younger man who had went inside first had fallen silent for the most part, "Hey sorry about the mix up ma'am" ,he finally stated in reference to thinking Snake was the kid's father.
I didn't say anything to them on the idea of me going back with them. I was silent though while i let them help out for the moment. When they where done though i only looked at them. "I'm sure he does, or did. But, i'd rather not right now. I don't think he really understand that i had no choice on the matter on what i did. I'm sure he would have done the same if somebody had a gone pointed at me and only he knew about it. I did it to keep them safe. And i don't think he even sees that." I said, messing up the boy's hair some. "Take him back though. Lie if you have to as to why he was gone. Don't need the man flipping out on the boy for being gone." I said just before heading back inside without another word as i moved away from them.
"Alright kid get in the truck and let's get you back" ,one of the men said. They didn't want to push the woman to come back with them if she truly didn't want too. When they got back to the place Snake was still sleeping in the other room and Eddie came outside when they pulled up, "So where'd the kid go?" ,Eddie asked. "Just for a walk right kiddo?" ,one of the men said remembering what the woman mentioned before they left her. He figured he'd let the boy decide if he wanted to tell Snake what was going on or not.
The boy just looked at the ground for a second as he waited but then gave a smile at the man some. "Yeah, just a walk. Didn't want to see Snake all messed up was all." He said, hoping it would slide as he looked back up at the other guys for a second then back to Eddie for a second. "He doing any better?" He then asked, stuffing his hands into his pockets.
"He's doing alright now just laying down for now" ,Eddie stated in response to the boy's question. "If you want you can go bug him he should be getting up anytime now". Eddie made his way back into his place and sat down on the couch and waited for the others to come in. Snake opened his eyes slowly when he heard voices outside, he went to sit up but let out a yell at the pain that shot through his side then laid back down.
The boy gave some what of a nod for a second as he headed back inside. He didn't really want to disturb the man if he was still sleeping. At hearing him up though he headed on around to the room he was in. He stood at the door for a second before moving over to the side of the bed where he gave a gentle poke at one of his hands. "They said i could come and pester you now." He said with a smile but then pulled back slightly before finding himself a chair to sit in.
Snake let out a small laugh at the boy's comment, "They would say you could come and pester me" ,he stated as he watched the boy sit in a chair. The man slowly sat up wincing in pain with each movement he made, "Getting shot really sucks kid try and avoid it if you can" ,Snake told him as he lit a cigarette. "So how did you like staying with Eddie today"?
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