Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

I simply waited there with Snake, leaning more into him this time as we waited, often letting my fingers trail slowly along his leg or often his arm. It didn't take the boy to long though before he was done and dressed, coming over to wring his wet hair out on my foot, getting a rather small jump out of me for it before i tossed him a smirk. "Alright, back to the cave. We'll be back in there shortly as well." I told the boy who simply laughed some at my small jump he'd gotten out of me then headed off for the cave.
When Shade jumped Snake laughed a little bit then looked at the boy, "A little jumpy eh hon?" ,he teased as he watched the boy walk off back to the cave. When Snake thought it was safe he stood up then began to remove his clothes, after he took them all of he slowly mad his way into the water until he was fully in. A sigh of content came from his lips as the water hit his skin, he looked at Shade and motioned for her to join him.
"Only because i'm not to use to having been able to go more then a single day without having some kind of problem popping up on us." I admitted as i watched him get up and move into the water. I waited there for a moment before i got up as well, stripping down then joining him, being sure to toss some water up at him before i got to much closer just yet to him.
When she tossed some water at him he tried to move away from it but failed he then splashed some water at Shade's face, "Yeah I can play like that too even if I'm a big mean bear" ,he teased. He couldn't help but bring the joke up again knowing Shade didn't think of him that way anymore.
I gave a small chuckle at his tease and moved over to him, being slow about it. "For a mean bear, you sure do seem like there is more of a gentle teddy bear under all of that." I teased right back, stopping only once i was a few inches away from him. "Or maybe that's just me seeing that side of this bear." I added with a smirk.
"Only you babe....and the boy sometimes" ,he stated in response. After all he was kinder to both of them then he was to anyone else and he had to admit he liked the boy and he was definitely falling in love with Shade there was no denying it. He grabbed her and pulled her close to him then began to gently splash water onto her to get her body wet.
I couldn't help but smile at the man, despite know just how rough the man could be with people, it did me well to know the boy and i would be bale to see this other side of him like this. "I'm glad to hear this." I told him as i gave him a kiss just before pulling away some, being a slight tease as i trailed a hand over his stomach before i started moving for his back, helping with some of the places i was sure was harder to reach.
A smile came across his face after she kissed him and when she began to move for his back he did the same for her. He then put his head underneath the falling water to get his hair wet before grabbing the bar of soap he had brought with them, he began to wash Shade moving the soap over her skin gently. Snake stayed close to her as he washed her giving her a quick kiss while his hands ran over her back.
I gave him a smile over my shoulder as we finished, giving him a kiss before i got out of the water and drying off before looking back at him with a smirk before i moved to get dressed. Almost half way through, i stopped and glanced back to the trees at the sound of a twig that had snapped. It was almost unsettling from out of the silence until i gave a sigh when a Rabbit had showed up, having been the cause of the sound from what i figured. As i gave the rabbit a glare for a second and finished dressing i tossed a coy smirk over at Snake, seeing if he was still in the water or on his way out, for me to try pushing him back in or not.
After he finished up he made his way out and dried himself off before getting dressed and making his way over to Shade. "Let's head back to the cave and see if Sei Ten is there if he isn't then we'll go look for him and spend some time outside, it'll be good or all of us" ,he stated. He placed his arm around her waist then looked at her, "That is if you guys want to I just figured after being cooped up in that cave for a whole day and night that you guys would want to get out".
"Even if he is in the cave, might still do well." I smirked at him before leaning up to give him another kiss. "Might teach him to hunt. And i'll more then likely end up hanging back to watch for a while." I told him, and waited for him to move first before i would. I figured the boy could do well to learn such things. Though for me, i wasn't sure on the part where he said he'd been trying to teach me to use a gun. Probably wasn't the safest idea to do if one thought about it though. But, i wasn't going to bring that up just yet.
"You know I think I will teach him how to hunt today that's a great idea" ,Snake stated in response. "I'll set up some targets then teach him how to aim the rifle and we can see how he does and go from there". Snake began to lead the way back to the cave, when they got there he looked to Shade and gave her a kiss before walking inside, "You see if the boy is here and I'll go grab the stuff to start teaching him alright" ,he stated before going inside.
I didn't really bother with replying, just simply offered the man another smile after kissing him back and heading on inside to look for the boy. I didn't have to far to look though since he was found sitting on the couch, pad of paper in hand, as if looking it over before tucking it more tot he side when i approached. I gave the boy a smirk for a second, and messed his hair up some, before filling him in on what he'd be doing today. I figured it was the fact, i was going to let him do this, that had him a bit more excited on the matter, for now at least.
