Escape From Earth (Snape & MIDAssassinWolf )

Both the boy and i gave a faint nod on Snake's comment, while i waited there, letting the boy work, finding he didn't need any help after that but still waited until he was done anyway. He moved back over to help with the food again, drink in hand as he sat there. It was interesting just to watch the two, even if none of us where family, or related. Was just something about watching the two of them that i seemed to enjoy.
"I hope I did good with picking that out I've never really had that stuff so I don't know what kinds are good or not" ,Snake stated after the boy sat down. After a few more moments Snake checked the food again then took it off the fire and brought it to the table, "Everything's done I'll grab plates and stuff". Snake grabbed the plates and forks for everyone and laid them out before sitting down himself.
"I think you know more then you are giving yourself credit for if you ask me." I teased slightly as the boy moved to the table and i joined him, picking at him slightly before i quit for the while. I was only slightly reluctant as i sat there knowing who was out there, probably stalking around, or just waiting for something to happen.
Snake listened as Shade teased the boy and he couldn't help but smile, he made his own plate then began to eat. He ended up mixing some of the juice to try it for himself and didn't think it was all that bad, it was sweet as hell but not bad. When Snake finished eating he sat back and waited for the other two to finish. "If you guys want we can go outside when you're done" ,he told them.
"I'd like to get to go back out for a while." The boy said when he was done.
"You two can go a head. I'll stick back and clean up some, then i'll come and catch up with you two." I told them as i took my time for the moment before actually finishing up as well, to then start cleaning up some.
"Alright sounds good I'll have to repay you later for cleaning up babe" ,Snake stated before standing up. He smiled at Shade then looked at the boy, "Come on kiddo let's go get some air, climb a tree, run around, whatever you want" ,he told the boy before making his way outside. When he got outside he took a deep breath and stood and waited for the boy to come out and tell him what he wanted to do.
I simply returned the smile, watching the two leave to go on out for whatever it was they might end up doing for the while. "I think both would be fun. Though i've never done much tree climbing before." I could hear the boy admit. It was kind of clear, i'd kept the boy a little sheltered, to a point, with trying to keep him hidden and not having much for him to really do without having to worry about dealing with any problems.
"Well let's go find a tree to climb and sit in I'll help you out if you get stuck" ,Snake told the boy. He then motioned for the boy to follow him and made his way deeper into the woods to find a tree that would be easy to climb. When Snake finally found a good solid tree that had plenty of places to grab onto to climb he stopped in front of it, "Here's a good one, let's go" ,he told the boy before beginning to climb up into the tree. His leg was hurting slightly from his wound but he ignored the pain for the time being.
The boy watched as Snake climbed the tree first and then he looked the tree over for a second before moving over to it. It took him a moment to finally get up on the first branch, and then working his way up to the next one before i looked back to the ground and froze for a second before he moved again, having trouble this time with getting up to the next branch.
He watched as the boy looked at the tree then start climbing it, Snake could tell he was having a little trouble with getting past the first branch. The man waited for a moment before reaching his hand out for the boy to grab so that he could help him onto the branch he was sitting on. "The view is better up here kiddo take my hand I'll pull you up" ,Snake told him.
The boy took Snake's hand, letting him help him up the tree. "I don't see how you made this look so easy." He said looking around.
It didn't take me to long to finish up and then head out of the cave. I took my time walking though, ignoring the eyes i could feel on me, seeing as to how it was clear he wasn't going to be making any moves just yet, or i was sure he would have already gone inside when the guys had left.
"Eh it's not so hard once you get used to it kid trust me and out here you've got plenty of trees to practice climbing on until you get the hang of it" ,Snake said in response to the boy. He lit a cigarette and took a drag off of it then blew the smoke out away from the boy, "So how long have you known Shade for?" ,Snake asked trying to make conversation with the boy.
"About three years. The first year from when she was stuck with me out there for the while, and then the last two out hiding." The boy admitted.
I hadn't thought to really look in any trees as i moved, stopping here and there, looking around, figuring i'd been on the right track anyway, but hadn't seen anyone yet. I couldn't believe it though when i'd spotted a little red dot in front of me, that i followed where it led, even after it had vanished, until i could smell the smoke and then looked into a tree to find the two boys. He'd already made it clear if he really wanted, he could shoot at any given time, and i didn't like that thought. "How's it going up there boys?" I asked tossing a grin up at them.
