Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

As soon as the boy fired the shot Snake looked at him the other turkeys scattered and ran away after the other one was shot. Snake knew the one that was hit wasn't the target but the boy did good for his first time out. "Good job and don't worry we'll work on it alright, do you want to carry it or do you want me to grab it?" ,Snake asked the boy. "When we get back home we'll clean it up then cook it, sound good?"
The boy just looked at it for a second before sitting up and looking at Snake when he spoke. "I don't mind carrying it." He said, getting up.
I shifted, and started working my way back down from the tree, coming to stand next to Snake. I wasn't exactly all to easy, and it wasn't because he was letting the boy use a gun. Ir was because i'd seen what had look like where the boy had really hit, even if it was back a ways some. I didn't say anything though but watched as the boy simply started to move forward to go grab the turkey.
Snake nodded when the boy said he's carry it, "Alright if it gets too heavy on the way back I'll take it from you and carry it the rest of the way" ,he told the boy. When Shade made her way over to him Snake put his arm around her and waited for the boy to go grab his kill before making their way back. "He did alright for his first time out I honestly didn't think he would hit anything at all today" ,Snake told her. He pulled a cigarette from his pocket and lit it while he watched the boy make his way over to the turkey.
"He's got a good teacher so far." I smirked lightly, not wanting Snake to know just what i knew from it, not wanting him worked up on it or flipping out and having to worry about him getting hurt. That and the fact, he still wasn't fully healed from where'd he'd been shot at anyway. "The boy is a quick learner as well it seems so, doesn't really surprise me to much." I added on as i watched the boy as he reached the turkey and started dragging it back over to them, clearly having some problems with it, but not wanting to say anything about it.
"He is a quick learner and that's a good thing" ,Snake stated in response. He took a drag off of his cigarette then watched as the boy struggled a bit with the turkey. The man let out a small laugh it was quiet enough so the boy couldn't hear him, "Bring it here I'll carry it for ya alright" ,he told the boy. Snake didn't want the kid to have to struggle with it the whole way back to the cave.
The boy just looked at Snake for a second and was probably about to object to it but managed to at least get it over to them and stopped once he was there. "Alright bug man, let's get you back to the cave, without wearing you down." I smiled at the boy once he let it go.
"Do i get to help with getting it ready?" The boy asked.
"Um. How about next time. I'm not sure getting to even see it, is something you will really be up for." I told him. I almost hadn't been able to handle it myself before Snake had even let the boy come join us out here.
Snake picked up the turkey by the legs and looked at the boy he was about to tell the boy he could help but Shade then told him no so he nodded in agreement to her answer. "Well you heard Shade she's really in charge of you not me so if she thinks you should wait then maybe you should wait kid, you can help me cook it though" ,he told the boy. He took a drag off of his cigarette then began to walk back towards the cave.
"Alright." The boy said, just being happy he got to help at least, and started back for the cave. "I'm not really in charge of him. Just don't think he'll be able to really handle the sight of it just yet, is all." I told Snake when the boy was already a head enough and i wouldn't have to worry about him hearing, or having to bother with whispering it either.
"You take care of him Shade and you do a damn good job of it so I say you're entitled to be in charge of him but that's just my opinion" ,Snake stated in response. As they walked he put his arm around her hoping she didn't mind or think he was being to close all the time, he just liked being close to the woman. "I can tell you care about the kid and he's lucky to have you to protect him".
I was only slightly unsettled about Snake putting his arms around me this time, but i didn't pull away from him knowing why it was i wasn't settled with it, but didn't feel like letting it get the better of me because of it. "You know, with you being on the picture as well with him now, you've got some say so then as well if you want to look at it that way." I pointed out.
"Eh I think I put out enough rules as is I don't need to tell him what to do I'm not his father" ,Snake stated in response. He didn't want to push his weight around at all with the kid it just didn't feel right to him for some reason. As they got closer to the cave Snake looked over at Shade, "Keep the kid inside while I clean this I know you don't wanna see it and I'm pretty sure if he does he won't ever eat meat again".
I only gave a nod to him as i headed on in with the boy. It wasn't like i was the kid's mother, and i had to admit, i knew just what Snake was getting at on his part anyway. I kept the boy's attention inside, even when he'd tired looking back out at one point. It didn't take much to keep his attention though and i was glad for it, even if i knew in a way he still had that stubbornness to him of wanting to do things.