Snake made his way towards where he had all his hunting gear and grabbed two rifles and a box of ammo along with a blanket and an empty backpack. When he made his way out to where the boy and Shade were he set the stuff down on the table before packing up some food and water into the backpack. "We're not coming back until you shoot something and by something I don't mean me" ,Snake told the boy with a small laugh.
Both the boy and i looked over at Snake for his comment and then over at each other for a second. I had a feeling this would probably be a while then, and i was sure the boy must have been thinking the same thing with the look he gave me on it. "You heard the man." I told him. "But he didn't say anything about me shooting at him." I joked some, tossing a teasing smirk back over at Snake to let him know i was joking around about it.
"You shoot me and I'll have to punish you for it later sweetheart" ,Snake stated in response teasingly. He gave the woman a wink before putting the backpack on and grabbing the two rifles, he walked over to the boy and handed him one of the guns. "I'll show you how to load it when we get to where we're going you have to carry your own gun when we go hunting and after today your own backpack, understand? I won't make you carry any larger animals you hunt but if you kill a rabbit or something small like that you're carrying it back and I'll teach you how to clean it, whenever you guys are ready we can go" ,he stated.
"Oh? I might have to test this one out." I said, referring to his tease on 'punishing' me if i shot him. Granted, i didn't plan on harming him in anyway, i could always come up with a tease on the idea, just to see what he would do about it later. The boy looked at the gun for a moment that, his eyes taking in just about each detail of it. And some how, he just didn't look like his age even more so with it in hand. I held back a sigh at it and watched as the boy simply nodded.
"I'm ready." He said.
"Alright, then seems we are good to go then." I said, moving the boy forward when he just looked like he was waiting for something to happen.
Snake nodded when the boy said he was ready then made his way outside, he led the boy to a part in the woods a few miles away from the cave that was always a good spot for him. When they got there Snake laid down the blanket and sat down on it, "Alright now I'm going to show you how to load your gun I want you to pay attention then do what I show you ok?" ,Snake stated. He then grabbed the box of ammo and took some of the bullets out and very slowly, step by step, showed the boy how to load the gun. "Alright now you do it".
The boy nodded, as he sat there and watched Snake while i stayed more tot he side and out of the way to watch the both of them for the while. For some reason, i could just tell the boy was hiding something when he took a moment before slowly loading his gun. I didn't point it out, or bother with it, but simply let it slide for now, letting him think at least i didn't notice the look on his face that had been there only for a second before it was gone.
After the boy finished loading his gun Snake looked at him, "Alright now get on your stomach and stay quiet and out of sight, animals pass through here all the time you just gotta be patient" ,he told the boy. Snake laid down on his stomach and waited for the boy to do the same before showing him how to aim the gun. "Remember to have a good grip on the gun and make sure you point it straight alright" ,he told the boy. "Shade you may wanna get down as well".
I just watched the two for a while before Snake brought my name up. I got up and quickly moved up the tree i'd been sitting against, getting out of sight and out of the way while being able to keep my eyes on the boy. The boy watched me for a second though before he shifted to lay on his stomach like Snake had, and waited.
When Shade got down he looked over to the boy who had laid down, "Alright now point your gun, keep it steady and wait, patience is a good thing to have while hunting" ,Snake told the boy. He laid there looking out into the woods waiting for something to come by, he planned to let the boy get the first shot off to see how well he did for his first time.
The boy hung low, doing as told for the most part anyway. Aiming the gun he waited there almost not moving. From where i was it almost didn't even look like he was breath, or Snake for that matter. Then again, being up a tree, left me at there back for the moment, and it didn't really help on that angle anyway.
He stayed very still looking at the boy from time to time, he had a feeling the kid would do just fine on his first time out. The boy was doing everything Snake told him to and he liked that and knew the kid would be a quick learner. After about an hour of laying there Snake spotted a wild turkey lurking around with a few others. "Alright Sei Ten point your gun and shoot you hit one of these and we're eating good tonight" ,Snake told the boy.
The boy scanned over the turkey's in front of them, before picking one. His tongue moved more to the side and stuck out some as he looked down the barrel of the gun. He seemed a bit hesitant at first, before finally pulling the trigger, only to miss the shot by a few inches, and instead seemed to hit one a little more behind the one he'd been trying to hit.
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