Snake nodded his head when the boy told him about how long he knew Shade for, he was about to ask another question when he heard Shade's voice. "We're good up here, why don't you come join us?" ,he stated in response. He took another drag of his cigarette then looked at the boy again, "So do like being here?" ,he asked curiously wanting to know what the boy thought about his 'home'. "I know it's not much but I do what I can ya know, I could've just gotten a house with electricity and stuff but then I'd have to deal with too many people both good and bad".
"It's different from what i'm use to. But i kind of like it." The boy smiled as he looked down at Shade and waved.
I smiled at the guys for a second. "Depends on how long you two plan on being up there." I smirked as i checked out some of the other close by trees then looked back up at them for a second
The boy's comment made Snake smile a bit, "Well I'm glad you at least kind of like it" ,he said with a small laugh. It was obvious Snake liked the kid even if he wouldn't admit it to anyone. When Shade made her comment Snake looked down at her, "Come up here ya smart ass or we're gonna be fighting" ,Snake stated in response jokingly. "What do ya think? Can I take her?" ,Snake asked the boy. He let out a laugh to let the boy know he was joking and would never hurt the woman.
"Nope, i think she could finish you off before you even tried." The boy joked back, and i couldn't even help but give a laugh at it.
"See, i like the boy. He knows me well enough." I teased some, already knowing that more then likely i'd probably get my ass handed to me if Snake really wanted to even try. I stayed where i was though and waited to see what would happen.
Snake just raised an eyebrow at both of their responses, "I didn't know I was living with a pair of comedians" ,he stated back jokingly. He looked at Shade for a few moments as he waited for her to come up there with them. When it became apparent that she wanted to bust his balls he sighed then looked at the boy, "Guess me and her are gonna be fighting then" ,he stated before making his way out of the tree. After he got to the ground in front of Shade he shoved her lightly, "Bring it punk" ,he stated before shoving her lightly again. "Come on".
"You're one to talk." I teased on his joke about the boy and myself. I held a teasingly wicked smirk as he came down and gave me a few pushes. I just let him though as i waited for him to get ready to do it again and moved out of the way, coming up behind him and aiming a kick right into the center of his back.
When she kicked him in the back he stumbled forward slightly then turned around, "You are so gonna get it" ,he teased before he shoved her playfully again. He then got into a fighting stance and looked at her, "You wanna play rough babe let's play" ,he stated right before throwing his cigarette away.
I tossed him a smirk when he pulled up a stance. "Does well when i know you aren't going to simply only be tossing out shoves and that being it." I teased him as i moved to the side slowly as i watched him. I was loose, and held no stance as i moved, or even when i stopped. "Don't think i'll hold back to much though just because of that leg." I told him before moving at him.
Snake just laughed at her comment, "Oh I didn't think you would honey, don't think just because I'm injured that I'm weaker" ,he stated in response. When she moved at him he ducked behind her and grabbed her from behind the waist and gently took her down to the ground then turned her over and pinned her down. "That was easy" ,he teased giving her a playful smirk.
"Never thought you would be." I chuckled from under him and tossed him a grin as use my legs to come up with a knee on him and getting me enough room to quickly slide out from under him. "You aren't going easy on me now are you?" I asked teasingly as i moved to kick at his side, but stopping just inches from him, using my hands to balance myself there as i looked at him for a second.
He smiled again after she got away, "Shut up ya punk" ,he stated in response to her comment about him going easy on her. "I just don't want to hurt you there's a difference" ,he continued. Snake made his way over to her slowly this time without the fighting stance, he playfully shoved her again. "I choose when I wanna be rough with you" ,he teased giving her a wink before shoving her again. He then looked up to see what the boy was doing, "Can I get some back up she's scary?" ,he joked.
I gave a chuckle at his remark and tossed him a grin. The boy simply shook his head. "She's all yours." The boy smirked sticking his tongue out at him, as he sat there, his legs swinging slightly as i watched them from there.
"Mmm, smart kid." I teased looking at Snake as i moved out of his reach this time and gave him a grin as i waited for him to follow after. I stopped though when i looked down to his leg, a nice dot there only for a second and then looked back up at him again. "I think that will be enough though." I told him. "Call it a draw?"
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