Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

"Aw you're no fun" ,he joked at the boy. Snake laughed again at the comment Shade made and watched as she moved out of his reach, just as he went to go after her again she fell back and made Snake raise an eyebrow. "Alright....we can call it a draw...." ,he responded giving her a look of confusion. "What's wrong Shade? And don't lie" ,he said quietly. The man wasn't stupid and he could tell something was bothering her he just didn't know what.
"Just don't want to push that leg of yours is all." I smiled. It wasn't a lie after all. I simply offered him a smile. "Besides, doesn't set to much of a good example if you want to get rough with a girl in front of the boy." I teased some with a grin. "So, what do you say, a break?" I said, pointing out that it'd started to get late already.
"I suppose you're right, Come on kiddo let's go inside and get ready for bed" ,Snake told the boy. He knew that Shade was hiding something but he wasn't going to push her to tell him if she didn't want too. Snake looked to the boy again, "Climb down slowly I won't let you fall" ,he told him remembering he had trouble getting up there and may have some trouble getting down.
My eyes moved to the boy suddenly and watched as he moved, trying to figure his way back down before he slowly started, working his way down one branch at a time, and clearly being slow about it all the same, until he reached the ground and smirked. "Teaching him to climb now i take it?" I asked with a slight smirk as my gaze shifted to Snake.
"Yeah well I wanted company up there" ,Snake stated in response giving her a smile in return. When the boy got down from the tree Snake began to walk back towards the cave and when he got there he made his way inside. He put a few more logs on the fire before sitting down at the table.
"I bet you did." I teased slightly before we made our way back to the cave while it left me to ignore the feeling of eyes on me again. I watched as the boy took his place back on the couch and playing with the box some more while i moved over to join Snake for the while. "So tell me, what do you really think of the kid?" I asked him.
"I think he's alright" ,Snake stated. It was clear in his voice that he thought the kid was more then alright, he liked the kid and was starting to get used to having him around. Snake lit a cigarette and leaned back looking at Shade while he took a nice long drag off of it, "So why you ask?" ,he asked her in reference to her asking what he thought about the boy.
I gave a slight smirk at hearing he wasn't giving the full thought on what he thought on the kid. "Don't hear you talk about him to much, figured i'd see what you thought about him." I admitted. "Besides, it's not like i've seen you get upset with him after the first day." I chuckled some being able to recall that well enough still.
"He hasn't done anything to upset me lately" ,he admitted. "Listen don't tell anyone but I like having you guys here even if you're a smart ass" ,he teased. "You're a smart ass I've learned to love". He took another drag off of his cigarette and gave her another smile, Snake really did like having them around and he wouldn't have things any other way.
I gave him a smirk for his words. "I'm kind of shocked. You can actually put up with my smart ass." I teased some leaning over against him some and looked back at the boy still having fun over there. "Not many have been able to deal with it." I chuckled slightly. "Don't think i've seen the boy happier though." I said shifting slightly back to the topic some on the boy.
"Well when that smart ass looks as good as it does who wouldn't be able to put up with it" ,he teased back with a laugh letting her know he was playing around. When she mentioned the boy being happy Snake smiled he put his head down to try and hide it a bit but he had a feeling Shade had probably caught him. "I'm glad he's happy, all kids should be happy" ,he stated simply before taking another drag from his cigarette. He looked at Shade again, "Are you happy?" ,he asked quietly, it was almost as if he was thinking it out loud rather then asking her like he was afraid of what the answer might be.
I smiled back over at him for both his comment and his question. "If i wasn't happy, i wouldn't still be here. Trust me." I told him. "But yeah, i'm happy here. Knowing the boy is safe, and not having to much him around each day. That and i think i'm rather hooked on the man that's letting us stay here." I smirked. "This man has made me rather happy here." I said letting a hand slide up to pat the side of his face some.
Her words made him smile it felt good to know she was happy there with him, "Well I'm glad you're happy too" ,he said in response. "You make me happy so I'm glad that I can do the same for you". Snake took another drag from his cigarette then leaned over and kissed her lips softly then pulled away rather quickly knowing the boy was still up and unsure of what he would think.
"You really are a jumpy one." I smirked after he pulled back from the kiss. "Just have to know your limits around him is all really." I told him as i gave him a kiss. "As if i'm sure the boy doesn't already know just how it is between us anyway. Not like he's freaked out or payed much attention just yet." I told him but then glanced over to the boy for a second when i noticed him yawn anyway.
"I'm sorry I'm a little new to all of this ya know? Not that it's a bad thing of course" ,he stated in response to her. He noticed the boy yawn as well and figured the kid was probably tired after playing outside and hunting earlier in the day. "Looks like someone's getting a little sleepy huh? He had an eventful day" ,Snake said before standing up. "I'm gonna lay down and get comfortable join me whenever you're ready". Snake then put his cigarette out and made his way over to the bed and laid down, pulling the covers up onto him.
I gave him a smirk, he was doing good though for being new at it, and i had to give him credit for that. At least it wasn't like he was backing away from it just because it was new to him. I watched as he went to lay down. I figured i'd let him stay there on his own for a while though as i watched the boy for a while longer. I didn't say anything though to him about it since i knew he'd end up passing out on his own soon enough. "I'll be back soon. Not to ready to lay down myself just yet though. Just going to jump for a little stroll then be back." I told him, and took my leave before he'd get much of a chance to join, since i'd figured he could also use some rest as well before i joined up with him there for the night.
Snake was about to reply when Shade said she was going for a stroll but she was gone before he could say anything. He shook his head then looked over to the boy as he sat on the couch. The man was definitely feeling like something was wrong more and more as the night went on he laid on his back and looked up at the ceiling while he waited for her to return. He planned on staying quiet and not bothering her with questions even if he was curious.
I glanced back behind me for a second after i'd left, seeing is i'd be followed or not. I was glad i wasn't just yet, as i'd planned on making somebody pay for being out here to stalk them like he was so far. I glared back out into the dark knowing he could see me when i could feel his eyes on me suddenly. I started heading off, farther away from the cave, so that i knew nothing could be heard from either of us. Once i figured i was far enough out, i stopped and glanced around for a second. I didn't say anything as i waited where i was, a stance that said i knew he was there. He stepped back only slightly before staying there when he dropped out of a tree close by and walked over after taking his night vision off his head.
Snake lit a cigarette as he laid there taking a nice long drag of it then blowing the smoke out slowly. He didn't know how long she would be but he didn't want to fall asleep before she got back. It was stupid but he just wanted to see her face before he fell asleep and wrap his arms around her as he dozed off, he couldn't help it holding her just felt right to him now.
He stood there for a moment, not saying anything but holding a smirk on his face just watching me while i didn't trust him enough to take my eyes off of him. It finally got on my last nerve when he still didn't say anything after so long, and i had a feeling the longer i waited, the better chance he had to bring up a problem of finding himself being spotted by Snake if he came out looking. I wasn't to sure if that was what he was hoping for or not, but when he did finally speak up it caught me off guard, figuring i'd only be waiting a while longer before he'd end up saying anything.