When they got back Snake waited for Shade to distract the boy before he laid down the tarp and then the turkey on top of it. He cut the head off first then ripped the feathers out and made sure there weren't any left behind. After he finished cleaning the turkey he carried it inside then set it on a plate on the table. "Is it alright if he helps me cut it?" ,he asked looking at Shade. "There's no blood in it anymore so it won't be gory or anything" ,Snake continued in a bit of a teasing tone.
I looked back at Snake for a second hearing the tease in his words but then looked at the boy who only silently begged with his eyes. I gave a sigh at the look but then pushed a smile out for him. "Alright, he can help." I finally said and watched as the boy got up and moved to go join Snake.
Snake smiled at Shade to let her know he was only joking with her as the boy made his way over. When the kid got to him Snake showed the boy how to tie it up before chopping it. "The reason we have to cut this up before we cook it is because we can't cook a whole turkey on that fire pit believe me if I could just cook the whole thing I would it'd be a lot easier" ,Snake told the kid. He picked up a large knife that was razor sharp then showed the boy how and where to cut the bird, "The knife is sharp so be careful" ,Snake told the boy before handing the knife to him.
I gave a smirk at Snake for a second as i watched only for a moment before heading around and waiting closer to the door, my eyes scanning the place for a while before looking back over my shoulder at the two, the boy being careful and taking to do as he'd been told/guided to do as he cut into it, then let my eyes wonder back to the door again.
After the turkey was all cut up Snake looked to the boy and patted him on the shoulder, "Not bad kid, not bad at all now we go cook it" ,he stated. Snake made his way over to the fire pit and made a fire then went back to the table to grab the meat to cook it, "Come on I know you can cook so let's get this thing cooking and if we have time we'll go back outside after we eat".
The boy seemed to have enjoyed the time getting to learn on something new, and being able to catch on quick enough to be able to help out more each time if he could. "Gotta work it off if we can later." The boy said sticking his tongue out some as he followed over to the fire pit to help with cooking it.
Snake laughed at the boy's response as they made their way over, when they got to the pit Snake put all the meat onto it and sat down by the fire to watch it cook. "Shade what do you want with this?" ,he asked the woman. The boy had picked last time so he thought it only fair Shade got to pick this time if she wanted to that was.
I glanced back at the two for a second then back out before i finally headed back in with them. "As long as it's not peas to be played with while he eats, i'm cool with just about anything." I said with a smirk as i messed with the boys hair before i did the same to Snake's just to be fair and not pick on the boy to much. I gave a faint and gentle tug on Snake's hair to get him to look back at me before i gave him a kiss. "Pick something, and i'm sure we will eat it." I told him after kissing him.
He kissed her back and smiled against her lips right before she broke the kiss, "Alright, keep an eye on him cooking while I go grab a few things" ,he stated quietly so only she could hear him. Snake then made his way over to the bags he had gotten at the store earlier that he hadn't put away yet, he grabbed the potatoes that he got along with some carrots then a pot and some water. He cut everything up then brought it over to the fire and set it on top. "Figured we could eat something other then processed food tonight" ,he said right before sitting down next to the boy to watch everything cook.
I gave him a smile as he moved to go find something, and i shifted to keep an eye on the boy. I didn't think the boy knew he'd missed the bird they had now, and i didn't want to ruin his moment on it either. But i did have a question for the boy's father later, that was for sure. "Sounds like a plan to me." I smiled over at Snake before he joined the boy again.
"And I got some salt and pepper so it's not so bland" ,he continued before lighting a cigarette. As the food cooked Snake sat back and relaxed he knew it would take a little while for it to cook so he wasn't too worried about it burning. "Hey kid you want some juice? If so there's mix in the bag for you go ahead and make yourself some" ,he told the boy. "Don't worry I'll keep an eye on the food for ya".
The boy looked at Snake for a second before giving a nod as he got up and moved to the bag, finding what he'd been talking about. It seemed a bit different to him, when he'd been so use to just water to drink. I couldn't help but smile as i headed over to him to help him out, telling him what had to be done and helping him if he needed from there as i let him work on it on his own for the moment.
Snake continued to watch the food looking over at Shade and the boy every now and then, the woman took care of the boy there was no question about it and he admired it. After a little while Snake took his knife and stabbed into the potatoes and carrots to see if they were finished yet. "Should be done soon guys" ,he told them.
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