"I see you've been enjoying your time out here." Matt spoke as he took a step over until he stood only a few inches away from me. He spoke for a while, being calm about things until i seemed to ignore him, until he decided he wanted to push me up into a tree and toss threats, not at me, but against Snake and the boy. He got my attention at least. I had a feeling, he'd only follow through on his end if i didn't. "You will betray them." He startled in my ear after a while of laying his ground rules out for this. "And i don't care how you will do it. But, you better be back out here mid day and ready to leave." He said before finally pulling away and backing up some before leaving.

I watched him until i couldn't see him anymore before i took my time heading back to the cave. By the time i got there, i looked around, seeing the boy already out of it on the couch. I watched him sleep there for the while before i looked over to find Snake.
The man was starting to worry about Shade and a few times was tempted to get up and go look for her but he also didn't want her to think he was trying to keep an eye on her after all they were past that now. After a little longer he seen her walk in and look over at him, he gave her a smile then took another drag off of his cigarette, "How was your walk? Feel better now?" ,he asked while looking at her the smile still on his face. "I missed you while you were gone".
I gave him a smile seeing him still awake and headed over to him. "Walk was good." I told him as i crawled into the bed with him, giving him a kiss but then pulling back some to look at him. "Nice to know i've been missed. Makes it that much better to know i've made your night by getting to come back to you." I told him as i gave him another kiss as i curled up into his arms, turning so i'd have my back to him, mostly to help hide my face from him suddenly. "Feels good to be here with you though." I told him.
He returned both the kisses she gave him and when she turned around to face away from him he didn't think anything of it and just wrapped his arms around her and snuggled up to her burying his face into her neck. "It feels good to have you here with me" ,he whispered softly before kissing the back of her neck. "I love you Shade" ,he whispered after that. His hands rubbing her stomach gently as he held her close to his body.
"Love you to." I whispered back to him as i got settled there with him, enjoying him there with me. I had a feeling after this it wasn't going to be the same after tomorrow for a while, knowing jut how much of a pain in the ass he'd been before he'd managed to lighten up with me here. I'd wanted it to last before i knew what i'd have to end up doing to the two later tomorrow.
He planted soft kisses up and down the back of her neck after she said she loved him back, the way Snake felt about Shade was a feeling he thought he'd never experience in his life and he was happy that he had met her. "I could just lay like this with you forever" ,he whispered before planting more kisses on the back of her neck.
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